(cache) Pence claims Michael Flynn Jr. has “no involvement” in transition.

Trump Campaign Admits Pizza Sex Conspiracy Weirdo Was Involved in Transition

Trump Campaign Admits Pizza Sex Conspiracy Weirdo Was Involved in Transition

The Slatest
Your News Companion
Dec. 6 2016 11:19 AM

Trump Campaign Admits Pizza Sex Conspiracy Weirdo Was Involved in Transition


Vice president-elect Mike Pence on MSNBC's Morning Joe.

Screen shot/MSNBC

On Monday, Slate noted that incoming national security adviser Michael T. Flynn's son Michael G. Flynn (who's being referred to as Mike Flynn Jr. in press reports) has promoted, among many other conspiracy theories, the weird ongoing idea that a Washington, D.C., pizzeria is involved in a Hillary Clinton–related Satanic pedophile thing. (An individual who claimed he was present to "investigate" the situation fired a rifle inside the pizzeria on Sunday.) Flynn's son, our post noted, has been assigned a .gov presidential transition email address. Tuesday on Morning Joe, however, VP-elect Mike Pence said that the younger Flynn "has no involvement" in the transition process. Video above; here's the transcript, courtesy of the Washington Post:

MIKE BARNICLE: What’s the level of concern within the national security apparatus about Gen. Flynn’s son?
PENCE: Well, Gen. Flynn’s son has no involvement in the transition whatsoever. Ah, and …
BARNICLE: He has a transition email [address].
PENCE: Well, he has no involvement in the transition whatsoever.
JOE SCARBOROUGH: So you were saying, as the head of the transition, that Flynn’s son is not involved at all in the transition.
PENCE: No, he’s not.

CNN's Jake Tapper, however, reported that Flynn's son has done transition work:

Just a few minutes ago, Trump spokesman Jason Miller confirmed it:

Assuming it's true that Flynn Jr. is no longer working on the transition (we'll see), it looks like Pence was being sneaky by saying he "has no involvement," present tense, rather than "has had no involvement."

One conspiracy theory weirdo who's definitely still involved in the transition is the elder Flynn, who's promoted the Clinton child sex abuse hoax himself. Erratic New York real estate heir Donald Trump, who has praised Sandy Hook and 9/11 truther Alex Jones and who once insinuated on national television that private investigators he'd hired had uncovered evidence that Barack Obama was not born in America, is also expected to play a central role in the incoming administration.