Lewandowski: We can say 'Merry Christmas' again under Trump

Corey Lewandowski claimed Tuesday evening that people are now allowed to say "Merry Christmas" again because of Donald TrumpDonald TrumpPoll: Over half say Trump will change DC Reid bids farewell to the Senate After 2016 drubbing, what’s next for third parties? MORE's election victory.

"You can say again Merry Christmas because Donald Trump is now the president. You can say it again. It's OK to say,"  Lewandowski, Trump's former campaign manager, said on Fox News' "Hannity." 

"It's not a pejorative word anymore."

Lewandowski's comments were in the context of Donald Trump's deal with Carrier to keep 800 jobs in the U.S., saying the families of the workers would have a great Christmas because of Trump.