@marcorubio Says a loyal Trump supporter.
@mlanger@marcorubio we're going to need some Trump supporters to keep him in check when he steps out of line. GOP holds Congress too. -
@kevinrschultz@marcorubio Trump supporters are who got us into this mess? And "when"? You haven't seen enough already? -
@mlanger@marcorubio I'm with you on that, just saying it's going to be more effective for us to support every R that pushes back on Trump -
@mlanger@marcorubio because ultimately we need a few votes in Senate from Republicans to check his power -
@kevinrschultz@marcorubio Not that democrats are doing much of anything either.
@marcorubio Thank you sir. I am exhausted from holding my breath. thank you -
@LouiseMensch@marcorubio Don't hold your breath! Speak out! - さらに表示
@marcorubio ok but a good relationship with Russia where we can work together to fight terror and work on trade is good. -
We Democrats agree. That's why Obama chided Romney in 2012 for advocating we aggress Russia to defeat Iran.
@LMSW_Republican@marcorubio -
And that's why Obama's administration gave Russia the carrot as much as the stick in Iran negotiations.
@LMSW_Republican@marcorubio -
BUT, there's a huge difference between peaceful diplomacy & letting another country tamper with your election.
@LMSW_Republican@marcorubio -
And there's a huge difference between a "reset button" and literally hiring a cabinet with financial ties to Putin.
@LMSW_Republican -
@fawfulfan@LMSW_Republican so it's OK for Hillary to have an aid tied to terrorism. Or did u forget Humapic.twitter.com/eEy1suCMjg -
Tell, me, is it fun to post outright lies like that? Or is it hard work?
@blackwolf1210@LMSW_Republican -
@fawfulfan@LMSW_Republican sorry look it up. It is true. - さらに表示
You need to carefully vet any nominee, but if you end up being suckered by the Dems again I won't be able to forgive again.
@marcorubio - さらに表示