上位 200 件のコメント表示する 500

[–]Zach!Yogs_Zach[M] [スコア非表示] stickied comment (30子コメント)

Unlocked for now. Keep it civil. We'll be watching this thread like hawks.

[–]plznote 356ポイント357ポイント  (14子コメント)

I initially thought this was another joke about a certain Lebanese child.

[–]3: Fighting Fantasy NightFrogdg 86ポイント87ポイント  (0子コメント)

Me too. Now I'm sad :(

[–][削除されました]  (12子コメント)


    [–]nicohman 5ポイント6ポイント  (11子コメント)

    While I understand what you're saying, both sides did really damn shitty things. In addition, what Hannah did was very legally grey, as others have pointed out.

    [–]ProKidney 48ポイント49ポイント  (4子コメント)

    One side is an 11/12 year old child, the other side is two fully matured adults. Don't pretend that they're equivalent.

    [–]The-Red-Ninja 13ポイント14ポイント  (4子コメント)

    Ill Help, I took the time to prove her wrong by doing research in order to have valid facts. And yes, I admit I have no life :)
    Time to correct Hannah! Yay! Before I start, remember that the constitution was to prevent the government from for example, taking away your freedom of speech. Do not think of them as laws, but instead as rules/guidelines for the government. Now, lets get started. First: Hannah stated "@xelcrin newsflash - your first amendment is appalling and needs rewriting. Hate speech is a crime and should never be covered by it". Now I mean this with the at most respect, but you cannot rewrite an amendment. You can repeal an amendment which means you annul/revoke it. This done by passing another amendment(That new amendment is what repeals the other). Also you are contradicting yourself. You say that the first amendment needs rewriting, but yet that would take away your freedom to speech, which would make it were you can not protest, call something hate speech, etc... Second, you stated "he's lucky that the police aren't involved. It's a hate crime, the police handle it with teens here". Hate speech? Really? Never forget what Mark Twain stated: "Actions speak louder than words". Also, according to the Hate speech Laws in the UK, Any communication which is threatening or abusive, and is intended to harass, alarm, or distress someone is forbidden. The penalties for hate speech include fines, imprisonment, or both. You are saying that the police handle it with teens. You also state "he's lucky that the police aren't involved". What he did was not breaking the hate speech laws in the United Kingdom. But what is hypocritical of you, is that you are not obeying the law. Since you threatened him in the quote: "just dropping his school an email with all the attachments of his tweets/ GoFundMe etc :)" You also stated: "Maybe I should just tweet them into this, hmm?" So, Hannah is threatening to tweet them into the twitter thread, and to his school twitter account and is being abusive because you are cyber-bulling him. You are not only using his name from a GoFundMe page, but also using it to find his school through his facebook to try to get a school to punish him. He did not break the law, @laurakBuzz stated "called me a filthy cunt and told me to kill myself". He did not threaten her, nor abuse her. Hannah, you are not the police, you are accusing someone of breaking a law when you do it yourself, and most importantly, you blocked me on twitter because I prove your statements invalid. This is wrong, disrespectful, cyber-bulling, a crime, and more. I am disappointed in you Hannah, very.

    [–]thewestwindmoves 535ポイント536ポイント  (34子コメント)

    Guess it's time for the annual member-of-the-Yogscast-embarrasses-the-brand-on-Twitter event, then.

    I don't get what the point is. Someone said something shitty. By all means, pass that on to the relevant people. But publicly announcing it and thereby, intentionally or not, encouraging dogpiling shits on the whole point of being the better person, does it not?

    It also seems especially ironic after Hannah just today retweeted a petition against the UK Investigatory Powers Bill due to the threat it poses to privacy.

    [–]MartynbillyK_ 222ポイント223ポイント  (6子コメント)

    No kidding. It's been about 2 months since the last one, so as is tradition, we have to have bullshit every 2 months with the Yogs.

    Lets just establish something here: what the kid did was wrong. Flat out. No one should tell others to kill themselves, regardless of what the beliefs are. But instead of doxxing them, why not talk to them in private about their actions, and explain things in a reasonable manner?

    Hannah. You're an adult. Act like one.

    [–]cgent22 47ポイント48ポイント  (3子コメント)

    Well, it used to be THREE months between major drama. We're breaking our own records now.

    insert sad face

    [–]Declizzy 52ポイント53ポイント  (1子コメント)

    I knew a thread with Hannah would come. When you follow Hannah on twitter there could be a thread every week. She is such a child reacting to everything that is negative. Constantly whining to companies that do something wrong, thinking she has influence, while the companies don't give a shit about a youtuber with ~ 30k views per video. Whining about YouTube every day and many other things.

    [–]19: Lewis, Pyrion & Friends - Civ V Redostandbyforskyfall 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

    like the time she bitched for hours on twitter for a company holding a best employee of 2015 in jan 16

    [–]Alagorn 16ポイント17ポイント  (0子コメント)

    I don't understand the need for people to show off online that they've got abuse. For the anti-trans groups you've just drawn after abuse to Laura K now. This was just stupid virtue signalling. Frankly if the abuse for Laura increases now I blame Hannah for giving people who otherwise wouldn't a reason

    [–]FirstDimensionFilms 240ポイント241ポイント  (13子コメント)

    She has continuously contradicted herself over the years. Only Yog I refuse to watch.

    [–]LancasterNotYork 28ポイント29ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Same here. This is way too much

    [–]Israphel1234fireball 51ポイント52ポイント  (0子コメント)

    I just never found her particularity amusing to be honest, so I already had a huge disliking for her so, I am unsure how to feel about this

    [–]SjinCarnae_Assada 18ポイント19ポイント  (9子コメント)

    Is Kayei still considered yog fam? Cause i refuse to watch her as well as Hannah

    [–]Atharaphelun 23ポイント24ポイント  (7子コメント)

    She technically never was yogs. It only appeared that way because of Martyn.

    [–]SjinCarnae_Assada 15ポイント16ポイント  (6子コメント)

    Oh ok, and how she treated Martyn is exactly why I wont watch her.

    [–]Atharaphelun 20ポイント21ポイント  (1子コメント)

    How did she treat Martyn, out of curiosity? I never really delved into their relationship and the events that led to its end.

    [–]SjinCarnae_Assada 11ポイント12ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Basically they split amicably, she didnt have a place to go yet and so he was kind and let her stay with him while he was taling care of her (she was in fairly bad health at the time) very shortly after that while still in his plave and still being looked after by him she started seeing someone. It all boiled down to her being really selfish and then trashing Martyn on social media saying he kicked her out for no reason.

    [–]Sightshade 14ポイント15ポイント  (0子コメント)

    It happens like clockwork.

    [–]AlsmiffyTimeline15 55ポイント56ポイント  (8子コメント)

    Not a fan of what Hannah said in this instance (though her own post in this thread does seem to clear some of my concerns). But it's her Twitter. she's under no obligation to 'uphold the brand'. I'm so sick of every time one of the yogs says something on their personal twitter, people ask "what does this mean for the brand?".

    It isn't relevant. If people form an opinion of the yogscast as a whole from any one member's twitter, that's their own fault, not the content creator's.

    [–]NuclearStudent 104ポイント105ポイント  (5子コメント)

    However, for the other side, what a member of the yogscast does publicly will end up affecting the reputation of the yogscast no matter what. Hannah, and the rest of the yogs included, are popular enough to be public figures, not ordinary private citizens. In an ideal world they would be entirely their own people, who would be capable of dealing with each member of their audience as an individual and be deal with as an ordinary individual in return.

    Really, though, a public figure's words has more power than an ordinary person's words. Something that's fairly harmless by an ordinary person could bring hundreds of harassers in if said by a public figure.

    It's not just an abstract thing. The status and brand of a public figure can hurt people.

    [–]Israphel1234fireball 6ポイント7ポイント  (1子コメント)

    Yeah, it's like if someone from McDonalds or any other brand did something similar, It wouldn't go over well PR wise

    [–]NuclearStudent 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Actually, much more than that.

    With MacDonalds, you don't interact with MacDonald's spokespeople personally. With the yogscast, fans can interact with the Yogs directly through Twitch or other social media, and the Yog's entertainment product pretty much is just videos of their personalities jawing around.

    [–]Alagorn 10ポイント11ポイント  (2子コメント)

    The comments Keemstar said about his Twitter and YouTube being separate makes me laugh. This is a world with media personalities and one political comment can ruin someone's perception of you. It's why Sips seems to be the purest member so far because he's never been involved in drama and has never said anything political.

    [–]5: Fallout-Themed Civ 5 Live!lietuvis10LTU 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Honestly, I think that perhaps it's high time they had someone reasonable watching over their Twitter communications.

    [–]Duncanplazmablu 163ポイント164ポイント  (6子コメント)

    This... This isn't going to be pretty.

    [–]SjinCarnae_Assada 67ポイント68ポイント  (4子コメント)

    PR meltdown and Turps mega freak Ala When simon laid into totalbiscut in 3.. 2..

    [–]Mememan12345679999 5ポイント6ポイント  (3子コメント)

    When did simon lay into total biscut?

    [–]4: Hat Films Musical Jam!Mad_Cowboy 11ポイント12ポイント  (2子コメント)

    [–]Sipsevergreen2011 7ポイント8ポイント  (0子コメント)

    This was a big deal? Simon was one of many calling out TB for being whiny. Hell, the comic TB was commenting on barely even makes sense.

    People need to quit trying to find hills to fight on, and relax.

    [–]timelyparadox 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Just when their youtube content was getting better they again get into bullshit they could have easily avoided.

    [–]shrike348 291ポイント292ポイント  (8子コメント)

    She behaves pretty poorly on twitter it has to be said

    [–]HelixMarine 74ポイント75ポイント  (3子コメント)

    When are people with some PR pull going to learn that talking about politics, religion, or some drama over social media almost always hurts whatever brand it is they have.

    [–]AlsmiffyThe_Derpening 364ポイント365ポイント  (7子コメント)

    I'm not pleased about this, I don't think it's how somebody with as much reach as Hannah should act. What the kid said was shitty, for sure. But Hannah said it herself, he's "like 9". I dunno about Hannah or anyone else, but when I was "like 9," I wasn't being recognized for my ability to logically process my actions, their effects on others, and the consequences for them. I don't think I did anything deserving having my personal information spread to rabid internet trolls, and I don't think the kid did either. If this kid had killed somebody and laughed about it on twitter I'd be singing a different tune, but he said something mean and classless.

    Also, Hannah's jimmies got rustled because the kid acted intolerant, and her response was to act even more intolerant. I'm not saying she should have just sat by and done nothing, though. I think a better way to both address the hurtful behavior and be an ally to trans people would be to give the kid the knowledge he is obviously lacking and model the respect he clearly doesn't know. The idea I'm working with is written on reddit's reddiquette page. "Remember the human". You don't know what that kid is living through. Maybe he's speaking hatefully because hate is what's modeled to him at home. Maybe he's abused and shit rolls downhill, so he takes it out on people online. Responding with hate is only gonna push him deeper into the ways he's learning somewhere.

    [–]18: Karaoke Night 2imadandylion 39ポイント40ポイント  (1子コメント)

    this comment should be a lot higher in the thread. the first half could certainly be argued either way, but the second half makes an incredibly good point. from what i can tell, the kid is aged between about 9 and 15. he is clearly still yet to mature fully (hell, i'm in my 20's and i still have my doubts about my own maturity). if an immature kid is being a piece of shit on the internet, is it not better to, as you say, "remember the human". how do we know this boy hasn't been abused or bullied himself for being gay/trans/literally anything of that sort. it would make any impressionable child think that being that way is wrong.

    i think it's best to work out why someone acts the way they do, and try and help from there, especially in children/teenagers.

    [–]patjohbra 8ポイント9ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Not only is it not how someone with her reach should act, it's not how anyone on the internet should act.

    [–]LewisJoelMahon 118ポイント119ポイント  (13子コメント)

    Since when have we "put kids in juvi" for saying evil shit to famous internet personalities?

    Like the kid said something fucked up, and it'd probably be good for his parents to know about it but not through doxxing, and sure, report it to the police, that's fair enough, if legally there's something to be done they'll sort it out if not then that's that, we don't let vigilantes run the show for a reason.

    [–]SipsTheOnlySero 11ポイント12ポイント  (1子コメント)

    A guy was actually arrested for a comment he made on Reddit a few months ago. I think it's wrong but it does happen.

    [–]_ThisIsAmyx_ 65ポイント66ポイント  (2子コメント)

    Of course what the kid did was shitty, but come on, Hannah, you're a role model to many people. This was not the example to set.

    [–]dogatemyfeather 114ポイント115ポイント  (5子コメント)

    While I agree that what the kid said is not on in anyway and his actions should have consequences, saying that he should be in juvie and publicly showing is info is wrong. I can get behind contacting his parents and to a degree even contacting the school could be a good step as they could do like a cyber bullying week and and use this a a teaching tool, but in no way is publishing his information to the public a good thing. I can get behind Hannah wanting to defend her friend and as I said before contacting the parents is a pretty good move but she crossed a line in my eyes especially over somthing relativlely minor.

    [–]LeapLemmings 144ポイント145ポイント  (0子コメント)

    I normally try to keep out of YogDrama as I have better things to do then care about the actions of people I don't know but this is different. This is undeniably disgusting attitude. Sure, the kid has done wrong and deserves punishment, but Hannah had gone to great length here to make sure he suffers. I'm shocked at this obvious child bullying.

    [–]2: Sjin's Big StreamPolyGanon 33ポイント34ポイント  (1子コメント)

    On one hand, the kid shouldn't get off scot-free with that kind of language and attitude, and he should face the appropriate repercussions for it. But on the other, Hannah didn't use appropriate amounts of discretion and the rippling repercussions the kid may now face are disproportionate to his crime.

    It's one thing to face justice from teachers or police - these are (usually) trustworthy positions of authority and responsibility who won't overstep the mark. Its another thing though to face justice from your peer group, where this trust isn't implicit because some people in that group may very well go overboard. A person's own peer group is in fact the most likely source of danger they'll encounter.

    In this case discretion is the better part of valour, so you just alert the appropriate authorities: report the tweet to Twitter, and contact the school regarding the tweet. It would then be the schools discretion as to the course of action, such as police and parental involvement.

    [–]sipsgooch 70ポイント71ポイント  (7子コメント)

    I mean, this is fucked it could have been handled privately

    But wtf does doxxing mean

    [–]Lewisthecarrot78 116ポイント117ポイント  (2子コメント)

    Revealing personal info about a person on the internet

    [–]sipsgooch 38ポイント39ポイント  (1子コメント)

    Fair enough, yeah i don't agree she should have done it at all. Not publicly.

    [–]Alagorn 8ポイント9ポイント  (0子コメント)

    To be fair, using your real name on the internet while sending abuse to someone is utterly stupid. I agree there are places like YouTube which is a cesspit of winding people up but they're basically anonymous and you don't take them seriously, although it's probably different when you receives thousands of comments a video and whatever on social media. This guy's twitter basically let them start to identify him. How can anyone be so stupid.

    [–]Pyrion FlaxCurtislw 8ポイント9ポイント  (3子コメント)

    I always assumed that it was the same as DDOSing but that doesn't seem to be right here.

    [–]Anosognosia 36ポイント37ポイント  (2子コメント)

    but that doesn't seem to be right here.

    You are correct in thinking this because doxxing and DDoSing is two completely different things.

    Doxxing is revealing non-public or hard to find details about someone on the internet. Comes from "docs" as in documents.

    Say If I found out your cell phone number and the names of your children/parents and posted them in this post.

    In itself its rude and counter to the idea of having semianonymous boards and contacts. And it is usually acompaniged with the implied mission of fucking with the persons private life through proxies.

    [–]Pyrion FlaxCurtislw 7ポイント8ポイント  (1子コメント)

    Thanks for the info, people really didn't seem to like the fact I said something incorrect.

    [–]18: Karaoke Night 2imadandylion 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

    when do they?

    [–]PandaDaWrongOpinion 171ポイント172ポイント  (9子コメント)

    No words other than, disheartened. I'm a long time fan of Hannah (or was), although haven't watched any of her stuff properly after 2013. I was slightly wary of her (more the things she said than her as a person) after the Reddit post highlighting the wage gap comment. This isn't like Simons and TBs argument, this is on a whole other level. Almost unreal coming from the Yogscast, plain and simple in front of out eyes unlike most of the other drama, Sjin, ect.

    edit: upon reflection, although she's heavily affiliated with the Yogs, she's an inividual content creator and this is on her. Didn't think that came across clearly in my comment.

    [–]Cessnaporsche01 27ポイント28ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Very similar case for me. She was the first one I started watching after Simon and Lewis, but the last couple years, I've been becoming increasingly hesitant of supporting her. She has a pretty nasty streak that comes out on social media, and something like this really can't do anything but harm to anyone involved.

    [–]ScrumptiousNitwit 15ポイント16ポイント  (6子コメント)

    What's the wage gap comment?

    [–]Lewisarbiter6784 37ポイント38ポイント  (3子コメント)

    I believe she went on a bit of a rant as to how females aren't paid as much in a certain industry.

    However, like many other people who say these statistics, they don't consider hours worked, cash in hand, types of jobs etc.

    [–]5: Fallout-Themed Civ 5 Live!KaneLSmith 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Equality of outcome vs opportunity.

    [–]4: Hat Films Musical Jam!DR_PHALLUS 194ポイント195ポイント  (10子コメント)

    She has a habit of being pretty horrible to people on twitter herself for pretty crappy reasons and normally resorts to doxxing every time.

    [–]Duncanplazmablu 25ポイント26ポイント  (9子コメント)

    When has this happened before? Genuine question, I haven't seen this kind of behaviour from her. Trying not to take a side.

    [–]4: Hat Films Musical Jam!DR_PHALLUS 89ポイント90ポイント  (8子コメント)

    This one http://m.imgur.com/wlhcZkh was about some daft misunderstanding about voter fraud.

    The there is also this one http://m.imgur.com/RPWzkTL where she doxxes someone again

    [–]LewisFonjask[M] 47ポイント48ポイント  (1子コメント)

    Please remove the Twitter handle of the person in the first screenshot. Reply here when you've done so and I'll reapprove your comment.

    [–]4: Hat Films Musical Jam!DR_PHALLUS 41ポイント42ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Sorry! Totally forgot - fixed :)

    [–]Pyrion Flaxvenabl 75ポイント76ポイント  (2子コメント)

    threatening someone's livelihood because they insulted you on the internet is what happens when children have too much power. when someone is her age and does it, it's abhorrent, immature, and frankly stupid behavior.

    [–]ChuckCarmichael 30ポイント31ポイント  (1子コメント)

    "He was mean to me on the internet, so let's try destroying his reputation and getting him fired from his council job!" Jesus, lady, ever heard of proportionality?

    [–]Duncanplazmablu 22ポイント23ポイント  (0子コメント)

    I'm not seeing any major personal details which can identify the person being released, so these don't seem quite as bad. Still not great form to call someone out for working as a councillor, although councillors are elected officials so they are in the public eye to an extent. Thanks for the examples, anyway.

    [–]TheTurnipKnight 9ポイント10ポイント  (0子コメント)

    That is not really doxxing as she didn't reveal any of this info publicly. Discussing the matter publicly is not really ok though.

    [–]Sightshade 197ポイント198ポイント  (21子コメント)

    ...What the shit, Hannah?

    As someone struggling with gender identity, I empathize totally with Laura here; but doxxing a little kid for being stupid is NOT cool.

    Hannah, you've really... changed... over this past year, and I'm not sure I like the new you.

    [–]StevenS757 10ポイント11ポイント  (18子コメント)

    15 is a little kid?

    [–]MartynbillyK_ 85ポイント86ポイント  (14子コメント)

    There's a load of contradicting stuff here; in some tweets, he's 9, in others, he's 11, 12, or 15. Regardless, still a minor in the eyes of a lot of people, especially in the US, where it seems this kid is from making the edit cause he's from Australia, thanks for the clarification Mighty

    [–]18: Karaoke Night 2imadandylion 13ポイント14ポイント  (8子コメント)

    it's also a case of perspective. anything under 18, to someone in their 50's is a little kid, but if you're in your 20's it wasn't that long ago that you were 16 yourself.

    [–]SjinCarnae_Assada 10ポイント11ポイント  (7子コメント)

    Still a minor, and in todays age with every single potential employer checking social media this minors mistake was blown into irreperable proportions which could cost him many opportunities.

    [–]18: Karaoke Night 2MrPookers 10ポイント11ポイント  (2子コメント)

    He's a minor, but that doesn't excuse his actions. If this were the tantrum of a toddler, maybe — but he's a high schooler. You don't get to pull the "naive and innocent" defense after you've called someone a cunt and told her to kill herself. And it wasn't even provoked, either: she didn't do anything to harm him, he sent her that hateful message just because she's trans!

    Think of the kids in Stranger Things. They're younger than this guy, but we still expect kids their age to know right from wrong. He knew full well it was a piece of shit thing to do.

    [–]MartynbillyK_ 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Oh no, don't get me wrong. What the kid did was 110% wrong. I'm just saying Hannah didn't have to publicly shame the kid; she could have done it in private and thus avoided this whole thing

    [–]SimonRenessis 9ポイント10ポイント  (1子コメント)

    To adults, yes. They're running around with still undeveloped brains and lacking experience.

    [–]Stoodinaturd 63ポイント64ポイント  (6子コメント)

    If you look at the big picture:

    Being rude to someone because they are trans is wrong.

    Doxxing someone is wrong.

    They are both VERY wrong things to do.

    Saying that they are acceptable is WRONG.

    Remember people, what YOU do on the internet affects other people. I'm repulsed by both of them to be honest.


    [–]LewisStirfried1 44ポイント45ポイント  (4子コメント)

    I'd say I'm more disappointed in Hannah seeing as she's an adult while the kid is like 12

    [–]zakarranda 5ポイント6ポイント  (2子コメント)

    Agreed. The ideal response would be, "Don't say this, and here's why. ... Never say those things to people," and block them.

    [–]HighwayForYou 7ポイント8ポイント  (1子コメント)

    that just doesn't work on kids though. they couldn't care less if someone tweeted that back at them. especially that kid. his whole twitter account is filled with toxicity.

    [–]electric_red 29ポイント30ポイント  (2子コメント)

    Telling his parents I kind of agree with. Or rather, don't think is so bad. But his school has nothing to do with it.

    Saying it ruined his life is a bit far though.

    [–]SjinCarnae_Assada 18ポイント19ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Knowing social media and how the shit rolls he is just as famous due to this as Hannah is. Everything exists on the internet forever. When he goes to look for work next year (apparently hes 15) and a job does their typical social media scour, they'll see all of this.

    [–]bnacc 109ポイント110ポイント  (15子コメント)

    Hannah hasn't been very mature on Twitter. There's always some little drama going on about sexism and sometimes racism. The tweet that made me finally unfollow her was some complaint that an ad put a blue background behind a man and a pink background behind a woman. Like, come on now, how is that even a big deal. (The funny thing is, she saw the woman one first and made an angry tweet about it, but the tweet with about the man one seemed like just an afterthought. If she's all for equality then at least be consistent).

    Honestly, Hannah used to be cool. I wonder what happened.

    [–]Panoneira 30ポイント31ポイント  (3子コメント)

    The tweet that made me unfollow her a couple of months ago was actually pretty similar to this situation. Some kid has messed up an Ebay sale of her, so she posted his full name on Twitter and went on across multiple tweets about how she had found his home adress, his school,... The tweet that genuinely crossed the line for me was when she said how she was looking at a picture of his house and was describing the colour of his front door or something...

    I mean, that kind of behaviour was just so vengeful and childish that I quite honestly never wanted to watch any of her videos ever again.

    EDIT: Here's an image of the tweets. I mean, she just seems to get this immense pleasure in sharing how she's getting her revenge on a kid that just makes me uncomfortable...

    [–]Assmodean 17ポイント18ポイント  (0子コメント)

    What the flying fuck. How have I been watching her for years and never noticed how nasty she is?

    [–]SeagullSamuEL_or_Samuel_L 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Those tweets are genuinely creepy. Like what the fuck? It's not enough to simply report the account to eBay and have it closed, she needed to cyber-stalk the person and post vaguely-threatening "I know where you live" type comments? Jesus Christ.

    [–]SwiftAngel 32ポイント33ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Something similar happened with me. She freaked out over something saying "guys and girls". She claimed that "girls" is a somehow condescending and belittling term and "guys" is empowering or something like that. It beggared belief.

    [–]Endirioss[🍰] 23ポイント24ポイント  (0子コメント)

    I mean, yeah, If she saw the female one first and immediately tweeted in anger and then saw the male one of course it's going to be an afterthought ;)

    But I agree with you, it's a weird thing to make into a case of sexism, it just so happens that a lot of people associate male with blue and female with pink, heck it's even portraited in most depictions of the gender symbols. It's really a worthless thing to get worked up over.

    [–]OldmateGreg 28ポイント29ポイント  (0子コメント)

    I remember when Simon, Kim and Hannah were doing a Minecraft series together for a bit and whenever Simon would mention gender stereotype/ joke (sure he probably shouldn't have mentioned it as much as he did or at all) Hannah would kill the joke and it sounded like she was personally offended by it opposed to shutting it down comically or playing along. She has the right to not appreciate them but you are not going to get a young YouTube audience to listen to your message if you are going to be a wet blanket.

    [–]Stekkmen 19ポイント20ポイント  (0子コメント)

    the appropriate reaction, IMO, is just to call him a wanker

    [–]McGilv 32ポイント33ポイント  (1子コメント)

    Cons - Kids going to get into a lot of shit with school. Hannah came across as immature.

    Pros - Next Deck Rippers/Bored Meeting should be fun.

    [–]10: Hat Films D&D Adventureserjonsnow 17ポイント18ポイント  (0子コメント)

    That's really messed up. People should use their social media influence for good, not for things like this.

    [–]SipsHotsalt 51ポイント52ポイント  (1子コメント)

    I hope someone has a word with her. Stuff like this shouldnt be handled on a twitter feed. This is bad PR for her and for the Yogscast. Creating unnecessary drama for everyone involed, kids can be stupid sometimes. Dont get triggerd over those things on the internet. The internet is not your personal savespace.

    [–]LordGaryBarlow 34ポイント35ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Not going to lie, kid said some disgusting things...but do we know the whole picture.

    He could have a social disorder, come from a broken home...or he could just be a little cunt!

    My problem lies with that Hannah was the adult in this situation...the adult with a pretty bloody large fan base. She should've taken the high road. Would've had the same result, without risking a youths mental state.

    [–]Liam40000 32ポイント33ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Kind of chilling to anyone who has seen the last episode of the most recent series of Black Mirror - the fact is that doxxes are an absolutely disgusting and frightening form of bullying, and it's only made worse over the internet, where the mob mentality in prevalent.

    In my opinion, this kind of behavior puts Hannah alongside people like Keemstar (although you could argue he is doing it for different reasons)

    [–]FirstDimensionFilms 138ポイント139ポイント  (7子コメント)

    Only Yogscast member I refuse to watch. She has a twisted world view and I don't find her that entertaining.

    [–]SimonKodekGB 87ポイント88ポイント  (2子コメント)

    Agreed. Why publicly shame an 11 year old kid like this? Someone little kid made a stupid comment. When I was 11 I was against homosexuals. Guess what? When I was 14 I figured out I was gay. Just because someone insulted you does not give you a right to go doxxing the kid. Just find the kid's info then report it to the appropriate people and be done with it. His parents and school will deal with him.

    [–]FirstDimensionFilms 47ポイント48ポイント  (1子コメント)

    When I was 11 I was bullied so I would be mean to the few kids that I felt superior too. This applies to almost all 11 year olds.

    [–]SimonKodekGB 28ポイント29ポイント  (0子コメント)

    The kids who bullied me weren't publicly shamed. They were punished by their parents and the school. Now they're older, most of them have shaped up. The ones that haven't are either addicted to hardcore drugs or in prison.

    [–]Cornfondler 12ポイント13ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Yet another example of why trans people don't want / never asked for others to do more than support them and treat them equally. I'm so fed up with this mentality that you need to be viciously vigilant in 'helping' and 'protecting' trans people.

    Yes we have it somewhat rough, yes suicide rates are HUGE among trans people, and yes it's easy to let your anger towards prejudice get the better of you, BUT that doesn't mean you go on a fucking crusade to slay the Alt-Right dragons and defend the honour of the vulnerable transwoman!

    If you really wanna help, volunteer for a suicide helpline such as Samaritans, or donate to a relevant LGBT or Trans specific charity such as The Albert Kennedy Trust or even just talk to someone you know is trans and not in a good place. If a trans person, just like everyone else, needs help they'll probably ask for it. No need to get up on a pedestal.

    [–]Tominati 46ポイント47ポイント  (4子コメント)

    Doxxing a kid to find out his personal info to ruin his life because he said a bit of hate crime aimed at one of her friends? There are two options to this, there is the peace option where you block the child and just leave it (Unless that has been tried and the child is continuously making new accounts multiple times) or the conflict option which is what Hannah has done where you try to take revenge on the child in any means possible even if it means finding out their private info to try and ruin the kids life and also bringing it out into the public for everyone to see. It's such a shame that no one really believes in peace anymore especially the child that caused all this in the first place but do we have to go to such lengths to treat the child like a criminal for saying something on the internet (Even though what he might have said could be completely out of order) Surely there must have been a better option to all of this. I'm not entirely too fussed about the whole thing but in my opinion I just feel like this could have been sorted out more peacefully and I wish more people would consider the peaceful option to when it comes to things like this.

    [–]Qtbear 22ポイント23ポイント  (3子コメント)

    also...idk how it is in UK but in Italy something like this is considered Mobbing, so ye the kid would get some troubles but a full let's call it "grown up" would get in real trouble

    [–]SimonKodekGB 5ポイント6ポイント  (2子コメント)

    In this country for some stupid reason, calling someone a "cunt" is a legally punishable crime. I'm not shitting you. If I call someone a cunt of 5 separate occasions and they report it to the police every time, I can get a criminal record for it.

    [–]Roversmark 11ポイント12ポイント  (1子コメント)

    Well yes, if you are repeatedly verbally abusive to someone that is a crime. Not really rocket science is it.

    [–]SimonKodekGB 8ポイント9ポイント  (0子コメント)

    This was a single insult. Therefore nobody should be suggesting putting him in juvie for it.

    [–]Icieus 14ポイント15ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Although this kid said some thoroughly unpleasant things which I certainly do not condone, I do feel as though Hannahs actions were incredibly immature for an adult, a simple blocking of his account would have sufficed, and if that hadn't worked then sending a DM or email to his school and parents would have been an appropriate and responsible course of action, as opposed to doxxing a child.

    As an aside to the first ammendment bit, in my opinion people should have the right to voice their opinions regardless of how ignorant or deplorable they may be, and censorshop to cater to others sensibilities is something that should be avoided at all costs if we wish to avoid 1984-esque thought policing.

    [–]Duncanplazmablu 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Tweets seem to be gone now, having had a cursory look at Hannah's twitter. I think?

    [–]16: Lewis, Simon & Duncan Tekkit!CalebAurion 8ポイント9ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Well this is kinda fucked up in all honesty. I mean yeah what the little twat said was unacceptable, but the reaction is beyond unacceptable and is completely out of proportion. If you want to dig into someone who says or does something wrong then fine, if you find out they're a kid and want to send a screenshot to their mom and let her punish him, fine but going this far is wrong plain and simple. That all having been said I'm not angry with Hannah, I am disappointed but not angry. We all make mistakes, we all see red when someone we care about is attacked. I don't think Hannah should face any professional repercussions beyond the damage that has already been done to her reputation. She would gain a great deal of respect from me and likely many others if she were to apologize for her actions though. Not the anger behind her actions, that is perfectly legitimate, but the actions themselves.

    [–]RidgedogHulk829 11ポイント12ポイント  (0子コメント)

    There's one thing on defending a friend, but then there's another when the friend obviously has thicker skin than you, and is explicitly saying not to do something.

    [–]Spivsy 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

    I thibk the telling everyone about it is the thing she shouldn't have done here, instead of just e-mailing the school about it. That's what I did when there was a kid taking upskirt shots of his classmates on deviantart, silently reporting it, got an email saying they'd look into it and the account got deactivated a week later. Publicly posting it on twitter to make yourself look like a hero just seems like its being done for entirely the wrong reasons

    [–]Martynquickhakker 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

    from what i can gather from the pictures is that the kid which tweeted laura in the first place had all information on public display so that anyone could have gone through the same procesess that hannah did so really he doxxed himself by some strange technicality, also this should be a lesson to people, dont make it easy for people to learn who you are unless they already know who you are and 2 dont be a dick and tell people to kill themselves (its a crime anyway cause if the police find someone commited suicide and then find out that you messaged them telling them to kill yourself they will make the link and arrest you

    [–]RealStickDude 22ポイント23ポイント  (2子コメント)

    "your first amendment is appalling and needs rewriting." What happens when her Twitter tantrums are considered hate speech? I wonder what she'll think about our first amendment then?

    [–]Alfred_Hitchdick 24ポイント25ポイント  (2子コメント)

    Absolutely disgusting. I just lost all my respect for her. Sure the kid said bad things but her posting his info and contacting the cops and school is ridiculous and could possibly ruin a kid's life over something that was probably a date or a dumb mistake.

    [–]Happy_Gaming 8ポイント9ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Contacting the cops and school was the correct thing to do that way he will hopefully be shown the error of his ways or get the help he needs. Revealing to the whole world how to find him was not it doesn't help him and actually would hinder those who might be able to assist.

    [–]RythianSolareclipsed 11ポイント12ポイント  (1子コメント)

    While the kid is being very shitty towards Laura, and deserve to be punished and have his school and parents told what he has done, I still don't think it's something that should be discussed publicly on Twitter. On the other hand I wouldn't exactly call it doxxing given that he used his own personal Twitter profile to send those messages, he must surely realise he won't stay anonymous.

    [–]RythianBattlebiker 28ポイント29ポイント  (2子コメント)

    My immediate thoughts are why you felt the need to title this with her full name as if we had no idea who she was and why you would post this publically without having seen the original tweets or situation in which the kid said he would continue to abuse the way Twitter poorly handles banning and the creation of new accounts in order to keep harassing Laura and others further.

    I understand how severe Hannah's actions could be but I think it is also important to know and show both sides of the story before making this a public issue/thread.

    [–]KIAthrowaway9999 17ポイント18ポイント  (1子コメント)

    Hi, I made the post originally for a different subreddit and it has been cross posted here by the op of this post. Which is why it explains who Hannah is.

    As for the tweets you mention, that certainly sounds like valuable information to add, however the kid has since deleted his Twitter account and I only came across all of this a few hours ago. If anyone has screen caps of tweets from the kid other than the original abuse than I would be very happy to add them. ( Can you edit an imgur album after the fact?)

    [–]RythianBattlebiker 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

    I found the conversation through Hannah retweeting Laura, must have been as it was happening since the kid's tweets were indeed deleted pretty soon after I'd first seen them. Didn't catch any screen caps myself so apologies (and thanks for explaining the cross posting, makes a lot more sense now).

    [–]Skingyflingy23 12ポイント13ポイント  (0子コメント)


    I could really not give a fuck. Sure it could've been handled slightly better, but if the kid couldn't handle the consequences, then he shouldn't have said what he said.

    [–]BlacksmithBerym 41ポイント42ポイント  (21子コメント)

    I'm not seeing any doxxing? All information in Hannah's posts are public stuff that the teenager put on the internet himself.

    People need to stop misusing terms. It happens a lot.

    Someone looking me up, for example, can find some information like previous employment and where I study. Mentioning that information isn't doxxing.

    Finding my home address and releasing it? THAT is doxxing.

    [–]LewisFonjask 6ポイント7ポイント  (5子コメント)

    People use two different definitions of doxxing, I've found. Allow me to copypaste something I said elsewhere in this thread.

    If you follow that definition of doxxing, then only people you know IRL can dox you. And that's not the definition I use. There's a lot you can find out about people through their digital papertrail. Compiling that and using it in a malicious way (as it was done here) crosses the line into doxxing for me.

    My definition is closer to Wikipedia's, and not to UrbanDictionary's:

    Doxing (from dox, abbreviation of documents), or doxxing, is the Internet-based practice of researching and broadcasting private or identifiable information (especially personally identifiable information) about an individual or organization.

    The methods employed to acquire this information include searching publicly available databases and social media websites (like Facebook), hacking, and social engineering. It is closely related to internet vigilantism and hacktivism.

    Doxing may be carried out for various reasons, including to aid law enforcement, business analysis, extortion, coercion, harassment, online shaming, and vigilante justice.

    [–]18: Karaoke Night 2tempestdevil 7ポイント8ポイント  (3子コメント)

    Witch-hunting would be a better (and specifically more reddit-friendly) term for it. His information is available publicly, but if she hadn't posted such a numerous amount of tweets with his personal information then very few people would have bothered to look into it. What he did was awful, but what she did was awful too, whether she realizes it or not. You can't put out tweets like this to a follower-base of 204k people and not expect a very large handful of them to begin harassing said person. Bigger internet stars do it all the time; prefacing a tweet with something like "hey don't go after this person", then basically making a tweet that encourages hundreds of thousands of people to go after them. It's not a good look on either side right now.

    [–]TheTurnipKnight 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

    I agree that it isn't doxxing but it is telling people exactly where to look if they want to find that info themselves. That is not really ok. It would be much better for something like this to be handled privately than to publicly shame this kid who doesn't really know any better. It's his parents' and the law's job.

    It's also not okay for anyone to be abusing Hannah over this.

    [–]AlsmiffyTimeline15 12ポイント13ポイント  (0子コメント)

    So.... is the kid 11 or 15? Because the thread title says one, and Hannah says the other. And it's quite a big difference IMO.

    [–]Lewis4Darco 12ポイント13ポイント  (0子コメント)

    The brigade in this thread is pretty crazy.

    [–]TInniss 10ポイント11ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Personally, I think she is free to do as she wants on HER twitter, and if that means calling out the hate speech and bullshit of another Twitter user - with a public profile - then that's her prerogative. Is it harsh? Yes, but that kind of disgusting hate-speech needs to be called out, and consequences have to be felt. A small slap on the wrist isn't likely to solve the issue - too many people feel they can get away with being dicks online, that isn't how the world works.

    [–]Xirion 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

    IMO i agree with most of what happened, maybe it should have been handled better (a little less publicly) but the internet ia a dangerous place, he could have pissed off the wrong person and seriously regretted it. The parents/guardians should be made aware, maybe the school? But this isn't going to ruin his life, he'll just hopefully learn a valuable life lesson, that there are concequeces for his actions.

    [–]SipsGamingCenterCX 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

    After this incident I feel the Yogscast should drop her from content creation for them. Keep her on is only going to hurt their reputation further.

    [–]18: Karaoke Night 2La_Truite 12ポイント13ポイント  (0子コメント)

    When someone condemn the bullying of a friend and then process to use the same method to defend said friend it's baffling.

    When that someone is (suppose to be) a well-adjusted grown up, has a fairly large following and doesn't realize how wrong that was, I have no words to say how puzzled I am.

    Funny thing is, Hannah used to be the voice of wisdom a year or so ago. But since she started working from home, she found a 20 feet tall horse and though "Yep, let's hop on it".

    [–]McGilv 14ポイント15ポイント  (3子コメント)

    So I went to Hannah's twitter to check this all out and I see that because of this she's received tweets like "It would be a shame if you got raped". WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK? Like honestly why would you tweet a woman that. I originally criticised Hannah for how she handled the situation with this teenager but if your dealing with shit like that on twitter I can understand. I mean I get mad when I see Russian porn bots filling my mentions never mind guys hiding behind cartoon avatars tweeting you this bile

    [–]Martynjojjannes 7ポイント8ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Some people seem to response to things like this with the extreme. Not sure if people are are seeing something and thinking I better one up this.

    [–]Ralod 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Look where this post origninated. It is not hard to figure out why that is the case.

    I used to agree with a lot of the stuff around gamergate. Games Journalism is a pile of trash. But it never fails anytime something like this happens and a woman is invovled she gets horrid bile spewed at her. The people involved in it now are the same Alt-right Neo-nazi asshats we see as the majority of online Trump supporters.

    This is being brigaded by their sub, so this probally wont be here long. But look at the odd amount of activity on this topic. The mods should lock it now, she deleted the tweets, it's over.

    [–]ineedthehatrack 11ポイント12ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Do yourself a favour and just assume that any comment over 10 points is criticising Hannah and everything below that is of support.

    [–]HannahNosta15 8ポイント9ポイント  (1子コメント)

    People love drama don't they? I can't help but feel like this has been blown out of proportion and has just become an attack on Hannah. It doesn't help when the title of the thread is "Hannah Rutherford doxxes 11-year-old boy over internet comments. Thoughts?" it's like we've already established she's in the wrong and we're grabbing our pitchforks before even opening the thread and looking into the details.

    What the Kid's original tweet said that started all this was disgusting, I can't honestly understand why anyone is defending him saying "he's just a kid". He's old enough that he should know better than that. Hate speech is a serious crime and something the autorities should be made aware of.

    In terms of actually doxxing, it seems to me like there was no clear intent to release any of the Kid's details. Lets remember he was the one who brought this attention on to himself when he decided to tell someone to die and calling them subhuman trash because they are transgender. We can also see from the screenshots that Hannah deleted any tweets which let people find out information about the Kid.

    I don't see any wrongdoing on what Hannah has done here, I would have done the same.

    [–]torkona 7ポイント8ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Wowzers. I feel bad for Hannah sticking up for her friend. But I would have thought by now she would be trained and understanding on how to act on social media. Sure, others have done this sort of thing before on Twitter etc, contacting the school/work etc, but they have done it privately. Definitely the wrong way to go about it 100% and her effort could lead to that kids own new mental health issues. But let's also support Hannah here aswell. She should undertake her own counselling on social media use and/or similar. I would be interested to see Yogs response if there is one..

    [–]Orphois 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

    actions (and saying something to someone is an action) should have consequences, that kid will hopefully learn something. the internet is not a free for all, just because some aspects are anonymous

    [–]Petrichor_Rains 6ポイント7ポイント  (1子コメント)

    Ok. I'm going to say that she actually did the right thing by reporting him to his parents and school. And from what I see on twitter she didn't post any info (only the school name) like his address or stuff like that. And the info she found was from public things the kid had created himself.

    I agree that it's a bit Shitty to discuss it openly on twitter. But there are a lot of teens and children that need to learn that the Internet isn't some magical place where they can say anything they want to. And they need to learn that there are consequences. So reporting to school and family is the right thing to do when a minor is being abusive on the Internet. And this won't ruin his life. He needs to learn a lesson and that his words hurts others. It's the same as bullying on the school yard.

    [–]pyrodorobo 8ポイント9ポイント  (0子コメント)

    We've all made mistakes growing up.

    Some worse than others. This kid definitely did something bad. But he didn't physically harm anyone, and before anyone replies to that, no I don't think that's the only reason there should be punishment for this sort of thing. But he's 12, according to Hannah's tweet. When I was 12 I didn't even know much about transgendered people. I probably knew they existed and honestly I didn't have any opinions about anything sexuality/gender identity related or I guess, even, the overarching discussion about human rights. I was 12. I was worried about school, pokemon, and girls. I remember maybe around that age I had been exposed enough to know about homosexuality. I knew a lot of people in my state/country opposed equal rights for them. I didn't personally know a single gay person, that was open about it. I just saw that a group of people were being oppressed. I thought they deserved to have their unions recognized by my government, the very same one that was founded upon and preached equal freedoms. It wasn't an unpopular opinion by any means, especially now.

    But back then, I thought it was a choice. I honestly didn't know better and now I'm appauled at my ignorance, but I educated myself. A kid that's 12 years old has a lot to learn. Even one that shares all of your beliefs still, objectionably has a lot to learn. We absolutely should see this type of hatred and mentality and nip it in the bud early, which I hope and believe was Hannah's original intent. But doxxing someone isn't the way. If we can't treat people with understanding and attempts to teach, how can we possibly expect others to listen to us when we fight for equality for all?

    [–]Hobbitbox 10ポイント11ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Well I was already unsubing anyway...

    [–]Oyadama 7ポイント8ポイント  (3子コメント)

    Not to defend or show correctness towards any side of this but more to shed some light on a misinformation that's been said.

    The first amendment is commonly regarded as free speech. A blanket free speech. Truthfully you only have free speech against a government as well as free speech against citizens. The second part of that is stripped away when your first amendment rights infringe on another's rights laid out by the constitution.

    Anyone saying things against another in a form of bullying or harassment is not exercising their first amendment rights. If they say they are, they are attempting to use a person's lack of knowledge against them most times to make someone think it's okay what they're doing.

    In the exchange there was no exercising of first amendment rights and instead was someone's either misguided or lack of knowledge, or was someone's blanket 'I can say this, 1st amendment." which does not give any person actual right to say anything they want. Americans do not have unadulterated right to abuse others by speech because of the 1st amendment, believing so would be wrong and dangerous by any person on either end of a conversation.

    [–]zakarranda 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

    What I find exceptionally interesting in Hannah's attack on the First Amendment is that that's what gives the Yogscast the right to do everything they do. The UK is cracking down on freedom of expression left and right, and if the President-Elect starts trying to punish journalists for being critical of him, then suddenly the First Amendment won't be such a joking matter.

    [–]LancasterNotYork 8ポイント9ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Oh for gods sake Hannah....

    [–]Wellshieeet 11ポイント12ポイント  (5子コメント)

    Every single person ever in the history of people have said fucked up shit as a kid. Only difference now is that it's on the internet so everyone can see it. He's just being an edgy kid. Why try to fuck him over? I don't get it.

    [–]SwiftAngel 14ポイント15ポイント  (4子コメント)

    Because he said something mean to a trans person. If it were to a straight white male, literally no one would have cared.

    [–]HuskyPupper 45ポイント46ポイント  (25子コメント)

    Never liked Hannah after her feminist rant about womans pay.

    [–]4: Hat Films Musical Jam!Gyrhan 11ポイント12ポイント  (6子コメント)

    Can I have a link to this, please? I haven't seen it and want to judge for myself.

    [–]Duncanplazmablu 52ポイント53ポイント  (16子コメント)

    I don't see much wrong with it personally. You may say that women aren't paid less than a man for the same job, and I'd agree, but it has been undeniably proven that women on average are in lower-paying jobs than men and generally are less respected in the workplace. You can't just dismiss these problems as "feminist rants". They're legitimate issues affecting half the population.

    [–]LeSpiceWeasel 21ポイント22ポイント  (12子コメント)

    but it has been undeniably proven that women on average are in lower-paying jobs than men

    You say that like there's a sorting hat and women are given the lower paying jobs. There is a choice at play, you know that right? And that anyone can choose to go to trade school to learn how to be, say, a plumber. But walk down to the nearest trade school to you and see how many women are in those classes.

    It's been my experience that there is a much smaller range of jobs that women are willing to do.

    [–]SixIfYouCountTheLion 32ポイント33ポイント  (11子コメント)

    Nah, that's bullshit. It's not that women aren't choosing high-paying jobs or trade jobs, it's that most of those jobs are traditionally considered men's jobs. Your statement assumes that there are no societal pressures in place that suggest women are more suited for lower-paying jobs like teaching. Also, that assumes that schools for traditionally masculine jobs are accepting of women. I don't know about trade schools, but I know computer science lectures and courses filled with men aren't always an environment my that women would feel safe in.

    TL;DR The pay gap isn't about rich CEO fat cats plotting to pay women less, it's about greater social inequalities that need to be tackled.

    [–]infiniteloneliness 20ポイント21ポイント  (2子コメント)

    I don't think anyone can deny societal pressures and traditions, it's obvious they're there and I totally agree with you about inequalities being tackled. However, I feel these are things that are down to the individual to solve and work through (which can be hard, I'm not saying it isn't). The main problem people have with the wage gap argument is that while it holds some truth, the meaning behind it is often misrepresented in some people's arguments. It's just averages of all men and all woman. It has nothing to do with discrimination.

    If a woman wanted to be an engineer, there's nothing or no one with any real power saying she can't. Societal conventions and pressures are prevalent but powerless if the individual chooses to ignore them. If we want to get rid of these often negative norms, it's down to the individual to not let those trivial things prevent them from doing what they want.

    [–]SixIfYouCountTheLion 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

    I think I absolutely agree with you - although often times ignoring societal pressures is harder than it sounds. On a case by case basis, it's definitely on the individual to ignore the societal pressures and do what they wanna do. But on a greater scale, the goal should be to make ignoring those societal pressures even easier. Ultimately, it will come down to the individual, just not only the individual trying to work out what they want to do. We've definitely come a long way in terms of those social pressures, but that sense of progress just makes it easier to stop the fight - there's definitely still pressures on both sides. Men are less likely to be teachers, women less likely to go into STEM subjects. There's nothing inherent in gender that makes this make sense. Basically, question everything, because when it comes to shit like society and gender, nothing is true and everything is permitted.

    [–]Mejari 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

    If we want to get rid of these often negative norms, it's down to the individual to not let those trivial things prevent them from doing what they want.

    It's also down to the people applying those negative norms to recognize when they are doing so and try not to. It's a 2-way street. It's not some shadowy "other" who pressures women out of certain industries, it's actual individual people, same as the individual women being pressured.

    [–]aspenthewolf 3ポイント4ポイント  (1子コメント)

    Hannah, you're great and all, but you took it a little far.

    I totally agree with your approach at first to get in contact with that jerk's parents and the school - hate crime isn't something that should go unpunished and it was good for you to stand up for your friend. I appreciate and respect that.

    Publicly putting how and where you got their personal information and who it was and further antagonizing them was taking it too far. You're well within your rights to do so, and all of the information you obtained WAS public, but it's just generally not a cool thing to do.

    We all need to be careful about how we treat others online, the things we do and say can have a huge impact on other people's lives - this is not a power that should be treated lightly, especially by somebody with as large of a following as you or any other public figure. You can do better than this, Hannah. We're here to correct what is wrong and make everything right and just in the world, not ruin lives, even if they made a mistake... They're still human just like the rest of us.

    [–]Puffin4Tom 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Well said. The right response in this situation is to contact the parents and the school, and suggest that the parents might want to check their son's online activity/ privacy settings. Announcing to the whole world what you're doing is taking it a step too far in my opinion, but I can understand why she did it. If it was my friend I would probably do the same thing.

    Unfortunately, this highlights again in my mind why I don't like connecting the internet to my real life. It's far too easy to post something without thinking about it properly and end up regretting your actions later.

    [–]Super-Finch 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Oh God! Why does there always have to be drama!?

    [–]24: Festive Fi-Zone FinaleTheRealGuy01 19ポイント20ポイント  (10子コメント)


    I only have one ''thought'' right now:

    Is it that time of the year again?

    This happens every few months, the pattern continues - iiiit's...

    Drama time ladies and gentlemen! Don't you just love it! sigh

    I'm staying well away from this, as I try to do with all the drama that gets posted to this subreddit. It only ends up dividing the fanbase, and so close to December? We can probably do without it tbh.

    [–]yetherewestillare 29ポイント30ポイント  (6子コメント)

    Life must be so simple for people who can write off doxxing a child as "drama."

    [–]24: Festive Fi-Zone FinaleTheRealGuy01 25ポイント26ポイント  (5子コメント)

    I looked through the post, and I refuse to get involved. It may be wrong, it may be right, whatever, but the OP clearly posted it here to cause fallout drama. Just looking at OP's profile proves the probability of this. Hell, the whole thing happened yesterday, and this only got posted here today, OP must have gone digging through a bunch of tweets to come across this in the first place, i'd say.

    OP even posted this to kotaku's reddit, what a surprise. Isn't that another place to fuel drama, iirc? Edit: oops no he just found it posted in kotaku and decided to throw it up here too. Same thing, really. xD

    [–]PandaDaWrongOpinion 18ポイント19ポイント  (3子コメント)

    To be fair, I'm glad it was posted. The mods are here to ensure it doesn't turn nasty, although it shouldn't really anyway. When something like this happens, something I, and maybe OP, believe to be seriously wrong, I think it's good to make people aware. and OP asked for thoughts, discussion on a topic like this I believe is essential, because it can help you form a reasonable opinion and you can also learn a great deal. Things like this need talking about, especially since YouTubers can have a massive impact on people's lives (though their videos and streams, ect), and, at least I, tend to value the Yogs option greatly and things like this can change that view.

    [–]KIAthrowaway9999 7ポイント8ポイント  (0子コメント)

    I'm the person who made the post. It was made to be posted to kotaku in action.

    This was crossposted here by someone else and not myself. I have no desire for any drama.

    [–]TrottimusSparl 14ポイント15ポイント  (2子コメント)

    I'm staying well away from this, as I try to do with all the drama that gets posted to this subreddit.

    Then why comment on the thread/s?
    You can read the original post and the comments people make and upvote/downvote them how you see fit, but if you are "staying well away from this" commenting on them is not doing so and thus unintentionally getting involved albeit not discussing the actual matter at hand.

    [–]FirebugRM 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

    I'm all for some justice against assholes. I had my fair share of them when i was in school. But it was a bit creepy for Hannah to find out about this kid and send stuff to his school - But she also did it all publicly? I mean you can use the excuse "he put it all online for us to see" but that's no excuse.

    [–]Eagleras 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

    I'm in no way condoning what the kid said, it was pretty nasty stuff, however I do think its important to remember that he is, at the end of the day, a kid.

    We've all done shit as children that we're not proud of and would never do now. Hannah in my opinion has acted far more childishly than the kid and its pretty disgusting.

    Not too impressed.

    [–]lesuje 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

    This should never have been handled over twitter / publicly.

    Hannah - or better yet, Laura Kate - should have contacted the kid's parents on the phone, and let them deal with it. It's after all THEIR responsability to raise their kid and teach him how to behave to other people.

    [–]dragon_fiesta 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

    You don't dox kids. She could've contacted the kids parents and got him grounded but now every nutter can find the kid

    [–]OurRobOrRoss 5ポイント6ポイント  (1子コメント)

    Thoughts, I don't feel the least bit sorry for this obnoxious kid and think it's good he got called out. I don't get what the fuzz is about.

    [–]Zoeycrazycrawfish 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Come on guys were better than this.

    [–]JordyLakiereArt 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Horrible behavior on both ends.

    [–]pheromonekvlt 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Major over-reaction. He's just a dumb child. Educate him, report him if necessary, but put all that info out there? Why?

    [–]ineedthehatrack 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

    This was first posted on KotakuInAction which is essentially a place where people feel comfortable to shit on others for things so it makes sense that the initial OP and this OP have created titles worded in such a way to make her out to be the villain before you even get started.

    If the guy is 15 then there's no good reason why he shouldn't be held accountable for his actions. The internet hasn't been a place where actions don't have any consequences for a long time. There are laws in place for certain behaviours and they should be taken seriously and people ought to know that before they abuse and plan to harass someone for being different.

    If they are 15 and from Australia they will be eligible for their license next year at 16. If you believe someone is mentally capable to judge right and wrong enough to drive a 1 ton vehicle around the streets then he should know better than to abuse someone online and not expect something to happen. He, as a teenager decided that he disagreed with a trans persons decision so much that he felt sending them abusive messages was an appropriate action to vent his feelings. This isn't a child and people need to stop using that word because it makes Hannah out to be this villainous witch who doxxed and ruined a child's life. 15. A minor in the eyes of the law but a child he is not.

    Hannah's actions were strong but overall necessary and will teach this person an important lesson in both how he behaves online and the importance of online privacy. While this wasn't her intention as she was defending a friend from abuse she showed him that going around online being an asshole does bring consequences and when you've opened your life up to millions of strangers you're not going to like what happens because of it.

    Hannah brought these actions to the attention of his parents and his school. People question why she involved the school and I feel it's important for them to know how one of their pupils behaves online as it brings damage to their reputation (similarly how people are concerned this brings damage to The Yogscast.) In a world where the internet has an ever increasing presence in the classroom the way they behave is incredibly important as these actions could affect his employment opportunities in the future. You need to learn.

    He learned a lesson today and will likely think twice about his actions and his online privacy because of it. There was a way for this to be avoided and that's to not call people cunts online because you disagree with them. Hannah's actions to me were forceful enough to get the message through but not harsh enough to bring the fury of her following down onto him. Of the 200k followers who knows what percentage actually still use twitter to have seen this and based on the comments in here a majority don't use it.

    I'm completely fine with this sort of behaviour. There wasn't any direct attack on him and she did the appropriate thing while giving him a taste of how it feels to receive unwanted attention from angered people.

    (This thread is clearly against Hannah's actions so I wasn't silly enough to bring my main account in here with a dissenting opinion. You're free to downvote this if it makes you feel better and helps make you look right. I don't mind.)

    TL;DR: Hannah's actions were fair and he got an important lesson. He's not a kid and should know better than this. He should think twice before abusing people with lax online privacy.

    [–]MulattoWeeb 13ポイント14ポイント  (3子コメント)

    This thread is a really good reminder that the Yogs primary demographic is teenage boys IMO. I love that everyone immediately thought of the guy as the victim and not the person he harassed.

    As for the action itself, its not like she hacked the guy's computer or stalked him IRL, his info was freely available online already. As for everyone saying that this will "Ruin his life", ignoring how much of a victim blaming mentality that is, you do know that the internet isn't some pretend-land where you can do whatever you want with no consequence, right?

    OP calls them "internet comments" as if that actually means anything. On a non-anonymous account he openly spewed hate speech at someone. To call that doxxing, is like saying the media doxxed Donald Trump by talking about his tweets. All consequences of what he did are on him, not Hannah. All she did was be the middle man and speak out about what she saw, something that any decent person would do if they saw someone being hurt, especially a friend.

    [–]Hohenheim_ 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

    This exactly the truth of the matter. The problem with the Yogs subreddit is just the sheer amount of people (likely teenage boys) that just don't know what they're talking about at all and love to start a witch hunt every couple months at the very entertainers they're supposedly fans of. I think maybe each Yogs youtube channel should have it's own subbreddit instead of this one to stop these posts happening.

    [–]Lewis4Darco 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

    I think it's less the subreddit and more that we're getting super brigaded by KIA

    [–]Blaacksheep 9ポイント10ポイント  (11子コメント)

    Is it doxxing when all the information is publicly available and not hidden? (she just looked at his public facebook profile)

    [–]sipsgooch 28ポイント29ポイント  (0子コメント)

    I guess not technically, but she has thousands of impressionable followers most of whom are ready to jump on things whether rightly or wrongly. I think it was handled in an unnecessary way and poorly.

    [–]LewisFonjask 25ポイント26ポイント  (6子コメント)

    Yes it is.

    EDIT: My definition of doxing is closer to Wikipedia's than it is to UrbanDictionary's:

    Doxing (from dox, abbreviation of documents), or doxxing, is the Internet-based practice of researching and broadcasting private or identifiable information (especially personally identifiable information) about an individual or organization.

    The methods employed to acquire this information include searching publicly available databases and social media websites (like Facebook), hacking, and social engineering. It is closely related to internet vigilantism and hacktivism.

    Doxing may be carried out for various reasons, including to aid law enforcement, business analysis, extortion, coercion, harassment, online shaming, and vigilante justice.

    [–]Zach!Yogs_Zach 16ポイント17ポイント  (2子コメント)

    It is on this subreddit.

    [–]iNorway1 5ポイント6ポイント  (1子コメント)

    Its not doxxing in the literal sense, but it is more like a "public shaming", I think.

    [–]Blaacksheep 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Yeah, I definitely agree that this was not the appropriate way to deal with the situation :P

    [–]Qtbear 7ポイント8ポイント  (3子コメント)

    wow....cuz she never did anything wrong when she was 12 right?just wow

    [–]Duncanplazmablu 29ポイント30ポイント  (1子コメント)

    Not that I think this is ok, but abusing someone online because you're a hateful bigot is not just a boyish prank. Needs to be dealt with seriously, and they made the right decision by sending this to the school. Unfortunately she made some very poor decisions too.

    [–]Lewis4Darco 8ポイント9ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Yeah kind of concerned that people think encouraging someone to kill themselves is typical kid behavior.

    [–]TheTurnipKnight 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Hate speech is not an acceptable behaviour at any age and it is a felony. His parents and school should be notified absolutely. What shouldn't have been done is announcing it publicly.

    [–]enicorn 4ポイント5ポイント  (1子コメント)

    I think I should defend Hannah here. This person purposefully, and publicly, sent an offensive message to someone because this someone was trans gendered. If you're willing to put your name to something like this then you are also willing for people (for example, your parents and school) to know that you think this way.

    For those saying that this boy's life is ruined, chill. His life is not ruined, why on earth would his life be ruined? He's going to learn a lesson: don't be offensive and assume you can get away with it. He's not getting the electric chair, he's not being put in a maximum security prison, even if there were some record of this, it will be wiped away by the time he's old enough to work. At worst he may have to do community service or speak to a therapist but even that will not happen.

    It is my belief that this boys freedom of speech is not being interfered with, whether you judge this by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights or the first amendment (see Chaplinksy v. New Hampshire).

    Addition (26/11/2017 at 11:50): Reviewing twitter's terms of service (scroll do to "if you live outside of the US") and also "The Twitter Rules" we see that the boy did breach these rules, specifically:

    • Self-harm: You may encounter someone considering suicide or self harm on Twitter. When we receive reports that a person is threatening suicide or self harm, we may take a number of steps to assist them, such as reaching out to that person expressing our concern and the concern of other users on Twitter or providing resources such as contact information for our mental health partners.

    One could argue that Hannah breached the rule stating "You may not publish or post other people's private and confidential information", however, I would argue otherwise since she did not actually post any of this, only posted that she had found it.

    Considering that Hannah is a public figure you would be right to argue that she might of handled this better, i.e. privately contact the school and/or parents.

    [–]Twitch Modlrv94 9ポイント10ポイント  (9子コメント)

    For what it's worth, Hannah actually released no personal information of the person in question. All she did was tweet the school of the kid, letting them see the behaviour of one of their students. This is not doxxing! She did not release his full name, or address, or any other identifying information.

    Stop using the word doxxing incorrectly. Finding and releasing their home address, or other identifying information is doxing. What Hannah did, is NOT.

    This is drama for the sake of drama. The 'kid' should know better at 15 (Not 11, if you'd read through the tweets you put in your imgur album, you would know this) and should be held accountable for their actions. Blogs (Not going to name them, they don't deserve the publicity to be fair) don't help by throwing up half truths without gathering full information.

    And yes I know I'm a mod, but let me assure you, these opinions are 100% my own, and have not been influenced.

    Let the down votes begin, I guess.

    [–]LewisFonjask 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

    People use two different definitions of doxxing, I've found. Allow me to copypaste something I said elsewhere in this thread.

    If you follow that definition of doxxing, then only people you know IRL can dox you. And that's not the definition I use. There's a lot you can find out about people through their digital papertrail. Compiling that and using it in a malicious way (as it was done here) crosses the line into doxxing for me.

    My definition is closer to Wikipedia's, and not to UrbanDictionary's:

    Doxing (from dox, abbreviation of documents), or doxxing, is the Internet-based practice of researching and broadcasting private or identifiable information (especially personally identifiable information) about an individual or organization.

    The methods employed to acquire this information include searching publicly available databases and social media websites (like Facebook), hacking, and social engineering. It is closely related to internet vigilantism and hacktivism.

    Doxing may be carried out for various reasons, including to aid law enforcement, business analysis, extortion, coercion, harassment, online shaming, and vigilante justice.

    [–]iNorway1 4ポイント5ポイント  (1子コメント)

    Typical adult behavior with social media. They often don't know when to stop when communicating.

    Just a sad example really. I hope she learns from it.

    Edit: And btw, the first amendment is really shit. I support that one.

    [–]SimonRenessis 8ポイント9ポイント  (0子コメント)

    What about it is shit? It protects citizens from their government.

    [–]ladymulti 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Hm... IMHO, once he illegally harassed someone, it's their right to find out how to report them. Really, the kid is lucky he didn't get reported to the police, which was Laura's right...and as it was publicly going down on twitter, it is hard to fault them for publicly resolving it on twitter and the later deleting the tweets.

    I mean I would be ashamed of Hannah if she had just given his full name, address, and all contact info but she used what was pretty much already available.

    My hope on this is maybe the kid has time to learn from this, that the internet is not just a "me space" that you can't just go around calling people "cunts" and opening Go-Fund-Mes in the name of hate and expect to hid behind your screen; that there are people on the other side of the hate that you spew.

    That's just my opinion; I'll probably get down-voted for it but eh, whatever.

    [–]Dazie_Pants 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

    The kid got what was coming to him

    [–]BrentSven-Ripa 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Hannah, stop.

    Just, come on. I enjoyed watching her in the past as she seemed a lot more relaxed and laidback. But now, as of late, she's just taking this weird turn where she constantly comments and has to push her opinion around. I mean, of course it's her twitter and she can do whatever she wants, but she must realize this isn't giving her or the Yogscast as a whole, a good look.

    I'm just dissapointed and worried over what happened to Hannah? Why'd she suddenly turn so... Angry with the world? She seems to be so full of hate whenever I check her twitter. It's never a positive tweet, it's always accusing/insulting or something inbetween. :(

    [–]SipsZangeon 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Shit like this is absolutely inexcusable.

    And I can't fucking stand it when people like these predend that they doxx people to "defend a friend." Un-fucking-believable. And I thought Simon was bad at using social media.

    [–]Hannahyogslomadia 1ポイント2ポイント  (56子コメント)

    Since we're discussing the boy's behaviour and mine, I'm just gonna leave this here as a reference point, since it somehow seems to have been left out of the actual OP: http://i.imgur.com/mjnOE8f.png (warning: abusive)

    This is my friend Laura - a friend who is transgender and has battled with depression and suicide in the past. She always speaks very openly and positively about battling both mental health and social issues around gender. This is a friend who was told by this kid that he would help crowd fund her getting a Nintendo Switch next year and that he was a 'big fan', only for him to find out a day later she was transgender and send her the above tweet. He threatened to come back if she blocked him, and continue on another account.

    Also - to clarify, the 'kid' is 15+ and lives in Australia, which has the same hate speech and online harassment laws as the UK - giving the police full rights to investigate the matter if they so chose to. The First Amendment and US law has no grounding here - feel free to discuss it if you so choose, but obviously be aware this does not apply whatsoever to this situation.

    In terms of doxxing - I tweeted his school's Twitter account into a direct conversation with him that included the abusive tweets, and pointed out directly to him that his internet profile security was next to non existent - at which point he began to make his profiles private. I never publicly tweeted any of his contact links, and have since deleted any tweets from that conversation with him and Laura that could be construed as doxxing. The only link ever tweeted (and retweeted by me) was by Laura to ask people to report his GoFundMe so that he wouldn't continue to use her name and face to leech money from her community - which he was planning on doing to the tune of $700 if he could! - which was quickly followed by a 'don't harass him'.

    Anyone that found this kid was not sent via me - I was recording at that point and not on Twitter - and with entire Internet profiles linked together and without any privacy settings on at all, his GoFundMe clearly showed his identity for anyone to look at. If people did that whilst reporting the page, that's certainly not something I sent them to do.

    I sent his school an email with attachments of his tweets so they could address the matter with his parents since their primary focus as a school was cultural diversity and respect, so figured they may have some sort of idea of how to handle this situation properly - I didn't go looking for his parents, and didn't contact them either. His last post on his Facebook was also along the lines of 'ooops got caught out lol see you in a month', so I am somewhat doubtful this is going to have a serious impact on him past a good scolding and no internet for a month.

    TL;DR - sticking up for a friend experiencing targeted and aggressive hate speech from a teenage bully, who was also using her name and story to scam money out of her fans. Told his school in an attempt to get him to change his ways before he says it to someone who actually does commit suicide and he ends up going to jail. Or says it to someone's face and gets beaten up.

    [–]yetherewestillare 119ポイント120ポイント  (6子コメント)

    You say it was in defense of Laura Dale, but didn't she go on to say that she'd taken care of it and was vehemently opposed to other people butting in?

    You've done this several times before. You have to be honest with yourself, if you can't be honest with us: you're just doxxing people because it's fun for you. It's got nothing to do with Laura Dale because if you cared what she thought you wouldnt've done it.