It seems like everyone has gotten banned from the Führer except me. I've seen a lot of people get banned with spectacularly timed insults, but my ban was much more subtle.
As you know everything over at the Führer is conspiracy theories and hate speech so I was not surprised at all to see a post "Jill Stein has just raised more money in 24 hours for her WI, MI, and PA recount initiative than she did for her entire 2016 presidential campaign. Let that sink in. Where is this money coming from, because it sure isn't her supporters!" which of course was filled with the usual cheeto flavored paranoid theories about it being funded by Saudi Arabia, or Mexican rapists or whatever.
Funding of Jill's recount effort didn't surprise me at all because everyone I know seems to be kicking in right now. Many people that didn't support her at all during the election see this as a chance to clarify the vote and get to the bottom of some suspicious irregularities, its kind of a no brainer.
So I posted my first comment ever on the_tangerine_tornado
Money came from people like me that want fair and open elections, doesn't mean I don't think Jill is a wacky job, just that without fairness elections are not legitimate.
Mind you I did not attack Donald Dimwit in any way, I simply stated a small truth into the discussion from my unique perspective. For me this is the beauty of reddit is being able to get out of your echo chamber and get a small chance to see things from other people's perspective.
Of course my post was immediately met with a wave of downvotes so I added...
Edit- down votes because who wants fair and transparent elections?
I got a lot of comments and hate mail that would not be appropriate to repeat, and of course this was quickly followed by my ban notice with a message from the mods...
Note from the moderators:
This forum is for supporters of our 45th President of the United States ONLY.
Let that sink in for a moment. I knew that I would be banned if I purposefully insulted their bronze god in any way but I actually got banned simply for respectfully stating my first hand perspective on a relevant post.
This is what the Donald has become.