Mum and daughter smiling at camera

Dove supports the Be Real Body Image Pledge

Imagine feeling as if you’re being judged all day, every day. Told to lose weight, gain curves, get taller, or go curlier. 

Sadly, too many women and girls know exactly what it’s like. Wherever they look, they’re bombarded with images, advertisements and messages featuring unrealistic beauty stereotypes.

This subtly changes the way they think about their own body and appearance, negatively impacts how they feel about themselves, and can stop them reaching their full potential.

According to Dove research, 7 in 10 women and 6 in 10 girls in the UK think the media and advertisers set an unrealistic standard of beauty that most women can’t ever achieve.

In fact, 8 in 10 British women and girls wish the media did a better job of portraying females with a diverse physical appearance, age, race, shape and size. 

For nearly 60 years, Dove has stood for Real Beauty. We think it’s time society ditched outdated ideals and celebrated real beauty, in all its forms.

Mum Reading

That’s why we only use real women in our advertising and have a strict stance on airbrushing and photoshop. And it’s why we’ve committed to creating a world where beauty is a source of confidence, not anxiety, for the next generation of women.

It’s also why we’re supporting Be Real, a national movement of organisations, individuals, businesses and charities that aims to change attitudes towards body image, promote wellbeing and help everyone feel confident in how they look. 

Daughter and Son on iPad

The latest part of this movement is the Be Real Body Image Pledge which calls on the advertising, fashion, music and media industries to pledge to transform the way they portray body image and to responsibly reflect reality, diversity and healthy role models for all.

And we think it’s a change that can’t come soon enough.

So join us. Show your support by sharing #PledgeToBeReal. Together, we can make a difference - now and for generations of women to come.   


Daughter and Son on iPad