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[–]lonewolf-chicago 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Every man's life is his own Journey. These are some of the things that you yourself have to work out. I can only offer a little bit of wisdom having lived 45 years and been in multiple relationships and at one time a 9 year marriage.

Regarding MGTOW: you can have multiple women with an agreement that you're not going to give up your financial Security in order to make them happy. You can even have one girlfriend with the understanding that you're not going to commit 2 wasting all of your financial future for their inane shopping sprees.

For you it might be putting up certain boundaries that do not put you at risk of having an unwanted child paying her bills and that type of thing.

If you decide one day that you think you found somebody who's a special Snowflake and you want to get married then you will go to an attorney and have a rock-solid prenuptial agreement put in place and you won't get married in a state where you have to pay her for life when you get a divorce... or even better that the prenuptial agreement states she gets nothing when you get a divorce.

There's a lot of room for us in this community to still have women. Personally, at this point in my life, I choose to be a monk. That means no women.

This might change for me in 6 months or in a year but I will always and forever protect myself and have boundaries that I did not have before not everybody wears off women for the rest of their life.

On the other hand, you want to really take a look at exactly what it is that you're missing and why you feel compelled to have to have a woman.

You might want to take a look to see if you feel validated because you have a woman that others think differently of you because you have a woman are you doing it because you're missing something else.

I used to be the same way if I didn't have a girlfriend I felt completely alone and lonely. I knew intellectually that I needed to be comfortable with being by myself but I could not do it, that is until there was so much pain associated with women that right now, it's not worth it for me.

These are all things that you would benefit from really deeply looking into yourself and your soul.

But this lifestyle does not mean no women monks and ghosts swear off women everybody else has their own rules. That's what's great about this community of men. Do some research on creating boundaries it's one of the things that brought me here.