@realDonaldTrump please, for everyone, put your fucking phone down and start reading up on the job you just fell into.
@TechnicallyRon@realDonaldTrump Fell in to? Dude, he grabbed the presidency by the horns and owned that shit since day 1 -
@punchaginger@realDonaldTrump he lost the popular vote by a shit ton -
@TechnicallyRon@punchaginger@realDonaldTrump and Obama lost to Hillary in popular votes 2008, moron -
@huitecouture@TechnicallyRon@punchaginger@realDonaldTrump Actually, he didn't. Should REALLY be careful about using that "moron" word. -
@huitecouture@TechnicallyRon@punchaginger@realDonaldTrump Just in case you can't accept being wrong: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2008/president/democratic_vote_count.html … -
@KellyScaletta@huitecouture@TechnicallyRon@punchaginger@realDonaldTrump popular vote = ultimate participation award -
@Magzoftheyuukon This from a guy who probably spent the last eight years bitching about Obama. - さらに表示
@realDonaldTrump Welcome to the next four years. Trump doing and saying stupid things and stupid people screaming 'Hillary" to defend him. -
@KellyScaletta@realDonaldTrump its stupid to make good deals and have fair trade? Where's the logic? -
@BigBen626@realDonaldTrump How is the president-elect trolling China on Twitter making good deals and having fair trade? -
@KellyScaletta@realDonaldTrump how do you troll a country that doesnt let its people have internet access? -
@BigBen626@realDonaldTrump Yeah. Because it's blocked in China, the ACTUAL CHINESE GOVERNMENT doesn't have access to it. Makes sense. -
@KellyScaletta@BigBen626@realDonaldTrump I have 3 friends in China and they have limited access and we stay in touch via email & internet -
@eighthdayarts@BigBen626@realDonaldTrump I have followers in China. -
@KellyScaletta@eighthdayarts@BigBen626@realDonaldTrump please tell me people don't actually believe trumps tweets don't reach china. Ha - さらに表示
When you realize
@realDonaldTrump is about to get us into World War III and destroy the world.pic.twitter.com/n1Cjv0UgJL -
@gv_gemma@realDonaldTrump this man is antagonizing the 2nd most powerful country and doing it in 140 characters. if he wants to talk... -
@gv_gemma@realDonaldTrump trade or policy where he disagrees with China that's fine. That should not be done on Twitter. -
@ErickFernandez@gv_gemma@realDonaldTrump Yet Hillary wanted a no-fly zone with Russia and said she'd respond with military action -
@TaracenaOscar@gv_gemma@realDonaldTrump and that would have been controversial/troublesome. And the reality is she didn't win, so we... -
@TaracenaOscar@gv_gemma@realDonaldTrump are now dealing with a man who has to put everything on Twitter. Surely you see the danger? - さらに表示