Mgtow stands for "own way" as metaphor but this time i mean it literally.
I abandoned everyone and they also left me. There is nothing that keeps me to this shitty country i grew up except great childhood memories and last 5 mostly ugly years full of dissapointment.
Yes, im ideologist and perfectionist but in this society, you can unleash those when you become autonomous.
So yes, i finished college and im sick of everything and desprate to leave.
Im thinking of doing every legal possible thing and way to immigrate and change my life. I already contacted family member in Atlanta for talk, im applying soon to Austria masters studies, im even thinking about Emirates.
Im at point that i simply dont care anymore, i thought that at this point i would be sprinter, winning diamond league tracks but life knocked the shi* out of me. I need babysteps and leaving this country is first one.
Most of you are from developed countries, USA usually. Im ready to leave it tonight all and dont look back. Im sick lf being sick here. I feel like wounded beast, its DO or DIE for me.
C'est la vie I guess.
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