(I am talking about a guy on YouTube who is quite influential to this subreddit. ) Seriously, when someone advocates to take the right to vote away from women that is unjustifiable. He lists reasons of fertility, social cohesion and technical progress to be dependent on his proposition. That can be argued both ways, but regardless- this is immoral. When you allow stripping equal rights away from one group what case do you have to complain when the same is done to you? None. Going your way doesn't have to make you a control freak. Both men and women have agency to act good or badly. The problem is that society allows women to get away with acting badly, thus making going own way nessesary for self preservation. The minute you advocate treating women unfairly, you succeed the moral high ground and become no better.
I don't know how many moderate guys are on here, so I am just stating my own view.
[–]801735 1ポイント2ポイント3ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]igor_bloodscene 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント (0子コメント)