Something in my gut told me to straight-up watch Rosemary's Baby on my computer. I was like aight. IT REPRESENTS MAKING THE LIBERAL MEDIA GTFO BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE.
Without spoiling the ending, Mia Farrow is newly married to this handsome actor who moves into a luxury&creepy apartment with her, and they make friends with the old nosy neighbors. She becomes pregnant and the neighbors give her all kinds of shit to drink and her husband makes sure she drinks it; they recommend the best doctor in NYC but he sucks too and tells her to ignore pain; weird shit is going on.
Fast forward and she is very pale, frail, baby hurting, and halfway through her pregnancy. SHE STARTS TO THROW THE DRINKS DOWN THE DRAIN. She tells her husband "yo this doctor and neighbors wack, I've been tossing these drinks for three days at least lol" and he is like REEEEEEEEE and then...then she says
"oh my gosh, I don't feel the pain anymore! It's stopped hurting! YAAAAYYY! YAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY!!!"
he is like FFFUUUUU.
I teared up immediately thinking of Trump securing 61,000 jobs and how BTFO the media elites were and how Americans who fucking knew better did something about it.
But that's not all.
Later she GTFOs from there because wew escaping into a taxi. She is in the waiting room of another doctor, she's very close to giving birth, and wanting to be many moons away from Pizza and Cheesehead who she now understands are satanic fucks. She picks up a magazine, and it's
The camera doesn't linger for too long on it, but it does, and then she leafs through it absentmindedly. It's a hell of a red pilling if you're paying close attention. Viewers can simply take away "wew this movie is about weird people doing weird stuff to babies, I wonder if it's irl," while nimble viewers will be like "wait a minute, maybe it's not just her life that's a conspiracy, but people writing news make up shit too to wring us spiritually like little livestocks."
A really beautiful film. Do watch, 'pedes. And godspeed.