@realDonaldTrump the cast of Hamilton must be punished swiftly for their harassment of Mr. Pence! http://twtwsports.blogspot.com/2016/11/ban-broadway-dont-throw-away-your-shot.html …
@TWTWsports@realDonaldTrump Punished. For speaking freely. Nice one. -
@pjackson_nl@TWTWsports@realDonaldTrump Sorry, but like Pasternick-It's not the message, it's the arena. Totally inappropriate & unethical -
@1776BetsyRoss@TWTWsports@realDonaldTrump Yup! So let's punish 'em. Shut down theatre? Prez has to vet all plays? Firing squad?! -
@pjackson_nl@1776BetsyRoss@TWTWsports@realDonaldTrump that people are calling 4 actual punishment of cast w/ firing squads, shut downs 3 -
@TheAngieNC2@1776BetsyRoss@TWTWsports@realDonaldTrump If you don't understand hyperbole, please don't embarrass yourself. -
@pjackson_nl@1776BetsyRoss@TWTWsports@realDonaldTrump has embarrassed himself & instead of admitting it PROJECTS again 5/5 -
@TheAngieNC2@1776BetsyRoss@TWTWsports@realDonaldTrump Name ONE lie I've told, you blithering idiot! JUST ONE!!! - さらに表示
@realDonaldTrump Mr. President Elect, are you going to talk about this perhaps? Would be great. Thanks.pic.twitter.com/wN0ysCeolp -
@michellenime Pretty sure the nazis do the lynching. Not the other way around. -
@Mottel@michellenime and yeah, you get a lot of "joking" salutes at white power rallies. What a FUNNY joke! HAHA! -
@iammattcote@Mottel@michellenime It is pretty funny. You idiots are walking salt mines. One Roman salute and you are literally shaking XD -
@ThatsAxi@Mottel@michellenime Yeah, you're right, it's HILARIOUS to joke about! How did I not see it your way before?! -
@iammattcote@ThatsAxi@Mottel@michellenime I support Trump, and I don't think this is relevant to Trump. But this is not a joke. Its awful -
@JCharlesPoli@ThatsAxi@Mottel@michellenime Glad to hear you say it. We don't agree on the 1st parts, but that's ok. This is abs no joke.
@realDonaldTrump You don't think that's a major conflict of interest? -
@njbeach15@realDonaldTrump Bush, Obama, presidents liquidate biz/put in blind trusts b/c the Office can't be a bargaining tool for 1 person -
@njbeach15@realDonaldTrump So b/c Trump is a businessman he's exempt? That makes no sense. He can affect policy, laws that benefit his biz -
@njbeach15@realDonaldTrump It's good for us to disagree, talk about it. But, this, to me, is clearly a conflict of interest while in office -
@njbeach15@realDonaldTrump Indeed. Thanks for the discussion.#okaytodisagree - さらに表示