@realDonaldTrump This is going to be very difficult for Baldwin & co to make fun of on SNL. His qualifications are: he lives in a house.
@realDonaldTrump@ABFalecbaldwin has you nailed. Compulsion. Crudeness. Pouty, jowly scowl. The lack of curiosity. Kellyanne's sycophancy. -
@realDonaldTrump But the problem is, America may not survive your unique combination of malice and incompetence. -
@realDonaldTrump these are interesting:pic.twitter.com/1qItX2rj8R -
@justinhendrix@realDonaldTrump you are doing exactly as u promised . Keep it up and BTW send Hillary to jail!http://bit.ly/2gY9Dxb -
@erikapiris that's an amazing shirt! i just ordered 1 -
@donnabeltes you are a true trump supporter :) -
@erikapiris we all will MAGA - さらに表示
@realDonaldTrump@RealBenCarson Can’t wait for you to tell us about Ben’s relevant experience for holding this post, Donald. -
@EmmaKennedy@realDonaldTrump@RealBenCarson He's a brain surgeon. Attention to detail, teamwork, can delegate, leadership to name a few. -
@jfthomasser@realDonaldTrump@RealBenCarson What has brain surgery got to do with urban development? -
@EmmaKennedy@jfthomasser@realDonaldTrump@RealBenCarson Idon't care, I just love pres Trump surrounded himself w super high quality person -
@ranggath Then you’re an idiot. -
@EmmaKennedy@ranggath god forbid somebody have different views than you. But I guess that makes you an idiot now -
@Dallas_710@ranggath FYI _ Ben Carson thinks dinosaurs didn’t exist and the pyramids were grain stores. He’s stupid. Happy to help. - さらに表示
@realDonaldTrump We know you don’t read but have you seen “I, Robot”? It has Will Smith in it & bright, shiny colors. You’ll love it!pic.twitter.com/ZUyxlz4o4p -
@cafedotcom@realDonaldTrump you are doing exactly as u promised . Keep it up and BTW send Hillary to jail!https://goo.gl/0hKFko -
@erikapiris that's really an awesome shirt! surely getting 2 of them for myself -
@christopherkiez yeah that's great! we will MAGA -
@erikapiris i ordered 2 shirts -
@donnabeltes keep supporting and keep loving sir trump -
@erikapiris thanks erika! i ordered too -
@floydrobinsonz that's so nice :) - さらに表示