全 2 件のコメント

[–]windowrain 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I fear this is already spiraling out of control. The more we all explain with facts, the more we attempt to debunk it, the more fervently it gets picked up by idiots. This might stop if any conservative media channel(like fox, or someone influential like Tomi Lahren who has millions of views) debunks it but again, why will they do that? They won't. Iirc Tomi just did a bit about fake news which ends up bashing Hillary. Oh well 😒

[–]EnUnLugarDeLaMancha 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Sadly, you can't just debunk conspiracists. Their "discoveries" aren't based in logic to start with, attempts to explain how wrong they are aren't effective because they never cared about being right in first place. I bothered taking a look at v/pizzagate yesterday. All their posts are about anything that may help them to suggest a support for the conclusion they already want to have. That they have to "investigate" to sustain their narrative is already enough proof that they don't have anything in their hands, but they are too dumb to realize that.

In my opinion, every single word one writes to "debunk" conspiracists is just another opportunity for them to step up and spew the very same narrative you just debunked. And more importantly - it's an opportunity to deviate the attention about what Trump is doing.