全 5 件のコメント

[–]BoyWhoreWithASword 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

As a former Muslim with a Muslim father and Christian mother, I agree.

[–]bdf39 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Eh this is a complicated discussion. MGTOW doesn't have a central code or dogma per say. There are things that we all agree on for the most part (the gynocentrism of society, the fail of a value that is marriage compared to its rewards, etc), but I believe religion (whatever it is, or lack there of) should be available to someone who is MGTOW. If someone is MGTOW they are most likely critical thinkers and smart enough to know which part of a religion is manufactured bull crap, and which part is beneficial to them.

[–]YourAverageBloke2 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Let me just say you are wrong on absolutely every point. Even among secular biblical scholars, there is unanimous agreement that Jesus existed. If you don't believe Jesus existed, then you can't believe Julius Caesar or Alexander the Great existed. Also, you don't need to be circumcised to be a Christian. You don't need to donate any money to a church to be a Christian. I'm a Christian and I definitely don't tithe at all. The church will just blow it on unnecessary luxuries like giant flat screens or trips to Africa so the girls going can virtue signal on Facebook (and sleep around with the Africans at night).

Oh, and you definitely don't need to raise a family or get married to be a Christian. Jesus said it's okay to eliminate women from your life if you want to. The Apostle Paul even said celibacy is a great gift if you can manage to do so.

Bottom line: MGTOW is compatible with Christianity. In fact, I think it makes my faith stronger. I've read the Bible cover to cover. I can definitely say that God is well aware of women's behavior. There are countless nuggets of wisdom in Proverbs and Paul's letters to Timothy on the horrible nature of women.

However, I can't speak for Islam or modern Judaism. I don't know much about them.