Free Minds & Free Markets

Student’s Reaction to Trump Win: ‘Suck It Up, Pussies.’ Police Are Investigating This Hate Crime.

Edgewood College calls post-it-note a cowardly act of hate and intimidation

Post-it-noteDiego / DreamstimeAt Edgewood College, police are investigating a post-it-note that was deemed a "hate crime" by college officials.

The post-it-note says "Suck it up, pussies!" Whoever wrote it also drew a winking, tongue-out smiley face, like this:


The message is evidently one student's response to the Madison, Wisconsin, college's overwhelming dejection following Donald Trump's election to the presidency.

Students had been invited to express their feelings about the election by writing them on post-it-notes and placing them on a designated table. The post-it-note in question appeared in the window of the Office of Student Diversity and Inclusion instead, according to Campus Reform.

College Vice President Tony Chambers sent a letter to campus condemning this "act of cowardly hatred" and "intimidation." He wrote:

A group of cross-functional college staff representing campus security, student conduct, human resources, Title IX enforcement, and diversity and inclusion measures convened Tuesday morning to discuss how to address the hateful message. This group determined that the message constituted a Hate Crime…

College officials informed the Madison police, and now the cops are investigating. They are investigating a post-it-note. With a non-threatening message and a smiley face on it. After inviting students to express their feelings via post-it-note.

That's hate for you, I guess.

Edgewood is asking anyone with knowledge of this hate crime to come forward and help the police catch the perpetrator, because it's such a very serious matter.

Administrators did not respond to a request for comment.

Photo Credit: Dreamstime

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  • Zero Sum Game||

    Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me.
    I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed.

  • RAHeinlein||


  • C. Anacreon||

    +1 hey now, you're an all-star

  • MarkLastname||

    Was she looking kinda dumb with her finger and her thumb in the shape of an L on her forehead?

  • Pro Libertate||

    It's a total mystery why people aren't voting for more of this. I'm perplexed.

  • John||

    Me too. How can people possibly not want to live in a world where hurt feelings are a crime?

  • Pro Libertate||

    Seriously, with all of this nonsense, why is there any federal funding of education at all? Not just speaking libertarian here, the whole business is completely absurd. Lord knows all those billions spent have done less than nothing--they've done definite harm.

  • John||

    Public funding of education needs to die. Just go to a true voucher system and be done with it. If people want to use their vouchers to pay for this nonsense, let them. But let those who want better things for their money go elsewhere.

  • Agammamon||

    Vouchers are still public funding. And people who want public funding don't want vouchers because it takes away the primary purpose of public funding - giving *them* control.

  • Austrian Anarchy||

    Right on!

  • I can't even||

    Well... I pay over $1k a month in property taxes AND tuition for a parochial high school. Just giving me back some of my money doesn't much seem like public funding.

  • A frilly pink thing||

    ^what he said

  • Hyperion||

    "Well... I pay over $1k a month in property taxes"

    You 1 percenter libertarian koch puppets still are not paying your fair share!

  • Mr Drew||

    Damn right. I'm a real estate investor. I pay more property taxes every year than most people pay in their lifetimes. And my kid goes to a private school because the local pub school has been on "academic emergency" for years.

    Vouchers ain't perfect but it's a start.

  • Marshall Gill||

    Just spitballing here but how about, instead of taking the money and then giving it back to you we just simply cut taxes? Administering a voucher system with government union employees isn't exactly efficient.

  • A frilly pink thing||

    "Vouchers are still public funding."

    Are they though? When you are giving back money people have paid, it stretches the definition too much to fit, IMO.

  • robc||

    But some people are getting back more than they paid and some less. Hence, still public funding via transfer program.

  • A frilly pink thing||

    "But some people are getting back more than they paid and some less. Hence, still public funding via transfer program."

    Every single person who got back less could make the very persuasive argument that they were paying for it themselves and it was not Public Funding

  • SugarFree||

    Ahem, quite a few people paying for schools don't have any children in them current or any children at all.

  • A frilly pink thing||

    I am both aware, and unsure how that matters here.

    In fact, I am one.

  • A frilly pink thing||

    I don't understand what people are having trouble with.

    Let's say person A pays 10k in property tax. He recieves a voucher for 8k back. I don't know that I can call that public funding.

    I mean, technically, it all is since it passed through government hands but…

    Now lets take person B. He got the extra 2k. He definitely got "public funding".

    But the guy who got his money back, minus 2k? Sorry, that's his, not public, money.

    So, sure, some vouchers are public funding. But some aren't. And I have trouble making a blanket declaration that they are all public funding in that case.

  • DrOtto||

    It's still classic redistribution. Take from all then dole out based on the needs of a few for the betterment of all.

  • Murray Rothtard||

    Can I buy hookers and blow with my voucher? No? Shit. I guess the reality is that no one is actually getting any money back at all. We are just publicly funding a government program.

    Your argument is basically that nothing in the world is publicly funded from the point of view of a wealthy person. They are just buying services afterall (worth extra money disappearing). It's those poor people that are doing all the public funding. It's pretty stupid.

  • Marshall Gill||

    Your numbers are a bit off. In the cheapest of places in the country, 10k doesn't even cover the cost of one student. In Pennsylvania, and DC the number is in excess of $20k a year. Also, some percentage of property taxes goes to other things besides public schools.

    So sure, some of the very wealthy do not receive public funding. And why pay bureaucrats to collect the money and then pay it out via vouchers? Why not simply reduce taxes?

  • I can't even||

    Some would argue that destroying education was the entire purpose of federal funding. It certainly is the result.

  • Hyperion||

    You just don't understand what education is. Education is teaching people how to think the right things, or else.

  • To: Trshmnstr From: Hrod [C]||

    THIS^^. The public education system was designed to churn out "good citizens" (where good is defined as submissive). If it were designed to provide children with the skills required to be an adult, there'd be much more time spent on personal finance and much less on putting condoms on bananas.

  • BigW||

    It was originally designed to turn out "good citizens" then they decided to turn out "revolutionaries".

  • MarkLastname||

    I think public education is designed mainly to give jobs to people who can't to much else and pay them more than they're worth.

  • Eman||

    If those who can't do teach, where does that put professors of education?

  • ||

    Eman: The absolute bottom pond scum of the barrel.

  • Tim from Philly||

    Shit, I think you just brokded mine brian

  • Threedoor||

    Below coaches.

  • I am the 0.000000013%||

    Those who can't do, teach. Those who can't teach get some other government job.

  • skidmark||

    I'm not much of a Matt Damon fan, but there's such a good message from Good Will Hunting. I know it's just a movie, but there's a lot of truth that a public library can give you the best education ever. And no outside influence from lefty, nutjob professors to push you in their direction of thinking.

  • A Thinking Mind||

    I was fine with that, but he later gave a wholehearted endorsement to "A People's History of the United States." It could perhaps be an interesting read, but it's overpowering in its obvious bias and its blatant misuse of sources. It's bad history written solely to drive home a point by playing hard and loose with the facts.

    You can get a great education from a public library, and you can also get a crappy, misleading education from one as well.

  • Ayn Random Variation||

    Oops. Sorry it took me awhile to get my post to go through

  • JoblessBoss||

    I think you're misunderstanding the scene in which he endorses that book. They're establishing him as a young, cock-sure kid who despite his brilliance is naive about life. This is why after he says it, Robin Williams deadpans "yeah or how bout Chomsky Understanding Power" with a look on his face that just screams 'you'll learn someday, you dumb kid' to which Damon, sensing that he's being out-maneuvered by a more experienced debator, shrugs, offers a non-response, and changes the subject. His character doesn't actually believe in the book's message (or any political ideology, that I can see), it's just a statement of rebellion against the establishment authority, and at this point in the film he still sees Williams as the authority figure against which to rebel.

    I've heard a number of people make that claim regarding this scene, and it just never read that way to me, even as a teenager. I think some of the reasoning comes from Damon's own politics. But while he is no doubt a derp-tastic prog of the highest order, I've never seen anything to suggest he's a Chomsky-ite.

    But then again, this might just be the over-analysis of a guy with too much time on his hands.

  • Ayn Random Variation||

    That movie lost me when genius Damon said everybody reads the wrong books...that A People's History of the US was where it's at.

  • Suicidy||

    Why do the police not merely beat the shit out of college officials for wasting their time?

  • Johnny B||

    "Leads, yeah, sure. I'll just check with the boys down at the crime lab, they've got four more detectives working on the case. They got us working in shifts!"
    "I wouldn't hold out much hope for the tape deck, though."
    "Or the Creedence"

  • Johnny B||

    Oops! I see Cato beat me to it.

  • Cy||

    Because they're probably getting paid overtime to go 'look into' this. It'll be even more spectacularly 'government' when they 'find' someone who meets the profile they want to persecute in front of the right people.

  • mtrueman||

    "I'm perplexed."

    Consider college enrollment. Never been higher. And the students are there voluntarily. If they wanted to avoid these conflicts, they could have stayed at home. But exposure to these sort of arbitrary and draconian rules and regulations prepares them for the working world, where the stakes are much higher.

  • Zunalter||

    A group of cross-functional college staff representing campus security, student conduct, human resources, Title IX enforcement, and diversity and inclusion measures

    I think I see your problem...

  • DOOMco||

    those things are very related and in no way could they end in a conflict of interest.

  • C. Anacreon||

    I'm sorry if I'm way behind the times and ignorant, but what the fuck does 'cross-functional' even mean?

  • I can't even||

    A big group of people with different made-up jobs who pretend to be busy with things you are too ignorant to understand.

  • tarran||

    They take the laziest, least productive, or most annoying people from multiple different departments and put them in a room and give them nebulous goals utterly lacking any metrics or quantifiable targets.

  • DOOMco||


  • Crusty Juggler||

    Time to polish off the ol' resume.

  • Slumbrew||

    These euphemisms...

  • I can't even||

    On the bright side - no way in hell that clown-show catch the shtilord responsible for this heinous crime unless somebody rats him out.

  • Scarecrow & WoodChipper Repair||

    Fingerprints, DNA. No expense spared.

  • CatoTheChipper||

  • Paulpemb||

    Now, now. Rolling Stone and UVA have shown us that you don't have to prove somebody committed a crime before you start punishing people. Heck, you don't even need a real crime.

    There will be mandatory diversity and sensitivity reeducation for everybody on campus, particularly heterosexual white males. The frat guys will go straight to the gulag.

  • SchillMcGuffin||

    Years ago my boss was outraged to discover, during the annual self-evaluation/goal-setting period, that our CEO had set "goals" based on valuing diversity and improving corporate culture. "Why would he set goals that have nothing to do with productivity and can't be objectively evaluated?" he asked. "Is that really a question?" I replied, and eventually the light bulb went on.

  • Paulpemb||

    That ain't workin', that's the way you do it...

  • BigW||

    It means the group is composed of members from every progressive victim group and has absolutely no conservative straight white men in it....

  • ||

    Yo mean absolutely no rational thoughts in it.

  • Cy||

    So... a line up for more 'Medals' from Obama?

  • Ted S.||

    They should have used the word "dysfunctional", not "cross-functional".

  • Rod Flash||

    It's where you take the word "Functional" and draw a big X through it.

  • C. S. P. Schofield||

    It means one half the square root of fuck all.

  • ||

    The meeting of the Ministry of Intellectual Curiosity was in session, that's all. Back to work prole.

  • DOOMco||

    how is this even a crime? the hate modifier is already unnecessary in general, but doesn't this take away from a real 'hate' crime?

  • Free Society||

    how is this even a crime? the hate modifier is already unnecessary in general,
  • Scarecrow & WoodChipper Repair||

    I would change all verdicts to only award restitution, owed to the victims (not the State; no fines), which has the nice side effect of eliminating victimless crimes.

  • Fist of Etiquette||

    Just as not all crimes are hate crimes, not all hate crimes are crimes.

  • John C. Randolph||

    It's not a crime.

    Source: US Constitution, first amendment.


  • DarrenM||

    Source: US Constitution, first amendment.

    You realize that's just a suggestion, right?

  • Set Us Up The Chipper||

    Also, something, something, white, something something slaves....

  • Fk Censorship||

    Also , something something fire something crowded theater.

  • Steve Bumgardner||

    Also, something something not a Federal law something something.

  • Cy||

    It's a 'living document' after all!

  • Bra Ket||

    biased right-wing source can't be trusted.

  • Austrian Anarchy||

    If you read the First Amendment like the Second Amendment, none of the words mean what you think they mean.

  • Hyperion||

    It isn't. End of story. Those people are living outside of reality.

  • Zeb||

    It is in no way a crime (unless it was vandalism somehow). And in no way hateful as far as I can see.

    I really find the way "hate" gets used to be very stupid. It seems to have come to mean "being a dick". "Hate speech" is defined based on content and not by the motivation of the speaker. Using certain words is considered hateful, even though the motivation for using such words could be humor or just trying to annoy people. It's terrible. Hate should be a significant thing. I wouldn't even say I hate most people who I dislike or wish would disappear. Hate is reserved for people I would kill with my own hands, absent consequences.

  • DOOMco||

    vandalism could make sense in a ridiculous interpretation. its a sticky note, just take it off.

  • C. Anacreon||

    vandalism could make sense in a ridiculous interpretation. its a sticky note, just take it off.

    But what about the stickum that remains on the window. Have you ever tried to clean that off, have you?
    Have you?

    That stickum can ruin the glass and you can never get a nice clear pane again. That's vandalism.

  • To: Trshmnstr From: Hrod [C]||

    *introduces C. Anacreon to Goo Gone*

  • ||

    My dyslexia made me think that was a self-help divorce kit for me to break up with my korean wife.

    Totally fraudulent advertising if you ask me.

  • Cy||

    This smells like a hate crime. CALL THE POLICE!

  • I can't even||

    He vandalized their feelings.

  • Zeb||

    Oh, yeah, it's ridiculous. But the only possible way I could think of that it could be considered a crime at all.

  • SugarFree||

    Not vandalism. Students were invited to put post-its on the table.

  • paranoid android||

    Not that this affects whether or not it was a hate crime, but in the interest of accuracy, this note was on the diversity office's window, not the table. It's unclear where these locations are in relation to one another.

  • SugarFree||

    Ahh, crap. I skimmed that part. Mostly because the whole thing is so dumb it makes my teeth hurt.

  • Zeb||

    No, I didn't really think it was.

  • Austrian Anarchy||

    Because, because, because, maaaan, the school is going to have to, like, spend lots of money for counseling and comforting maaaah!

  • Get To Da Chippah||

    These snowflakes hate what the note says and wish speech they didn't like was illegal. Ergo, hate crime.

  • Mr Drew||

    It's like the proggies are all shouting "I just can't get enough of losing elections!"

  • Bodica Slayer of Woodchip||

    And they called the police . . . .

  • Zeb||

    I want to know what the police say when they get that call. I'd hope something like "uh, what law is it even remotely possible that this person broke?" or "stop wasting our time, you fucking pussy", but I suspect it's not that.

  • Res ipsa loquitur||

    I would have so much fun trolling these kids were I to go back to school today.......

  • Zeb||

    I have thought that many times. I did some low grade trolling of the overly earnest in college, but that was some time ago now and the opportunities today would be incredible.

  • Vapourwear||

    That is important, after all.

  • Johnny B||

    A target rich environment!

  • Zero Sum Game||

    Would it be a hate crime if someone put Nair in the Suave bottle?

  • Free Society||

    If you did it to Robby, yes. It would utterly strip him of his identity.

  • Agammamon||

    Think of the damage it would do to the rest of us if that glorious mane were to be harmed. Its like . . . cutting down a really, really old tree or something.

  • BenG||

    It would be the commetariet 9/11.

  • Vapourwear||

    His name is Alex...

  • sesuncedu||

    That's more of a hat crime.

  • Mr. Paulbotto||

    Paging Swiss Servator, your assistance is needed at aisle 5...

  • kinnath||

    Did someone get it in their eyes?

  • Zeb||

    No, but at least it would be legitimately a crime.

  • BenG||

    Man, college kids just can't handle the bantz.

  • Juvenile Bluster||

    Administrators did not respond to a request for comment.

    Possibly because they saw your request as a threat and have begun an investigation.

  • A Thinking Mind||

    Time for more subpoenas.

  • TheZeitgeist||

    ...cross-functional college staff representing campus security, student conduct, human resources, Title IX enforcement, and diversity and inclusion measures convened Tuesday…

    Kinda busy org chart for 2800 students, 1600 full-time (I looked it up).

  • kinnath||

    It's just two gender-scramble individuals who play dress-up.

  • TheZeitgeist||

    All they're missing is a Financially Challenged Student & LGBTQ Coordinator to agitate about college costing too much.

  • 0x90||

    More crying wolf. Language is effectively a limited resource; when, for purposes of political expediency, you hijack language itself, recasting simple dissension as constituting literal violence, where will you turn when the real thing rears its head?

  • Ken Shultz||

    I appreciate this.

    But it's also true that when confronting real Nazis, working with argument and persuasion isn't likely to achieve anything.

    Persuasion is really for third party observers.

    NSFW The following video substituted an old school bash crew song for what was being played on the stage.

    Anyway, here's a Nazi crew closing down an entire anti-racism music festival.

    Move in to 45 seconds.

    By my eye, it takes a couple dozen Nazis about a single minute to clear out the entire venue--thousands of people.

    They herded them out of there like sheep.

    The crying wolf part is also about when it's time to forget about free speech--and take it to the real Nazis. If we ever find ourselves subjected to a real fascist government, the First Amendment becomes less important and the Second Amendment becomes more so.

    And it's not like the real fascists are going to respect your free speech rights anyway.

    Those are for persuading third parties. You're never going to stop real fascists through criticism once they're in power. Free speech is for persuading people not to give in to fascism before the fascists take power. Anyone who is against free speech before the fascists take over is getting it all backwards and wrong. Free speech doesn't encourage fascists--it's what prevents them from getting power in the first place

    Taking free speech away makes it harder to fight against fascists taking power.

  • Tim from Philly||

    Those people are pussies. They outnumbered the skinheads by what, 5-1. Take 'em to school.
    It's what we did when I was a teenager and they tried to take over our shows.

  • Ceci n'est pas un woodchipper||

    I mean, I remember the Sharps (and other various groups) vs Hammerskins pretty clearly from my teenage years. The racist skins were scary primarily because they'd jump you in numbers and send you to the hospital, but like any bullies they'd run like bitches against anything like even numbers who put up a fight.

  • Tim from Philly||

    Exactly this. And that chain around my waist wasn't JUST to hold my pants up and look cool.

  • Ted S.||

    Those aren't Nazi skinheads; those are Commie skinheads.

  • Ken Shultz||

    They're fascists shutting down a rock against racism show.


  • Crusty Juggler||

    The post-it-note says "Suck it up, pussies!

    The overreaction to this note is ridiculous.

    Whoever wrote it also drew a winking, tongue-out smiley face

    Oh my God. Our nation is once again in ruins. We shall overcome this, America.

  • Pro Libertate||

    Ban Post-It notes across the land!

  • John||

    They are the tools of hate Pro. The tools of hate.

  • Pro Libertate||

    I mean, we're just banning paper, not speech.

  • CatoTheChipper||

    Please, please do not use the word "ban". We have never advocated a ban. We are strong supporters of the First Amendment.

    We are for common sense Post-It Note control.

    Common sense measures include a Post-It note registry, an identifying number on each Post-It Note, a 10-Note limit for each Post-It Note pad, an instant background check to determine whether a prospective purchaser has ever abused Post-It Notes, limits on the number of Post-It Notes purchased, and so forth.

    Because we care. For the children.

  • Fist of Etiquette||

    College Vice President Tony Chambers sent a letter to campus condemning this "act of cowardly hatred" and "intimidation."

    Whoa, whoa, whoa. Save the defcon one language for when there's a real hate crime, like a sidewalk chalking.

  • timbo||

    I guess this is proof that pussies go to Edgewood College.

  • C. Anacreon||

    The President-Elect can't wait to grab these pussies.

  • Set Us Up The Chipper||

    There are three kinds of people in this world...

  • This Machine Chips Fascists||

    Sounds like Tony fell into*dons sunglasses* a paper tiger trap.

  • Fist of Etiquette||


  • Marshall Gill||

    It's a crap!

    /Admiral Ackbar

  • Crusty Juggler||

    Suggested alt text:

    These eyes watched you bring my world to an end
    This heart could not accept and pretend

  • Mr. Dyslexic||

    Robby now writes articles for The Onion?

  • Hamster of Doom||

    College Vice President Tony Chambers sent a letter to campus condemning this "act of cowardly hatred" and "intimidation."

    At this point, I almost druther invest in my children's future career skills in any manner except formalized higher education.

  • Hyperion||

    If I had to start a career over again, it would still be in a technical field. Even more so, today. If I wanted to still be a coder, I'd go for AI or gaming. Other than that, any of the biotech fields or robotics.

  • DarrenM||

    That would be useful for when we replace college administrators with robots.

  • Spartacus||

    Robots are too smart to ever take that job.

  • Fist of Etiquette||

    Bee tee dubs, what does a Trump presidency mean for Title IX enforcement?

  • GILMORE™||

    there have been some quotes from 'subordinates' that suggested he's got the 'scrapping of the DoE's OCR' on his list of To-Dos

    In an interview with Inside Higher Ed in May, Sam Clovis, the national co-chair and policy director of Trump's campaign, suggested moving the Office for Civil Rights to the Justice Department's civil rights division. At a meeting with urban school superintendents last month, Trump's New York state co-chairman, Carl Paladino, characterized the Office for Civil Rights as unnecessary, calling it "self-perpetuating, absolute nonsense," and saying all campus discrimination cases should be handled by U.S. attorneys.

    There are lots of people with "compliance" jobs across the country having sleepless nights.

    The story there seems to sympathize, acting like the only thing keeping the Campus Rape Culture flood at bay is the Breakwater of OCR

  • Fist of Etiquette||

    I fear that to-do list isn't as set in stone as one might like.

  • GILMORE™||

    That interview was in May.

    That was like 2 centuries ago in Trump-political-years.

  • GILMORE™||

    according to Campus Reform.

    i think we might as well conduct a merger at this point

  • jack sprat||

    "Administrators did not respond to a request for comment."

    That's because there is a shortage of administrators. What these college needs is MORE administrators. For example there needs to be an administrator for the Office of Inclusion and Student Diversity to be a balance and work closely with the existing Office of Student Diversity and Inclusion. There is so much work to do.....

    *The Judean People's Front would approve.

  • flye||

    Alameda County DA's office opens hate crime hotline

    The Alameda County District Attorney's office activated a six-language hotline number for reporting of hate-related crimes, officials said Tuesday.
    "My office will be a leader in the fight against hate-based crimes and hateful rhetoric that targets any person or group of people."

    My emphasis. I assume she has her hands full with the protestors in Oakland shouting "fuck Trump" and making that phrase the graffiti of choice.

  • TheZeitgeist||

    Was going to make joke about suing if Tagalog wasn't one of included languages - because Tagalog, right?

    And holy shit joke's on me...

    The hotline number 510-208-4824 was launched Monday with outgoing messages in English, Spanish, Farsi, Mandarin, Cantonese and Tagalog.

  • flye||

    Farsi is the strange inclusion -- Tagalog is easily the most popular after Spanish and Chinese. Then Hindi, Vietnamese, Korean... Farsi is down the list for sure. Guess she's expecting massive Trump-related backlash against Iranians.

  • Bra Ket||

    what no message in sign language??

  • Entropy Drehmaschine Void||


  • Volren||

    I have the mental image of the office intern sitting in a room with six phones and some language handbooks.

  • I can't even||

    Are they trying to make nationalist re-education camps too tempting to resist?

    If everyone in that college was herded into such a camp, I'd be torn between fighting for the Constitution and volunteering as a Drill Instructor.

  • GroundTruth||

    How about a crowdsourced financial prize for the bold youngster?

  • The Fusionist||

    This is so ridiculous that Robby Soave even forgot to add a "to be sure" style disclaimer.

  • 0x90||

    He wanted to, but was worried that it might be a chargeable offense.

  • To: Trshmnstr From: Hrod [C]||

    Winner, Winner, Fair Trade Tofu Dinner

  • MarkLastname||

    They invited students to leave messages. One left a message that was neither hate nor crime. The pussies investigate if as a hate crime.

    Good to see admins learning from Vhairman Mao. Let 100 flowers bloom!

  • Johnny Hit n Run Paulene||

    I suggest a war on hate
    But it appears that I'm too late
    For one's been declared by the State
    To save every special snowflake
    From things that aren't even hate
    Much less crimes, for Chrissakes
    And thus my rhyming commentate

  • 0x90||

    So, we have people with guns investigating the act of writing words.

    Do students still write things? Let's get the handwriting experts on the case.

    Yes, let's keep going down that road, I'm sure it will end well.

  • I can't even||

    Does raise the question of why the fuck the Madison PD would agree to investigate the matter and what they would charge a suspect with if they identified him or her. No actual crimes in Madison to investigate?

  • 0x90||

    Not an actual crime? What, are you going to play semantics now?


  • DarrenM||

    The pen is mightier than the sword. Post-it notes beat both hands down.

  • Nwallins||

    The penis mightier than pussies

  • lafe.long||


    Hey, New Teachers, It's OK To Cry In Your Car

    Ellen Moir, CEO of the New Teacher Center, which runs mentor programs in roughly 200 districts nationwide, has decades of anecdotes to show that October hits hard. She even has a name for this time of year: The Disillusionment Phase.

    "As they get six or seven weeks into school, they realize how tough it is to be a really good teacher," says Moir. "They need someone saying, 'You are not horrible. You are not a fraud.' "

    First-year teachers who have someone they see as a mentor are more likely to stick it out. So, what about the new teachers who feel like they are out there on their own, with nothing more than a pat on the back and their own good intentions?

    For them, veteran teacher Roxanna Elden has developed a free "disillusionment power pack." After one week, more than 1,000 people have signed up to receive a month of motivating emails sent every few days from Elden, an English teacher at Hialeah High School near Miami who has been teaching for more than a decade.

    Her goal: get new teachers to Thanksgiving break.

    To this, I'm pretty sure my junior high shop teacher would say, "Suck it up, pussies"

  • flye||

    Followed by, now we're all going to learn to make horse head bookends.

  • Playa Manhattan.||

    This is after they've interacted with the administration and other teachers for a month, right?

  • Sevo||

    I well remember starting my professional career by having a highly-paid administrator holding my hand and making sure I wasn't under any sort of stress.

  • To: Trshmnstr From: Hrod [C]||

    "They need someone saying, 'You are not horrible. You are not a fraud.' "

    No, they needed a BA degree that involved doing actual rigorous work rather than becoming weekday night regulars at all of the campus bars. A BA in education is just behind grievance studies for its worthlessness.

    /stopping before i start ranting about our fucked up education system

  • C. Anacreon||

    "Anyone who doesn't understand the problems in the public education system never dated an elementary-education major in college."

    -PJ O'Rourke

  • The Last American Hero||

    Could Trump supporters flood the AG's office with complaints of HRC engaging in hate speech by calling them bigots and deplorables?

  • Austrian Anarchy||

    Apparently those words are protected since the Clinton invocation.

  • TheZeitgeist||

    OT, but Gavin Schmidt and his boys probably shitting pants right about now. Tee-hee.

  • Set Us Up The Chipper||

    Now THAT's Social Justice.

  • CatoTheChipper||


  • Zeb||

    Doesn't congress have something to do with that?

  • Austrian Anarchy||

    Funniest reaction by a snowflake factory yet.

  • John||

    Trump picks school choice advocate to head Department of Education. This seems like good news.

  • Crusty Juggler||

    Now Scamway is in the White House!!!

  • Bra Ket||

    Suffice to say the pussies are refusing to suck it up.

  • The Fusionist||

    There's still some good parts of higher education, but man, is there a lot of fat to trim.

    The schools which focus on actual career-enhancing majors, and who offer those majors to commuter and online students, will probably have a better chance of survival than the schools which double down on profiting from debt peonage.

  • To: Trshmnstr From: Hrod [C]||

    Yup. However, there's a culture shift that needs to happen/continue. College needs to be seen as a means to an end again, instead of the end itself. Until and unless little Johnny and Suzie can get an entry level secretarial or service job without those jobs requiring a not-remotely-relevant BA degree, colleges will have no incentive to change.

  • GroundTruth||

    (Liberal arts) college with a classical broad education is a fine goal. However, there are far too many professions which require a BA or BS that really only require about 2 years of trade school, and then some on the job experience. Accounting, all sorts of sales, med-tech, basic civil engineering even. What the liberal arts college should not be claiming, is that it will "prepare you for life". Living prepares you for life, studying others living prepares you for studying.

  • To: Trshmnstr From: Hrod [C]||

    (Liberal arts) college with a classical broad education is a fine goal.

    It is... for the wealthy. Unfortunately, a bunch of kids have been convinced that they should "broaden their horizons" before they figure out how they're going to pay for dinner.

  • Ceci n'est pas un woodchipper||

    Hi, web developer here. Four years of Poli Sci, three months of and working on personal projects. You know what the bitch of it is? We're hiring for another dev in my position. One of the requirements is a four-year degree in, and I'm totally serious, anything at all. Because we recognize, see, that people arrive at web dev from a number of different disciplines and often not as their initial career, but we still think that there's something magical that happens upon graduation from our nation's accredited colleges and universities.

  • Playa Manhattan.||

    Today I learned that there's an Edgewood College.

    Sounds expensive and stupid.

  • DarrenM||

    So, does this make the top ten profiles in utter stupidity for the year?

  • The Late P Brooks||

    A group of cross-functional college staff representing campus security, student conduct, human resources, Title IX enforcement, and diversity and inclusion measures convened Tuesday morning to discuss how to address the hateful message.

    These people need a lesson on How Not to be Seen.

    Especially Title IX enforcement Officer. He should be working on his resume (scrubbing all references to his work at DoEd, for starters), not hunting down Thought Criminals.

  • Half-Virtue, Half-Vice||

    A group of cross-functional college staff representing campus security, student conduct, human resources, Title IX enforcement, and diversity and inclusion measures

    Jesus, I'd rather be handed off to the Jappos who raped Nanking.

  • Enjoy Every Sandwich||

    "Suck it up, pussies"

    They'd be even more enraged if they knew the first thought to came to my mind when I read that. I did a hitch in the Navy in my youth, and that made me think of some of the shows sailors could see in Olongapo e.g. naked women using ping-pong balls...

  • JeremyR||

    Michelle Malkin gets a lot of comments along those lines from lefties, because she's Filipino...

    But funny how that's okay, but this is a "hate crime"

  • Dog Star||

    I sincerely hope that, during the course of this righteous investigation, the investigators are very careful when handling the post-it note in question.

    It simply would not do to grab it by the "pussies."

  • Michael||

    The critical piece of information missing from all this is what type of Post-It note this message was written on. Did it come from a traditional yellow stack, or was it one of the novelty types with adhesive at opposite ends of each note that fold out accordion style? Because if it was the latter, I fucking hate those things.

  • Sevo||

    "...The post-it-note in question appeared in the window of the Office of Student Diversity and Inclusion..."

    Perfect place for it.

  • Sir Digby Chicken Caesar||

    People, this is Wisconsin* we're talking about, here.

    *Just like 1980's Czechoslovakia.

  • Dog Star||

  • Half-Virtue, Half-Vice||

    Oh Bill Murray, this is why they should just give immortality juice to the celebs. 1) the chicks are hot, 2) they are closer than anyone else to beating aging anyway.

  • Bra Ket||

    A group of cross-functional college staff representing campus security, student conduct, human resources, Title IX enforcement, and diversity and inclusion measures convened Tuesday morning to discuss how to address the hateful message. This group determined that the message constituted a Hate Crime…

    This is like making a jury composed of cops to decide if someone should be indicted.

  • creech||

    Shit like this will only stop when alumni (who can't be punished by the school) write and tell them they won't get another dime in contributions until the shit stops.


    They're doing this at Missouri, a school whose amount of applications and new student enrollments have plummeted and that school is still giving into these wannabe fascists. Won't stop a damn thing.

  • Rational Exuberance||

    They'll just make up for it in extra government grants and funding.

  • JaimeRoberto||

    Edgewood College should change their mascot to the Pussies. If I lived nearby I'd print out a bunch of pink Edgewood College Pussies t-shirts and sell them door-to-door in the dorms.

  • Voros McCracken||

    "College officials informed the Madison police, and now the cops are investigating."

    Wait, what?

  • Eeyore||

    Instantly proven innocent of slander.

  • JeremyR||

    Did you try contacting the police that are investigating? I think they would be more important to talk to than the administrators, since they can actually put people in jail (or kill them)

  • american socialist||

    From the NYTimes: "A lot of people in the gun rights community can breathe again," he said. "I don't think anybody is complaining that they went and bought extra guns.""

    Hahahaha... delicious. I don't know who are the biggest bitches. College students or gun owners. What do you guys think?

  • Zeb||


  • MarkLastname||

    Is this... is this supposed to be you giving us an example of an irrelevant non-sequitur?

  • Deven||

    Goddamnit you're a fucking moron.

  • Wax Pragmatic||

    If someone spray painted anti-gay slogans on my door it would be vandalism because no one in my home is gay. If some one here were gay, it would be a hate crime. By designating this prank a "hate crime" they are implicitly admitting that liberal college kids are in fact a bunch of pussies.

  • Baron von Munchausen||

    Trivially rendered, hateful message. How would you feel if I put a piece of human shit in your mailbox?

  • Wax Pragmatic||

    My wife picks up the mail every day. It would be hilarious.

  • MarkLastname||

    I don't think American Socialist would fit in my mailbox.

  • Hayeksplosives||

    Priceless. Too bad I am too late to this thread to properly acknowledge your comment.

  • Red Rocks Dickin Bimbos||

    Suck it up, pussy.

  • Cynical Asshole||

    College officials informed the Madison police, and now the cops are investigating. They are investigating a post-it-note. With a non-threatening message and a smiley face on it. After inviting students to express their feelings via post-it-note.

    I'm hoping the cops took the post-it note, threw it in trash, and now they're just going to wait a month or so and then say "Sorry, we conducted a thorough investigation, but there simply isn't any evidence. Unfortunately we'll never know which white cis-male shitlord committed this disgusting crime of Wrongthink. Perhaps you should take the note's advice though and 'suck it up.'" But something tells me that's hoping for too much.

  • Hank Phillips||

    Paging Blair, Eric... we need literary criticism of Tony Chambers on aisle 24.

  • Africanis||

    You people are taking this far too lightly. We need a federal investigation from the DTF department headed by Pauly D. Imagine the fear this message has spread among said pussies. They could be grabbed by Donald Trump like individuals at any time without the common courtesy of a reach around. I am ashamed of all of you.

  • ||

    Obama's America, indistinguishable from the USSR.

    Everyone that voted for that POS should go fuck themselves with a chainsaw.

  • Pat (PM)||

    What are you worried about? We've got the best free speech rights in the whole wide world. It could never happen here. Plus, we've got South Park!

  • gclancy51||

    I came to this site looking to expand my views a little as I was getting tired with the hysteria-prone Guardian taking single incidents that fed into their wider media narrative as proof that all their fears were being realised. Looks like you guys suffer from the same echo chamber problem I'm still hoping to escape.

    Generally I used to read the Guardian, BBC, Irish Times and Al Jazeera. Was hoping to include an American news source and was oscillating between this and The American Conservative. Was tending towards Reason but this-this is just poor.

    It's like living in The Guardian from a parallel universe.

  • Bra Ket||

    So you're cherry-picking this outrageous article to create a narrative about Reason cherry-picking outrageous incidents?

    Seriously though, while I'm quite sure that kind of outrage-porn goes on at every biased site (this one being honestly-advertised as libertarian pov-pushing), you picked an odd example here. This particular article was delivered very matter-of-factly I'd say. Who, what, when, and where.

  • Zero Sum Game||

    With the set-up that the Guardian gave us, I can hardly expect anyone who is going to be an open-minded person coming here.

    The Guardian: Those guys are evil fossil fuel shills funded by super evil rich robber barons out to control the world with terrible, evil ideas. But give 'em a click, so you can understand where they're coming from, that way you know the evil you must face.

    Besides, it's probably just a sock of someone we already know. Who would go through the trouble to register an account just to chide the writers and then leave? Too much effort except for one of our dedicated "special" people.

  • Propaganda Czar||

    The police are investigating a post-it note. Commentors are pointing out the insanity of the situation. Where is the hysteria? We have a little thing called the first amendment over here and this is such a blatant violation of it.

  • Bra Ket||

    In fact it's the school acting hysterical and pushing the narrative here:

    "Covert micro-aggressions and overt macro-aggressions appear to have taken on new fervor in higher education since our national election," Chambers writes. "The frequency, boldness, and severity with which hateful acts have been occurring has, for many, signaled a new era of intolerance, fear, and mistrust in higher education."

  • Rational Exuberance||

    Awwww, we'll miss you! [snicker]

  • A Thinking Mind||

    Wish I could have replied to this comment sooner. I've only recently started frequenting this site myself. Hopefully you'll at least take the time to examine a few other articles before you draw your final conclusion. Surely you can realize that one story among the several that are shared every day is not entirely representative.

    I would urge you to read the story, which I believe is still on the front page, titled "Hate Crimes, Hoaxes, and Hyperbole." It's excellently written and extremely earnest.

    Echo chambers are a legitimate concern for any intellectuals, as you say. That's why stories like this show up around here, because most of us ARE concerned about it-the idea that minor incidents which are rude or crass can be treated as criminal is actually problematic for free speech.

  • Pinky||

    I did it.

  • mockmock||

    As I read elsewhere schools should advertise themselves as "dangerous schools" where ideas are freely exchanged. It's a good free marketing plan.

  • mtrueman||

    "It's a good free marketing plan."

    Except that college enrollment has never been higher. And the students are there voluntarily. If they wanted to avoid these conflicts, they could have stayed at home. But exposure to these sort of arbitrary and draconian rules and regulations prepares them for the working world, where the stakes are much higher.

  • Red Rocks Dickin Bimbos||

    But exposure to these sort of arbitrary and draconian rules and regulations prepares them for the working world, where the stakes are much higher.

    Yeah, it prepares them to apply the destruction of the lives on innocent people from the college campus to the professional workforce.

  • C. S. P. Schofield||

    Jesus. Wept.

  • Rational Exuberance||

    A "hate crime" requires an actual crime, not just hate speech. So, even if you think that comparing people to cute little cats is hateful, what's the crime?

  • Julien Couvreur||

    Just to clarify, what is the supposed crime? Littering, maybe?

  • A Thinking Mind||

    I know that charges aren't going to be brought...but man, I really wish they'd file charges so we could figure out exactly what the thought process is. My guess is harassment, as this is akin to some things which have been called cyber bullying.

  • Bra Ket||

    Shouting fire in a crowded theater. Except without the theater or crowd.

    Seriously though, the letter claimed intimidation, which is the usual basis for the "hate crime" angle.

  • ||

    College Vice President Tony Chambers sent a letter to campus condemning this "act of cowardly hatred" and "intimidation."

    I think forcing student's to pay for the mandatory groups to coerce and bully "consensus" of thought, action, and disposition in them through arbitrary, hateful, and wholly intellectually dishonest means is far, far more cowardly and intimidating than a post-it note expressing what the Real World is in fact thinking about them.

  • Tagore Smith||

    This is a great example of recursive thinking, almost on par with the Morton Salt girl.

  • Dace Highlander||

    As many people are (rightly) point out the sheer comical nature of this "crime", what everyone is overlooking is that, when someone is scapegoated...err found guilty, their life will be ruined. Without trial, jury or recourse someone will be guilty of a "hate crime" with the documentation being put into their college transcript. They will have NO way of having it removed, will not be able to in any way appeal it, and it will follow them for the rest of their lives.

    I say the investigation of this is the hate crime.

  • tlapp||

    When I was a child and someone said something that bothered me the response was "sticks and stones...." the rhyme we all knew. Didn't need a police investigation. All I can say now is "Suck it up, pussies"

  • Harun||

    I sooo much want to link this in my FB account to the Resistance posters.

    (Yes, my progressive FB friends have joined The Resistance.)

  • SimpleFacts||

    A perfect example of our idiot-ocracy in action. Granted the pure little snowflakes are expected, nay trained to respond in this manner. They are, after all children with a chilld's perspective. But the faculty and staff of this alleged institution of higher learning are supposed to be act and think like reasoning adults. Clearly this is not the case. First, what law has been broken here? No threat was made or even implied. For that matter, let us consider the implications of this stupidity. The college would have us believe that there is a law that has been broken. They wish to involve the police. Police enforce the law, often by use of force - which the college objects to. The police present their case to the prosecutors, who are charged with punishing the offender by involving the courts. The courts can then punish the guilty by placing them in jail. Yes, you morons, in jail. That is what the legal system does. You actually want to start this ball rolling with a law that will jail a teenager for writing a solicited comment on a sticky note?

  • SupportYourRights||

    No surprise as the Liberal agenda is "As long as you agree with me you can say what you want"

  • Swohawk||

    They had me at "cross-functional."

  • JimBob7||

    I did it. I drove from Colorado to Madison overnight, posted my hate speech, and drove back to Colorado.

  • Johnimo||

    I drove all the way from Montana to Madison overnight, took down your note (really, really pissed off that you'd beat me to the punch) and put up my post-it-note instead, and drove back to Bozeman. Suck it up, pussy!

  • Johnimo||

    I drove all the way from Montana to Madison overnight, took down your note (really, really pissed off that you'd beat me to the punch) and put up my post-it-note instead, and drove back to Bozeman. Suck it up, pussy!

  • Seamus||

    I cannot tell a lie, Officer Obie. I put that smiley face on that post-it next to that pile of garbage.

  • Africanis||

    All joking aside, the only people worst than the people calling for the investigation are the ones entertaining the investigation. Once you actually concede to their demands the complaints will never end.

  • JudgeGarry||

    I guess hate is defined as any act that "triggers" liberal minds.

  • ejhickey||

    I did it


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