全 5 件のコメント

[–]Albacorewing[S] 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (1子コメント)

This just goes further to prove that Western women, deep down inside, hate men no matter what they do, what they say, etc. The woman was referring to a Canadian massacre that took place in the 1980's.

[–]day01x [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Not necessarily. She seems to be speaking from fear, and has no interest in learning about what MGTOW might represent to a broad range of people.

Elliot Rodgers believed he was entitled to the affections of others and lashed out violently when they didn't meet his expectations. MGTOW is the opposite, this is about having the freedom not to enter into relationships, to talk to other men about the possible dangers associated with relationships, to try to make sense of the changing nature of relationships.

MGTOW certainly doesn't get everything right, and I only agree with a fraction of what I read here, but I am confident that the core of MGTOW is about going your own way, making decisions about your own decisions based on what you can learn and observe, and absolutely not about hurting others because they don't behave as you'd like.