The Right Wing

Trevor Noah Completely Owns Trump Surrogate Tomi Lahren for Absurd Black Lives Matter Comparison

"You realize Black Lives Matter can't be the new KKK; the KKK is still around."

Photo Credit: Comedy Central

When Tomi Lahren came on "The Daily Show" Tuesday, host Trevor Noah had hoped to find common ground. Was it possible? 

“For somebody who is not racist, you have to spend a lot of time saying ‘I am not racist,'" Noah noted before delivering a scathing takedown of Lahren's obvious contradictions. 

"What is your biggest issue with Black Lives Matter?" he asked her.
The conservative commentator then explained that she lost respect for the movement when they started "pushing" a "false narrative" and when "protesting turned into rioting and looting."
“You’re the same person who argued on your show that just because Donald Trump has supporters from the KKK doesn’t mean he’s in the KKK,” Noah told Lahren. "Black Lives Matter has never said go out and shoot people."
Noah then used Lahren's of logic to question her views of the police.
"[Police officers] have been shown to shoot black people when they're unarmed, does that mean the police are racist? 
Lahren became defensive, evading Noah's question with another. She even tried arguing that she couldn't possibly be racist because she “doesn’t see color,” after reciting racist statistics about black men.
The audience roared at the irony.

“You don't see color? So what do you do at a traffic light?” Noah joked.

Minutes later the host reminded Lahren of one of her most incendiary claims: That Black Lives Matter is the new Ku Klux Klan.

"You realize Black Lives Matter can't be the new KKK; the KKK is still around," Noah pointed out. "And, most importantly, to say Black Lives Matter is the new KKK is to really, really minimize what the KKK did and what they stand for."

Lahren then rattled off examples of Black Lives Matter protests, that, like many protests, turned violent. 

“When that now becomes the narrative and you’re starting to loot, burn and riot: What did the KKK do?” she argued. 

Noah couldn't believe what he was hearing. 

“Did you say, ‘What did the KKK do?’" Noah asked. “Wow.”


Alexandra Rosenmann is an AlterNet associate editor. Follow her @alexpreditor.

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