@Steve_Sailer @Evan_McMullin
I believe in free speech but if someone got Evan to shut up, they would be doing him a favor.
@Steve_Sailer Some question if@Evan_McMullin truly exists despite the existence of photographic evidence to the contrary.pic.twitter.com/AqhVzSR3A0 -
@Elvis_Trump@Steve_Sailer@Evan_McMullin If someone invented him you'd think he'd be a little bit appealing.
@Steve_Sailer@Evan_McMullin@realDonaldTrump This wont end well for the Mormon establishment if they choose CIA over legacy America. -
@Steve_Sailer@Speshlk0510@Evan_McMullin@realDonaldTrump He's just trolling Trump for attention, desperate to appear relevant. -
@Steve_Sailer@PMgeezer@Evan_McMullin Evan, please ask Santa for some rational critical reasoning skills. You lost yours. -
@Steve_Sailer@Evan_McMullin -- Steve, I forget: who was the dingbat who claimed Eisenhower was a Soviet agent? McMullin's in that league. -
@Steve_Sailer@Evan_McMullin@realDonaldTrump I knew McMullin reminded me of someone! http://articles.latimes.com/1985-01-08/news/mn-7296_1_john-birch-society … -
@Steve_Sailer@Evan_McMullin -- Is this a hoax account? Parody? I can't believe this is the real Evan McMullin. But it's verified! - さらに表示
@Steve_Sailer@KaliYugaBrah@Evan_McMullin@realDonaldTrump This poof just doesn't know when to shut up. -
@Steve_Sailer He is CIA - so he could be pushing for it. Plus, he's a known jihadi sympathizer.@Evan_McMullin https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2016/09/28/the-emerging-connections-between-the-muslim-brotherhood-and-never-trump/ …pic.twitter.com/urQMuGFVfs -
@Steve_Sailer@Evan_McMullin Donald Trump is the most loyal American to run for office since Reagan!! -
@Steve_Sailer@Evan_McMullin someone's paying him to shill -
@Steve_Sailer@Evan_McMullin What happened to the timeless cuckservative principle of "respect for the office"? -
@Steve_Sailer@Evan_McMullin Only another Sore Loser nevertrumper -
@Steve_Sailer@Evan_McMullin Please can we sick@joelpollak on this guy again? Few greater pleasures than watching Joel eviscerate & gut McM -
@Steve_Sailer@Evan_McMullin "a loyal American" like Obama ? -
@Steve_Sailer@Evan_McMullin@realDonaldTrump will that relieve us of democracy?