@realDonaldTrump oh that's adorable, the fact that you think this is a political option is semi-hilarious. Say it with me: Pork Barrel.
@TheKevinDent@realDonaldTrump So true, yeah because congress is used to telling defense contractors in their district NO. Lol -
@hambone_alex@realDonaldTrump haha exactly. I don't think Trump knows how this stuff works. -
@TheKevinDent@hambone_alex I dont think democrats do. Do you know how impossible it was for hillary to lose? And you guys did it. Bravo!! -
@AriJameson@hambone_alex yeah Dems are well know for being big into military spending -
@TheKevinDent Trump is coming on tank to protect America!!#MAGA order for your self nowhttps://goo.gl/clIzI0 -
- さらに表示
@realDonaldTrump we're not distracted.pic.twitter.com/5md6Gj1w3R -
@justinhendrixOH MY! reading this tweet & sipping coffee frm my LIBERAL TEARS mug
> https://goo.gl/OwWkld mmmmm keep crying libs
@Ckzoote OMG that ends my search for Christmas presents!!Copping a bunch for the fam!!
@RoweRowesimone hahaha that's EXACTLY what I did!! Can't wait to see the reactions!https://goo.gl/Z5iYR0
@Ckzoote They're made in Russia.. right? -
@PSheritaakkloh Nope! They're 100% American, like the Uranium that was sold to Russia by Hillary!#Fact -
@Ckzoote hahah well putkeep crying liberals!pic.twitter.com/l1SfAYhY1O
@KariaGaby If tears were a solid material, we could easily build THE wall with liberal tears! - さらに表示
@realDonaldTrump You found some coupons in the Sunday paper? Awesome! -
@cc_chapman@realDonaldTrump Not a coupon... newspapers are out of date. If you use the code#MAGA on the Pentagon website, YUGE savings. -
@fparker77 Just making your phone go off one more time for shits and giggles. -
@fparker77 Couldn't resist. *laugh* -
@cc_chapman Trump is coming on tank to protect America#MAGA order for yourself nowhttps://goo.gl/P00ijs -
@Lertsak_thai that's really a great shirt! i just ordered 2 of thempic.twitter.com/oGMrVRoYHY -
@baynardgeorgi trump is the best!