Fallout 4, where talking to feral deathclaws is apparently possible...

Discussion in 'Fallout 4' started by ThatZenoGuy, Nov 20, 2016.

  1. ThatZenoGuy

    ThatZenoGuy Residential Sexy Anthro Goddess...Mutant.

    Nov 8, 2016

    Does anyone find this out of whack? Even for fallout?

    They could have at least made it intelligent or something.

    Since when did deathclaws NOT just assrape you into red paste?
  2. Prone Squanderer

    Prone Squanderer A bit of a Sillius Soddus.

    Jan 3, 2016
    Sole Survivor: "Good boy stay, good Deathclaw!"

    Deathclaw: '...wow you're so stupid, I don't know what to say. They chose you as the protagonist? . . . Go ahead, carry on talking down to me, I'm smarter by default because I don't talk!'

    Deathclaws are friendly if you return their eggs! That's how I was able to waltz through the quarry in New Vegas without a scratch-wait no I was cut down in an instant.
  3. ThatZenoGuy

    ThatZenoGuy Residential Sexy Anthro Goddess...Mutant.

    Nov 8, 2016
    Its kinda funny how the deathclaw is, statisticaly, more docile than the protagonist.

    Imagine how many countless people the Sole Survivor has killed, without provocation, or simply being told to do so by some retards *Cough* Preston *Cough*.

    Meanwhile the deathclaw entirely forgives a thief who is returning its eggs.
    • [Like] [Like] x 4
  4. Prone Squanderer

    Prone Squanderer A bit of a Sillius Soddus.

    Jan 3, 2016
    Maybe he felt pity for the protagonist for being in Fallout 4, or had just given up at that point.
  5. ThatZenoGuy

    ThatZenoGuy Residential Sexy Anthro Goddess...Mutant.

    Nov 8, 2016
    Haha, maybe.

    Looking at the claw, it really says to me that the deathclaw is going, "Oh god, please just leave me alone, maybe if I just stare at you, you wont murderfuck me"
  6. Millim

    Millim Kylo Ken

    Oct 13, 2010
    What are deathclaws doing outsize of the Fallout franchise? Is this some kind of crappy spin off by a company with nothing to do with Fallout?
    • [Like] [Like] x 1
  7. therealyesman

    therealyesman The Master Puppet

    Nov 19, 2016
    Talking to a feral deathclaw is like a ghoul not drinking for 200 years!

    oh wait.
    • [Like] [Like] x 2
  8. ThatZenoGuy

    ThatZenoGuy Residential Sexy Anthro Goddess...Mutant.

    Nov 8, 2016
    Been playing Fallout 1-2 recently, and this really pisses me off.

    Thus far I have not seen anything which breaks my suspension of disbelief.

    But in Fallout 3, we have that kid who has somehow survived giant fire breathing ants, raiders, and more. And little lamplight, which has somehow not died out, despite myself seeing several fucking deathclaws roam around outside it.

    Fallout 4? Apparently ghouls are zombies, and don't need water or food.
  9. therealyesman

    therealyesman The Master Puppet

    Nov 19, 2016
    Ghouls are just humans with weird skin.

    According to Fallout 4, radiation heals ghouls, which is weird since radiation helps the feral process.

    About the Little Lamplight, I agree. Fallout 3 tried to hard with the 'fun stuff' including a republic of dave, which I didn't find interesting, and a settlement for kids. It. makes. no. sense that the slavers didn't invade it, it was defended by a little kid. They could easily enslave them all.
  10. SarcasticGoodGuy

    SarcasticGoodGuy West coast best coast

    Aug 31, 2016
    But but but... Fallout is meant to be wacky wasteland fun!

    It was the nasty pre-war world that was evil and spooky. With their pre-war locations filled with Draugr. And their endless respawning loot. Those big old corporations... the corporations sit there in their... in their corporation buildings, and... and, and see, they're all corporationy... and they make money!
    • [Like] [Like] x 1
  11. ThatZenoGuy

    ThatZenoGuy Residential Sexy Anthro Goddess...Mutant.

    Nov 8, 2016
    IIRC, its canon in 1-2 that they are immune to radiation, but not healed by it, right?

    Being healed by radiation is a silly mechanic added in FO3, which I disliked.

    And yeah, Ghouls are just weird skinned people, rather weak too.

    They can't even run!
  12. Prone Squanderer

    Prone Squanderer A bit of a Sillius Soddus.

    Jan 3, 2016

    I've never understood how Little Lamplight could continue to exist. Where are the kids who live there coming from? Are we to believe they leave for Bigtown, fuck and have kids of their own, and then send them back to Lamplight? That or the implications get much worse.
    • [Like] [Like] x 2
  13. ThatZenoGuy

    ThatZenoGuy Residential Sexy Anthro Goddess...Mutant.

    Nov 8, 2016
    On the way to bigtown, I met at least 2 deathclaws, 10 supermutants, 5 scorpions (one of which was an albino), and at least 4 robots (one sentry bot).

    No fuckign way anyone makes it to and from the place.
  14. JO'Geran

    JO'Geran Inspector Javert

    Oct 25, 2015
    I would like to point out that Ghouls have always had extended lifespans, and have always had some kind of immunity to radiation.

    That being said, Bethesda takes that way too far. The originals established that while Ghouls do live longer, they still do age, with Set's son being an old man by the events of Fallout 2. They also only stated Ghouls enjoy being around radiation, and there was no evidence that it healed them.

    As for the Feral Process, that's mostly a Bethesda invention as well. The "Crazies" in Fallout 1 were essentially just delusional, and there's no evidence to suggest that they were completely mindless(Hell, they could still use weapons)
    • [Like] [Like] x 1
  15. Prone Squanderer

    Prone Squanderer A bit of a Sillius Soddus.

    Jan 3, 2016
    Disclaimer: The following may in fact be a stupid question.

    If ferals become mindless, how come they don't attack each other or ordinary ghouls? They should be completely hostile if their brains have become so damaged.
  16. ThatZenoGuy

    ThatZenoGuy Residential Sexy Anthro Goddess...Mutant.

    Nov 8, 2016
    IIRC, the only 'aggressive' ghouls in 1, was some in necropolis, who were entirely 'inteligent', they were just really fucking aggressive.

    Even the glowing ones were more than reasonable, allowing you to take the chip if you repair their water purifier.
  17. Prone Squanderer

    Prone Squanderer A bit of a Sillius Soddus.

    Jan 3, 2016
    Resolution of conflict through dialogue?

    What a stupid idea, who wants to stand around talking when you can just blast 'em?

    I really need to play Fallout 1 again.
  18. ThatZenoGuy

    ThatZenoGuy Residential Sexy Anthro Goddess...Mutant.

    Nov 8, 2016
    Fallout 1 is nice, but I feel there's not that much to do. Fallout 2 has been kicking my ass with how much quests there are.

    And the first time I played fallout 1, I massacred all the ghouls XD
  19. SarcasticGoodGuy

    SarcasticGoodGuy West coast best coast

    Aug 31, 2016
    > XD

    ffs I was starting to like you
  20. therealyesman

    therealyesman The Master Puppet

    Nov 19, 2016
    Why did you massacre the ghouls?!?!?! HOW DARE YOU