To disregard any idea as false without first presenting any evidence for or against said idea is illogical. Colbert seems to be overly defensive, the same as most mainstream media outlets. If you truly wish to defeat a theory, perhaps you should provide a reason other than, "It's fake."
- "...does not have a basement."
Again, Colbert creates an argument without any actual substance. The quote that Colbert uses in the video is a direct response from Alefantis when he was asked whether or not he has a basement. You can't ask somebody who is suspect of a crime a question that might incriminate them and take their statement as truth - they will simply withhold the truth if it is incriminating. That said, let's delve into whether or not Comet Ping Pong has a basement.
"Like our sauce — we harvest a whole crop of organic tomatoes — 10 tons of tomatoes every year. Can them all, store them in the basement, have like a harvest party when it gets loaded in."
Despite this, many people researching Pizzagate have said that it's possible Comet Ping Pong doesn't actually have a basement, and that he's actually referring to the basement of his second restaurant on the same street, Buck's Camping & Fishing. Articles like
this one
by the Washington Post seem to agree with that idea. What's important to keep in mind, however, is that Alefantis himself is just as significant in this investigation as Comet Ping Pong as an establishment. Even if Comet Ping Pong didn't have a basement, his basement at Buck's could be used nefariously.
Although Alefantis' statements on his Comet Ping Pong's floor plan have been vague, there are other pieces of evidence that suggest there is a basement. On real estate information sites like
findthedata, it says that the property does, in fact, have two stories. Furthermore, Alefantis' Instagram had photos of underground construction taking place (
2). There is also the fact that several nearby businesses, such as Politics and Prose, Joe's Basement Bar, and Buck's (as mentioned above), have been confirmed to have basements.
All things considered, it seems like there is more to the story. We shouldn't just take Alefantis' word for it.
- "Alt-right folk..."
This is bullshit. The MSM is trying to lump all of the Anti-HRC, Pro-Trump, and conspirators into one "loony bin." I will repeat, this is bullshit. Look at every single article about how Pizzagate is "fake news," and you will notice the pattern. This investigation is non-partisan and is spanning the globe. I, myself, didn't even vote for either candidate this election, and I wouldn't call myself right leaning in any way, shape, or form.
- Stephen Colbert completely dismisses the Podesta Emails published by Wikileaks.
In the video, Colbert makes it seem like someone used the search term "pizza" in the Podesta emails and was alarmed at the number of times the word appeared. This is not the case whatsoever. There were very specific circumstances where the words pizza, pasta, cheese, etc were used multiple times in very strange ways. Here are a few of those cases:
"Ps. Do you think I’ll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta?"
"The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yorus? They can send it if you want. I know you're busy, so feel free not to respond if it's not yours or you don't want it."
"I just came from checking the Field house and I have a square cloth handkerchief (white w/ black) that was left on the kitchen island."
"We plan to heat the pool, so a swim is a possibility. Bonnie will be Uber Service to transport Ruby, Emerson, and Maeve Luzzatto (11, 9, and almost 7) so you’ll have some further entertainment, and they will be in that pool for sure."
These emails are not the only ones, there are many emails in the Podesta archive that come across as very strange. This is not normal language. This is not "a concerning amount of Pizza related emailes." This is a concerning amount of cryptic language.
"I decide that a guy that spreads this bullshit shouldn't be in charge of national security"
Did anybody else hear the "APPLAUSE" sign go up?
Sorry, I can't really tell over the over-the-top, sudden, and simultaneous applause.
Seriously though, this is yet another point in the video where he glosses over the contents of the Podesta emails. He didn't even bother reading the link in Flynn's tweet. Colbert seems to be dead set on ignoring any of the substantial red flags that researchers investigating Pizzagate have found.
- Colbert uses the "gunman" at Comet Ping Pong to illustrate how dangerous "fake news" is.
At this point, Colbert, along with every other MSM outlet, acts as if the gunman wasn't a false flag. On the day of the "attack," the traffic camera on the street of Comet Ping Pong was
moved. Just a coincidence? I think not. Furthermore, the gunman had an IMDB profile, and also lived in
Haiti, where a large portion of the conspiracy surrounding the Clintons lies. His father was also a director of a non profit that worked to prevent child abuse and abduction. After this information was released, the information was taken down as soon as possible, but it can still be seen in archives.
I'm not going to make any arguments to the last 5 minutes of the video, as it mostly consists of Colbert jerking himself off.
This entire video was damage control. Colbert is not to be trusted, as if they Wikileaks emails mentioning his show were not enough. Please make these arguments to anybody who tries to defend Colbert.