What Black Women Really Think Of Black Men-Part 1
We keep getting told by the pro blacks aswell as black women themselves that this modern-day black woman has nothing but love for her black male counterpart, however as the saying goes, “actions speak louder than words”. Let’s see what kind of love black women really have for black men:
So much for the love, notice the many names these black women used to describe black men, “niggas, hood boogers, nigtrons, aggressive dogs” etc. Does this look like any form of “love” to you? Be sure to check out
Negro Wars
where I break down the mindset of this black witch. Black women hate black men with a passion, pro blacks and deceptive black women need to keep it moving with the “black women love black men” mantra as the evidence indisputably speaks to the contrary. Part 2 coming soon, stay tuned.
The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues
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