@jonfavs as long as it's not a Mexican machine... -
@jonfavs@onlxn I swear to God, Mike Judge is our Nostradamus...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5d7SaO0JAHk … -
@ci_chrisford@jonfavs@onlxn HOLY SHIT!!!! I HAD TOTALLY FORGOTTEN THAT SCENE WHEN I SENT THIS!!https://twitter.com/danhgilmore/status/806888194268688389 … -
@danhgilmore@jonfavs@onlxn Ha! Off to Starbucks for a hand job, then I've got a class at Costco. I like money, though. -
@ci_chrisford Mmmmm starbucks.... i really need to watch that again...
@jonfavs will Trump now stop saying he loves Big Macs and instead praise the Hardee's "Western Bacon Cheeseburger"? -
@jonfavs seems like@realDonaldTrump's new plan is to just make the swamp so dense and thick it turns to solid ground. -
@jonfavs@theinquisitr but if Carl's Jr does this where will our next Education Secretary send all those kids she wants in the work force? -
@jonfavs No need to be afraid of Mexicans taking jobs. Robots, yes. -
@jonfavs maybe that's a good thing as automation in QSRs is inevitable. All presuming he has some solutions to counter-balance. -
@KEVINSCASEY@jonfavs why assume anything else is lurking behind what this man has directly said. Not labor friendly, no govt exp.bad choice
Is the implication that we should long for the days when 90% of the population worked agriculture before technology?
@jonfavs@theinquisitr -
@jonfavs Eventually, every job will be able to be done by computer and/or robots. EVERY. ONE. It's just a matter of time. -
@jonfavs@theinquisitr@benjaminpenn "Give Trump a chance" SMH -
@jonfavs because that is how reasonable CEO's respond to Minimum Wage hikes