全 7 件のコメント

[–]Sajgon66 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

Have fun with STD.

[–]tribalbandit 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

I think for most it is the stigma associated with it, mostly from other women. Just like a lot of people lied about who they were going to vote for. Or a married man pretending to listen and care as he dreams of a day where women shut the fuck up. Not worth the hassle if others find out.

Then there is a trust issue. I doubt I could ever bring myself to use one no matter the circumstances because of the vast amount of stories of men being jacked by the pimp/boyfriend.

Then you have the STD factor.

I also suspect that in the future more of the bitches will jump on this rape culture thing to get their 15 minutes of sympathy as they count all the money they made in private.

Guessing if you look at this list one could argue I might not trust a bitch.

[–]smashmarxism[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yes I think the safety aspect is a big problem as well, particularly in terms of being robbed by the pimp or henchmen as well as the risk of STDs.

I would assume that these risks are considerably reduced in countries where prostitution is legal and regulated like the Netherlands and Germany, although that may be just an illusion, in reality the fact it's legal may not make much difference to the reality.

[–]JStheHammer 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

The chance of robbery or blackmail. Plus you can't go to the police.

[–]User-31f64a4e 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I guess the question is, unpopular compared to what?

Here are some thoughts:

Misperception of character - It appears that everyday women are more trustworthy, honest, dependable, chaste (partner count wise), healthy and generally virtuous

PUA-ish Ego - I certainly don't have to pay to get laid. Only loosers pay to get laid! I'm an alpha. AN ALPHA!

Confirmation of Alpha Fucks Beta Bucks - Nobody really wants to believe Briffault's Law. They want to attract women based on being special snowflakes. With hookers, it's obvious she only gives a fuck about your money.

Bad PR - All that conditioning from society

Known facts - Well, you know she's a whore. You know she can't be trusted.

Legal status - It is not allowed in many places.

Thinking it over, I think it's mostly the ego thing. "Only losers use hookers" is probably what most people think. This means admitting you have to pay to get laid is an admission of being a looser. Never mind how you have to pay for dates and wives, never mind all the shit you have to do for a wife or LTR - the hooker makes this so obvious that it seems like an admission of failure.

[–]UltraSfinks [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

STDs, potential for extortion and blackmail, legal troubles, etc. Hookers are expensive. Really expensive, that is if you want to avoid the above. Even then it's still not a sure thing. Money is good for many things. Why waste it on an orgasm you can otherwise get for free using your own damn hand, and in far less than an hour, without even leaving your home? That's a lot of work, time, money just for a lay.

Also sex on its own just isn't that exciting. This sounds hokey, but when I was in love with my ex, (the same one who forced me to GMOW eventually) sex was incredible because we both knew what we both liked, and we were both good at it, and the emotional aspect made it great. Hooking up with chicks at the pub feels sad and wrong, even with the ego boost and rush of finding a new girl. So I stopped that. I can't imagine paying somebody for even less of an experience.

[–]lostapwbm [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Is this the main reason that most men frown upon using prostitutes and look down on men who do, or is there other reasons for this mentality?

Some men (usually very "traditional" or very feminized) have the idea that women are too good to sell pussy (the pussy pedestal).

From the standpoint of physical labor it's a ridiculous position. Why is it lawful to pay a woman to rub oil on your back, but it is unlawful to pay a woman to rub oil on your penis?

Why is it socially acceptable that a man wear out his knees, hips, and back doing labor, but not that a woman wear out her vagina?

Turning the feminist blather on its head, why is it "my body, my choice" when it is time to scrape a vagina of fetal tissue, but not when it's time bargain for sexual services? Women have enough agency to get a surgical procedure, but not enough agency to have sex for money?