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Bernie Sanders
What I feared is coming true. Trump is empowering special interests not taking them on.
Greytdog 19 時間
yeah thanks to you and yours.
Loving Father 19 時間
shut up sell ojt
Katie 19 時間
They should have run the real populist to beat the fake populist. But alas here we are, Bernie.
Loving Father 19 時間
I'm surprised your not at Fidel's wake
Loving Father 19 時間
sanders you are phony
J. Michael Kell 19 時間
remember on November 9th when you were already trying to be his BFF? I do.
Dred 19 時間
"drain the swamp! Into my swamp. So I can have the entire swamp. The most tremendous swamp."
AlthyMarie 19 時間
I want nothing more than a time machine to go back and do a better job campaigning for you. Thank you for being our truth.
bigal64 19 時間
where were these tweets the last 8 yrs Bern?
Derek 19 時間
Trump is empowering the right people at the right position. Lobbyists are afraid which is why this false media is out again!!
I don't like you 19 時間
Still better than being a communist.
Katherine Fenton 19 時間
Instead of draining the swamp he's stocking it with even larger predators & insiders.
nate 19 時間
must be eat the stock market keeps raising, keep up the good work
Nathan 19 時間
yes Bernie keep dragging him, exposing him and putting painful pressure on him.
Feven Mesa 19 時間
really how ? Bc he dared to run against HRC? Bc he campaigned harder for her than her own husband ?
Andrew Wallingford 19 時間
The only people who couldn't see this coming were Trump's willfully blind and willfully ignorant supporters.
Nathan 19 時間
wasn't Bernie and his followers that caused Democrats to lose three out of the last four elections including the last🙄