"Accurately" and "honorably"? @realDonaldTrump, the press QUOTES you. If you have an issue with this, maybe the problem is not on their end.
There's nothing wrong w/journalistic integrity of
@NYtimes, or@WashingtonPost,@realDonaldTrump—When you say fascist things, they report it -
If you think identifying fascism as fascism is inaccurate, then I dare say,
@realDonaldTrump, you might consider investing in a dictionary. -
If you want press to stop reporting the awful things you say & do,
@realDonaldTrump, it's not difficult—Stop saying & doing them. Easy peasy - さらに表示
@realDonaldTrump The press is covering you just as you are: a pathetic, spoiled baby who has zero respect among anyone of brains & decency. -
@realDonaldTrump Get some front teeth and ed-ja-ma-ca-shun dope. -
@realgmako74 How do you know how to spell such big words with an 8th grade education?
@tonythecase @realgmako74 He did misspell imbeciles. I love it when mouthbreathers call others stupid while simultaneously misspelling words -
@twattermetz @realgmako74 Let's face it, these are incredibly stupid people. Look at the facts they ignored & voted for this douchebag. - さらに表示
@realDonaldTrump If by "honorably" you mean "high moral standards," I think that's exactly what the press does, and why you don't like it. -
@realDonaldTrump The reason that you think you're being treated unfairly is because the press evaluates you relative to a moral standard -
@realDonaldTrump It just happens that you fall short of that standard to a greater extent than any other President-elect in recent history -
@realDonaldTrump So, the sometimes harsher treatment of you is just a natural result stemming from your own greater shortcomings -
@realDonaldTrump The only way to give you the "fair" treatment by the press that you seek would be to use a completely different barometer -
@realDonaldTrump What you're really looking for is positive media coverage, which would require much, much lower expectations by the press -
@realDonaldTrump Maybe you would get positive coverage if the press evaluated you relative to a 5-year-old unable to delay gratification -
@realDonaldTrump But only maybe. - さらに表示