Insulting, belittling, asserting, demonstrating hatred of men in movies has become extremely common.
I know there are exceptions and I don't know about you guys but I think the vast majority of movies and tv shows have been ruined by feminism and everything that's politically correct and 'tolerant'.
The society has become a breeding ground for politically correct and censorship. People are not allowed anymore to say what they want to say. Censorship is the very foundation for the new world. The people are not in a democracy, as I convey this whole message
I'd like to present an example.
In Seinfeld, there is a curly haired women with black hair and her name is 'Elaine'. If you watch this show, you are very much aware that this women has some really serious mental health issues. She readily and frequently attacks male characters in the show, in such a way, if a male character did what she was doing, he might be beat up, arrested or even killed. Also, Elaine is a key character and only character, for that matter, that receives constant free handouts. Elaine does not work much at all. Elain's primary hobby seems to be how to find a way to exploit new men and get a new one as the old 'wears out' , to her. Elaine is boring but she manifests into the new man she dates. She is not interesting enough herself for her to display what she would refer to as her 'personality'.
This Elaine character frequently expresses that she 'hates men' and hints at being disgusted by men , quite often. Elaine is sexist, vile, a fan of projecting onto other people, abusive, neurotic, cruel, hostile, overly physical and insane.
This sort of behavior is what makes Elaine, the one , primary, female character of the show. What's more unsettling is this is not an extreme.
Women are constantly told, through hollywood, the media, the internet, televison and everywhere that when they do something wrong, they will NEVER be punished, even remotely and attacking men, being, hostile, sexist , violent, cruel and neurotic is ok.
The media, televison, movies and other sources make it seem perfectly ok for women to act this way.
I believe these sources significantly influence women and change them to be these terrible, oblivious, abusive, entitled and delusional people.
If the media is adjusted, the people will adjust because lets face it, the average american is really fucking naive and women are not exactly individual thinkers.
[–]feedmecarrots 2ポイント3ポイント4ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]Saintmyname 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント (2子コメント)
[–]Bikemarrow 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント (1子コメント)
[–]cake_eater 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]Ohboohoolittlegirl 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント (0子コメント)