Superficial is trump (Superficial ftw) [ Stumpf ist Trumpf 3.0 ]

English translation

Superficial is trump (Superficial ftw)

I think I would love to be awesome sometimes
with rad humor which even I don't get
and after that I would tell something pretending I was articulate,
kind of outrageous but common knowledge
and subsequently I could reveal some kind of social critique
with an ear (eye.. ^^) for detail, with the long shot in mind
and then I had also a new and phat draft,
à la "Stumpf ist Trumpf" ey I think this is already taken.
Maybe I had a system against the system (regime)
radical reduced to "something has to work".
Yes I'd have provisions for my road to success
Yes I could, had, would, but superficial is the trump card.
I had, could, would but superficial is trump.
Superficial is trump.
Superficial is trump.
I had, could, would but superficial is trump.
Superficial is trump.
Superficial is trump.
I had for sure a charming idea
for a skit of a damn cliché.
I could babble if I wanted to, oh so intelligent
always timeless but never bucking the trend
and then I had also for sure an awesome quote
from a significant book what I audibly don't like
but I would always leave space between the lines
for sustainability with a refreshing style.
Yeah I would put high requirements on your savvy (expertise)
but maybe I had a plan D how you cram the tax gap
but I couldn't release it for some juridical reason.
Yeah, Superficial is trump but sometimes really unhealthy.
Yeah, I had, could, would but superficial is trump.
Superficial is trump.
Superficial is trump.
I had, could, would but superficial is trump.
Superficial is trump.
Superficial is trump.
So superficial
So superficial
To explain this would for sure take to long
So superficial
So superficial
Superficial like that we won't reunite
I also had for sure a formula on hand
with a delicate frequency that each eardrum likes
and maybe I also had an outstanding patent
for a funny hit from a funny band.
Yeah I had and I would to wit as long as I can
and I denounce the s-s-s-s-subjunctive
but in my head it's only beating "sub ci ump"
KFC, EAV, DND, superficial is trump.
I had, could, would but superficial is trump.
Superficial is trump.
Superficial is trump.
I had, could, would but superficial is trump.
Superficial is trump.
Superficial is trump.
I had, could, would but superficial is trump.
Superficial is trump.
Superficial is trump.
I had, could, would but superficial is trump.
Superficial is trump.
Superficial is trump.
Submitted by r14v8 on Wed, 12/08/2015 - 14:31
Last edited by r14v8 on Mon, 04/01/2016 - 16:57
Author's comments:

"Knoff-Hoff" is not a german word! Laughing out loud It was a funny german science TV show in the nineties. "Knoff-Hoff" is a malapropism that you get when you voice "Know-How" exaggerated in german emphasis.

KFC, EAV, DND meaning:

The punk band KFC also released a song called "Stumpf ist Trumpf":

EAV is also a band:
typical gig:

DND means "Dendemann"

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Stumpf ist Trumpf 3.0

Idioms from "Stumpf ist Trumpf 3.0"
Coopysnoopy     November 9th, 2016

Superficial is Trump!