Over and over we saw Trumplets create hashtag campaigns of outrage targeted at advertisers in order to push their agenda. But we can play this game too and remove a major part of Breitbart's ad revenue.
Some ad providers have already started to stop providing services to Breitbart on the basis of promoting hate speech, which lowers the demand for ad space and effectively lowers the price for space.
Article about this: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-11-22/major-advertising-technology-company-bars-breitbart-news-for-hate-speech
Here's the key quote:
Google's DoubleClick service, the leader in digital display advertising, still powers ads on Breitbart's website. That's despite Google rules barring its ads from running next to "harassing or bullying content" and "content that incites or advocates for harm against an individual or group."
So we start up a campaign to pressure DoubleClick to drop Breitbart and we take a huge chunk out of their revenue.
Any suggestions for a hashtag?