i've come to the conclusion that in order for men to achieve true freedom from our female oppressors we men need a nation of our own. men and women also have cultural differences as well as psychological and physiological differences, women have been using the feminist media to speed up the degeneration of male culture and the loss of our identity. i know that nationalism is a collectivist ideology and MGTOW is very much focused on individual autonomy but when a bunch of people come together they produce the loudest of voices. going your own way can have many interpretations, when one man does it its preserving your own individual freedom but when many men do it its saving men around the world from an uncertain future. feminists have openly said they want to kill all men since the beginning, and i know most people generally brush it off but we should never underestimate the words of an extremist because its very possible that with their positions in power their sick fantasies could become a reality. feminism is the sickness, mgtow is the first stage of treatment, and nationalism is the cure, we must preserve the existence of our people and a future for male children. speaking of children, i know that a nation of only men cannot produce another generation so perhaps women would be forcefully relocated onto "reservations" where attractive ones would be forced into a slave trade while ugly ones could be kept in birthing facilities where they are pumped with sperm samples or some shit.