STEAM グループ
Bad History Bad History
STEAM グループ
Bad History Bad History
Bad History について

The official /r/badhistory Steam group

This is the Steam group for subscribers to the /r/badhistory subreddit, where we mock bad history on reddit, other parts of the internet, and the world in general. Take nothing posted here seriously.


1. Always R5.

2. If you're not drunk and angry, go read some threads on the subreddit and come back.

3. There is only one God, and her zir name is Volcano.

4. All hail The Chart[].

5. Abraham Lincoln was Literally Hitler, who we must remember Did Nothing Wrong.

6. Use of Edward VIII's time machine in game is considered bad form.

7. Much like African civilization, Jesus Don't Real.

8. Every time you start up your computer you must offer a prayer to Tesla in thanks for the magnificent machine that he built for you.

9. Your Mother is a shill for the tyrannical mods at /r/badhistory. They in turn are shills for the mods at /r/AskHistorians. They in turn are shills for the Jewish Illuminati Lizard People. If this bothers you, you've already been marked for death.

10. Das_Mime is a hero of badhistory, but his medal HOLDS NO POWER HERE YOU HEAR ME?!

11. Don't be a shithead, don't be a racist shithead, don't be a sexist shithead. Don't express your shitheadedness through rudeness towards other players. Shitheadedness will be punished in some way by the admin.

12. Members who have not met their shilling quota for the Fempire will be summarily kicked. Remember to keep your Feminazi membership cards up to date so you can receive your kickbacks.

13. Your Mother reserves the right to arbitrarily add rules whenever he feels like it.
41 件のコメント
KaiStampede 10月14日 5時11分 
Yes yes it is Si si bueno es groupo kill
MDFification 7月8日 19時12分 
Group is kill?
KaiStampede 2015年12月30日 1時48分 
Funny af group, joining before this group goes dead
Win 10 Update 2015年6月12日 0時42分 
New game with CS now?
jagd [ucsc] 2015年3月21日 12時12分 
Yo Come join badhistory universalis. Game name in EUIV: Badhistory Universalis. Password: Holyvolcano. Just join our group chat and right click on our names to join
tsulli47 2015年2月20日 17時02分 
We still on for tomorrow?
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