@realDonaldTrump You are the President Elect...not the host of American Idol.
@tonyposnanski@realDonaldTrump technically he is NOT president elect until the electors vote him in (or not) on Dec 19th !! fun fact !! -
@tonyposnanski Trump is coming on tank to protect America!!#MAGA order for your self nowhttps://goo.gl/4otFD4 -
@Lertsak_thai that's MAGA shirt!! i ordered 2 -
@tolerpaulete you have done a brilliant job! you are a true trump supporter -
@Lertsak_thai yes she did a splendid job! i am also going to order -
@DioniOtiro thats great! trump will be so proud of us! :) - さらに表示
@realDonaldTrump Putin attacked the United States to elect you. Rex won the Order of Friendshipfrom Vladimir Putin in 2013. Terrifying.
@justinhendrix@realDonaldTrump there has been NO evidence to support that just pathetic liberal speculation! Time to accept the results!! -
@danfelix82@justinhendrix@realDonaldTrump here's some good background on the Russian hackings from back in Oct.http://www.esquire.com/news-politics/a49791/russian-dnc-emails-hacked/ … -
@JoelNihleanHAH reading this tweet and sipping coffee frm this LIBERAL TEARS mug
> https://goo.gl/xudwb0 Trump WON! Keep crying joel
@JhoniiAlmeida OMG that ends my search for Christmas presents!!Copping a bunch for the fam!!
@darrylransom2@JhoniiAlmeida goes great with a T-shirt!pic.twitter.com/7aAtf6aB6e -
@justinhendrix you forgot to update the shirt will the Russian Hacking element! Nice try though LOL - さらに表示
@mikd33HAHA! reading this tweet while sipping coffee frm my LIBERAL TEARS mug
> https://goo.gl/uhfcrL Trump WON! Keep
- さらに表示
@realDonaldTrump Dude, just announce your cabinet and get it over with. This isn't a game show. - さらに表示