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[–]murderousbudgie 2924 points2925 points2926 points  (570 children)
Upper body strength.
[–]newgirlintown7 1747 points1748 points1749 points  (132 children)
No one will ask or care if they wear the same outfit to work for two days straight.
[–]thatlldopug 2668 points2669 points2670 points  (119 children)
Skirts, think of all that ball room
[–]hitmewithyourcar215 34 points35 points36 points  (3 children)
Guys are supposed to ask girls out. As a man with crippling anxiety when it comes to the opposite sex it's damn near impossible to ask a girl out. Why can't it be acceptable for women to ask men out?
[–]laneloveslipstick 105 points106 points107 points  (28 children)
This probably will sound dramatic to men, but I really envy that they (generally speaking of course) are probably overall less paranoid 24/7.
I truly can only speak for myself, but I think men would be shocked if they felt my fear just walking from my car to my house at night. I'm sure men are scared of things like that too, though, I'm not saying they have it easy.
Or how creepy it can be when a man "catcalls" you in a very disrespectful way, and you wanna stand up for yourself or say something sarcastic back, but you just don't know what his reaction would be.
Oh and not to mention, the fact that I (and lots of girls) have been getting hit on by older men since age 13/14. Very creepy and confusing feeling for a young girl who hasn't even really flirted with boys their own age.
I know most men do not have bad intentions, but if by some chance they did? I'd probably have no real chance because I am small. No matter how strong I am, or how prepared I am, there's 95% chance the man is physically stronger than me.
[–]OtterlyTragic 21 points22 points23 points  (0 children)
Too true. I always feel like I have to be hypervigilant about my safety or it's my fault for whatever happens to me. I love the night and would love to walk in it without worrying about my safety.
[–]outtakev 9 points10 points11 points  (1 child)
im a strong guy but i still have slight paranoia walking from my car to my house, im not strong enough to take a bullet to the head or chest.
[–]Lindeberg1 27 points28 points29 points  (5 children)
Hair. Women can and are allowed to do so many pretty things to their hair. Hair cuts, colours etc. For an average guy your options are never presented to you. Maybe because they are so limited. My mom/dad never took me to the hairdresser and go through what kind of hair I had and what hairstyles works with my face etc. My mom just told me I needed a haircut and she cut it for me. Now I'm 25 and I found a haircut I like and that works for me. Still it's nowhere near how beautiful the hair of most girls are.
[–]OminousGray [score hidden]  (1 child)
Grow your hair out long.
Braid it.
Now make all the girls jealous.
[–]yum1ru 11 points12 points13 points  (1 child)
There's pretty much only one thing; not having a period. I hate having to double check plans to make sure they don't fall on the day I'm likely to start, I hate not knowing the exact day either it's just guess work and a nasty surprise, I hate being unable to do anything for the day other than lying down doubled up with pain, I hate feeling gross, and I absolutely how how it happens every frigging month. I would give so much to not have to suffer with this bullshit.
Also I hate the embarrassing stigma surrounding it. If I'm really in pain and feeling ill, I will never admit why to anyone, I'll just say I don't feel good.
[–]Caridor [score hidden]  (0 children)
The fact that women get complimented.
Men don't. Men rarely complement other men and women are the ones who are pursued, rather than go after someone so men can work out as much as they like, having a rocking body and never get complimented on it, same with the mental things, because we come to you. You don't have to make us feel wanted or good about ourselves, we've already told you we want to be with you.
It happens rarely but holy shit, is it amazing when it does happen. Except when it's that "You're such a good friend", please don't tell us that if you know we like you romantically. It's soul crushing, but we have to be ok with it, because it's a compliment.
[–]GrayFox2510 10 points11 points12 points  (0 children)
The clothes. Don't get me wrong, there are some good stuff out there for guys, but I just like female trends so much more. Larger variety of color, styles, the accessories, don't get me started on those. And lingerie, holy shit is that a trove of treasure and options.
[–]Wanzer-Reznaw 9 points10 points11 points  (2 children)
Male chiming in, I work in an office where I'm the only male and I hear stories all the time about how they get out of tickets by crying and heard about it frequently from college and high school friends as well. So, I really envy the empathy that women receive when they are hurried or stressed or their ability to get out of trouble by becoming emotional.
Do note, I'm not saying this works for all women or that all women do this. I'm just saying I envy the women in my life who do, do this and do it consistently to manipulate law enforcement or administration into letting them get away with misbehavior.
[–]vathloisland 84 points85 points86 points  (29 children)
Nothing. Women have the oddest plumbing. Being a guy is the best.
[–]queenofthera 26 points27 points28 points  (22 children)
Arguably our plumbing is more sophisticated. It's all neatly tucked away whereas a guy's just kind of hangs out. It's as if God got bored after designing such an intricate system for females and thought: "fuck it, just gonna let it all dangle."
[–]PatheticPathologist 664 points665 points666 points  (69 children)
The sexual norm. You basically only have to be there.
Not wet enough? Guy's fault
Didn't come? Guy did a bad job
He didn't come? Not your fault!
Didn't have sex for a week? Well he didn't initiate...
I know reddit is (mostly) a sex-positive environment and that this mindset isn't very prevalent here in our little echo-chamber. I'm also well aware that loads of women do feel responsible for these things, but that still doesn't change that the average guy will perceive aforementioned problems as his fault.
It's frustrating.
[–]Itanagon 713 points714 points715 points  (41 children)
You don't seem aware that a lot of women have massive complexes over not being wet enough. Think how you feel when your dick stays limp even though she's doing her best to arouse you. A dry women feels exactly the same.
On a similar note, if you fail to get hard, I can guarantee not a single women will think "eh it's not my fault". No, they'll think "what's wrong with me ?" and take a serious confidence hit.
Didn't have sex for a week ? She won't think "eh, he didn't initiate", she'll think "oh my God why doesn't he initiate anymore, what's wrong with me ?".
Everyone gets to enjoy the benefits of soul-crushing complexes when it comes to sexual performances, men and women alike.
[–]-Mountain-King- 396 points397 points398 points  (8 children)
Oh good, crushing self-doubt is for everyone!
[–]bottle-me 41 points42 points43 points  (2 children)
That's how it usually is. No one knows what's going on, they just assume it's their fault.
[–]Gurrb17[🍰] 15 points16 points17 points  (1 child)
Sometimes I don't get hard or I don't get as hard as I'd like and I get all in my head about it (which makes it worse). Anyway, my girlfriend doesn't explicitly say she thinks it's her fault but I can tell she thinks it is to some degree--and that sucks because it's not her fault at all. In all honesty, it just happens every now and then.
[–]SatanMD 6 points7 points8 points  (3 children)
Thank you.
I was just explaining to my partner that not getting is like being limp.
Also, most of these problems are solved by communication.
[–]spacedads [score hidden]  (4 children)
Men have longer eyelashes and they don't even care

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Comments, continued...

[–]TealApostropeC 2186 points2187 points2188 points  (109 children)
Not having periods. I could really do without that monthly hell.
[–]Vandergrif 123 points124 points125 points  (6 children)
The thing that really gets me about periods is that there are mammals whose reproductive systems function essentially the same as human women's do, except that they simply reabsorb their eggs. That's a nice big 'fuck you' from nature if ever I saw one.
[–]JanetYellensFuckboy [score hidden]  (4 children)
That plus the whole menopause thing. What the fuck was evolution thinking?
[–]TheOceanographer [score hidden]  (2 children)
Probably that you weren't gonna outlive your reproductive usefulness.
[–]PunnyBanana 305 points306 points307 points  (20 children)
I just had my annual which included a pap smear. I'm a little salty about dealing with this female reproductive system bullshit.
[–]Hurray_for_Candy 487 points488 points489 points  (34 children)
It's like our uteruses try to kill us every month, and then a week later they realize they made a mistake and should probably chill for a bit.
[–]Captain_Chaos_ 180 points181 points182 points  (18 children)
The first time I took sex Ed in like 5th or 6th grade I was seriously shocked. "They do WHAT every month?"
Seems like a real shitty stepping stone in evolution.
[–]lumphie 2142 points2143 points2144 points  (116 children)
Women can be turned on without a chance of other people noticing. I have to hide that rock hard thing down there, that's frustrating.
[–]somecallmenonny 682 points683 points684 points  (57 children)
Yeah, I'm sorry. Erections sound pretty uncomfortable, too, if you're wearing jeans or something.
[–]TheKamaD 414 points415 points416 points  (41 children)
Depends. If I'm wearing jeans that just barely fit then yeah it can be uncomfortable, but as long as my gear is positioned correctly pre-erection then it's no discomfort at all.
I still don't understand the thought many have that erections are painful or cause discomfort. I've never felt it like that, there's increased sensitivity and pressure down there, sure, but not really any discomfort.
[–]HoudiniSphincter 245 points246 points247 points  (22 children)
If it goes on too long. Usually excessive morning wood is the problem for me.
[–]yuudachi 54 points55 points56 points  (5 children)
Now that is a big perk of being a woman. I can imagine whatever raunchy stuff I want in public, you'd never know!
[–]Sarcastic_Scot 3747 points3748 points3749 points  (399 children)
Multiple orgasms
[–]Itanagon 3137 points3138 points3139 points  (186 children)
The drawback being not-guaranteed-orgasms.
[–]Hurray_for_Candy 597 points598 points599 points  (63 children)
Not only multiple but way more intense. I practically go into a coma afterwards.
[–]Steinberg1 236 points237 points238 points  (8 children)
Yeah, the girl I'm seeing says "Ohmygod!!!" constantly while orgasming and practically has leg convulsions afterwards and can't move for a few minutes. It's like cumming practically tears her in two. Whereas it feels amazing when I finish, but then I get up, grab some kleenex and move on with my day. I don't know what she's feeling, but I'll have some of that please.
[–]oOshwiggity 97 points98 points99 points  (1 child)
The best thing about massive heaving orgasms is the way it warms up your extremities afterward. Perfect pre-sleep relaxation temperatures to help you drift off to sleep in a warm, blood-filled flesh sack. (I'm referring to my body. I haven't microwaved a bag of blood to cuddle with since the prices skyrocketed. Thanks Obama.)
[–]GingerScruff 344 points345 points346 points  (107 children)
Men can too, you just have to be willing to do prostate massage.
[–]Sarcastic_Scot 214 points215 points216 points  (87 children)
yeah i've heard this actually. I'd be totally willing if it's as good as people say, i just don't particularly want to have to buy an ass-dildo, yknow...
[–]GingerScruff 416 points417 points418 points  (59 children)
It doesn't always happen right away, each person is different and you have to find what works for you, but once you figure it out its easy to reproduce.
Basically things will start to get so incredibly intense really quickly and you're about to cum, then you orgasm, but nothing comes out...then you build immediately again and cum again, practically in seizure by now, but nothing comes out again. This will happen 3 - 5 times usually before you do blow and it'll just gush out like a fountain. You'll be left a heaping, sweaty, cum covered mess afterwards and you'll feel like you're on cloud 9.
[–]Sarcastic_Scot 407 points408 points409 points  (45 children)
browses amazon for ass dildos
EDIT: what about poo?
[–]psystorm420 127 points128 points129 points  (33 children)
Enema is a thing
[–]Sarcastic_Scot 108 points109 points110 points  (30 children)
Yeah but can you just enema yourself?
I should google it.
[–]StezzerLolz 124 points125 points126 points  (14 children)
Perhaps use incognito mode.
[–]Sarcastic_Scot 36 points37 points38 points  (10 children)
What is that? it sounds like something i wish i'd had a long time ago
[–]dandaman64 2014 points2015 points2016 points  (46 children)
It's more acceptable to have boobs if you're female.
[–]UnacceptableUse 1030 points1031 points1032 points  (39 children)
It's less acceptable to have a dick if you're female
[–]Flash_hsalF 874 points875 points876 points  (16 children)
Girls don't get dicks when they put on weight. Take that as you will
[–]ISendDeckPics 227 points228 points229 points  (10 children)
  1. Ha! 2. What if the weight they put on is a dick?
[–]Flash_hsalF 204 points205 points206 points  (4 children)
Then it's less acceptable for her to have boobs, full circle.
[–]gronkspike25 1289 points1290 points1291 points  (135 children)
I wish I could wear yoga pants. They look so comfortable
[–]Ataraxia1030[S] 729 points730 points731 points  (62 children)
Wearing them right now at work...yes, yes they are.
[–]Black3200 991 points992 points993 points  (48 children)
I wore them once, they are.. But I have an almond joy thing going on in the front =/
[–]Smooman21 458 points459 points460 points  (27 children)
I bet you'd get a lot of snickers wearing them
[–]Mobidad 126 points127 points128 points  (13 children)
Dude, I put on my wife's yoga pants and I looked awesome. You know how you sometimes see an overweight girl in yoga pants and she looks good but you know if she takes them off it's gonna be a train wreck? Well it works for guys too. Those pants hid any of my extra fat and made my muscles pronounced.
Only problem was that they pulled my leg hair up, against the grain and it was uncomfortable. Also my wife wanted to take blackmail pictures...
[–]Douwe_KB 1249 points1250 points1251 points  (94 children)
The luck of not touching the inside of your toilet with your private parts when youre sitting on the toilet.
[–]bdp44 733 points734 points735 points  (18 children)
The Devil's Kiss.
[–]Deadbeatcop 283 points284 points285 points  (13 children)
I've heard it called the Witch's Kiss, too.
[–]doctorstephanie 948 points949 points950 points  (126 children)
Men can pee standing up.
[–]queenofthera 640 points641 points642 points  (47 children)
Women can pee standing up, we just can't aim as well.
[–]aerionkay 837 points838 points839 points  (25 children)
Not with that attitude.
[–]queenofthera 266 points267 points268 points  (23 children)
I'm inspired now. Gonna practice in the bath.
[–]Itanagon 145 points146 points147 points  (22 children)
The problem is that for every time you're able to use the world as your urinal, there's ten times your penis will betray you and make a mess when you're using an actual urinal standing up.
[–]Gsusruls 175 points176 points177 points  (18 children)
LPT give it a good tug-and-stretch before lighting the fuse. It'll straighten out the urethra inside and fix any sticky problem with the exit point (which is the main cause of initial misfire or split beam).
Disclaimer: if you tug more than twice, you're playing with it.
[–]fikis 1096 points1097 points1098 points  (59 children)
This is going to sound so wimpy, but...
I wish people were kinder to me. I wish they considered my feelings more, and complemented me on days when I was looking good, and did little shit to try to make me feel better when I was in a crappy mood.
A lot of this is my own fault, for being kind of grumpy and stoic, but we guys just don't get the same level of kindness from the people around us.
Please understand: I think men are generally given more unearned respect and deference and we can feel safe in many more situations and stuff, so I'm not trying to say that we don't have adavantages in how we're treated, generally.
It's just that we aren't very often shown pure, unadulterated kindness (ie, sympathy, empathy, compliments, general emotional support), and sometimes I feel like it would be nice to get some.
[–]KD3DJN 188 points189 points190 points  (7 children)
Nothing wimpy at all. Contrary to what society and the media as a whole likes to push, men appreciate compliments and sympathy as well. It can be very tiring to always have to be the stoic tough bad ass. Some days we all would like to just be complimented genuinely or told "Hey, you look down. If you need an ear, just say the word and I will clear my schedule". The key is to find the right kind of friends to surround yourself with. Easier said than done I know but it is worth the effort to find and cultivate those friendships. My best friends are about as "Manly" as you can get but at the same time, none of us will ever hesitate to sit down with each other and listen to our worries, fears, etc. and genuinely try to help or at least provide support.
The people who call men a "wimp" for having feelings are often the ones who need someone the most even if they don't admit it. They have been told that emotions and needing help are signs of weakness just like going to the doctor. End of the day, the "real man" is smart enough to admit and say "Hey there is something wrong. I need help"
[–]OTTERSage 15 points16 points17 points  (0 children)
I feel ya on this one man! There's nothing wimpy about wanting emotional support - men are typically encouraged to suppress emotions and it feels like an isolated existence.
I feel blessed to have the roommates I do - one in particular is a very kind person. He's done and continues to do many kind things - one thing in particular that stuck with me is his tendency to constantly and genuinely compliment people.
When I asked him about it, he said his philosophy is that if we have a kind thought come across our mind, even if it's something small like "I dig that shirt," you should share it! What might be a small compliment to you could make the other person's whole day.
I've done exactly that ever since - I'm very glad I met this fellow.
[–]somecallmenonny 671 points672 points673 points  (102 children)
Not being expected or pressured to shave your legs.
[–]Spyger9 234 points235 points236 points  (2 children)
The most effort I put into body hair is my beard trimmer, once a week. If I was female, maybe I could be bothered to take an electric razor to my legs every, I dunno, 5 days seems alright.
No sex partners at the moment? UNLEASH THE BEAST!
[–]DoctorBroBro 150 points151 points152 points  (52 children)
I'm a dude and I wish I could shave my legs and not be hassled. I hate body hair.
[–]BalancedEdge 85 points86 points87 points  (7 children)
Just become a professional swimmer.
[–]deater 24 points25 points26 points  (15 children)
Dude! Shave that shit! My wife loves it, and women before my wife loved it. Armpit, groin, legs...get rid of it. Women appreciate it. Now, men and family members generally question you....but women!!!
[–]IRSucks 19 points20 points21 points  (0 children)
I do it, man. I certainly enjoy the feeling of sheets more.
[–]SilentOneBravo 1058 points1059 points1060 points  (115 children)
[–]aerionkay 112 points113 points114 points  (2 children)
Men can have it too. But it sucks.
[–]smellyfutahorsecock 224 points225 points226 points  (90 children)
Gotta say they are great, except when they get squeezed
[–]parkitintherear 411 points412 points413 points  (36 children)
I thought that was the best part about having them? You're not doing it right.
[–]Daskichan 291 points292 points293 points  (33 children)
Depends on how hard you're squeezing and how big they are. Groping for pleasure is different than deathgrip on them.
[–]parkitintherear 510 points511 points512 points  (31 children)
Who on earth is death gripping your titties?
[–]the_krag 415 points416 points417 points  (17 children)
Her 15 year old son that doesn't want to stop breast feeding.
[–]Daskichan 20 points21 points22 points  (1 child)
LOL it happened more when I was younger, they're sensitive!
[–]Hurray_for_Candy 164 points165 points166 points  (42 children)
Getting my tits groped is one of my greatest pleasures in life.
[–]johnyann 369 points370 points371 points  (21 children)
Women are dominating the sound-design field because they on average have better hearing than men. Many believe it's an evolutionary trait, which gave them better sensitivity in the recognition frequencies at around 7kHz so they could hear the cry of their kids.
Regardless, as someone working in the audio industry, Im jealous as fuck. I've spent 10 years training my ear, and even then, the women in my field put me to shame.
[–]andreasbeer1981 [score hidden]  (2 children)
Just make all equipment really heavy, so they still need you around :)
[–]SupaKoopa714 2636 points2637 points2638 points  (342 children)
I think girls get a lot more/better clothing options than guys do. Seriously, it's never surprised me much that some guys like to crossdress.
[–]um3k 1987 points1988 points1989 points  (93 children)
Yeah, but men's clothing has pockets.
[–]Poem_for_your_sprog 2501 points2502 points2503 points  (46 children)
Scarfs and shawls and garbs and guises -
Garments made in all the sizes!
Sweaters, stockings, drapes and dresses -
Endless clothes at vast excesses!
Shifts and wraps for all occasions -
Slips and skirts for all persuasions!
Closets crammed to breaking, brimming -
Tiny two-piece suits for swimming!
Gorgeous gowns for celebrations -
Silver pendant decorations!
Beads and bracelets! Rings and lockets!
... Slightly tragic lack of pockets.
[–]3Lii7e 358 points359 points360 points  (10 children)
I'm fairly confident that there is no topic too strange for you to write about.
[–]evil_poodles 198 points199 points200 points  (44 children)
It can suck though if you're a woman who'd rather just wear the same thing everyday but can't because you'll get shit for it. :-\
[–]KD3DJN 65 points66 points67 points  (16 children)
This is exactly what my wife says. We have a huge closet and 90% of the clothing in there is hers because if she wears the same outfit into work that she did a week ago, even if they don't say anything, people (especially other women) will undoubtedly notice. If I were to wear the same shirts and pants week after week, so long as they were clean and presentable, no one would notice or care even if they did notice.
[–]Lost_in_costco 285 points286 points287 points  (59 children)
Yes, that's it for me too. The sheer amount of cute clothing options is nice. Men have, shirts and pants. Various pattern and color shirts and pants. That's it. Boring shirts and pants.
[–]Tethalamin[🍰] 28 points29 points30 points  (0 children)
Yeah but they don't have any fucking pockets...
[–]amarstranger786 426 points427 points428 points  (28 children)
I can't tell you how disappointing it is, as a woman, to find a pair of pants that fit perfectly and make your ass look great and then realize it has no pockets. Or, even worse, fake pockets. It's just cruel.
[–]kantostartershirt 94 points95 points96 points  (13 children)
Who the fuck even made fake pockets?
[–]Kelv_ 105 points106 points107 points  (11 children)
It's so women buy purses.
[–]kantostartershirt 22 points23 points24 points  (6 children)
I don't like purses. I think I look stupid with them.
[–]dax_orion 16 points17 points18 points  (2 children)
That's it, once I graduate college I'm going to start a clothing company that sells women's pants with huge pockets.
[–]lolypuppy 2791 points2792 points2793 points  (199 children)
If you are a woman and you work with kids, it is ok. If you are a man, people will always be cautious, because you probably might be a pedo.
If you are a woman and you post a picture of a male in which he was not aware, it is ok, some might even find it cute or say that she has a crush on him. If you are a male, you are a sexual predator.
[–]UnacceptableUse 649 points650 points651 points  (20 children)
I just try to remember that women can be pedophiles too and now I'm equally untrusting of everyone
[–]lolypuppy 240 points241 points242 points  (8 children)
Then I remind you that men can also be trustworthy, so now you regain confidence in the mankind.
[–]Connelly90 839 points840 points841 points  (63 children)
I know someone who's uncle was casually accused of being a paedophile in a shopping centre once.
He is an older man and was out with his wife and their young nephew for the day.
His wife wanted to have a look in a women's clothes shop and the little boy didn't want to go in, so they stayed outside.
The way she told me the story was that her uncle was waiting out there for quite a while with his nephew and some woman had phoned the police on them.
Police came and they all confronted the poor guy.
Easily explained, and the woman got cautioned for wasting police time.
If that story is even partly true its horrific.
[–]Antigeek985 547 points548 points549 points  (15 children)
I had a nosy do-gooder give me a bunch of crap for riding my mountain bike with my daughter on her BMX bike on a trail in a slightly wooded area just off of a bike path.
She literally asked "Just what do you think you're doing in the woods with that little girl?"
[–]ThisToastIsTasty 181 points182 points183 points  (0 children)
"uh, being a father?"
[–]shmemy 443 points444 points445 points  (2 children)
Nurturing, caring for, having fun with, and parenting my child? Thanks bye.
[–]bulbysoar 68 points69 points70 points  (4 children)
This is so strange to me. Like maybe it could seem suspicious if you guys were walking through the woods... alone... with zero hiking/biking equipment. But she has her own bike with her, probably has a helmet and other gear on - how does she look like she's just been kidnapped? People are weird.
[–]byebylittlesebastian 29 points30 points31 points  (0 children)
"Oh, just taking her out to a nice plot, I mean SPOT"
[–]KickJiuIntheface 186 points187 points188 points  (13 children)
Was at my cousins senior night football game talking with my uncle and my mom, when two little girls walked by. One was 5 or 6 and the other 3-4. The 3 year old dropped a dollar and neither noticed. So I picked it up and gave it back saying "excuse me, but you dropped this" and the 3 year old was slightly scared and didn't react but the older one just took it and they continued walking and I went back to talking to my mom and uncle. On my way a group of teen girls was watching and all looked absolutely horrified, and I even heard "that was sooo fucking creepy".
[–]wowjerrysuchtroll 284 points285 points286 points  (1 child)
To be fair, teen girls are creeped out by everything.
[–]marzblaqk[🍰] 224 points225 points226 points  (7 children)
Teen girls called me fucking creepy all the time when I myself was a teen girl. Don't use them as a metric for social norms. They feed off of putting people down. It's what keeps their hair so shiny.
[–]ireallydislikepolice 247 points248 points249 points  (12 children)
One of my professors was held at gunpoint by Canadian police because he (a white man) was alone at a park with his adopted Hispanic daughter. Someone called the police as him and his daughter were leaving the park because the "concerned citizen" thought he was abducting her.
[–]proanimus 106 points107 points108 points  (7 children)
As someone planning to eventually adopt instead of having biological children, this frightens me.
[–]Mike_Handers 54 points55 points56 points  (2 children)
no good deed goes unpunished. To do good in the world has to be its own reward because of that.
Your life will be harder but it really wouldn't mean much if you didn't do what you wanted.
[–]Gsusruls 485 points486 points487 points  (21 children)
When we were shopping for a nanny to watch our kid, I asked my wife what she had in mind. Somehow it became clear that there was absolutely no way she was going to hire a guy, not even a maternal and effeminate guy who was sensitive and in touch with his nurturing side. Why not? Because it was 'just weird'.
Now, I'm picking on my wife here, but I admit that I had my own reservations about hiring a guy to watch my daughter. I really dug deep, examined myself, and I still cannot nail down why I felt uncomfortable with the idea.
That's how deeply ingrained your point is. I'm aware of it, I don't think there is any reason to still believe it, and I still felt my prejudice.
[–]illini02 172 points173 points174 points  (7 children)
Yeah, I have a female friend. She is very liberal, but I asked if she would consider having a male nanny, and she said no way. I tried to get her to explain, and she had no valid reason, just essentially that she didn't trust a guy. That is pretty shitty.
[–]Yeah_Mr_Jesus 126 points127 points128 points  (8 children)
If you are a woman and you work with kids, it is ok. If you are a man, people will always be cautious, because you probably might be a pedo.
As a guy who is a preschool gymnastics coach, this is 100% true and it hurts. This one lady insisted her daughter was afraid of me (the little girl wasn't) and also refused to believe that no other children were afraid of me when she pulled the girl out of my class.
[–]Rutrowhurricanes 139 points140 points141 points  (14 children)
I just recently got on Instagram and was scrolling through old pictures on a female coworkers account and found she had several sneakily taken pictures of me on there. I knew she had been doing that at the time but I didn't know she'd been posting them. Was a weird feeling but I wasn't hugely freaked out, even a little flattered.
On the other hand, if the roles had been reversed it would have been creepy as all hell, like 10/10 I get ostracised and taken off shifts with her for her safety.
[–]MrFuxIt 22 points23 points24 points  (3 children)
I'm a giant mountaineer, broad as a barn door, well over 300 lbs with long hair and a beard. My wife, on the other hand, is a Lululemon wearing, barre-exercising city girl from one of the most posh ZIP codes in the US. So we're what you might call an odd couple. Like, I wouldn't be surprised to learn that most people who see us in public think she's being held against her will.
This love of mine happens to own a ballet studio for little girls, and I always get tasked with building and working the scenery during her shows. Let's just say people show their surprise and discomfort when I emerge from backstage near their wee ballerinas.
[–]Gokuzaru 194 points195 points196 points  (26 children)
They dont have to worry about sitting on their nuts or getting their dick caught in their zipper
[–]MagnumMia 99 points100 points101 points  (8 children)
I bet you can get the ol' beef curtains stuck in a zipper if you were really unlucky.
[–]laneloveslipstick 384 points385 points386 points  (102 children)
I envy that men aren't pressured to change their looks too much using makeup. I LOVE makeup so much, don't get me wrong, I find it fun and relaxing. I don't really do it drastically change the way I look, but because I enjoy it. But I just think it's interesting that it's a societal norm for women to "fix" or "enhance" their appearance with makeup but men aren't expected to.
I still feel comfortable leaving the house without makeup on, but I always feel kind of envious that my boyfriend can look his absolute best in less than 20 minutes. For me to look what I consider my absolute best, I add makeup and curl my hair etc., and that certainly takes more time. For example, going to a wedding, or out to a fancy dinner or something, in general the woman spends much more time getting ready.
On the other hand, maybe some men feel envious that women can wear makeup without judgement. I'm sure some men might wake up with a zit or huge bags under their eyes and think "it would be awesome if i could cover this up with makeup....but that feels too weird, what if someone notices?"
I kind of wish nobody gave a fuck about who was or wasn't wearing makeup. Lots of men would look wonderful with their brows filled in and some under eye concealer, lol.
[–]CommodoreC64 419 points420 points421 points  (29 children)
On the flipside, you might be able to fix ugly with a bit of makeup. You're a guy and ugly? Haha get fucked.
[–]helemaal 108 points109 points110 points  (19 children)
>I'm sure some men might wake up with a zit or huge bags under their eyes and think "it would be awesome if i could cover this up with makeup....but that feels too weird, what if someone notices?"
I have concealer in my car for this reason.
I'm a US army vet though so it's pretty difficult for anyone to claim I'm not manly.
[–]GrayGhost18 89 points90 points91 points  (2 children)
"Dude are you wearing makeup?"
"I got shot at for you I'll do whatever the fuck I want"
"Oh... ok..."
[–]Peil [score hidden]  (0 children)
[–]CurtyJ 582 points583 points584 points  (121 children)
Women can tell colors apart better than males, generally speaking. Apparently Burnt Sienna isn't Darkest Orange or whatever
[–]arachnophilia 88 points89 points90 points  (15 children)
statistically, the same way that people have on average slightly less than one testicle.
the genes for the cone cells in your eyes are on the X chromosome, so women have two shots at getting them right. men have one, so men are more frequently deficient in color vision. reportedly there are also female tetrachromats, who have a bad and a good red cone cell gene and produce both, and so can discern colors even better.
personally, i'm male, but have perfect color vision.
the other factor is naming conventions, which are cultural. women are taught to focus more on many color names (makeup, fashion, etc, are all targeted at women). this isn't so much discernment, but how we choose to name things. we had a guest lecturer in our seminar class in college once talk about this, and rehashed this same tired point. she showed a color, and said she's call on a male student and a female student. she called on me, and i told her it was lavender. "bad example," she says, and calls on my female friend who is sitting across the room that day. my friend said "purple."
i was an art major. she was a bio major.
[–]poopellar 288 points289 points290 points  (35 children)
Being color blind doesn't help either.
"Yeah, that's totally Massachusetts Himalayan Patriarchal Yellow..."
[–]Gladix 264 points265 points266 points  (25 children)
For color blind people its more like
"That green looks nice"
Its blue
[–]_MortiestMorty_ 116 points117 points118 points  (13 children)
No it's actually red
[–]Blaze_fox 54 points55 points56 points  (8 children)
my colourblindness is kinda... subtle. its not like full blown missing huge chunks, but im missing enough of my red receptors that yellows and pinks are hard to differentiate. theyre on the edges of the red colour cone and so kinda... blend?
like idk how to explain it. i cant tell the difference between yellow and pink basically
[–]mustang_ella 266 points267 points268 points  (37 children)
Simplicity of helping their partner achieve orgasm.
A woman can basically squeeze my nipple and I'm about ready to blow, yet men have been looking for the G-spot for hundreds of years like its the Holy Grail.
I'm obviously happy that I can climax every time, but hey we like to please too.
[–]Russiangreyman 1309 points1310 points1311 points  (409 children)
I imagine dating in general is alot easier for women.
Especially online. It just as well be a meat market.
Correct me if I'm wrong ladies!
Alright so here is what I gathered so far from the comments.
Men have to search and hopefully get lucky!
women have to sift through loads of shit and hopefully get lucky!
So for both parties its a pain in the ass.
[–]parkitintherear 399 points400 points401 points  (110 children)
Online dating is crazy for women. I could find a new date every night of the week if I wanted. I've actually gone on two dates in one night. I feel bad for guys sometimes.
[–]queenofthera 551 points552 points553 points  (79 children)
Easier to get responses but more difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff. I've never actually dated online but my friends tell me that 90% of it is dick pics, bad sexting initiation and creepy fucks who insult you if you turn them down.
[–]PoochieStu 98 points99 points100 points  (4 children)
more difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff
Try sorting out a bunch of nothing.
[–]PlinyPompei 747 points748 points749 points  (7 children)
From The Office -
Michael: [sighs] Any man who says he totally understands women is a fool. Because they are un-understandable. There's a wishing fountain at the mall. And I threw a coin in for every woman in the world and made a wish. I wished for Jan to get over me. I wished for Phyllis, a plasma TV. I wished for Pam to gain courage. I wished for Angela, a heart, and for Kelly, a brain. "Michael, how can you appreciate women so much but also dump one of them?" You mean, how can I be so illogical and flighty and unpredictable and emotional? Well, maybe I learned something from women after all.
[–]aerionkay 761 points762 points763 points  (5 children)
lmao from the same episode
Dwight Schrute: I wish I could menstruate. If I could menstruate, I wouldn't have to deal with idiotic calendars anymore. I'd just be able to count down from my previous cycle. Plus, I'd be more in tune with the moon and the tides.
[–]Emmish64 66 points67 points68 points  (0 children)
This is the correct awnser
[–]Danger_Possum 355 points356 points357 points  (39 children)
Men can run downstairs - or even just run - without the need of a small country's worth of cloth, three days' preparation, and a small winch truck.
There's a reason women do the velociraptor arms over their chests when they run. Bouncing's a bitch.
[–]montrealcowboyx 250 points251 points252 points  (18 children)
Sort of the pay off for you being able to wear yoga pants and not have your business outlined for everyone.
[–]GingerScruff 122 points123 points124 points  (12 children)
I never realized how much of an issue "outlining" was until I got a message on Scruff from a guy telling me he just saw me in his store and loved the outline of my dick on my gym shorts.
I realized quickly I need to wear underwear under my gym shorts.
[–]montrealcowboyx 36 points37 points38 points  (6 children)
Just think about that next time you're doing jumping jacks or stretching or something.
Also, Scruff?
[–]GingerScruff 35 points36 points37 points  (4 children)
Its a gay dating app. Similar to Grindr but not...gross...
[–]MagnumMia 76 points77 points78 points  (3 children)
I dunno, a guy tracking you down to say he liked the outline of your dick sounded pretty gross.
[–]Blaze_fox 57 points58 points59 points  (12 children)
on the other hand - ive sat on my balls a few times.
fkin hurts
[–]knumbknuts 463 points464 points465 points  (72 children)
Much easier for them to initiate sex...
[–]bmwhooligan 360 points361 points362 points  (49 children)
This needs to be higher up. They can pretty much walk up to any guy and make one comment, and give them their number. They can get it whenever they want it.
I'd be a huge slut if I was a girl.
[–]laterdude 683 points684 points685 points  (75 children)
Women can spout cliches in their personal ad and still get replies. You love to laugh? Really? Who would have thunk it!
[–]BaudelairesFlower 467 points468 points469 points  (155 children)
It seems so easy for guys to make friends. They make it seem so simple and like a such laid back thing to do. Do you just go out, yell "Hey, who wants to be my bro?" and high five everybody who's up for it??? When I try making a female friend, it really needs some time until I get to her and her approval; like she is judging me all the time. I hope this isn't true, but damn I wish it would be easier for me to make female friends.
Oh, and definitely peeing standing up. That's a blessing, cherish it.
[–]Tuinbouw 382 points383 points384 points  (17 children)
I never tried to make friends like that but... I really feel like it would work.
[–]helemaal 121 points122 points123 points  (6 children)
It definitly works.
[–]HaroldSax 29 points30 points31 points  (2 children)
It absolutely does. I've met some of my friends in the most stupid ways.
[–]bryguy894 134 points135 points136 points  (5 children)
MEN! We know how to be friends!
[–]aerionkay 94 points95 points96 points  (16 children)
Honestly? All it takes is one common interest for. at least me, to get friendly. Movies, same TV show, casually watch the news for the pretty anchor, same way of disposing of body - anything.
[–]alectprasad 34 points35 points36 points  (2 children)
One of those things is not like the other
[–]filipinorefugee 80 points81 points82 points  (1 child)
Seriously, "movies" is such a broad topic.
[–]saltshaker42 227 points228 points229 points  (28 children)
I don't know how hard it is for chicks to make chick friends, but in my experience chicks have a hard time being friends. Every single one of my gf's chick friends has betrayed her in some way, or tried to get between us in another.
Dudes most of the time are just more chill when it comes to - everything. This includes making friends. Do you like to play SSB4? Cool, come over let's play. Oh, you like Pokemon, and Halo too? Why not friend me on Steam let's play some Terraria. What's that? You like drinking, and own a pickup truck?
[–]sayakota 76 points77 points78 points  (16 children)
I'm a girl, and that's always how I became friends with other girls, just because we had common interests and had fun.
[–]BigPoppa807 201 points202 points203 points  (15 children)
Men like each other until given a reason not to, Women dislike each other until given a reason not to. A generalization but has rang true so far in my experience.
[–]bottle-me 96 points97 points98 points  (8 children)
Women have a lot more clothing options than men do at work I feel. In an office, for a guy it's a suit or some variation of that where women seem to have way more outfits they can wear that can still be considered professional wear
[–]Krosenoise 26 points27 points28 points  (7 children)
Sometimes, during the summer, it seems like it would be WAY more comfortable to wear a dress than a full suit or even shirt and tie.
[–]two__sheds 15 points16 points17 points  (0 children)
My male coworkers (usually wearing jeans, it was a fairly casual office environment) used to always ask me why I was so dressed up at work. They didn't realize that my nice knit dress and cardigan was basically as comfortable as pyjamas.
[–]Ihateregistering6 1 point2 points3 points  (1 child)
I had to go to an outdoor wedding in California a few months ago. It was almost 100 degrees out. I was wearing a tux, my girlfriend was wearing a short dress with spaghetti straps.
Needless to say, I was insanely jealous.
[–]tripletaco [score hidden]  (0 children)
Stood up at a similar wedding. 100+ outside, and the girls had the nerve to complain about how hot they were.
"hey, lady, would you like to try wearing 3 layers instead of your featherweight dress?"
[–]Cheweh69 [score hidden]  (0 children)
I tell my coworkers this all the time on hot summer days when we go to lunch and see some lady wearing a dress. They all usually are busy commenting on how much of a babe she is but I'm more concerned with how well suited she is for the heat.
They think I'm gay or a crossdresser or something.
[–]durx1 [score hidden]  (0 children)
THIS. I was scolded several times by my employer for wearing shorts because it was too casual (it was the summer time and i manage a warehouse). But women get to wear dresses because it is hot. It still pisses me off
[–]BlueRoseImmortal [score hidden]  (0 children)
On the other hand, you guys can go around with only your shorts on when it's hot
[–]Changsta [score hidden]  (0 children)
Well, at least we don't have to wear high heels. I know some girls like to wear them, but man, they don't look comfortable nor practical at all.
[–]plax1780 147 points148 points149 points  (24 children)
Women's ability to not worry about climaxing too soon
[–]Itanagon 266 points267 points268 points  (8 children)
The drawback being "not being sure to climax at all".
[–]theskepticalsquid 7 points8 points9 points  (5 children)
I've read stories of women who have gone their entire lives without an orgasm. How can they live?!?!
[–]yuudachi 8 points9 points10 points  (0 children)
Biologically, it is a lot easier to go your entire life ignoring your clit or vagina i.e. we don't get intrusive boners. Also, porn and most things makes it extremely easy to see how you're suppose to pleasure a penis. Meanwhile, every woman can receive pleasure differently, especially considering that plain 'ol repeated insertion often doesn't work.
Climaxing is also extremely easy to understand, particularly visually. Your penis shoots out stuff and it's soft again. You came, easy. But, for women, you literally only know you orgasmed when you... orgasm. You can only get so wet-- after that, you're just sort of looking for that vague feeling of immense release without actually releasing something (unless you squirt). Really doesn't surprise me that women can go most of their lives not orgasming.
[–]TwoStickZach 3 points4 points5 points  (3 children)
Ignorance is bliss? You presumably did just fine before puberty, right?
[–]luvmenot101 [score hidden]  (2 children)
Yeah but horniness wasn't there before puberty
[–]kaylarue [score hidden]  (0 children)
Testosterone (generally) seems to make you a lot hornier than estrogen.
[–]TwoStickZach [score hidden]  (0 children)
That's more fair - but there are plenty of people that go through the teenage years without, erm, release?
[–]saltshaker42 5 points6 points7 points  (0 children)
Same problem for dudes with the added bonus of decreased chances as we age.
[–]ThatOneNuge [score hidden]  (0 children)
I'm a healthy young man and I've failed to finish before she did.
[–]UnacceptableUse 5 points6 points7 points  (0 children)
I've always thought of it as girls try to and guys try not to
[–]Hurray_for_Candy 2 points3 points4 points  (10 children)
I do have to worry about this with some partners, because I'm highly orgasmic and sometimes when you cum quickly it makes him cum too and the party ends too soon.
[–]Virginth 4 points5 points6 points  (9 children)
What about additional rounds? Or do those just count as separate parties?
[–]Hurray_for_Candy 2 points3 points4 points  (8 children)
Not everyone can do additional rounds and they lose all interest after jizzing. That's why I prefer younger guys who can't get enough.
[–]Virginth 3 points4 points5 points  (2 children)
What qualifies as 'younger'?
I've managed to surprise quite a few people by explaining that my refractory period between rounds 1 and 2 is less than half an hour, and I don't know what the period would be between rounds 2 and 3 because my partners have always been satisfied (I hope so, at least; they've never maintained further interest anyway) after round 2. I'm 25, but according to most girls I talk to, a guy being up for multiple rounds instead of just being one&done is pretty rare, even around my age.
[–]Hurray_for_Candy 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
Younger for me is 18-25, so you qualify! My sweet spot is like 19/20/21.
[–]WalterWhiterun 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
I'm 23 and unless I'm really into the girl (ie she's super hot or I like her personality a lot) then I very rarely ever feel interested in another round for awhile. I mean sometimes I am... i guess I'm just inconsistent
[–]2096060928 0 points1 point2 points  (3 children)
Man you sound like so much fun. Like i said up top. Im your guy.
[–]Hurray_for_Candy 0 points1 point2 points  (2 children)
I'll add you to my spreadsheet!
[–]2096060928 1 point2 points3 points  (1 child)
Ill add your legs to mine M'lady!
[–]knightofdight 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
tips jimmy hat
[–]ZA_SDK [score hidden]  (0 children)
I had a girlfriend that would climax with no effort. It was amazing. She would climax in matter of 4-5min with no effort. The x wife i had to go 15-20min at least.
[–]mtrund [score hidden]  (0 children)
My gf has climaxed HARD very quickly in if she's especially turned on. At that point I know that wetness is running out and we're out of lube (yeah, I know, I need to buy more but we go through it quickly). Yeah, she can have multiples but if she has a good O, she'll be done before me. Usually ends in a bj or hj. It takes me a while.
[–]danlo9 263 points264 points265 points  (69 children)
I would like to have a vagina. It seems like its more enjoyable to insert rather then rubbing.
[–]queenofthera 342 points343 points344 points  (40 children)
You have an anus my friend. ;)
[–]lolypuppy 33 points34 points35 points  (30 children)
The physiology of those two things are pretty different.
As analogy, can you breath through your ears? Can you hear through your anus?
[–]queenofthera 84 points85 points86 points  (22 children)
But you can insert things into your anus.
[–]lolypuppy 23 points24 points25 points  (13 children)
danlo9 mentioned the pleasure that could be achieved by the vagina
It seems like its more enjoyable to insert rather then rubbing.
Even though someone can insert things into the anus, the pleasure won't be the same, because the physiology is different.
If we think of evolution, the anus was not made for pleasure.
[–]queenofthera 32 points33 points34 points  (7 children)
the pleasure won't be the same but men can certainly get pleasure from anal sex. Nerve endings, the prostate etc.
[–]lolypuppy -22 points-21 points-20 points  (6 children)
Yeah, I am not sure if that is something good.
I have already been told, in a medicine lecture, that the pleasure felt on the prostate happens when it is hit from behid during the anal sex and it stimulates the nevers.
Usually, it should never be hit from behind, because it is an internal organ and it protected by other organs. In order to feel some kind of pleasure, it has to be hit hard. And what happens when it is hit hard? It swells and it might stimulates the nevers, which might cause an ejaculation.
Is this good? I don't think so.
I don't care about how other people have sex, but I don't want to do something that might potentially hurt my body.
[–]happyflappypancakes 9 points10 points11 points  (0 children)
in a medicine lecture
Might be the least trustworthy way to validate yourself haha.
[–]PunyDragon 5 points6 points7 points  (2 children)
In my experience, as a male, I don't even need to be inside my asshole to increase the pleasure of my orgasm. I'm assuming this is a mental reaction rather than a physical one, but no pain involved and it feels pretty great. Might just be me though.
[–]lolypuppy comment score below threshold-11 points-10 points-9 points  (1 child)
I am male. I have already attempted. I hurts and I didn't feel any pleasure.
After my attempts, I read about it. I also read experiences of other people and the answers are mostly the same: only the psychological part and/or hard sex with strong impact influence on the pleasure.
The medicine explains what happens when the prostate is hit, so I prefer to give up.
Today we might not have idea of the outcome (results of researches regarding anal sex and health condition), but maybe in some decades.
[–]MurderousKirk 10 points11 points12 points  (0 children)
I hurts and I didn't feel any pleasure.
You did it wrong.
[–][deleted]  (1 child)
    [–]Jerks_took_my_name 7 points8 points9 points  (1 child)
    Male prostate stimulation orgasms can be extremely intense, better than "normal", and also I've heard that men can have multiple orgasms that way but that part could be bullshit... idk.
    [–]Naikado 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
    It is true.
    [–]PhendranaDrifter 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
    Well, men have a prostate, and sometimes, (beautiful) things can happen.
    [–]94358132568746582 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
    I believe the prostate would disagree with you, my friend.
    [–]TaeroL [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Not with that attitude it's not.
    [–]spaghettiThunderbolt 4 points5 points6 points  (1 child)
    And I can jerk off my arm. It just isn't the same.
    [–]Fun_Time_Shorts [score hidden]  (0 children)
    You have no idea what you are writing off.
    [–]98waffles 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
    Or ears
    [–]Blaze_fox -1 points0 points1 point  (4 children)
    gay guys represent!
    [–]queenofthera 1 point2 points3 points  (1 child)
    queenofthera might be misleading here. I'm a lady :)
    [–]Blaze_fox -1 points0 points1 point  (0 children)
    well... gay guys and all girls???
    ive yet to see a straight guy asking for it up the butt. they dont know what theyre missing.
    honestly i didnt know you were a girl. idontnoticenames
    [–]Abiogeneralization -1 points0 points1 point  (1 child)
    Gay men do not own the male anus.
    [–]Blaze_fox [score hidden]  (0 children)
    maybe not. we do own a male prostate however
    [–]charredsmurf 5 points6 points7 points  (1 child)
    Lol ANALogy...
    [–]DownvoteDogUpvoteCat -1 points0 points1 point  (0 children)
    48 minutes too late....
    [–]shrowdawg 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
    I've seen a guy smoke cigarettes through his ear. Granted, his ear drum was ruptured but he still did it.
    [–]Labisch 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
    [–]TheTT [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Can you hear through your anus?
    This is the kind of question I wouldnt dare to ask on the Internet
    [–]MR_SHITLORD 2 points3 points4 points  (3 children)
    My hole started bleeding because of constant diarrhea when I was younger.. I'll take a vagina any day if I could keep my dick.
    [–]btwinch 2 points3 points4 points  (1 child)
    Username checks out
    [–]MR_SHITLORD [score hidden]  (0 children)
    That's something I didn't expect
    [–]wowjiffylube [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Son if you want a vagina to get away from bleeding, I have some bad news for you.
    [–]cltlz3n [score hidden]  (0 children)
    How do you know?
    [–]krislolaboo 157 points158 points159 points  (0 children)
    Who said there wasn't rubbing involved??
    [–]evil_poodles 76 points77 points78 points  (4 children)
    Not necessarily! A lot of women have trouble orgasming from penetrative sex alone, some of us can't do it at all.
    [–]_sunny_disposition [score hidden]  (0 children)
    This is why my gf says I'm "good with my hands."
    [–]mannw [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Actually most can't do it at all.
    [–]TexanInExile [score hidden]  (1 child)
    Yeah, but it still feels good having a dick inside you, right? That's what I've always assumed, but I could be wrong.
    [–]evil_poodles [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Well, full disclosure, I'm a lesbian and having a dick inside me isn't something that I really crave. Not that lesbians can't enjoy penetration (lookit all those sex toys...) but it's not something I personally care for. I don't know how popular this is, though.
    [–]dinoko 58 points59 points60 points  (3 children)
    Only a tiny percentage of women actually reach Orgasm through vaginally sex.
    I wished I loved fucking as much as I wanted to, but usually it's 70% being uncomfortable and 30% pleasure. Wish I had a penis.
    [–]Bottled_Void 5 points6 points7 points  (0 children)
    You two should swap.
    [–]Buutchlol [score hidden]  (0 children)
    And a 100% reason to remember the name.
    [–]politicize-me [score hidden]  (0 children)
    I hear this and wonder about my gf sometimes. Don't get me wrong, she loves oral and finger play, but she really craves me inside her to really make her orgasm.
    [–]yuudachi 9 points10 points11 points  (3 children)
    Honestly, from most anecdotal evidence, pleasure still most easily comes from rubbing (the clit).
    I, for one, have dick envy because the dick just seems like a giant clitoris.
    [–]HorFinatOr [score hidden]  (2 children)
    Actually, embryologically the external clitoris is analogous to the head of the penis. So you're pretty correct!
    [–]Damn_Dog_Inappropes [score hidden]  (1 child)
    Actually, it's more like the head of the penis is analogous to the external clitoris, since fetuses start off female and change into male in the right conditions.
    [–]HorFinatOr [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Semantics, but you're the best kind of correct. :)
    [–]Mimalawasta 7 points8 points9 points  (0 children)
    Can we change?
    I don't like the being inserted at all. Being able to penetrate with something that gives you good feelings seems soo hot to me.
    [–]Ikea_Man 4 points5 points6 points  (3 children)
    Do you rub your dick like a lamp or something?
    [–]Duckcest 0 points1 point2 points  (2 children)
    And suddenly that Christina Aguilera song makes sense!
    [–]berwak 0 points1 point2 points  (1 child)
    What did you think it was about?
    [–]Duckcest 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
    I never really thought about it. I was around 6 when it came out, and haven't heard it in years.
    [–]ToddToilet 5 points6 points7 points  (1 child)
    Tbh as someone with indoor plumbing, I think getting off would be way easier with a wing wang. I've never been able to make penetration feel good for me, so I just kinda mess around with my clit. I'm more or less just jacking off anyway.
    [–]giorgioisright [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Upvoted for indoor plumbing.
    [–]Didsota [score hidden]  (1 child)
    You could store nuts, seeds and edible greenery in there.
    [–]waterlilyrm [score hidden]  (0 children)
    I do not recommend using a vag to store compostable materials.
    [–]snubbe123 [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Then you have not read that one thread about women and their vaginal problems.
    [–]TIGit [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Pegging may be for you.
    [–]PMmeYourSins 21 points22 points23 points  (1 child)
    I guess girls would envy us our spacious, abundant pockets in every piece of clothing.
    [–]Alateriel [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Downside being, they can carry purses without being "weird"
    [–]atomicpeaches 42 points43 points44 points  (8 children)
    The ability to wear a video game/comic book shirt without being asked if they've actually played or read it.
    Every time I wear my favorite Bioshock Infinite shirt some guy says. "That's a cool shirt but did you actually play it?" And when I say yes, they continue to quiz me on the game then stop when I answer correctly. But when my SO wears anything similar all he gets is a, "Cool shirt, man."
    Also, upper body strength.
    [–]BFG_StumpThousand [score hidden]  (0 children)
    But on the flip side if you are a girl with a game shirt you instantly have a bunch of guys view you as a God... Video game girls are hot kinda thing
    [–]pervy-throw-away [score hidden]  (0 children)
    I know girls that wear game shirts and guys are too busy staring at how her boobs stretch out the logo to ask anything.
    [–]news_snooze [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Same with band tees. Especially Metal bands
    [–]_itsv [score hidden]  (2 children)
    It's crazy and sad that we always get judged on when playing video games. At some point, it's practically sexist... But hey, no hard feelings to any guys out there man. BUTTT, it's not because you're a guy that you play better than me or have better strategies👌 #nohate. The number of friends I can name out because they're fucking noobs! 😂😂 I feel you girl... And I don't look like a tomboy at all so imagine when they learn that I play video games. judgy sessions begin 😔😭 #peerpressure
    [–]atomicpeaches [score hidden]  (1 child)
    Struggles, I'm telling you. Glad we're on the same boat though.
    [–]_itsv [score hidden]  (0 children)
    You're not alone girl 😊❤
    [–]JanetYellensFuckboy [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Interesting point with the tees. Never thought of that.
    [–]Laoscaos 140 points141 points142 points  (16 children)
    The ability to be adorable. If a man acts cute it's often seen as some kinda weakness, but girls can do it and be fine.
    Girls like Mable is gravity falls, if dipper acted that silly he'd be relegated quite quickly.
    [–]ThorsHammerMewMEw 57 points58 points59 points  (2 children)
    That's more cultural, take a look at the Korean industry and you'll find many videos of pretty boy idols and popular actors doing cutesy actions.
    [–]sooneung [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Meh, as a Korean I'd say that's pretty much an exaggeration.
    [–]Federico216 [score hidden]  (0 children)
    I think it's more like, if you have the looks of a pop god, you can get away with it.
    [–]sayakota 16 points17 points18 points  (0 children)
    I think it'd be cute, I love adorable male characters.
    [–]carolsnooze 5 points6 points7 points  (1 child)
    I thought Dipper and Mabel were supposed to be the opposite of what usually happens in kids shows with a boy and a girl. Usually the boy gets to be silly and do weird things but then the girl is always the logical one that says what the boy is doing is weird. Think amazing world of gumball (gumball/Darwin and Anais), SpongeBob (spongebob/Patrick and Sandy), Grim adventures of Billy and Mandy, etc.
    [–]Atsusaki [score hidden]  (0 children)
    To add to that Harry Potter
    [–]HandsInYourPockets 4 points5 points6 points  (0 children)
    There was a guy in my school who would blush over the smallest thing involving a girl. He was good looking to begin with and the shyness he gave off had me and a lot of other girls swoon over his innocence. It really set him apart from the other good looking guys as you just felt this guy was a good, trust worthy guy.
    [–]knightofdight 2 points3 points4 points  (1 child)
    My wife loves it when I act cute. :-)
    Just gotta find the right person.
    [–]British_Mike [score hidden]  (0 children)
    My ex did also :P
    [–]ChowMeinKGo 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
    In the relationships I've been in, once you're a few months into the saying "i love you" stage, you can feel free to act adorable and she'll just love you more.
    [–]brucelikesmusic 1 point2 points3 points  (1 child)
    I think the difference is adorable being attractive in men. You can be adorable as a grandpa or a funny guy with a Chris Farley physique, but it comes at the cost of your masculinity/sex appeal IMO.
    [–]man_on_hill [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Exactly. Same thing with women as being "tough" or have masculine characteristics makes them be seen as unattractive.
    [–]ashotandkill -4 points-3 points-2 points  (3 children)
    Apparently you don't watch anime. Ouran high school host club: Honey senpai Fruits Basket: Momichi Both Loli-boys both awesome characters.
    [–]Dextkiller 4 points5 points6 points  (1 child)
    Most of us don't live in Japan though..
    [–]Atsusaki [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Japanese women are also not THAT keen on cute boys as they think that they are just vegetable men.
    [–]gabzilla325 [score hidden]  (0 children)
    There's a difference between being popular and having sex appeal. Honey-senpai, to use your example, was surrounded by girls who thought he was adorable and felt happy being near him, but I don't think any of them were thinking about seriously having him as a boyfriend, and not even close to thinking about sex with him.
    Plus, Honey's cuteness was reconciled with his badass fighting skills, and I would argue most, if not all, other cutesy boy characters in anime have some other badass skill, whether physical or mental. There are hardly any cutesy male characters that can exist as just cutesy like some female characters do, even in anime.
    [–]saltshaker42 415 points416 points417 points  (26 children)
    I envy their ability to be wanted by the opposite sex with little to no effort on their part.
    Oh, and their ability to be around small children and not be labeled a pedophile.
    [–]Gokuzaru 86 points87 points88 points  (5 children)
    I dont get called a pedo cuz i look like a child. I guess its a looks thing too
    [–]UnacceptableUse 19 points20 points21 points  (0 children)
    Pedophiles, take note
    [–]KP_Wrath 3 points4 points5 points  (0 children)
    Yeah... I took a substitute teaching gig about 3 weeks ago, everyone addresses me like a student, sees my badge, "oh, sorry, I thought you were a student."
    [–]StezzerLolz 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
    Try growing facial hair. Just... not one of those moustaches. Y'know the type.
    [–]Jahrenteed [score hidden]  (0 children)
    I am 25 and look like I am 15... to further my point last week I got told if I showed my highschool ID then I would get a discount on ski tickets.
    [–]aznpkmn [score hidden]  (0 children)
    I have sort of the opposite experience. My younger brother (15) plays golf, and sometimes I spectate at his tournaments. Almost every time, someone refers to him as my son. I'm 21 for God's sake.
    [–]somecallmenonny 19 points20 points21 points  (5 children)
    First one: I think that largely depends on the person. I've personally known quite a few men who never really have to try to get a date, and I've personally known several women who can't get a date.
    Second one: Yeah... I'm really sorry about that one. :(
    [–]Sgt_Slate 11 points12 points13 points  (0 children)
    The standards are different though. The "basement" attractiveness for women who can still get a date is way lower than for men.
    [–]OtterlyTragic 2 points3 points4 points  (2 children)
    Can confirm - woman who can't get a date here.
    [–]Jordaneer 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
    Hey it's me ur not-date
    [–]bycrozz 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
    Date me
    [–]Shinzo19 [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Difference is the guys you know are part of the 10% of men who are good looking enough to not have to try and the women you know are part of the 10%.... yeah I'll stop there basically 90% of men have to work damned hard to get noticed whereas 90% of women just exist and get noticed
    [–]UnacceptableUse 17 points18 points19 points  (2 children)
    Honestly, the whole being labelled a paedophile thing concerns me to the point where I'd think twice about helping a little girl who was injured
    [–]saltshaker42 7 points8 points9 points  (1 child)
    Yea, I don't even smile at children who look at me, which is really common. I think they like my hair.
    [–]forgotusernameoften 5 points6 points7 points  (0 children)
    I like to stare at people who make eye contact with me as so to not show weakness but if it's a child I have to break first in case someone sees me
    [–]chanaleh 5 points6 points7 points  (0 children)
    That's a damn shame. For what it's worth, I don't get suspicious about guys who like to hang around with kids. Kids are awesome, everyone should want to hang out with them. I wish more guys would join my field, we need the diversity.
    [–]xtra-tuff 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
    Seems like there are some assumptions here.....
    [–]celianfr 1 point2 points3 points  (1 child)
    I would consider the first one to be untrue when the girl is considered unattractive or ugly, at least IME.
    [–]Bouchnick [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Both genders can be unattractive, but a men under 7/10 basically has no chance at all while women over 4/10 will have no problem at all finding a date.
    [–]BEEF_WIENERS 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
    I've gotten to the point where all of my friends have kids but I'm still single. I'm horrifyingly lonely, mostly because I have no money and I don't do anything that will help me meet new people, but there's all sorts of awesome little kids ranging from about 1 to 8 that I can hang out with by just going over to somebody's house and hanging out.
    [–]Agent1108 [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Also, step 1: Be attractive. Step 2: Don't be unattractive. If you're an attractive dude, people will think it's cute that you take your kids out to play, but if you're ugly then you're automatically a pedo.
    [–]CuteThingsAndLove [score hidden]  (0 children)
    The first one is eh. Women put lots of effort into their looks (regardless of whether this is because they want attraction or just to feel good for themselves) and to men it looks like we did nothing at all.
    [–]cuddlewumpus [score hidden]  (0 children)
    I honestly feel guilty just for wanted to glance at kids running around and play at the park or whatever, just because it puts a smile on my face. I try so hard to avoid looking creepy that it makes me feel creepy.
    It sucks because I'm actually really good with kids but I'm 6'0, 200 pounds and bearded so I don't think anyone's going to trust me around their kids until my brother has some.
    [–]lencurryboy [score hidden]  (0 children)
    I feel like you are only counting the already pretty women, or the girls who spend time on their appearance. fat girls or girls who are considered ugly don't exist to most men, which is a feeling I think many men can relate to. Maybe average women have it easier than average men, idk honestly, but there are definitely a ton of women who never get wanted (especially not if they don't put effort into their appearance. I think most girls put down effort into their appearance because it is really important in order for you to be liked as a girl. idk this is just my experience though.)
    [–][deleted]  (1 child)
      [–]ToldarkenHansam 261 points262 points263 points  (78 children)
      Amazing how no one said "No periods" yet.
      [–]bottle-me 656 points657 points658 points  (46 children)
      Men don't get periods, but I've heard we actually do go through a hormonal cycle every month. I can't confirm though and am not going to do any research.
      [–]PM-FOR-BAD-ADVICE 608 points609 points610 points  (3 children)
      I can't confirm though and am not going to do any research
      Upvoted for laziness/honesty
      [–]beepbloopbloop 5 points6 points7 points  (2 children)
      He's at the lazy part of his cycle.
      [–]G_Morgan [score hidden]  (1 child)
      Yes "cycle".
      [–]mtrund [score hidden]  (0 children)
      My steroid cycle.
      [–]aerionkay 320 points321 points322 points  (19 children)
      Who needs periods or hormonal cycles when the weight of existence crushes you every single day.
      [–]Thus_Spoke_I 133 points134 points135 points  (13 children)
      That's just gravity.
      [–]KarmicPasta 6 points7 points8 points  (4 children)
      Naw, I'm just really fucking fat.
      [–]AdviceMang 11 points12 points13 points  (3 children)
      So.... still gravity.
      [–]KarmicPasta 4 points5 points6 points  (2 children)
      Big enough to make my own.
      [–]UnacceptableUse 6 points7 points8 points  (1 child)
      You mean like every single object with a mass?
      [–]CyberPlatypus [score hidden]  (0 children)
      Or every single object with energy.
      [–]David367th 3 points4 points5 points  (5 children)
      So if I move to the moon I'll be less depressed?
      [–]Thus_Spoke_I 4 points5 points6 points  (0 children)
      Visiting the moon would be pretty sweet. It'd certainly lift my spirits, though I can't speak for yours.
      [–]UnacceptableUse 2 points3 points4 points  (3 children)
      Yes because you will implode
      [–]Voxous 4 points5 points6 points  (2 children)
      Not true. While things like saliva would start to bubble and boil, you wouldn't implode or explode because of all of connective tissue holding you together.
      You would, however, asphyxiate, and then get irradiated and freeze dried by the sun/osmosis(no moisture in the vacuum causing your cells to eventually shed their water)
      [–]UnacceptableUse 1 point2 points3 points  (1 child)
      Well I'm no physicist but the point I was trying to convey was that you would die
      [–]Voxous 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
      Fair enough, though it wouldn't be a violent death. You just lose consciousness after a few seconds and then become space jerky.
      [–]sticky_gooey 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
      Thats air man
      [–]Bombast- [score hidden]  (0 children)
      Who needs periods or hormonal cycles when the MASS of existence crushes you every single day.
      [–]lolypuppy 8 points9 points10 points  (6 children)
      No! Periods.
      [–]StovetopLuddite 4 points5 points6 points  (4 children)
      Negative! Dots.
      [–]Virginth 4 points5 points6 points  (3 children)
      Refutation! Specks.
      [–]DangerousPuhson 0 points1 point2 points  (2 children)
      Objection! Points.
      [–]My_Tallest 0 points1 point2 points  (1 child)
      Rejection! Punctuation.
      [–]trolliyer [score hidden]  (0 children)
      Refusal! Spots.
      [–]Dent18 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
      Well, replace the word 'kinda' with the word 'repeatedly', and the word 'dog' with 'son'.
      [–]OkArmordillo 2 points3 points4 points  (1 child)
      According to my girlfriend men can get periods. Not just a hormonal cycle, but an actual period. Is she fucking retarded?
      [–]RigidPolygon 3 points4 points5 points  (0 children)
      I don't know about retarded, but she is wrong.
      [–]InternetBull 3 points4 points5 points  (3 children)
      I hear if you sneeze a little blood explosion will occur...
      [–]WoollyMuffler 6 points7 points8 points  (0 children)
      It was here on reddit that I first heard the expression "clot rocket".
      [–]queenofthera 3 points4 points5 points  (0 children)
      Less of an explosion, more of a forceful blob.
      [–]parkitintherear 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
      That's why you do kegels when you sneeze
      [–]lolhatten 0 points1 point2 points  (1 child)
      No periods!
      [–]jericho2507 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
      At this point, someone higher ITT said it🙄
      [–]SkyNTP 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
      The amount of replies in these sorts of threads are, in general, disproportionately male.
      [–]jefferlewpew [score hidden]  (0 children)
      Cause you can just get birth control to stop your periods these days
      [–]zalpha314 [score hidden]  (0 children)
      Dealing with you SO's period :).
      [–]bellalama 0 points1 point2 points  (10 children)
      Periods suck but there are ways to prevent that for women lol. And for me personally, periods are bad for a day or two but then they're fine.
      [–]Joinc 4 points5 points6 points  (8 children)
      Fuck right off.
      [–]bellalama 1 point2 points3 points  (7 children)
      Why tho
      [–]Joinc 1 point2 points3 points  (6 children)
      Humble brags from the likes of you contribute nothing to OP's query. Go check out r/ishitrainbows
      [–]bellalama -1 points0 points1 point  (5 children)
      I was trying to explain that periods aren't that bad for all women so it's not necessarily the most important thing we look at when considering being the opposite sex. How is it a humble brag? I used to deal with terrible periods so maybe 5 years ago I would have agreed.
      Calm the fuck down, dude.
      [–]Joinc -3 points-2 points-1 points  (4 children)
      Fuck your old period problems and present bloody contributions, or lack thereof . Dude.
      [–]bellalama 1 point2 points3 points  (3 children)
      It seems I have touched a nerve.
      [–]Joinc -3 points-2 points-1 points  (2 children)
      "Having nerve and touching one , know the difference." - every woman who makes no attempts to make their menses cute.
      [–]slashIIIa [score hidden]  (0 children)
      I use birth control to help with my periods and for the most part it works. However, I also have some shit side effects, I've just decided that I'd rather deal with the side effects than be in crippling pain a week out of every month. It's also bullshit that it costs money to make me feel better (I have to pay for the prescription) because most insurance companies don't cover it because it's not a "medical necessity". It's all bs. And even though my period is made slightly better by birth control I still say men have the advantage in that sense. Periods suck no matter which way you spin it.
      [–]mateybuoy 16 points17 points18 points  (0 children)
      The ability to go out for a night with £5 and return by taxi, absolutely shitfaced, with £10.
      [–]AndG3o [score hidden]  (1 child)
      Women are so pretty. I wish I could be pretty.
      [–]zazzlekdazzle 164 points165 points166 points  (16 children)
      In the work world (particularly in my field), being able to state your opinions and ask for things directly without having to agonize over how to do it exactly right so as to insure you will be heard while not being considered shrill, difficult, or just crazy.
      [–]EE_108 34 points35 points36 points  (2 children)
      The fact that people are expected to approach THEM and do all the initial work in dating.
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