全 23 件のコメント

[–]Ineedrealanswers 25ポイント26ポイント  (0子コメント)

For me the silver lining is people can stop claiming, "racism is dead, we have a black president".

[–]sodiumflareshomicidal lesbian terrorist 14ポイント15ポイント  (5子コメント)

53% of WHITE female voters went for Trump. 54% of women overall voted for Clinton.

I mean maybe it'll be a "silver lining" for the straight, white, entitled middle-class demographic that makes up Trump's base, but then they're not the ones who'll be seeing their loved ones deported or murdered by the police. Anyone who seriously decided that they would vote for a literal fascist instead of a competent and experienced administrator because of trans issues needs a kick up the arse.

Also wow people say some fucked-up things on this sub but "legislating transgenders out of existence" is way, way up there. Listen to yourself. There's a difference between disagreeing with trans peoples' political ideas and wishing state persecution on them. Jesus.

[–]milfloressiempre[S] -1ポイント0ポイント  (4子コメント)

There will be no persecution as long as the transgenders don't claim to be members of the opposite sex. That's a choice, not something inborn like race, nor is something that's beyond one's control like economic status.

The fact is that many men choose, after enjoying decades of male privilege and having been able to function as a father and a husband, to become transgendered. Many of them do so for nefarious reasons and they commit crimes such as voyeurism in order to further their fetish.

Whether some of these folks are good people aside, transgenderism can get coopted by criminal elements and potentially even by terrorists. The transgender community staunchly opposes any form of "gatekeeping" to ensure that criminals won't be transing, so the only other viable alternative is to outlaw transgenderism altogether.

[–]Black_PhillipaDisgruntled Goat 5ポイント6ポイント  (2子コメント)

But the right wingers are only anti-trans because they conflate it with being gay. A cross-dresser saying he's a man is going to be no safer under the fucking jackboot of these people. There's not a big stretch between 'if they weren't trans they'd be safe' to 'if they pretended to be straight there'd be no problem' which a lot of older gay people, including me had to hear growing up. I think transgenderism should be treated as a mental illness- with compassion and understanding. Protecting women's spaces is always my priority, but fascism and cleansing the population of unpopular factions is everything I've fought against all my life. I'm shocked to see these opinions here.

[–]Genderreddit 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

"I think transgenderism should be treated as a mental illness- with compassion and understanding."

Sometimes this sub acts like having mental illness means you're automatically untrustworthy and manipulative, tbh.

[–]Screaming_Cicadas 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

But don't you know that mental illness is just a toxic Tumblrism? /s

[–]sodiumflareshomicidal lesbian terrorist 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

So do you believe people also deserve state persecution for, say, religious or political beliefs? Or do you think that detransitioners and non-transitioned gender non-conforming people live lives that are fine and dandy?

Also don't weasel your language, you said you wanted to legislate "transgenders" out of existence, which pretty clearly implies that you want individuals persecuted. And lol forever if you think making transition illegal is going to do anything to stop creepy men being creeps in whatever way they can manage.

And nice total avoidance of me pointing out your racism, A+.

[–]5firtreesself-identified gillygim 12ポイント13ポイント  (0子コメント)

I don't even thing that's a silver lining, really. Sure, Mike Pence and I might agree that trans males don't belong in women's restrooms, but we arrive at that conclusion for totally different reasons. And Mike Pence would probably prefer trans males transitioning (keeping gender roles firmly in their places) than lesbians existing, y'know?

I totally get that its a time to look for a silver lining, because everything about this administration seems like it's going to be crap, but I'm pretty sure this isn't it.

[–]swans0615 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

His minions are already turning on him for disavowing the alt-right and going back on his extreme policies lol - https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/nov/22/alt-right-supporters-donald-trump-backlash-disavow-reddit-4chan

[–]Black_PhillipaDisgruntled Goat 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

I think the only good thing about it is that people are angry, and they realize we can't be complacent anymore. The right-wing anti-trans faction are motivated by homophobia and a paternalistic need to "protect" their female property. They aren't our allies.

[–]sea-h0rseFemininity is ritualized submission 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

My only hope is that this galvanizes the left to hold the right accountable for it's blatant hypocrisies and lies. To all the young people, our parent's generation isn't going to die anytime soon. We've maybe got 20 years of them as a powerful voting block. That's plenty of time for them to fuck things up. And guess who is going to inherit their mess?

[–]La_DiablaHigh Priestess of Uteri Coven 11ポイント12ポイント  (1子コメント)

Kris Kobach is a racist asshole. Boy, is he gonna be surprised when they go after immigrants who over-stayed their tourist visas and discover a large portion of them are British.

[–]Skillfulleold lady TERF 11ポイント12ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yeah this post definitely rubs me the wrong way.

[–]endofthelinerXX-Marks-My-Sex=Female 7ポイント8ポイント  (6子コメント)

Completely messed up my edit! I originally said I didn't think that was the reason.

“We need an economic message that appeals to people who make between $50,000 and $100,000 a year. We completely missed that group of voters,” said Mickey Kantor.

I don't think so. Meanwhile, people are dying in the streets and unable to make ends meet on $10/hr or less, and this guy is worrying about people who are making at least the median wage, and twice that. If that's how the Dems are thinking, they'll never get it together to win another election because they'll be leaving a huge demographic out of consideration. Of the few people I know who voted for Trump, none are making anywhere near $50K. So, where was the talk about living wage jobs for those who have been displaced by the "new economy"? Or talk about job security, retraining, etc?

The 3rd quarter median weekly wage in 2016 was $834 ($43,368/yr); for men $919; for women $751. http://www.bls.gov/news.release/wkyeng.t01.htm

Many of these voters (I've said it before and have heard commenters also say it) did not bother to vote in this election, as they turned out in 2008. Some didn't even turn out in 2012.

[–]milfloressiempre[S] 7ポイント8ポイント  (1子コメント)

It seems though, many voters chose Trump because they are tired of "political correctness." There are lots of rural and exurban Americans who are outraged by the U.S. Department of Education's insistence that boys should be using girls' locker rooms if they "identify as" girls -- something mainstream Americans view as an example of "political correctness" gone wild.


[–]endofthelinerXX-Marks-My-Sex=Female 8ポイント9ポイント  (0子コメント)

Well, I don't consider myself "rural" or "exurban" (my first 60 yrs were spent in cities), but I do have that opinion of trans because I know it's impossible to change your sex, no matter what the govt says. Otherwise, I'm pretty much to the left of most people. But there isn't much of a left in the US--it's pretty much neo-liberal, especially on the coasts, and it dismisses a good part of the country, and trans is a part of neo-liberal thought. [Edit] Also, I talk to a lot of people who absolutely think companies stink, hate them, that they don't think much of their employees or respect them, yet their own individualism prevents them in a lot of situations from organizing--that's how much anti-unionism has taken hold in many places because people are job scared when they are employed. Fear--it's what's driving most people's opinions these days, and it's not that there isn't any pie, it's that ordinary people aren't getting their fair share of it since most of it goes to the top 1%.

[–]vulvapeopleI am Terficus 3ポイント4ポイント  (3子コメント)

When they talk about the income of Trump supporters, is that individual or household? Because $50k/year in a two-income household isn't that great.

[–]endofthelinerXX-Marks-My-Sex=Female 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

$50K/yr is each of 2 adults making $25K, which is $12/hr, not a living wage today if you're trying to be "middle class". We have a bit short of $40K, but we're doing fine because I know how to deal and budget. My grandson bought a house instead of going to college, because he has a child. We don't feel "poor", just short of "disposable income" for things like cosmetic dentistry, vacations, etc. It's tight, but we have a good time, regardless. He tends to be a spendthrift, I tend to be a skinflint.

[–]ClearlyaShill 4ポイント5ポイント  (1子コメント)

The median household income for Trump supporters is 70k a year, compared to a national median household income of 55k.

I'll also point out, however, that Trump supporters also tend to live in states with a low cost of living. So they're better off than they look to say, a New Yorker, who might see 70k as struggling. But in my home city, 70k gets you rather a lot.

[–]Amareldys 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Trump voters skew older and people tend to make more at the end of their careers

[–]Eclectic58Resistance is NOT futile 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

I am not a one-issue voter, so whatever gains we might make in re the transgender issue, it will be for the wrong, and conservative, reasons, and it's not worth all that we'll lose.

[–]lonewomanbikerassigned seating at birth 7ポイント8ポイント  (0子コメント)

Women are like outsiders and given very little voice in the male struggle to decide if women are private property, or for public access. I want full-human rights, but we are only being given these two choices at this time. To be 'off limits' private property is the lesser of the two evils and buys time to achieve full liberation.

Giving men lady-face domination rights over women/children in public to access/rape/a free 'ticket out of sex assault' is a really bad idea. It re-establishes biological women/children as free-range things for men's general use, and establishes that the only humans with actual rights/protections are adult males.