A word used to shame a man based on what somebody else does TO HIM. Under no control of his own.
We all know that women have backup men in relationships. They have orbiters. They are all cheaters after some point in their life. No man, no matter how alpha, no matter how little shit he puts up with, will deal with this either overtly, or without his knowledge.
For men to be aware of the fact that their partner is manipulative, lying, infidelitous, or otherwise, and not to be immediately unforgiving about it, is a normal response as a result of their conditioning to believe that women only do things that are abusive because it's his fault... somehow. He must to blame for her being manipulative, lying and etc, right? Funny how calling him a cuck does the same thing. No. This is why we have terms like red pill and blue pill.
Understand that when you call a fellow man a cuck, regardless of how weak, emotionally stunted, codependent and "beta" he is, you're effectively telling him that he is to blame for female nature and deserves his punishment for having bought into the narrative an entire civilization has read to him from birth, and is given every reason to believe, unless and until he swallows his first red pill. For most this never happens, regardless of how little the women in his life think of him. Do you blame the zombies for being brainwashed? Do you point and laugh? Why wouldn't you pull the curtain down on the person with the controller?
Chances are good that most men on here, if they've been with a woman, that they too have been cucks at some point. Shame yourself. Excuse her if that's really what you want. For a laugh at his expense.
Don't get me wrong, the word is funny. Nothing is off limits, but don't pretend to be able to see women for what they are, for society for what it does to our self-worth, and still use this word for his not being as oh-so-badass and unforgiving as you. Quit insulting your friends and fellow mates and help them to understand.
You are attempting to remove his masculine dignity by blaming him for a woman's abuse of him, and giving women more power by excusing said abuse. I could write a paper on how "Cuck" was written by those who wanted to give us a meme that we would accept, but which shifted blame and kept us continuing to fight amongst ourselves as men, to "see who comes out on top". Look at yourself. Your mother was probably somebody who cucked somebody else. There is the chance that was your own father. Are you absolutely sure you're your fathers son? Are you absolutely sure your son is yours? You sure you gut HPV from a toilet seat, and not your girlfriend or wife's side man?
Use the word all you like, but I don't think it belongs on this sub. Stop excusing female abuse, and drop it.
I'm not an idiot. I understand that it doesn't HAVE to mean that you would excuse her every time. It is possible to admit to being cucked, yet to express anger and bitterness toward her behaviour, but be honest with yourself, look over some other threads, and tell me if that's what we use it for. No. We use it as a tool to mock. Don't lie to yourself.
Your going to say that you're mocking men for the actions or inactions which lead to their women doing this to them. You don't really believe that do you? That if he was just so alpha and strong headed, that she wouldn't eventually cheat? We all know better. No man is exempt from this, and it is certainly not a defined, certain thing that a set of behaviours alone would protect against such a circumstance.
Quit excusing women and leave this word for moments when it's truly necessary.
Also, stop being lazy and buy a thesaurus if you really can't think something funnier.