全 4 件のコメント

[–]sex_with_a_pandaRandia Mod Alt 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

Lol why do you think this sub or /r/indiaspeaks exist and are blooming?

However, note this. The mods of randia are not a monolithic homogeneous entity.

There are some who are too afraid to speak up and then some for who everyone who differs from their agenda is a moron and an inbred cretin.

The latter is the one pushing the narratives on randia but for the formers, staying silent and letting this happen is nothing short of cowardice.

[–]-Ice-Bear-[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I didn't know about other subs. I found r/india since it was easy to search for the country named sub

[–]Encounter_EkambaramLoves to be banned 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

Does r/india censor its content? Like comments?

Yes. Mods very regularly remove comments which dont feature their worldview. You can see the mods removed comments using ceddit.

At first i could notice that no one would reply to me on political posts, but then someone told me that political posts are censored for new users for some duration or so.

Automoderator removes your comments on political posts, if you have less than 100 comment karma or so.

But lately I started to notice that they even censor policy, NP and business posts. Leaving only ask and science to be uncensored. Why do they do so?

They censor everything. You have to ask them why they censor. I reckon cause they are A-grade elitist idiots.

I mean even on NP posts I recieve comments after 16-18 hours. And then my reoly doesn't become visible for another 16-18 hours.

They might have tagged you as alt of some user, and are manually approving your comments after vetting that its not something they do not like.

Are they targetting specific users?

Yup. Mention m,y name on Randia, and you would be shadowbanned, or at least your comment will be brought to the notice of some mod.

Or is that whole subwide rule?


[–]-Ice-Bear-[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I got more karma than that.

Hmm. Inhave found that the sub is geavy towards one side. I thought it was due to hive mind.

They might have tagged you as alt of some user, and are manually approving your comments after vetting that its not something they do not like.

Thats not cool

Yup. Mention m,y name on Randia, and you would be shadowbanned, or at least your comment will be brought to the notice of some mod.

Why, what did you do? Are you a bad guy?