I'm fucking done.
I tried having multiple plates which was fun but I acquired chlamydia and trichomoniasis during those adventures (luckily curable).
I tried having long term relationships. This last one just stares at her cell phone. After two years of dating she'd rather play games on her cell phone or check facebook until she falls asleep than be intimate* (I know she's not cheating because I can access her phone). This is a girl who grew up in a third world country with no electricity or TV.
Why the fuck would I want to marry a modern woman who stares at her cell phone 24 hours a day?
*TRP would have you believe that if you are alpha and always hold frame then a woman will always want your cock. Bullshit. MGTOW principles teach that it's simply your turn. There are no unicorns. AWALT. Not even Brad Pitt could keep a woman's interest forever.
I'm pursuing hobbies. I built a home theater with 120" screen. http://imgur.com/gzg2bnR