I know the title is somewhat bait-y but, I don't know what else to ask. Trump's cabinet seems to be focused with honestly just making everyone's lives exponentially worse. Gutting education, getting rid of jobs, lowering wages, hell, Darth Priebus said that a focal-point of the administration will be climate change denial, i.e. destroying the fucking planet.
There isn't a shred of good in these people anymore. They're no longer acting in some misguided Christian extremism, they're not even just helping out the rich, they're making sure they fuck over everyone else in the process. It was bad when they were cruel utilitarians, now they're just insane despots and demagogues, dystopia justifies the means, like a bunch of omnicidal nihilists. And, they're supporters aren't much better, they think this is a fucking game, it'd be like setting your own house on fire to take the other person inside it with you, republican voters have essentially set themselves on fire to flip off liberals one last time. What the fuck!?
[–]some_asshat [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)