The main advertised promise of ethereum is of decentralised autonomous applications. However I note that:
- it is not decentralised (gold is stored somewhere) but it is useful.
- Individual API's which use Ether API's will not be decentralised (the servers providing web services are individually owned) but they will be useful.
- Individual sites hosted on swarm and/or merchants with ERC20 shopping cart functionality will not be decentralised (they will be fully owned by their owners).
- The flight delay insurance app resolves centrally
So there are plently of value adding applications which don't require full decentralisation. I worry that the doctrine of decentralisation is slightly missleading and is causing something of a mental block that:
- Focusses people on decentralized 'x' rather than new value propositions.
- Prevents quick market tests
- Encourages design complexity.
- Paradoxically encourages monolithic apps which try to solve everything rather than plugging into other services (since some required decentralised services may not exist yet).
- Bogs people down in the search for a trustless solution rather than leveraging other forms of trust.
- Makes people miss low hanging fruit, apologise for or abandon projects because they cannot be completely decentralised.
So my questions are:
- Are there some things we are missing because we are too focussed on the goal of fully decentralised apps?
- Does the concept of decentralisation need to be unpacked, made more nuanced, and based on an fuller understanding of the benefits and where they actually matter?
[–]DeviateFish_ 8ポイント9ポイント10ポイント (2子コメント)
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