@realDonaldTrump @nytimes stop tweeting and complaining and focus on figuring out how to lead this country
@Andy oh he's going to lead this country and it's going to be great! Celebrities need to stick to what they do best. -
@reism5403 I'll get off Twitter when he does! -
@Andy I like you Andy and watch all RHW but you all seem to forget your fans are rep/dem/ind. we don't dont about your option. Our turn! -
@reism5403 I'm rooting for him to be a good president. I want America to win. I tweet my feelings I can't help it! -
@Andy@reism5403 typical trump supporter manipulation ! Tweet your feelings Andy ! Same way they can tweet theirs, you can too. Sheesh ! - さらに表示
@realDonaldTrump@nytimes fact: surge in new subscriptions, print & digital, with trends, stops & starts, 4 X better than normal. -
@NYTimesComm@realDonaldTrump@nytimes I just cancelled my NYT subscription. -
@Autry@NYTimesComm@realDonaldTrump@nytimes why? Genuinely curious -
@DylNoblett@NYTimesComm@realDonaldTrump@nytimes why did i unsubscribe? is that what you are asking? -
@DylNoblett their letter basically only came because trump won, had trump lost they never would have written the letter
@realDonaldTrump wants to shut down the press & doesn't seem the least bit concerned that white supremacists & dictators love him. Sad. -
@MichaelWelchAct@realDonaldTrump In what way is he shutting down press? He has RIGHTLY pointed out that the press is no longer objective! -
@KerriAdams10 He threatens to sue anyone who writes anything negative about him & oftentimes does. Very tyrannical behavior. -
@MichaelWelchAct He threatens to sue when INACCURATE info is printed about him. This is his right as it would b ur right if celeb rag did -
@KerriAdams10 ok, this is good.. How do you deem information to be inaccurate? What brings you to that conclusion? -
@MichaelWelchAct Lets start at the beginning...what way is Trump uneducated? Why have left elite attempted 2 classify his support this way? -
@KerriAdams10 The media looks at trends from different voting blocks to establish patterns, & college educated is a reasonable 1 to look @ - さらに表示