上位 200 件のコメント表示する 500

[–]i_am_not_sam 2538ポイント2539ポイント  (1295子コメント)

  • Can any admin edit a comment/post? How would we know?

  • Has this ever happened before?

  • Are there any clear cut policies for what constitutes a ban-worthy offense for a sub-reddit?

edit: (from me, not /u/spez. Really)

I'm glad you saw it to apologize. I was in the "so fucking what"/"it was just a small edit" camp but I can see why some people would be so angry about it. It was poor judgement and you put yourself in a lose-lose situation. That said, most of us will still use the site as before because I honestly can't think of any other content aggregator like this one.

I'm also glad you guys finally got around to implementing the sub-reddit blocking feature. I'd done that with RES a long time and I truly didn't understand why people were so bent out of shape over /r/the_donald. If the charges about "doxxing, harassment" etc. are true (and I can see it happening) then the questions to ask are

  • is the sub responsible for it? If yes, then what do reddit's policies say about this behavior?

  • if the sub isn't responsible then how are you

    • evaluating the truth in this accusation
    • taking action to protect reddit from other websites and social media
    • planning to prevent something like this (power user getting harassed to the point of doing something extremely silly/unprofessional) from every happening again?

[–]spez[S,A] 2396ポイント2397ポイント  (1239子コメント)

Can any admin edit a comment/post? How would we know?

No. Only engineers with access to production data, and that is being limited.

Has this ever happened before?

In 2009 I replaced the word "fag" with "fog". Over the years I have fixed typos in titles when people ask since we don't allow title editing by default.

This whole experience has been pretty painful. Even with the best of intentions, I (we) won't do this again.

Are there any clear cut policies for what constitutes a ban-worthy offense for a sub-reddit?

The clear cut policies are in our Content Policy.

[–]Jaciola 1831ポイント1832ポイント  (171子コメント)

Over the years I have fixed typos in titles when people ask since we don't allow title editing by default.

Question for you. I understand the reason for not editing titles is to not have people create popular posts and then change the title to something inflammatory.

However, why not allow a small 5 minute window to change the title? It shouldn't be long enough to blow up but may be long enough to help prevent a typo

[–]spez[S,A] 4181ポイント4182ポイント x2 (157子コメント)

However, why not allow a small 5 minute window to change the title? It shouldn't be long enough to blow up but may be long enough to help prevent a typo

Totally reasonable.

[–]SupDos 1326ポイント1327ポイント  (36子コメント)

It's probably best being 2 3 minutes, which is the same amount of time where you can edit a comment without it showing as edited

But yeah, it's a good idea having a window for when you make some silly grammar mistakes in the title of your post, instead of having to edit your post comment saying "It was meant to say fog not fag!"

[–]Sconely 177ポイント178ポイント  (13子コメント)

That's really all people are clamoring for - 5 minutes would be great. Too much time means it can be abused, but no time at all means having to delete threads or endure typos needlessly.

It's like when Gmail added the option to delay sending messages by 30 seconds, to give me time to catch my errors and fix them. Small change with a HUGE benefit.

[–]heyimtao[🍰] 298ポイント299ポイント  (53子コメント)

It could cause problems with subreddits that require certain information in titles. One of my subreddits requires tags like [PICTURE] and has automoderator check for one. If you do let people change titles, please let moderators disable the feature on their subreddits.

E: Okay, okay. I get it: set up automod to recheck.

[–]white_eye 30ポイント31ポイント  (1子コメント)

It could be better if OP could suggest a title change and a mod has to approve it, so that way subreddits' with content rules in posts will be safe, but only OP can decide to change the post.

[–]optimalg 902ポイント903ポイント  (71子コメント)

Over the years I have fixed typos in titles when people ask since we don't allow title editing by default.

You mean I could have just messaged you everytime I fucked up a title, instead of running into the timer after deleting and reposting? Dangit, all that karmawhoring potential over the years is gone.

[–]fatelaking 93ポイント94ポイント  (15子コメント)

As an engineer the only thing I disliked about the whole incident was the lack of audit ability and notification. Notifying the user than their comment was edited is one way to go; this is essentially the same as deleting someone's comment. If a comment is modified, there should be some audit log that is accessible to other engineers in the company and create an automated notification to someone. If other admins had come in and said "Yeah I got notified that /u/spez edited a comment and almost fell out of my chair laughing" I would have been very happy.

I totally see why you did what you did. I've started used the Apple news crap on my phone for real news for crying out loud. Let's make Reddit Great Again!

[–]Georgy_K_Zhukov 440ポイント441ポイント  (104子コメント)

The clear cut policies are in our Content Policy.

That isn't actually an answer. A fellow moderator recently recieved literally dozens of private messages recently which can be summed up as a violent dismemberment and cannibalism fantasy. He dutifully reported it to the Admins to be told that it hadn't crossed the line. Please, can you tell me where the line is? Because that seems pretty fucking clear cut, yet apparently it isn't.

[–]RMcD94 49ポイント50ポイント  (16子コメント)

It seems like you basically ignore the upvote rule. So many posts say "upvote this" or "get this to the top".

Yet asking for votes is clearly against this rule but if I even use reddit's shitty search look how many posts there are

There's also basic begging like "if this gets 40 upvotes I will shoot the President" and stuff like that

[–]DoctorWaluigiTime 30ポイント31ポイント  (0子コメント)

Over the years I have fixed typos in titles when people ask since we don't allow title editing by default.

Could we maybe change this, at least for mods in their subreddits? Having to repost threads just because titles are immutable is pretty bad.

As long as it's plain who edited it and when, it would be rather convenient.

[–]seperationsunday 169ポイント170ポイント  (35子コメント)

In 2009 I replaced the word "fag" with "fog".

How deep does the rabbit hole go???????

[–]mozumder 63ポイント64ポイント  (20子コメント)

In 2009 I replaced the word "fag" with "fog".

This whole experience has been pretty painful. Even with the best of intentions, I (we) won't do this again.

Lots of other sites have auto-filters on certain words. You can do the same, just make sure you let the public know.

[–]znihilist 80ポイント81ポイント  (162子コメント)

This whole experience has been pretty painful.

This insistence on keeping that subreddit is not something I get, you had no issues banning subreddits with less toxicity, but you are adamant on keeping this subreddit around prolonging the problem and the damage that it is doing to this website. Removing the band-aid now is better than removing an arm later on.

[–]Wayward_Hendricks 39ポイント40ポイント  (5子コメント)

People make mistakes, but I don't think these were the best intentions. It was done on response to personal attacks not attacks on reddit. Reddit's biggest weakness right now is its image of having been bought by political and corporate influence and this plays in to that narrative. You cannot ever "Do the same thing again" because there's not much trust left to break. This is my opinion as a liberal Canadian for what it's worth. Meddling in free speech is dangerous and counter productive. Controlling a narrative is the antithesis of transparency.

[–]SaulJoker 526ポイント527ポイント  (92子コメント)

Imma take this opportunity to ask you something /u/spez

i'd really like a way for me to find new subreddits on my frontpage without having to find a popular post or comment on /r/all or having to dig for it. Especially the smaller, niche communities.

Have you ever though of adding a recommended subreddits tab somewhere? There definitely isn't one on the mobile app and I dont think there is one on the website.

EDIT: Some people are mentioning www.reddit.com/explore . If only I had known about this sooner (but to be honest doesn't really "satisfy" my concern, as nice as it is). I already found a (hopefully) interesting community

[–]spez[S,A] 531ポイント532ポイント  (72子コメント)

New frontpage alogrithm is a major initiative of ours right now. So, yes!

[–]charlesgrodinfan 46ポイント47ポイント  (5子コメント)

I don't think the front page algorithm is the right way to tackle subreddit discovery. These days if I want to find a new subreddit I use google. That's how bad discovery is.

People have also been asking for a "preference quiz" on signup. It's a pretty standard solution for other sites/apps.

How many product devs & managers do you have?

[–]appa_poop 241ポイント242ポイント  (24子コメント)

Is there going to be even more porn on the front page with the new algorithm?

[–]reseph 2227ポイント2228ポイント  (862子コメント)

PS: As a bonus, I have enabled filtering for r/all for all users. You can modify the filters by visiting r/all on the desktop web (I’m old, sorry), but it will affect all platforms, including our native apps on iOS and Android.

Is this going to last forever? plz spez

[–]spez[S,A] 2099ポイント2100ポイント  (839子コメント)


[–]GreenVoltage 1210ポイント1211ポイント  (303子コメント)

thank you.

the_Donald was making me consider leaving reddit as a user in general, I just couldn't stand that (what felt like) the majority of the reddit community was totally in agreement with the results of the election and being total asswipes about it. I didn't know they were doing the stickied post thing to get into /r/all I just thought that reddit legitimately sucked. And now I can browse /r/all without seeing a ton of porn too, which is nice sometimes.

[–]callthewambulance 292ポイント293ポイント  (18子コメント)

Thanks to the_donald, this is literally the greatest thing to happen in my over 5 years on reddit. Seriously, thank you so much.

[–]Mahoney2 41ポイント42ポイント  (0子コメント)

Just wanted to throw in a bit of support. This was great and hilarious and I love being able to filter /r/all. Thanks.

[–]tarunteam 152ポイント153ポイント  (93子コメント)

What about bot upvotng? Any possible work around for blocking that ?

[–]chiablo 94ポイント95ポイント  (63子コメント)

Thank god, r/the_donald has become so toxic that I was considering abandoning reddit all together. Now if only we could filter all posts from anyone who subscribe to that (or any) subreddit.

[–]Cycloneblaze 5015ポイント5016ポイント  (548子コメント)

You can filter r/all now.

Thank god. Best thing to come out of this.

[–]spez[S,A] 1925ポイント1926ポイント  (446子コメント)

Yeah, sorry. I started working on back when we made the algo changes to r/all months ago, but I hit some spaghetti in the code and stopped. Last week I had the right combination of incentive and free time to get it done.

[–]Troll_berry_pie 1749ポイント1750ポイント  (125子コメント)

Could you please edit the algorithm? Nothing about the Brazil plane crash showed up on my front page until like 10 hours after it happened.

It's really annoying when I discover something first from Facebook rather than Reddit.

The sites been like that for months now.

[–]tabarra 374ポイント375ポイント  (20子コメント)

Give some love to Reddit's GitHub page. There are people trying to help you guys, but looks like you are not even reviewing issues or pull requests.

[–]mindbleach 88ポイント89ポイント  (24子コメント)

Oh my god, /r/All is usable again.

Any chance of hiding the list? It's a constant reminder of what people are trying to ignore. (And if I copied my old RES list, it'd be taller than the page content.) As with the filter itself, clunky solutions soon beat elegant solutions later.

[–]bored2death97 83ポイント84ポイント  (10子コメント)

I really wish this would have been implemented prior to the election, though RES filled the void for many, it would have been helpful for those who did not use it.

Better late than never though.

[–]cauthon 35ポイント36ポイント  (17子コメント)

Will you be able to report statistics on which subreddits are the most filtered?

[–]xpopy 18ポイント19ポイント  (3子コメント)

The r/all filter is really nice, however I'd really like it if you could toggle the filter, so that if you'd for some reason want to watch the filtered posts, you can just toggle all filters off instead

[–]overzeetop 286ポイント287ポイント  (70子コメント)

Thank you. And fuck T_D. Their spam/rants filling up the top of r/all is the one thing that makes reddit distasteful to me.

[–]speedofdark8 9ポイント10ポイント  (2子コメント)

Is there any way of importing RES filtered subreddits into reddit itself?

[–]Hoticewater 45ポイント46ポイント  (4子コメント)

Well, you may have made a lot of folks mad last week, but you made a lot of folks happy this week.

Let's call it a wash.

[–]0600Hours 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

Would it be possible to let us put a comma-separated list or something into the filter? It gets a little tedious when you have long lists of subreddits you don't want to see. Thanks for this great feature though, it's really nice.

[–]mothermilk 9ポイント10ポイント  (1子コメント)

As someone not from the US thank you so very much. I get it's important to some but it just got too much for those not invested in it.

[–]LegendOfBobbyTables 9ポイント10ポイント  (1子コメント)

For me, this change (along with the other's you've mentioned) is a big enough positive that I'm willing to forgive the ninja edits. Making mistakes is an integral part of the human experience, and being able to learn from them and change is core to building better communities. No need to crucify you for a single mistake, but I'm going to keep my pitchfork handy for a while just in case ;)

[–]LurkBrowsingtonIII 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Can we pretty please with a cherry on top get this feature on the official app? I prefer to use the Reddit app, but we NEED to have this feature.

[–]78952497829864 388ポイント389ポイント  (116子コメント)

Hi spez,

Related to the editing incident and trust, in this article in New York Magazine, it says:

After leaving, Huffman found that he had a hard time letting go. He still had administrative access to the site and continued tinkering with its code. Once that access was cut off, he found a back door for another six months before finally being locked out.

Am I correct that this means you could still do things like edit users' posts, view their private data (including private messages and subreddits), shadowban users, etc. for a long period of time while not even working at reddit any more?

If that is true, it's extremely alarming and raises a lot of questions, including:

  • Why did you need administrative access after quitting?
  • What supervision was there of a non-employee with admin access?
  • Have there been other non-employees with admin access? Are there any right now?
  • How was it acceptable (or even legal) to use "a back door" to take back privileged access that the company clearly didn't want you to have?

[–]spez[S,A] 493ポイント494ポイント  (78子コメント)

Why did you need administrative access after quitting?

When I left, Reddit was six people, and I had the majority of the engineering knowledge, so I continued to help out even after I left.

What supervision was there of a non-employee with admin access?

There were six of us, and we were all close friends. My actions were limited to quick fixes here and there.

Have there been other non-employees with admin access? Are there any right now?

No, that was disabled long ago. A few notable ex-employees have distinguish mode in recognition of their contributions to Reddit.

How was it acceptable (or even legal) to use "a back door" to take back privileged access that the company clearly didn't want you to have?

That's just bad reporting. Someone made a patch to remove my access. I made a patch to add it back. Nothing was done in secret. This was back in 2010. My access was removed sometime in 2010 when Reddit and I had fully separated.

[–]Drunken_Economist[A] 361ポイント362ポイント  (60子コメント)

A few notable ex-employees have distinguish mode in recognition of their contributions to Reddit

To expand a bit on this, this means they can make their username appear redish and have a cool little [Δ] icon next to it on posts and comments, if they want (kinda like this comment has). That's all "distinguish mode" means.

[–]Deimorz[Δ] 385ポイント386ポイント x3 (28子コメント)

I guess this is a pretty good time to test this out.

(This comment has one of the special ex-employee distinguishes on it, it may not show up in some mobile apps)

[–]picflute 62ポイント63ポイント  (1子コメント)

Doesn't fit the narrative. You forced yourself back in so you could once and for all take down /r/circlejerk

[–]panthera_tigress 648ポイント649ポイント  (273子コメント)

So do you still have the ability to ninja edit anyone's post, or is that not a thing reddit admins can do anymore?

Because I think that should be a thing that reddit admins literally cannot do.

Edit: by this I mean that admins/engineers/whatever shouldn't be able to edit without it being marked, not that they shouldn't be able to edit at all. I understand that it's not possible for the latter to happen.

[–]spez[S,A] 1043ポイント1044ポイント  (233子コメント)

admins (employees) can't do this in general. It's because I had access to everything as an engineer, which we are limiting going forward.

[–]pomosexuality 1448ポイント1449ポイント  (51子コメント)

Alternatively: can you make a subreddit where every user can edit every other user's post? Then we can all powertrip.

/u/powerlanguage pls

[–]stephen_1975 201ポイント202ポイント  (8子コメント)

No matter what the reasons were, nor what the consequences may turn out to be, I feel compelled to thank you from the bottom of my heart for that glorious bounty of popcorn.

As someone who was alone and bored that day, it made Reddit more captivating than usual and provided endless hours of entertainment.

[–]bse50 74ポイント75ポイント  (21子コメント)

You should also insert a mandatory timestamp and "signature" for each and every edit of a user's post. Both by the user itself and the engineers.
Legally speaking an asterisk is worth nothing, that timestamp could spare you a lot of legal trouble down the road given how reddit posts have already been produced as proof in a court of law.

[–]Rlight 112ポイント113ポイント  (6子コメント)

This is why you never mess with the IT guy at your office.

[–]UtahJarhead 76ポイント77ポイント  (25子コメント)

This is why Engineers need to be specifically segregated from the administrators when you're running a large project such as this.

[–]316nuts 1814ポイント1815ポイント  (516子コメント)

ya big dummy

didn't no one tell you to not feed the trolls

[–]spez[S,A] 1247ポイント1248ポイント  (493子コメント)

I know, I know. It's been my motto for over a decade. I honestly thought they might see some humor in it, we could find some common ground through trollery, and maybe take some of the vitriol out of our relationship.

[–]N8CCRG 1548ポイント1549ポイント  (209子コメント)

If there's one thing we've all learned from a certain portion of the reddit community, it's that they 100% can't dish out what they deal take what they dish out. They rail on safe spaces and yet have one of the most heavily policed safe spaces in the entire site.

[–]waltonics 255ポイント256ポイント  (49子コメント)

It was clearly a joke and it was hilarious. The trollers got trolled and reacted like the self entitled bullies with no grip on reality that they are.

Thank you for getting the filter done. I only hope it's not too late. TD consists almost entirely of attention seeking children, they have nothing of value or intelligence to discuss amongst themselves and only derive pleasure from taunting others. I doubt they are going to take this well.

[–]316nuts 246ポイント247ポイント  (34子コメント)


it's okay, i don't think most of the users on this site actually give a shit.

it's just pent up outrage about everything else and you happened to get in the way

life goes on

[–]crazedhatter 17ポイント18ポイント  (1子コメント)

At the risk of starting a flame war, the President-Elect himself has shown an inability to take what he dishes, I think it is a bit charitable of you to think his followers would.

[–]Lepontine 244ポイント245ポイント  (34子コメント)

It really is quite poetic that The_Donald couldn't tolerate any trolling at their expense.

[–]Banana_Salsa 47ポイント48ポイント  (5子コメント)

The Donald see humor? Fuck you could've squeezed blood from a stone compared to them finding that humorous.

That said, fuck r/the_donald and I'm glad I can filter them out and the rest of reddit can too.

[–]double2 37ポイント38ポイント  (4子コメント)

Never fight dickheads with dickheadary. They'll bring you down to their level and win on home advantage. Or whatever the saying is.

[–]somethingoddgoingon 11ポイント12ポイント  (2子コメント)

In the spirit of being politically correct, your apology is welcome. But I don't think it was necessary at all. Jeez these guys are just trying to manipulate everyone on this site and expand their power by bitching and moaning. I mean seriously, in what community is it a good idea to insult the admins? And then when you fuck with them a little, they start crying and demanding this and that, its ridiculous that you have to give in to that. Anyone knows not to fuck with the person working his ass of to host the community and if they dont like you messing with them, they can piss off. Every single one of those guys crying about you doing something against fuck spez comments would be good riddance anyway. All we need is your word that you wont mess with people and comments who arent begging for it, and in 10 years of reddit going perfectly fine, im pretty sure we can count on that.

[–]Thybro 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

It may have worked for normal trolls but the_D has demonstrated time and time again that they can dish it but they can't take it.

[–]PM_ME_UR_OBSIDIAN 15ポイント16ポイント  (6子コメント)

I thought what you did was daring and hilarious. This kind of admin action would have been perfectly at home on 4chan.

It's unfortunate that /r/The_Donald can't take what they dish out. Reddit would be a better place if they could.

[–]loonatic112358 17ポイント18ポイント  (3子コメント)

you should ask /u/drewatfark what he does when he wants to screw with users, personally I rather enjoy it when he renames the politics tab.

[–]nyy210z 10ポイント11ポイント  (3子コメント)

For a group so proud of shitposting their way to the presidency in spite of PC culture, they sure do get their feelings ruffled rather easily. You should be more considerate and tolerant of their safe space in the future.

[–]Binturung 28ポイント29ポイント  (14子コメント)

The typical user of T_D is convinced that Reddit is actively working against them, and y'all haven't exactly done much to counter that. Hell, that leaked log shows the exact opposite. Everyone in that sub looks at you and sees someone who is looking for a valid excuse to get rid of their community.

How can you aim to take the vitriol out of that relationship when you're acting like that? For crying out loud, that sub wouldn't be as prominent as it is if it wasn't for direct actions taken against it! You've changed your website in direct response to them (changing the algorithm, and changing stickied posts), and that has only embolden them. And then with your example of how to filter, you use them as the example. And please tell me the stickied post thing is not just directed at the donald. It better not be. That would probably be an even bigger blow up then the post editing stunt.

If your goal was to remove the vitriol, you're doing a terrible job at it. You want to calm them down? Announce that Reddit is a site that has a niche for almost everyone (barring illegal stuff obviously), and that, yes, the Donald has a place here as well. Once you prove, through words AND action, that you're not actively working to get rid of their community, they will become much more amicable. The fact that a jobless Canadian is telling you this is pathetic.

[–]enginears 3863ポイント3864ポイント x3 (375子コメント)

Yeah I've been a daily user of Reddit for 4+ years now and I truly don't care. I like Reddit. You can do whatever you want and I wont stop coming here. So just saying. You probably dont hear this side too often.

[–]spez[S,A] 1144ポイント1145ポイント  (159子コメント)

Thank you. Appreciate the sentiment. At the end of the day, we just want you all to have a pleasant time.

[–]ln3 19ポイント20ポイント  (1子コメント)

Reddit got me and my wife a free vacation after a casual submission to /pics went kinda viral. Thank you.

(Submission got picked up by media, went kinda viral, resort offered us a free anniversary trip for any name-dropping we could slip in)

Keep doing what you're doing. You got a good thing going and a lot of loyal users

[–]phedre 659ポイント660ポイント  (34子コメント)

At the end of the day, it's just a fucking website.

In that vein, petition to flair this post "spezgiving" plz.

[–]trainsaw 35ポイント36ポイント  (9子コメント)

Just a random inquiry, does the outside perception of this site concern you at all? It seems to be seeping into pop culture that the site is a favorite of the alt-right. True or not, at one point it was largely viewed as a place to stay up to date on memes, news and such. As of late when I read about Reddit it's largely negative, in terms of a meeting place to call others cucks and hate women and minorities. At some point that would start hurting your user base, right? It's had it's fair share of scandals with coontown. But Ken Bone making weirdo comments, t_d being very popular, etc compounding with the scandals can't look good. Despite what you, I, other users know what happens here (for better and worse) when pop culture perception labels it something it's very hard to shake

[–]so_mindfucked 1192ポイント1193ポイント  (680子コメント)

/u/spez, most users possessing even a modicum of common sense forgive you for snapping and deciding to troll the trolls. You're only human and reddit's mantra has always been "remember the human".

We're sorry the admins, yourself included, had a miserable thanksgiving.

I have a follow up question: does this new sticky-post behavior only impact /r/The_Donald or its affiliate subs as well?

[–]spez[S,A] 700ポイント701ポイント  (544子コメント)

Right now, just them.

In the past, when a community was deliberately wasting our time, we would look for general solutions that wouldn't single out a specific community. Unfortunately, that usually causes civilian casualties (e.g. when we removed all stickies from r/all and broke sports communities).

Going forward, we'll just take away their toys specifically and move on.

[–]CodenameMolotov 232ポイント233ポイント  (56子コメント)

I feel like all of reddit was playing a waiting game for Trump to lose the election so that that subreddit could run out of steam and degrade into conspiracy theories but after all that waiting it turns out that we're truly fucked and have to wait 4 more years for it to die naturally.

[–]Because_Bot_Fed 5ポイント6ポイント  (62子コメント)

I 100% support what you did.

The #1 rule of the internet IMO is don't dish what you can't take.

If you fall apart when someone else trolls, well, don't be a troll.

The trolls got trolled and they're butthurt about it. Wahh wahhhhh.

Zero tears shed. Every user on TD could leave reddit and nothing of value would be lost.

I know you guys try to be all neutral and stuff, but at a certain point it's your fucking sandbox and your fucking rules. No one with even an ounce of common sense would go anywhere else on the internet and spew hate at the highest level admins and expect zero reprisal.

People for some reason think that just because they've made themselves a little home on reddit they're immune to repercussions to their actions?

And frankly what you did was harmless. The whole "losing trust" and "worrying about the far reaching implications" is just hyperbole to play up the victim/martyr complex that sub as a whole has. It's totally disingenuous to the extreme.

If you really had it out for them you could easily crack down on them and ban them/their sub from reddit the same way other subs have been banned from reddit, instead you made some harmless edits to a few posts just to yank their chain, and they predictably went berserk and acted like the whole universe is out to get them.

What do trolls love? Harassing other people, bothering other people, getting a negative reaction out of other people. Who/what is/was getting the biggest negative reactions out of people? Trump, and this election. Trump and that sub are just a galvanizing banner under which trolls and edgelords gather who either just want to troll, or just want to see the world on fire just to see what'll happen. I would bet quite a bit that the vast majority of TD posters and Trump supporters overall don't truly like or support him but just want to watch the world burn down when he's in office. They have the general disposition and self-restraint of a child left alone in a room with gasoline and matches. And they take pride and glee in the fact that it's not just them that will get burnt when they do something stupid. We're all going to suffer for this for the next 4 years, And we have a bunch of trolls who didn't outgrow their teen angst to thank for it. Unlike when you guys banned FPH and there were lots of people from outside the sub who questioned the decision and didn't approve of that move, I don't really think anyone from outside TD gives a flying fuck if you outright ban them all and their shitty sub.

[–]Relevant-Magic-Card 189ポイント190ポイント  (49子コメント)

I support this move. I am Canadian and I witnessed the rise and fall of a very motivated, very active subreddit in /r/sanderforpresident , and that sub was never came close to how toxic and disruptive to my reddit experience /r/The_Donald was. 4chan bigots have no place on reddit, all they want to do is provoke negative reactions from people.

EDIT: Grammarz

EDIT 2: My citizenship probably has nothing to do with this specific situation, but a lot of people that use reddit outside of the US felt alienated the last few months, myself included.

[–]FrescoItaliano 21ポイント22ポイント  (0子コメント)

I also want to tag on to what the OP said and let you know that many of us appreciate what you and the rest of the Reddit staff does for the site and for the users, Thanks!

[–]so_mindfucked 19ポイント20ポイント  (3子コメント)

Understood, and I support this move. Please also consider giving users the ability to turn off user-name pings (if it isn't there already), so that more such situations can be prevented in the future.

Edit: It's apparently already a thing. TIL

[–]BloodEngineer 235ポイント236ポイント  (227子コメント)

Are you okay with users of /r/The_Donald getting banned from other subreddits without actually posting in those subreddits?

This was revealed to be a very common occurrence due to default mods attitude toward t_d posters.

Is there going to be some transparency on the most "toxic" individuals. Like public shaming or are you just going to ban/ shadowban them?

spezedit: So many comments saying- "T_D does it so that makes it fair game."

So by that narrative anything they do that you don't like makes it fair game? Okay, glad you got that out.

[–]CaptInsane 279ポイント280ポイント  (85子コメント)

How do you feel about ArsTechnica's David Kravets comparing you to Ellen Pao, and that despite all the hate she got she didn't stoop this low?

Even Ellen Pao, the former Reddit CEO, didn't change comments despite a barrage of insults levied at her last year as the site began cleaning up its community.

[–]spez[S,A] 239ポイント240ポイント  (71子コメント)

It's fair. Ellen wasn't the first Reddit engineer, so she probably lacked the expertise to do it, and even if she did, she was smart enough to not.

[–]Wargazm 86ポイント87ポイント  (21子コメント)

How do you feel about the reactions in this thread to the widespread hate Pao got? It seems like most people here are basically saying "oh you rascal, don't you do it again."

Honestly, I thought I was going to jump into the comments here and see you being eviscerated.

[–]asshair 16ポイント17ポイント  (3子コメント)

Ellen wasn't the first Reddit engineer, so she probably lacked the expertise to do it,


[–]_korbendallas_ 556ポイント557ポイント  (128子コメント)

For aspiring CEOs, would you recommend vim or emacs?

[–]spez[S] 534ポイント535ポイント  (103子コメント)

I used emacs for about 15 years before switching to 2 years ago. I still use vim. No good reason why. I love them both.

[–]Werner__Herzog 1156ポイント1157ポイント x2 (19子コメント)

More than anything, I want emacs users to heal, and I want vim users to heal, and although many of you have asked us to burn emacs users with fire, it is with this spirit of healing that I have resisted doing so.

- u/spez

[–]PM_ME_OLD_PM2_5_DATA 69ポイント70ポイント  (23子コメント)

This is actually the most interesting thing I've seen on reddit today. Most people that I know a) stick with the first text editor they learned, and b) have strong feelings about why their choice is the best. Never known somebody who switched and was okay with both.

[–]outadoc 80ポイント81ポイント  (13子コメント)

before switching to 2 years ago

To what? TO WHAT? D:

[–]Alien1993 1314ポイント1315ポイント  (986子コメント)

Posts stickied on r/the_donald will no longer appear in r/all.

Why not all subreddits? If this behaviour is toxic why not block it completely? Other subs could exploit it.

[–]spez[S,A] 828ポイント829ポイント  (814子コメント)

Because most communities use it for good. For example, sports communities for game threads and TV communities for episodes.

[–]Amablue 1114ポイント1115ポイント  (138子コメント)

It definitely does feel like stickied threads should just be blocked from /r/all completely. A stickied thread is by its nature not going to be subject to the organic voting that other threads are, and so it doesn't make sense to represent them in /r/all which is supposed to consist of the most organically upvoted content on the site.

[–]theogresmash 386ポイント387ポイント  (40子コメント)

That seems like a mistake to me, considering this whole controversy stemmed from individual treatment towards the_donald as a subreddit. While I'm thankful that their stickied posts wont appear in r/all, I feel either that should apply to all subreddits, or to have a blanket rule that any subreddit circumventing organic voting will have similar treatment. Many, many subreddits, usually political, do this same thing and if the treatment is not unilateral in some way, it all stinks of the same biased behavior that a lot of aggregate sites have problems with.

[–]QuinineGlow 456ポイント457ポイント  (81子コメント)

most communities use it for good

First I'll say that I don't particularly like or support the goings on in r/the_donald.

That said, you can imagine why some people might not be too comfortable with the administrators deciding what kinds of speech are 'good' and what kinds of speech are 'bad'. You already have taken a stand against 'hate speech', and so be it.

Now you're taking a stand against 'toxic' speech? Alright...

Where does it end, though? Who sets the parameters for what is 'unacceptable' speech, and for which speech is allowed to be visible? What are the parameters? Will you provide a comprehensive list of what kinds of content will be allowed to benefit from Reddit's normal processes, and what content will be singled out for special treatment?

Will such rules be enforced in a fair, non-biased manner?

One gets the feeling that Conde Nast's Advance Publications' main concern is to eliminate all controversy and heated exchanges from Reddit.

It's bad for business, eh?

EDIT: As pointed out below, CN's parent company controls Reddit.

[–]C_IsForCookie 55ポイント56ポイント  (1子コメント)

You do what you've gotta do, but as someone who's managed a couple companies (relatively successfully might I add) I've found that policies are best implemented across the board rather than selectively. That's grounds for upset and retaliation. You want to come across as fair more than anything.

If I told my employees that Joe could do something that John couldn't do, one of them would be upset and then so would half of everyone else. But if you make it an even playing field some people may be upset at first but nobody would be able to say you aren't being fair, and then any complaints will ease up.

[–]jaspersnutts 242ポイント243ポイント  (358子コメント)

As a subscriber to r/the_donald I would love it if you did work to reprimand the people spreading the message of hate, racism, bigotry, homophobia, etc..

The actions of the few should not generalize all of us. The vast majority of us welcome anyone no matter what race, gender, religion you belong to. We didn't want to make america great again for half the country. We want to make it great for everyone.

[–]spez[S,A] 171ポイント172ポイント  (232子コメント)

I agree entirely with this sentiment. This message needs to come from your moderators. If it does, the community has a chance. If it does not, r/the_donald is trending in the wrong direction.

[–]boobiebanger -2ポイント-1ポイント  (15子コメント)

Like the right wing who keeps demanding that muslims takes a stand against terrorist muslims and such, the right wing needs to take a stand against racists and bigots.

[–]bigidiotdummy -15ポイント-14ポイント  (10子コメント)

I'm curious what else that sub could possibly do to "trend in the wrong direction". They have openly gamed your site to the point you are editing code and removing features to stop them and openly broken your rules against brigading and harassment to the point they, and only they, are not allowed to link to anywhere else on reddit.

Other subreddits have been banned or quarantined for less; why the special treatment?

[–]75000_Tokkul -7ポイント-6ポイント  (17子コメント)

How long in the wrong direction after being warned is enough?

Will the mods who don't change direction face repercussions or just the subreddit?

/r/altright received a warning yesterday and their mod /u/greatapeniggy who used to run /r/coontown along with the users have made it clear they have no intention of truely changing.

[–]challenge4 134ポイント135ポイント  (49子コメント)

I love you Steve and I love the team, in a mostly platonic way.

[–]IdlyThinking 102ポイント103ポイント  (36子コメント)

  1. Oops.


  3. Way to be the bigger person and come clean. We love you and we love Reddit. <3

[–]PitchforkAssistant 77ポイント78ポイント  (2子コメント)

If anyone here wants to copy their RES filters over to the reddit filtering thing, here's an easy way to do it:

  1. Open the RES filteReddit settings on /r/all.

  2. Press F12 and open the console tab.

  3. Copy/paste this into the box at the bottom of the console and press enter:

$(".filtered-details input.sr-name").val($("#optionContainer-filteReddit-subreddits #tbody_subreddits input").map(function(){return $(this).val();}).get().join(" ")).submit();

You're done, it copied your RES filters over into reddit's add filters box and added them.


EDIT: Added direct link to filteReddit settings, fixed formatting and hopefully made the instructions a bit clearer

[–]Aroelen 323ポイント324ポイント  (9子コメント)

PS: As a bonus, I have enabled filtering for r/all for all users. You can modify the filters by visiting r/all on the desktop web (I’m old, sorry), but it will affect all platforms, including our native apps on iOS and Android.

I think this should be much more noticeable, to be honest. I'm surprised it doesn't have its own post, that's one of the basic RES features people have asked for since forever to be on the site.

[–]splattypus 271ポイント272ポイント  (22子コメント)

If it makes you feel any better, I never had much trust in Reddit. Reddit is an aggregator of content and communities at best, generic social media in application, and host to some awful people and substance at worst.

It was stupid and naive to think that you owed anyone unmitigated free speech or a platform for any ideas at any point on the spectrum. Reddit is a private company with many interests or obligations, entirely entitled to act towards its users as it sees fit and necessary.

I think it was dumb of you to do what you did, but I also think it was hilarious and in all likelihood would have behaved the same way given the same tools and opportunity. The difference is you get paid a lot of money to not do that, and I don't. But ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I definitely appreciate a hardline stance against disruptive users and communities. I've advocated it for a while. Now obviously you can't cave to every instance of social pressure, or nothing stops people from organizing a bullying campaign to push out contradictory opinions or viewpoints, but when you have hard evidence of communities* or users being disrupting the functionality of the site (not just hearsay or rumors), you're entirely entitled to act as you see fit.

If we, as the consumer and user don't appreciate it, we can deal with it or take a hike. It would suck, but you can't please all the people all the time.

I appreciate the ability for us to filter subs* from all (been doing it with one extension or another for a while), as well as for subs to opt out of /r/all. I would even support the ability for admins to revoke a subs status to appear on /r/all based on behavior (or content, in extenuating circumstances) further than is apparent now.

Anyways, cheers /u/spez and admin team.

[–]yentity 130ポイント131ポイント  (38子コメント)

While I would really appreciate the ability to filter out /r/The_Donald out, It also enables users to further extend their echo chambers. This is part of the reason we are seeing such divisiveness on the web and I have a feeling that this tool will be used to filter out everything people don't agree with even if it is based on truth.

EDIT: Another cool feature about reddit has been the top comments always provide context to / debunk misleading posts. If there was a way to filter this out easily, there is a potential for further explosion of uncontested misleading and false claims.

[–]redditrasberry 7ポイント8ポイント  (1子コメント)

I feel like you wasted an opportunity to deal with this in a more general way. Making an explicit rule for 1 sub is just adding fuel to the fire rather than putting it out.

There are plenty of grounds on which /r/The_Donald could have been limited or restricted that can be implemented as general rules. For example, /r/The_Donald has an open policy of banning all comments critical of Donald Trump. In my view this goes against the spirit of Reddit as a platform for discussion. It allows the sub to become a complete echo chamber that reinforces the extreme behavior that goes on there. So just ban them from /r/all and apply the same rule to other subs that don't want to support the primary purpose of Reddit as a platform.

[–]ItsBOOM 10ポイント11ポイント  (5子コメント)

It was not meant to circumvent organic voting, which r/the_donald does to slingshot posts into /r/all

Is this really how so many posts got to the top of /r/all? It seems crazy because now that they have no stickies there is nothing in the first 2 pages from the_donald, even though the posts there have so many points. Was something else put in place to stop them from reaching /r/all as much?

[–]blindcolumn 82ポイント83ポイント  (16子コメント)

Is there any way to temporarily disable filters, other than logging out or opening a private window? Sometimes I like to see what /r/all looks like without my filters in place.

Edit: I figured out a hacky way to do it. Just go to /r/all-null.

[–]tizorres 2204ポイント2205ポイント  (78子コメント)

as a r/TIFU mod, thanks for not posting this there :P

[–]Lynx_Rufus 705ポイント706ポイント  (419子コメント)

This is astoundingly reasonable and level-headed.

Personally, I feel that /r/The_Donald is collectively guilty of the stuff that's gotten entire subs banned in the past, but it continues to be coddled with special treatment. That being said, I'm glad the admins are at least doing something about the issue.

[–]PoodlePirate 14ポイント15ポイント  (2子コメント)

Hi Mr. Admin. Thank you for giving us this filter so I block all the political spam.

[–]herro9n 23ポイント24ポイント  (5子コメント)

Something good came out of this. Filtering of /r/all. As someone not american the /r/politics, /r/The_Donald and others seriously ruined my reddit experience the past few months. This should improve it again. Thank you!

[–]ICameForTheWhores 607ポイント608ポイント  (246子コメント)

See, here's the thing

I want Reddit to heal

One of the reasons why Reddit stinks sooooo much right now is the fact that a shitton of users, and not just /r/the_donald users, feel that admins and a couple of mods are trying to steer the conversation into whatever direction they want to. That's why every time there's even a hint of behind-the-scenes manipulation, people get fucking angry and call you a fascist. That's why people make such a huge deal out of the comment editing that you did.

A lot of Reddit users have major trust issues, they believe that Admins completely undermine the effective self-moderation Reddit used to have, they believe that Admins are actively trying to push a political agenda, they believe that Admins are hypocrites who turn a blind eye to the insulting and damaging behaviour of some subreddits while tirelessly enforcing rules that are as strict as they are ridiculously ambiguous on others.

And you keep. Prodding. Them. You keep insulting them, you keep calling them "toxic" which, frankly, is a disgusting insult to use against people and very close to actual Nazi vocabulary (and I should know, because I'm German and simply do not give a fuck about Donald Trump and how horrible/amazing he supposedly is until he is actually in office and, you know, does things, jesus fucking christ why is every thread filled with this shit).

And then you go ahead and say you want reddit to heal. It is not going to heal until you stop insulting a metric shit ton of your userbase. And bring back Upvote/Downvote counters, shit was neat and looks transparent and democratic as hell.

[–]tuptain 10ポイント11ポイント  (33子コメント)

I think The Donald would be a fine subreddit if dissent was allowed. The thing about Reddit is that the title is almost always bullshit and you go to the comments to figure out why. That isn't possible in The Donald sub, you either join the circlejerk or you're removed. Other subs have their biases too and you'll be downvoted but strict banning for disagreement doesn't happen anywhere else on Reddit afaik, definitely not a sub that is as frequently front paged as The Donald.

If you want to fix the issue, start off by removing their ability to ban anyone and everyone so actual discussions can take place.

EDIT: Honestly this shouldn't be just focused on The Donald, I think Reddit should rethink allowing mods to ban people from their subs at all. There will still need to be a ban function in place but it should probably be at the admin level, not the mod level.

[–]BERNIE_WOULDVE_WON 4ポイント5ポイント  (1子コメント)

Are you going to do anything to fix the other tremendous circlejerks on reddit? When one sub becomes colonized by a sufficiently large circlejerk, which then takes over moderation, this only encourages users disaffected by that circlejerk to migrate and create their own counter-jerk. This arguably is a good deal of what's responsible for T_D's growth, with some other prominent subs becoming toxic to ideological diversity.

Reddit used to tolerate a whole lot more substantial discussion from a variety of points of view when it was smaller. In fact, that was what got me interested in the website - to hear points of view different than mine. To see the same ideological diversity, now I need to visit a variety of different hardcore circlejerks where it's a pile-on against anyone who dares dissent.

[–]rulerguy6 67ポイント68ポイント  (2子コメント)

While some of the reactions I've seen in the thread regarding specifically filtering r/the_donald have been a bit... melodramatic, I agree that it shouldn't be just that sub which is targeted. If you believe that stickied posts can cause manipulation of what reaches r/all then stickied posts just shouldn't show up for any subs. Especially since Stickied posts are usually messages from moderators to the specific community, so they often aren't supposed to be relevant to r/all in the first place.

[–]Ghend 57ポイント58ポイント  (38子コメント)

I think you fucked up, but I'm very glad to see more punishments coming for obnoxious and toxic users and communities. Trying to operate as a bastion of free speech is just detrimental to average users who have to tolerate shitheads because reddit is afraid to ban someone on a political subreddit, under fear of being labeled as favoring one side or the other. Total fuckwads exist on both sides of politics, and should be dealt with regardless of if they are trying to hide it under their political party and force reddit to not ban them for fear of looking partisan.

Subreddits like T_D and pizzagate are horrendous communities of toxicity, and ruin the site for regular users who don't give a fuck about their politics and conspiracy theories. This carries to other subreddits too, where "#pizzagate" was being posted in every single thread that was about pizza anywhere on reddit for a few days, and then those posts were being brigaded. God forbid someone who likes pizza posts on reddit, lest they be accused of being a child molestor now.

[–]duffman03 118ポイント119ポイント  (45子コメント)

The donald is popular partially because of censorship by other subs, the toxicity is only part of the issue.

Subs which ban people who express dissenting opinions with its moderators are detrimental to Reddit. There are many posts from subs with agendas that constantly reach the front page of r/all, and the comments are lopsided and riddled with inaccuracies because everyone who calls them out on their bullshit is banned. With no one to call out the blatant lies how is the common person going to know what's true? Common sense? That's giving humanity too much credit.

Subs that practice this behavior should be muted from /r/all. Why should moderators who censor people get such an overwhelmingly powerful voice on Reddit? People can still subscribe and visit the subs but the general population would be insulated from subs that don't honor free speech. Moderators can have their echo chamber subreddits if they like but they won't be on /r/all.

Subreddits who ban people for simply commenting in a sub they don't like should be covered by this mute as well.

tl;dr Default subs should not be able to silence people. Subs on /r/all should not be allowed to silence people. Reddits policy should be updated to mute subs who mute users for having dissenting opinions. As long as mods are allowed to drive political agendas and stifle free thinking users, subs like the donald will thrive.

*EDIT: Punctuation.

[–]Captainpopololo 13ポイント14ポイント  (0子コメント)

Thank you for letting r/all be filtered it's really helpful of you especially since I couldn't before

[–]losian 7ポイント8ポイント  (0子コメント)

Hmm. The issue is this blows away any credibility, like the whole Correct The Record thing.

If they can be edited how do we know anything isn't edited? How do we know there aren't government out corporate interests with the ability to search for and change stuff for $$$.

"Limited" doesn't mean eliminated. Why should there be any access to comment content?

Further, this is not the post to use to announce bannings nor do I feel the "I had good intentions" rhetoric to be appropriate.

You done fucked up, this is another big strike for any integrity of reddit's content. I already have to wonder about every post - is it a paid corporate or political shill? If CTR was paid a million for one election you know Kraft, GE, AOL, etc. have their dicks balls deep in fucking around here, and have for a while.

But no action or announcement was made in how you guys will combat the intentional tampering of reddit content like that, and instead this kinda childish nonsense. All you guys need to do is make the site rub better and uphold fair policies, get your dick out of the mix and put away your personal biases and opinions.

Tl;dr - grow up, this whole thing is pathetic

[–]ShapeOfAUnicorn 18ポイント19ポイント  (0子コメント)

The community that was formed in support of President-elect Donald Trump organized and grew rapidly, but within it were users that devoted themselves to antagonising the broader Reddit community.

As a preface, I didn't like either candidate nor am I subscribed to any distinctly specific pro-candidate subs.

If you look at my history when I made negative comments about Trump vs. negative comments about Hillary, the reactions weren't even comparable. I can only count a couple of reactions I've received from Trump supporters, and they weren't the least bit inflammatory.

Meanwhile, my posts that criticised Hillary attracted much more negative attention and insults flung at me. There were even PMs that I received in which I received insults/inflammatory speech.

I know you're specifically talking about r/the_donald, and I'm sure you're not talking about the entire Trump community as a whole. I am not a fan of r/the_donald, I think that sub is more or less trash. That being said, the antagonising comes way more from reddit's pro-Hillary community on subs like r/BlackPeopleTwitter, r/politics, r/news, etc.

I also understand why you banned stickied posts from r/the_donald , but there were other subs that did the same thing and had their posts reach r/all. Back when Bernie was running there would be inflammatory posts meant purely to spam r/all, and there are still anti-Trump ones that do the same. It isn't right to place this ban on just one specific sub if there are other subs guilty for doing the same thing.

[–]jdepps113 207ポイント208ポイント  (57子コメント)

You guys might think you're doing good, but you really need to stop with the moves in the direction of censorship. It's a bad idea, and it's hurting your image and long term prospects.

The community is certainly capable of performing this function by downvoting comments to hell, or by mods banning people from their subs or removing comments/locking threads.

Is it really necessary to go around quarantining and banning subs that people find objectionable? I understand if there's actual illegal activity happening (like child porn or such) but not if it's just controversial or even just terrible content or opinions. Let the fact that those communities are relatively small in their subscribers, and reviled, be enough. You don't have to ban them and you aren't really solving problems by banning them.

And you're sending a chilling effect across all reddit by doing it. It establishes a precedent for simply curbing speech, and once people think the admins are deciding who does and doesn't get a voice around here, the spirit Reddit started with has already begun to die.

Just like in real life, you protect all speech by protecting the least popular speech. You guys are fucking up big time and destroying what's good about Reddit and undermining it long-term in your quest to eliminate speech you find objectionable. First it was the subs we can all agree are terrible; then /r/the_donald seems like it's in the crosshairs next, even though you haven't outright banned them yet....and who's next? Where does it stop? It chills speech across the entire site and just adds that little thing in the back of everyone's mind that if they don't toe the line exactly, they or their favorite subs might wind up being the next ones in your target list.

More than anything, I want Reddit to heal, and I want our country to heal, and although many of you have asked us to ban the r/the_donald outright, it is with this spirit of healing that I have resisted doing so

Your reason for not banning /r/the_donald should be because Reddit is about free speech and you don't go around banning people and subreddits you don't like because that chills free speech--not because you're trying to "heal the country", which is not your responsibility--nor is it within your power, anyway.

I really think you're doing damage to Reddit in your quest to clean it up, that the cure is worse than the disease you're seeking to treat, and that you should stop before it goes any further. People already suspect that admins are manipulating to promote their politics, just as they also suspect it already on Facebook, and that should be the last thing you want anyone to think--as well as being the last thing you want to do. People already think speech isn't as free here as it used to be, and you shouldn't want that either. But your actions are what are leading people to think that.

If it means allowing speech and subreddits that many of us find disgusting and horrible, so be it, as long as they aren't actively sharing illegal material or fomenting terrorism or such. At least, when objectionable speech is allowed, we all know that it means the place is truly free. Let that kind of content be, as Democrats used to say about abortion, "safe, legal, and rare". But the minute you start doing what you're doing, we no longer trust the true freedom of this place.

Oh well, I know you won't listen anyway. Just had to speak up anyway.

[–]anonomie -3ポイント-2ポイント  (4子コメント)

That community needs to be banned. It's toxic, mean, vile, and just plain wrong and any comments that even dare to say anything that isn't kissing Trump's ass are immediately banned. Even if it's to try to have an adult conversation. Who the hell cares what they think? Just because Reddit is an open forum doesn't mean you need to allow EVERYTHING. Do the right thing and let them go find another hole to crawl into to spew their hatred and ignorance.

[–]meepsmops 9ポイント10ポイント  (11子コメント)

I'd love to see actual discussion in T_D. Instead, the mods ban anyone who gives off a whiff of dissent. Can that sub's "rules" be altered so that actual dialogue is encouraged (i.e., not permabanning people who challenge their "safe space)? I think that would help mute the trolls -- if regular people were able to comment without fear of being nuked.

[–]eddy1588 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

Hey Spez,

Apology is great and all- but that doesn't change the fact of shady post editing- specially from the CEO - you literally took away free speech because you were "tired" of being called a pedophile - while that sucks for you it shouldn't lead to censoring and editing- As a reddit user I don't trust you - no matter how much you try and blame a subreddit - I think you should step down and let a more mature individual run the website -

[–]whtsnk 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

Using the desktop version of a website is not merely the province of old people.

I think reddit’s desktop site is far more navigable than the mobile site. Given the density of information, I find reddit as a website is much more enjoyable on desktop, as well.

[–]Eutychus_vs_SP 71ポイント72ポイント  (3子コメント)

Personally, if I constantly saw overly racist posts , I would never choose to visit the_donald. It is irrational to think 300,000+ users are all "racists" just because they do not share your political ideology.

Most of Reddit leans hard left, as well as the media in general. Having a balance is healthy for uniting the country as a whole. All of this closing your ears "la la la la" I can't hear you is why many ppl were blindsided during the election, & are still reeling from their illusion that outside of a few mega cities....most of the US does not share their vision for America. The freedom to think what you want and say what you want are bedrocks of our democratic republic.

That being said, some of the shit posting in the_donald is simply karma whores taking advantage of the sub for upvotes, & the community would be better served not blindly upvoting everything posted, since a lot of it is copy pasta from phonies.

[–]d0t1q 9ポイント10ポイント  (0子コメント)

Am I able to unfilter the subreddits the admin team feels need to be filtered?

I don't sub to /r/The_Donald because their posts do not relate to me at all but I do like having a laugh every once and awhile at their shit posts.

I don't like the idea of reddit deciding what I can and can't see, it would make more sense that by default nothing is filtered in /r/all (hence the name) and then reddit would allow me to add filters for stuff I dont want to see(for anyone suggesting RES, I use RES already)

[–]english06 224ポイント225ポイント  (184子コメント)

I think this is the wrong move on the part of Reddit as a whole. There is ZERO problem with having a Trump subreddit or a subreddit on the conservative side of things. I honestly wish we had more of them. But T_D has taken it to the extreme for too long. There was significant harassment, doxxing, and brigading all coming with the implicit support of some of their moderation team.

This sets a bad precedent. Sure you get rid of some problem users, but you all already do that. This post essentially says that moderators can openly encourage their users to abuse Reddit's rules and get away with it. You dropped the ball here.

[–]saptarsi 12ポイント13ポイント  (62子コメント)

Other than exploiting the announcement posts feature, is there any other kind of fucky vote manipulation going on in t_d? The t_d front page right now has posts with at least 2.5k net votes. For a sub with 300k subscribers, that seems a bit much. The 'rival' sub ets have made several allegations of using bots to upvote posts on t_d. Is there any truth to that allegation? If yes, is that a violation of Reddit's ToS?

Edit: Check out /r/worldnews for example. It's not like vote manipulation doesn't happen there but compare the votes and total/online subscriber accounts with t_d.

[–]Gamers_Are_Racist 131ポイント132ポイント  (47子コメント)

ban the r/the_donald outright, it is with this spirit of healing that I have resisted doing so.

You know that would only make it worse, and would send a message that certain things aren't allowed to be said on this site. I mean "fuck /u/spez" isn't productive but it's also not hate speech, doxxing or whatever the buzzword of the day is.

However, when we separate the behavior of some of r/the_donald users from their politics, it is their behavior we cannot tolerate.

The behavior I see in that sub is shitposting, memes and calling reddit admins and mods out on their shit. Honestly, if there wasn't such blatant fuckery going on here then none of this would be happening. Maybe you should investigate some of their claims instead of trying to silence the critics.

We have identified hundreds of the most toxic users and are taking action against them, ranging from warnings to timeouts to permanent bans.

Specifically what did they do to be labeled "toxic"? Because I can guarantee it's not unique to /r/The_Donald.

Posts stickied on r/the_donald will no longer appear in all

Is this just a punishment purely for /r/The_Donald? If so, you need to make it a reddit-wide feature, otherwise /r/The_Donald will figure it out and will cause another shitstorm. But maybe you want them to, so you'll have justification to ban them?

It was not meant to circumvent organic voting, which r/the_donald does to slingshot posts into r/all, often in a manner that is antagonistic to the rest of the community.

/r/The_Donald is one of the most active, upvote-happy subs on this site. They rival subs with twice the sub count they have. While I will agree their stickies are antagonistic, you also have to realize they aren't doing it purely to troll. They are actively pointing out things that are wrong with this site. Censorship, power-mods, and other subs who are actually a lot more toxic than they are.

if we do not see the situation improve, we will continue to take privileges from communities whose users continually cross the line—up to an outright ban.

And there it is, the wrongspeak police of reddit have revealed themselves. I'm still waiting on the admins to post proof that /r/The_Donald was or still is engaging in any site rule breaking.

[–]gutter_rat_serenade 14ポイント15ポイント  (0子コメント)

It's time Reddit has a major discussion about much power these monitored subreddit admins have.

Just as you realize how important honesty and free speech is on Reddit and you obviously hold your employees to the highest standards, why then are admins of major subreddits allowed to censor posts willy-nilly?

I got banned from /r/socialism simply for saying I didn't agree that Castro was the hero they were propping him up to be.

Maybe that's cool on a website with 50,000 users, but now that Reddit has become what it has, these heavy handed admins need to be reigned in.

Just because you're collecting a paycheck doesn't mean you're the only one controlling Reddit for the better or worse.

[–]jexio 6ポイント7ポイント  (1子コメント)

Can you keep track of how many people filter subs? I would love to see the amount of people filtering subs out of r/all

[–]_kst_ 88ポイント89ポイント  (13子コメント)

As I understand it, you edited other users' comments, and you did it in a way that left no hint that those comments had been edited. By doing this, you have seriously damaged the trust that users place in this site.

You need to apologize for that, and not bury that apology on a wall of text about r/the_donald, filtering r/all, politics, trolling, and whatever else you feel like talking about. It doesn't matter why you did it. It matters that you did it, and that steps will be taken to ensure it doesn't happen again.

If you want to delete posts, ban users, ban subreddits, or even censor posts with a clear indication that they've been censored, I'm ok with that; it's your site. If you silently put words in other people's mouths, that's a problem.

If you want to talk about r/the_donald, trolls, or whatever, I suggest you do it in a separate post. There's a decent apology buried in your post. I suggest you delete everything else and leave just that (along with a clear indication that the post has been edited).

[–]Nikolasv 105ポイント106ポイント  (42子コメント)

You only care and are pretending to take action and giving a faux apology, because various news outlets have given you a black eye once again, repeating the age old pathetic dance of your corporation to try to rehabilitate an ever deteriorating image. Reddit staff didn't care when they uploaded pics of underage girls and sexualized them in /r/jailbait(only the media black eye given by Anderson Cooper lead to post facto action), you didn't care that African Americans and other minorities hate Reddit since it has become a den of white nationalism and simply won't use this medium. Steve Huffman only cared when he became the target of /r/the_donald. Far as I am concerned the trolls gave him his just deserts. 2 years ago the mods of /r/blackladies wrote admins and staff like him an open letter and zero fucks were shown:

Screw Huffman and all Reddit staff, they are getting burned by the monsters they created themselves. For almost a decade they had a creepy laissez faire policy that attracted the internet's worst scum. But on most political related subs the dark enlightenment type nerds who make up arguably the dominant demographic didn't dominate and where shunned by the more liberal type of white male nerds who pushed a different kind of extreme intolerance and censorship. Which led to the monster that is the /r/the_donald when finally a political candidate appealed to the Dark Enlightenment crowd. Btw, before participating in Reddit I didn't even need to know about useless basement dweller movements like gamergate, the dark enlightenment, etc...

What we have is two factions of a same larger sub-group: surly, intolerant nerds -- pretending they are substantially different or respectable or worthy of backing because one is the liberal version of intolerance and the other is the alt-right version alt-right, neo-racist variety represented by /r/the_donald. The ultra-liberal in theory faction that moderates many default subs, most political subreddits, most geographic based subreddits is left adn right banning people for micro-aggression, not being politically correct enough, not having the right opinion or the right politics, according to the inflexible IRC nerd moderators. Reddit is trying to weigh between two groups of no life IRC nerds who spend way too much time trying to get political control of subreddit turf. They are a large part of the reason why Reddit is a curse word in the non-Reddit internet and real life. My advice to Huffman and Ohanian is to get a bath, go outside and get a grip on real world -- you guys are too trapped in the bizarro medium you created to realize how profoundly rotten you allowed it become by pursuing a doomed strategy of trying to grow your userbase as fast as possible no matter how many sociopaths and groups that should be deservedly social lepers that you empowered. I advise people to check out /r/RedditMinusMods/ to see just how bad censorship is really on the defaults that show up on the front-page. Alot of times 40% or more of what should show up there is censored out by moderator action for no good reason.


[–]PM_ME_YOUR_SIGN 37ポイント38ポイント  (2子コメント)

I'm all for people messing around and having a bite at anyone harassing them. The problem is the fact that you showed that you can edit comments without people knowing. You, and the site, lose all trust at that point. You answering how many people have this ability cannot be trusted. You answering how many times you've done it cannot be trusted. You saying it's being fixed cannot be trusted.

On top of that, calling out a single sub when there are many other subs, albeit smaller ones, that have just as poor behavior is ridiculous. You don't like T_D, great. If you want our country to heal as you say, then you should be calling out r/politics, r/enoughtrumpspam, SRS, and other subs that are incredibly one-sided and toxic.

But hey, at least you're creating more hostility towards T_D in the name of forgiveness and healing.

[–]YourNewInternetPal 22ポイント23ポイント  (3子コメント)

What about subs like SRS and SRD? Haven't we seen enough brigading and harassment coming out of these subs? The Donald is a cess pit but it generally seems to keep itself to itself. What about mods from extreme leftist troll subs taking over subs and destroying them? You can't argue you're taking a hands-off approach to subs, as described in the content policy, and then apply differing standards between subs.

How are subs like /r/news allowed to remain as default subs when they're repeatedly caught showing political bias through censoring news that goes against their narrative? The Orlando shooting is the biggest example, where the only fucking front page hints at this developing story came from posts on other subs, such as /r/The_Donald. Ironically, had you taken these steps earlier to prevent such posts appearing in /r/all, it would have taken even longer to know what was happening out there. Posts in /r/news were deleted from people offering advice to people in the area - including suggestions on donating blood. That incident alone went one for days, and should have resulted in /r/news either losing it's default status or having the entire mod team removed.

What about subs that use bots to ban people for posting in politically incorrect subs - even if they've never even visited the sub from which they are being banned? I'm banned from a whole bunch of subs I've never visited, such as /r/naturalhair and /r/offmychest. I have two accounts, mostly because I forgot my password on my other device. If I should inadvertently post in one of those subs from an alt, then I'm in breach of the content policy, as this would evading a ban.

If you want Reddit to heal then be consistent in the application of Reddit rules and moderation. By all means turn this site in to cat pictures and dank memes - just set the same standards of behaviour for all political persuasions.

Reddit has a long way to go in "healing". Nothing you've said here suggests sincerity.

[–]got_milk4 36ポイント37ポイント  (8子コメント)

I will never risk your trust like this again, and we are updating our internal controls to prevent this sort of thing from happening in the future.

Can you elaborate on said internal controls? Will the result of these changes forbid you from having the ability to silently edit comments?

[–]SoneRandomUser 56ポイント57ポイント  (41子コメント)

I really wish I could see the proof of the antagonism and the harassment T_D users make, and really wish there was something that could be done to stop this fighting and bullshit.

Reddit is more divided than ever, and the lead admin has fairly recently gone in an divided it even further by pissing off one side, and yet claims what they have done with nothing at all to prove it with. I want to know what makes T_D toxic. Please show me the posts, show me the comments.

On the flip side, I can show you more examples of reddit harrassing and just being plain hateful to users from T_D more than I've seen the opposite. There's a reason why I'm scared to post and comment on that sub. I like that it tries to back up what it claims and says, and how the users look and dig for information. It really seems like a genuine source of information through the bullshit in this world.

Sure, it gets pretty annoying seeing frogs and cuck this and shill that. I think there's a better way to work things around than saying "Fuck spez." I also think some of the stickies are absolute garbage. Although sometimes it has some important/interesting information.

We need someone to stop the harassing and bullying, on both sides, not take a part of it. Funny or not, justified or not, it's not right for people to be afraid of doing something just because of how people have seen and reacted. Just because it's behind closed doors, doesn't make harassing or bullying someone or a community right.

We are all people here, we want to connect with others based on what we love. I don't believe you or anyone who has said something awful about T_D is a cuck or a shill or a terrible person, I just think we disagree on opinions, and hope that although we disagree, we can still move forward.

I really hope that making a post supporting T_D doesn't mark me as a "troll" or a "libtard" or anything derogatory, and it's kind of sad that I'm afraid of that, but fuck it, posting this anyways.

[–]HonestThrowawayAcct 32ポイント33ポイント  (2子コメント)

To be quite honest, I think a lot of the "harassment" that you get from The Donald is specifically due to the many "targeted stances" you've taken against it. When you institute specific rules and restrictions against a specific community, that's targeted. When you don't apply the same rules to others, that's also targeted. If you feel that you're the victim here, you should take a look in the mirror, perhaps review some of the policies you've instituted over the past year.

With that being said, my opinion, as well as numerous others is that rules are rules, and rules should be applied unilaterally. In my short time on Reddit, one thing has been fairly easily demonstrated, you (and the moderation team) don't apply rules unilaterally, not even to yourselves it seems.

Since you seem to want to play the victim card, let's look at one in particular, you know, the restrictions you've applied to cross-referencing Subreddits, which seem to apply to only certain Subreddits, ehem, /r/The_Donald. Yet, none of those same rules apply to other Subreddits, namely /r/Politics. But this didn't just occur randomly. Nope, before that you were busy filtering away results from /r/The_Donald in /r/All, changing the algorithms based specifically on that particular Subreddit.

For all the hate you've gotten as a CEO / person, my personal belief is that you've been solely responsible for earning it. Every single bit. Don't play the victim, you aren't one. If you want to participate in specific targeting of groups, expect that they're going to dislike you, expect that they're going to hate you, expect that they're going to "target" you in their comments. Is it harassment? Yeah, it sure is. Is it against the Content Policy? Yeah, it sure is. As a CEO, it's probably not the best course of action to violate your own Content Policy, and then try to flash it around playing the victim card, you're equally as guilty, whether you "built it with your bare hands or not". Want to institute little special secret allowances for yourself? Cool, but expect that people are going to stop using your site, and you can kiss that ad revenue goodbye.

Instead, perhaps you should start by practicing what you preach, and now is a better time than ever to start.

So, with that, I'll ask you the following:

Posts stickied on r/the_donald will no longer appear in r/all.

Does this new policy apply to all Subreddits? If not, do you care to explain why you've instituted a policy that has been violated numerous times over by plenty of other Subreddits?

Edit : Oh wait, nevermind, someone asked this exact question, you explained it, and as I stated... It's pretty much exactly what I've said... "targeted".

[–]tastyratz 10ポイント11ポイント  (1子コメント)

Honestly, I am going to say that my basic interpretation if your post is "sorry, not sorry" or "sorry I got caught".

I heard the news as news and on /r/sysadmin talking about executive access but didn't see what was done.

I don't know if they deserved it, I've never really read /r/the_donald or seen it in my daily experience until now, and I don't know much about what it's about.

I moderate on some small forums (MUCH smaller than this) and have for years. Editing troll comments and trying to out troll the trolls in their own posts for a site with the stature of Reddit? You're blaming a subreddit for your behavior with the equivalent of "but they started it".

I'm glad to see steps taken to prevent this in the future but Reddit needs to remember to walk the line between community standards and speech censorship, especially when shaped around political agenda. Seeing this influence from ANY side at the management level is not a good thing for the core user base. For that, you should be GENUINELY sorry... not just for the fallout.

[–]Tracer13ullet 20ポイント21ポイント  (5子コメント)

I'm glad you're apologizing and recognizing why this was problematic, but it blows my mind that people continue to defend this behavior because they don't like the community that was targeted.

The CEO of Reddit altered comments that attacked his character. I'm not a fan of the overruse of fuck uspez comments, but it is still the equivalent of Trump changing newspaper articles critical of him, which you all seem to be up in arms about him "potentially" doing.

I don't like a good portion of the_donalds community, despite being a part of it. Most of the memes are in the name of fun and the news it provides are important to counteract the one-sided circle jerk on reddit. That said, I'm aware that there are parts of the community that are bad actors and are posting hateful and tasteless comments.

Banning t_d because some of the users are posting in bad faith will not end well for Reddit.

[–]ThatAstronautGuy 64ポイント65ポイント  (7子コメント)

Thank you for adding in the filtering feature natively! That is a great feature addition !

[–]tweist 24ポイント25ポイント  (3子コメント)

I love that the "PS" gif at the end is filtering /r/the_donald ... thats the first thing i did when i say that /r/all could be filtered! I dont even care that he won... i am just sick of the constant spam... speaking of which.. filtering /r/EnoughTrumpSpam as well.

[–]Ghost_of_Castro 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

The United States is more divided than ever, and we see that tension within Reddit itself.

And by choosing to continue to target one side of the political spectrum while turning a blind eye to the other, you guarantee that will continue.

This website - outside of a few "safe space" subreddits like T_D as they're often derided - is extraordinarily hostile towards conservatives. And not just the alt-right/white nationalists/Nazis or whatever they're being called this week, but bog standard Republicans as well. Even people that were Democrats until fairly recently are thrown into the "basket of deplorables" by countless liberals on the site without hesitation. This is simply self-evident. From /r/politics to /r/EnoughTrumpSpam all manner of anti-conservative toxicity is not only tolerated, but highly upvoted as well.

I didn't even vote for Trump and yet I've still lost count of how many replies I've reported for being full of "Nazi" this and "white supremacist" that. Unless they encourage me to commit suicide, they are never deleted. "Kill yourself", that's the line liberals aren't allowed to cross. But insults that might be heard in an average grade school will be swiftly removed if said by a conservative. Those of us on the right side of the political spectrum know full fucking well you don't give a good goddamn about toxic behavior, only where that toxic behavior is coming from.

You're full of shit, spez. You're so transparently biased that I'm surprised you even attempt to appear otherwise. This site has let users say whatever the fuck they want about conservatives for years. /r/The_Donald is a reaction to that. A beast of your own creation.

tl;dr: You're so clueless that you can't grasp how clueless you are.

[–]nodeworx 92ポイント93ポイント  (39子コメント)

I'm far from being a fan of the alt-right, but in the spirit of openness, balance and healing, the fact that it's only the alt-right being called out here sounds just a little jarring.

I can't fault /u/spez from being less than enamored of certain types of behaviour here on reddit, but I would like these principles applied equally and to all subreddits and not just those that are politically inconvenient.

[–]greldek 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

r/The_Donald is the best thing that's ever happened to reddit. Because a simple filter for r/all has been needed all along. Now I can finally filter out all the bullshit toxicity from all the political subs without addons or apps to make it happen.

Thanks r/The_Donald!

[–]annikh 0ポイント1ポイント  (3子コメント)

I'm a new-ish user and respect this apology. I also respect the decision to filter r/the_donald from r/all.

I have dropped both Facebook and Twitter after because of the toxic, unavoidable conversations surrounding the topic of our President-Elect (from both sides).

I reactivated my account here because the general conversation stays positive and mature (and for the fact that I can almost completely avoid trigger topics and images.) So I for one will benefit from this decision, and appreciate the change.

[–]Claude_Reborn 72ポイント73ポイント  (9子コメント)

asks that we all show enough respect to others

Starts with Reddit management, and you lot have shown Zero respect for the user base. You're full of shit /u/Spez and we know it.

You only tell those on Reddit you don't like to show respect, while enabling the likes of SRS to run riot over the site, with zero attempts to rein them in, and in many cases actively enabling them.

So, We don't believe a word out of your mouth at this point. There is zero trust, and additional censorship / Isolation of communities you don't like just increases the problem.

We will continue taking on the most troublesome users,

So, you'll be purging anyone you don't like, in an effort to creat a safespace, while at the same time ignoring the shocking and terrible behavior of people you DO like.

I expect /r/The_Donald to get purged hard, while the likes of Pedofriends and SRS to remain completely untouched.

I'll just watch the downward spiral of your site, from the comfort of other forums.

[–]Morveyn 22ポイント23ポイント  (18子コメント)

We're seeing plenty of hate towards /r/the_donald even now that the elections are said and done, but what about communities like /r/EnoughTrumpSpam? True enough, some of the folks on The Don take the shitposting too far, and the opinions and ideas that get voiced don't sit well with everyone. Though, even with the subgroup of fools and trolls souring the mix, the community nonetheless was built around supporting Trump's campaign. Yet, you have /r/EnoughTrumpSpam, which was made exclusively for the purpose of targeting another subreddit, with behaviors ranging from brigading to threats towards the former sub. For all this talk of shutting down /r/The_Donald's nonsense, will other recent offenders even be considered?

[–]NuanceHammer 5ポイント6ポイント  (29子コメント)

It felt truly cathartic to add /r/the_donald to the filter list. I literally felt like a weight of stupidity and antagonism had been lifted from my shoulders. Cheers!

[–]frankthegoat 24ポイント25ポイント  (0子コメント)

I love Reddit. It saddens me to have watched it descend to ever lower bars every day.

1st thing I saw was when r/news mods banned all talk of a massive terror attack so we didn't offend islam, then told complainers to kill themselves, YOU DID NOTHING ABOUT THIS.

Then r/politics decided to become the r/trumphaters instead, How'd that work out for you?

Now you mess with peoples comments, can you get lower? OF COURSE YOU CAN! You mods are now trying to take down r/altright by foul means and fouler.

Everything you have done has created more trump supporters, give yourself a big clap.

EDIT: I forgot to mention the worst part. When that evil man killed everyone in that gay bar I was so sad and looked everywhere to find out what was happening, do you know who the only people talking about it were? Of course you do, it was r/thedonald. The site you hate so much was BY FAR the best news source on the internet that night. The next day I unsubbed from r/news, but of course you don't care.

[–]CrudOMatic 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

Say goodbye to Safe Harbor law, Spez. The moment it was revealed that admins edit comments, was the moment that safe harbor no longer applies - the integrity of user comments & posts comes into question. Reddit can now be held responsible for the content of user's comments & posts. Hell, all a user would have to argue is that the admins changed their comment and slipped something illegal in it to frame them.

Congrats, you fucking idiot.

[–]mwm5062 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

How do you feel about this post? Seems like they are actively trying to get you fired IRL from your job at Reddit. https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/5frixo/breaking_spez_the_spaz_finally_addresses_the/

[–]destrovel_H -1ポイント0ポイント  (92子コメント)

I'm sick of this and so is the rest of reddits users. t_d has done all of the things that have gotten other subreddits banned repeatedly throughout the past, but they don't get banned because of some sort of special treatment. the users aren't going to stop breaking the rules. t_d is without a doubt eventually going to get banned. quit trying to fix things with people who won't change and just ban the fucking thing already.

[–]Delusional_Dreamer- 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'm proud to say I defended you when everyone ridiculed what you did, and I'll wear my ban from r/The_Donald with pride, for I gained it for saying that spez's actions weren't as bad as they appeared.

[–]eagle628 28ポイント29ポイント  (6子コメント)

Posts stickied on r/the_donald will no longer appear in r/all. r/all is not our frontpage, but is a popular listing that our most engaged users frequent, including myself. The sticky feature was designed for moderators to make announcements or highlight specific posts. It was not meant to circumvent organic voting, which r/the_donald does to slingshot posts into r/all, often in a manner that is antagonistic to the rest of the community.

Wow, it took you a full year to figure that out?

[–]Bluboon 170ポイント171ポイント  (39子コメント)

Can you guys do something about default subs like /r/politics, /r/news, and /r/worldnews being so biased? t's irritating to see so many posts hit /r/all from /r/undelete and other sources. I'm sympathetic to /r/the_donald for this reason only as I feel a lot of the toxicity is just that they are censored from every other part of reddit just for stating facts that others would like to ignore and minimize.

[–]Robotlollipops 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

Well I wasn't personally affected by what you did, but thanks for letting us filter r/all now! Hell yeah

[–]2d15d7c4 2ポイント3ポイント  (26子コメント)

What about vote manipulation and bot armies? What about their brigading other areas of Reddit? Their censorship? They are dedicated to promoting hate, not discussing politics. That can't be allowed to fester.

[–]Qu1nlan 23ポイント24ポイント  (64子コメント)

As a default mod, while I realize you regret your comment editing actions and that they won't happen again, I also realize that this may leave a permanent scar on my communities. Just like I've spent the last year dealing with users screaming "SHILL!" whenever they spotted a liberal comment, I'm now afraid of dealing with users screaming "EDITED!" when they see a pro-mod or admin comment. How can you help us mitigate this?

[–]lookatmyfangs 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

This is not an apology, this a backhanded slap against T_D.

This is not right. People may celebrate their bubbles right now, but this will not heal our country, community or website.

Also, what spez did was too much. I am sorry spez but this all of this, the drama, the controversy and the response has all been very disappointing to me.

[–]Jess_than_three 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

Hi /u/spez,

Moving into the future, what criteria will be used to determine whether a subreddit is toxic enough to be quarantined or banned? What level of evidence will be expected from users making such a case?

Leaving aside "troublesome users", what kind of consequences can be expected for subreddits whose users are demonstrably engaged in botting in order to hit the top of /r/all? At the very least, might it be reasonable to manually exclude submissions from such communities from feeds like /r/all?

Finally, on an unrelated note...

At one time, a policy was introduced which stated that no sexualized photos of people would be allowed on reddit without subjects' consent. On paper, this sounded like a great way to get rid of the remaining "creepshots" subreddits, as well as who knows how much revenge porn, etc. (Which is a good thing, right? Surely it's non-controversial that nobody should have their their nude photos shared online to an audience of millions of strangers - and potentially non-strangers: friends, family members, coworkers, classmates, hiring managers...? - without their consent and typically without even their knowledge.) But in practice the site remains a venue for any amount of that stuff, including things where the lack of consent is pretty obvious (as well as at least a few still present "creepshots"-style subreddits). It ultimately ended up, given that it was announced in the wake of /r/creepshots being shut down, appearing to be nothing more than a shield for the admins to hide behind any time a woman found out that she was both unlucky enough to have her photos spread around and lucky enough to A) find out at all and B) be enough of a celebrity to put pressure on the website. Is there any plan to actually enforce this policy in a meaningful way, or does it just exist to protect those who can afford expensive attorneys?


[–]simshim 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

/u/spez your comments are littered with contradictory statements.

/r/The_Donald bans people for what you advocate you want to see Reddit be, inclusive. You can't have a differing opinion on /r/The_Donald, if you do you will be banned from that subreddit. How is that healing? How is that coming together? How is that NOT toxic? How is that not enforcing an ideology of exclusion? How is that not making Reddit more divided?

Just because you're an admin of Reddit doesn't make you impervious to lying bullshit statements, because your comment is quite literally full of them. I hope you realize you are on a high horse and using your Admin status to showcase that.

BTW, /r/The_Donald isn't the only cesspool Reddit houses. It's just one of the loudest. There are far worse subs than The_D. And for you to single out /r/The_Donald goes even further to showcase your bias.

It's a damn shame you are an admin here. It really is, this website is too large and impactful for such a delusional hypocrite believing their own bullshit to have control over it.

[–]Chron_X 166ポイント167ポイント  (81子コメント)

Why is r/the_donald being called out for creative use of mechanics while SRS and SRD have failed to follow rules including doxing users, leaving usernames and subreddit information in screenshots posted to the subreddit, frequently posting participation links, and calling for vote brigading. One user even wrote and disseminated a Firefox/Chrome script that automatically down voted and hid any r/the_donald post. Most of the users of r/the_donald have followed all rules to their letter because of persecution, special rulings, harassment, and generally being treated with disdain by the admin team while other subreddits have maintained a flagrant disregard for all rules and it is never, ever talked about.

There's a reason one of the largest subreddit community is angry with you and the admins. It's because of the double standard and persecution.

Edit: I cannot confirm or deny that the admins have edited this post.

[–]DownvoteThisUsername 44ポイント45ポイント  (20子コメント)

This division of the US that you speak of is made up in your mind.

I work with many individuals everyday from every background imaginable and we get along fine. I think the illusion of division is blown out of proportion by heads of media like yourself.

I will get downvoted for this, but seriously, everyone needs to calm the fuck down. Especially people like yourself who have influence over information disseminated to the public. Stop making excuses and be accountable.

An apology is not an apology if you feel the need to try and justify your actions to the people you have harmed.

[–]AnIrishgEnt52 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

u/spez I am more concerned that your changes have even affected our personal front page outside of r/all.

Just went through 6 pages of my feed and there was not a single r/the_donald post. Yes, a lot of the community is a cancer. But if you're going to go this far to block it why don't you just nut up and out right ban it?

[–]soicanbefree 120ポイント121ポイント  (58子コメント)

Are you addressing any other toxic communities or only targeting t_d?

[–]trogers1995 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

You didn't distracted me from my holidays, so your cool with me!

[–]homerghost 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

I get that reddit is a private company, but it was built on the concept of free speech. You irreparably violated that idea over a petty dispute, and you violated reddit's own Content Policy in the process.

I think you should step down as CEO. I'm not Pro-Trump and these are scary, uncertain times, and reddit deserves to be a beacon of fairness and unshakeable integrity. However, you displayed an inherent lack of judgement and you crossed a line that should never have been crossed.

I don't have confidence that this will be an isolated compromise of integrity, and I am not comfortable with you at the helm of my favourite website.

Edit: And respectfully, it's not sincere to sweep your accountability under the carpet by making the focus of your apology "but guys, I'm suppressing the Donald Trump subreddit!"

Reddit-at-large hates Trump, so that comes off as cheap obfuscation.

[–]shieeet 9ポイント10ポイント  (3子コメント)

Thank you! /r/the_donald spam was so toxic and annoying, fuck those guys

[–]matjam -7ポイント-6ポイント  (4子コメント)

subs that don't allow free discussion of threads that appear in /r/all like the_donald don't deserve to appear in /r/all.

Please filter the_donald out of /r/all for everyone until they amend their comment policy to allow dissenting views.

[–]dragontology -19ポイント-18ポイント  (15子コメント)

I might be in the minority, but I'm all for censoring hate groups. Reddit is a private company, and if they want to censor hate groups, that's entirely up to them. Plus, Voat has made itself available for these hate groups to thrive. And there's also 4chan. So shitposters have a place to go. I'm okay with Reddit welcoming them and I'm also okay with Reddit messing with them, or banning them entirely. Free speech is a government thing, and I'm all for that, but Reddit isn't the government.

[–]BAWLS_Life 13ポイント14ポイント  (7子コメント)

So can I filter out /r/politics /r/the_donald etc?

Those subs are ruining Reddit as a whole.

[–]darexinfinity 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

More than anything, I want Reddit to heal

Sorry spez, there will be no healing taking place. Like this country, it's impossible to satisfy everyone. Even Trump supporters will splinter and they will take their frustration out on reddit. Until bans are sent out you'll just be playing wack-a-mole.

[–]Indenturedsavant 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

It's interesting to see the difference in the dialogue here vs that in /r/the_donald where they are ban happy against dissenters. Anyways, /u/spez is anything being done to combat the vote manipulation occurring in /r/the_donald such as the scripts

see here

and here

And using css to remove the downvote button. I have no doubt that they think they are victims and that this justifies their actions but how does this not go against the site rules? Also /r/the_donald is the most visible offenders here but this is likely happening to a lesser extent with other subs as well.

Thanks for the apology but I agree that it is fun to troll the trollers especially in a case like this where they can't handle what they try to dish out. Hopefully one day they will see the irony in their completes about overreacting SJWs and safe spaces.

[–]ragonads 73ポイント74ポイント  (13子コメント)

I thought it was laughable you claimed to receive "plenty of support" from r/the_donald, but what's actually concerning is the concept of you yet again changing the way Reddit works because a subreddit that has different political views than yourself figured out how to use it while breaking zero rules. It would be just as simple to sticky links to posts, but this isn't the worst part. The worst part is this:

More than anything, I want Reddit to heal, and I want our country to heal, and although many of you have asked us to ban the r/the_donald outright, it is with this spirit of healing that I have resisted doing so.

Which seems like you saying, "I want to ban these people for disagreeing with me, but it will make me look bad. It totally isn't my idea!", and also this:

We will continue taking on the most troublesome users, and going forward, if we do not see the situation improve, we will continue to take privileges from communities whose users continually cross the line—up to an outright ban.

After seeing those chatlogs from you conversing with other power moderators, we should be seeing some new, unbiased, bipartisan staff. It makes no sense for people as biased as you to arbitrarily decide that if enough people are mean on a subreddit, the whole subreddit gets shut down. How is there even any way of differentiating who only came there to act like one of them (with more vitriolic statements) with the hopes of getting it shut down, now that you've openly said you will ban the subreddit if there is enough hate speech on it?

I really think it's time to step down, /u/spez, unless you can somehow stop trying to talk your way out of this and acknowledge the bias against conservatives stemming from the highest places in Reddit. It is entirely hypocritical to pretend Reddit is a place for open discussion, but actively work against any discussion that you don't personally agree with. The fact that you can't handle being called a "cuck" without using your administrative power to lash out is more than enough demonstration you should not be in charge of a website with several dozen millions of users.

[–]bigblackkittie 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

You can modify the filters by visiting r/all on the desktop web (I’m old, sorry), but it will affect all platforms, including our native apps on iOS and Android.


[–]bad_with_stress -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

Well you kind of made reddit gold obsolete with filtering /r/all being default, but this is a great post and I honestly don't care about the "trust" people have in a website that has a major forum dedicated to BlackPeopleTwitter or High Quality Meta Gifs.

It's Reddit, not a .gov address...

[–]BAWguy -3ポイント-2ポイント  (2子コメント)

Honestly if there's any community I don't mind this happening to, it's the Donald. If their mods/users ran this place, they'd do BS like that literally all the time. We've seen from the example you cite in this very post that they love to circumvent and manipulate rules anyway.

[–]Kodakgee 11ポイント12ポイント  (0子コメント)

/u/spez Your title is misleading. You didn't fuck up today by editing comments and creating an unnecessary controversy. You fucked up LAST WEEK for that. How come it took you so long to apologize? And why is your apology so weak? Why are you punishing the_d now after "trolling" them with your edits last week? Can you even acknowledge that The_d was only made because of the heavy censorship by subreddits like /r/politics which is something you allowed?

[–]gasface 6ポイント7ポイント  (2子コメント)

Glorious! Would LOVE to know how many users have immediately filtered t_d. I has been unbearable browsing /r/ for the past nine months because I simply cannot stand politics. I have a feeling I will soon be filtering /r/enoughtrumpspam as well.

[–]notyours 7ポイント8ポイント  (0子コメント)

We will continue taking on the most troublesome users, and going forward, if we do not see the situation improve, we will continue to take privileges from communities whose users continually cross the line—up to an outright ban.

So when are you going to ban yourself?