WASHINGTON, DC - JUNE 06:  House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) questions Congressional Budget Office Director Douglas Elmendorf during a hearing on Capitol Hill June 6, 2012 in Washington, DC. The committee quizzed Elmendorf about the CBO's long-term budget outlook.  (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

Paul Ryan says he speaks with Donald Trump “about every day”

Paul Ryan and Donald Trump, who seemed to be against each other for most of the 2016 campaign, now speak “about every day” according to Paul Ryan. In the past we’ve seen more than a few outbursts from both, Paul Ryan and Donald Trump when it comes to their views on each other. Donald Trump has made himself known for his eyebrow-raising tweets, many of these Paul Ryan felt the need to bring up during multiple press conference’s.

On Sunday, during an episode of “60-Minutes”, Paul Ryan told interviewer Scott Pelley that he calls Donald Trump “about every day” to discuss the 2016 agenda. Ryan continued saying they tend to discuss upcoming immigration and health care changes. In the past Ryan has been outspoken against Trump on his proposals relating to banning Muslim immigrants from entering the United States. Ryan has been openly against Donald Trump on many of his proposals in the past, it appears they have made some sort of a compromise to be able to get along.

Since the beginning of Donald Trump’s campaign he’s been saying he will repeal Obamacare immediately after taking office in January. Paul Ryan appears to have found common ground when it comes to this topic, Ryan says Obamacare must be replaced as fast as possible to bring relief to the people struggling under it.

“We have to bring relief as fast as possible to people who are struggling under Obamacare,” Ryan stated in the interview. “We will give everyone access to affordable health care coverage.”

Paul Ryan went from being completely against Donald Trump’s immigration policy to being more for it than not. Ryan went on to discuss his reasoning for warming up to Trump’s immigration policy. Originally Donald Trump stated he was going to deport all 11 million illegal immigrants, most if which would never dream of committing a crime, now he’s more focused on the ones causing harm to American citizens. In the past Donald Trump has also said he’s was going to build a wall blocking off the United States from Mexico, more recently he’s backed away from this statement.

Paul Ryan said during the interview him and Trump are not looking to build a deportation force and they’re more focused on deporting the illegal immigrants committing violent crimes.

“No, No, we’re not working on a deportation force,” Ryan said.

Ryan continued to say that Trump plans to focus on “enforcing laws for people who came here illegally, who came and committed violent crimes.”

The Wisconsin Republican, Paul Ryan, continues to discuss Donald Trump’s past proposals to build a wall in between the U.S. and Mexico, he states a wall wont be necessary along the entire boarder.

“I think conditions on the ground determine what you need in a particular area. Some areas, you might need a wall. Some area, you might need double fencing.” Ryan said.

As most have seen recently, Donald Trump has picked up on his Twitter usage and because of this it was brought up during the interview with Paul Ryan. Recently Trump has made questionable comments relating to the world affairs and “Saturday Night Live” spoofs. On top of these tweets, Trump also made a clear virtual statement that he won the popular vote, claiming millions millions of people falsely voted for Hillary Clinton causing him to loose the popular vote on paper.

As Paul Ryan has said in the past, he would prefer not to involve himself in Donald Trump’s tweeting life he avoided the question as best as he could.

“I have no way of backing that up. I have no knowledge of such things,” Ryan said in response. “But I don’t– it doesn’t matter to me. He won the election.”


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