I wanted to comment on this :
But I decided to put a new post for some reason.
I am Turkish and a proud MGTOW who also happens to be an atheist so I believe I can give some insights about the subject at hand. I am sorry about the grammar mistakes beforehand because I am enjoying some turkish "rakı" at the moment and I am a little bit drunk.
You must keep in mind that although Turkey is a secular country, Islamic rule of law(shaira law) is being promoted in the country for several political reasons(which is a topic for an another subreddit but hit me up on that if you wish to hear my two pennies about the subject).
Islam is a very primitive religion. Let's get this out of the way. The way I'd like to think this is because while the bible was written by a bunch of people sitting on a desk(First Council of Nicaea, look it up) while Muhammad was just a single man. There was no one to tell him "whoooaaa dude that is dumb. let's not put that in the book.".His ego was all there was. AND IT HAS NOT CHANGED SINCE. Islam has not evolved. Islam never had it's "enlightenment". It almost had mind you(search Al-Ghazali
, that is the guy who butchered it). So relatively christianity is a little more up to date.
The woman's place is to be nothing in islam. They are not even considered to be a reliable witnesses(1 man=4 women for testimony.).If you are wondering if that is true just read the Quran. It really encourages you to beat women. It really encourages people who are not muslim and bans any interaction with them, or you become an infidel. It is black and white on a riducilous proportion. I am all in for AWALT and all but that shit is retarded.
My journey in MGTOW is one of finding balance. I think you guys should not go that far. MGTOW has always been about peace for me and it really did. I know I haven't been on this sub for a long time and I am a recent reddit user, but I had this mentality for a decade now and I am happy to finally put a name to it.
Islam and MGTOW shouldn't eveb be in the same sentence. Islam is about dominance towards other sex(or people), while from what I understand MGTOW is about freedom from both.