上位 200 件のコメント全て表示する 308

[–]BiscottiBloke 84ポイント85ポイント  (32子コメント)

I think we've all learned from the election down south that echo chambers on both sides are dangerous to an informed democracy. We have people on both sides believing every blog article and shitpost, to the point where the real facts get lost in the noise.

You know who suffers most? Not the political parties. The libs/cons are laughing, as more people are driven to them out of fear of the cons/libs.

No, we the people suffer. We become dogmatic and "party loyal", and will support every view or law by own own tribe, simply because that's the team we root for. It suddenly doesn't become a priority to scrutinize our own leaders, because we've been taught that the sky will fall if the other guy gets in.

[–]mrpoopi [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

CBC, CNN, CNBC, NYT, ABC, - all liberal Echo chambers. All mainstream media. Just look at their coverage of Trump and how they got it wrong. At least The Rebel openly admits they are a conservative/contrarian news source.

[–]llama_herder [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

They ran coverage of him 24/7. I'm not sure what they were trying to do this year.

Chase ratings, political results be damned.

[–]moeburnOntario 4ポイント5ポイント  (1子コメント)

I think we've all learned from the election down south that echo chambers on both sides are dangerous to an informed democracy.

Yeah I always laughed at that video where the rebel went down to interview some crazy college protesters, and had no self-awareness to realize it was like they were looking in a mirror.

[–]TrustButtVerify [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

The rebel is pretty bad in general,

But I think the reason you are seeing them posted is that many people enjoy Laura's Videos like her slut walk video, her interviews at U Of T with the Peterson incident coming to mind.

The majority of other contributors are pretty bad.

[–]newcomer_ts 1ポイント2ポイント  (20子コメント)

I think we've all learned from the election down south that echo chambers on both sides are dangerous to an informed democracy.

Even though I have a presumption on where this is going, I'd like to know… who would be on the "other" side?

[–]salty-dawg [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

HuffPo, MSNBC, Vox, NYT, CNN, Salon, Slate, CBC, Now This, AJ+, Buzzfeed, Vice, Gawker (rip)

[–]Krom1244 11ポイント12ポイント  (15子コメント)

The CBC?

Jokes aside mainstream media outles skew left of centre. But the reble is on another level.

If I had to make an honest comparison huffpost or vice news are pretty click baity... Ive also had people I know who i thought werent idiots quoting Beaverton as though they had no idea its satire but ita not really fair to beaverton to compare them to the reble since they explicitly state their material is satire not news...

[–]cantdoxathrowaway [スコア非表示]  (14子コメント)

I will never understand why people claim that corporate media is in any meaningful way "left." All of it pushes a corporate agenda. Every single one. Sure sometimes they occasionally say something mildly leftist, but they all agree that colgate toothpaste is the best, tide gets things clean even though gain has the superior nose technology, and mcdonalds is a wholesome family meal.

This left / right infighting for regular people is the biggest distraction / con job. It is frustrating how effective it is.

[–]dakru [スコア非表示]  (4子コメント)

I thought it was pretty clear, at least from the research and surveys I've seen from the U.S., that journalists tend to be more left than the population? You can argue that this is not reflected in their coverage, I haven't seen enough specifically on that to make a judgement, but certainly journalists seem to lean left.

And the thing is, conservatives have a point. Study after study has shown that the mainstream media leans left, and that, as economists Tim Groseclose and Jeff Milyo have written, “an almost overwhelming fraction of journalists are liberal.” The extent of this bias, of course, depends on what your definitions of liberal and conservative. And the media has other, arguably more important, biases: towards controversy and producing content that is profitable. But it is safe to say that the median journalist in America is to the left of the median American voter, and that this affects how the news is presented to the public. [http://fortune.com/2015/11/02/liberal-media/]

[–]bobthrowawaybob [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

Most (all?) professions involved in arts and culture tend to lean to the left. Journalists, artists, writers, musicians, etc. In part this is because cultural activities are concentrated in cities, and as you can see from an election map big cities lean hard to the left. Journalists are to the left of the average population but in line with the places where they live- NYC 88% Democrats, Washington D.C. 94% Democrats, and so on and so forth. I'm not sure how to fix this, or if it even needs fixing.

[–]dakru [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

The urban/rural factor is a good point for explaining why journalists tend to lean to the left, although it still leaves the fact that they do.

[–]Lux_Stella [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I don't buy that there is a concerted top-down effort by the mainstream media to be leftist, but I do buy that the demographics involved tend to lean that way.

We're talking about a field that's (normally) college-educated, centered in big urban area, tends to have some experience abroad and are heavily tied to the liberal arts field. Those are pretty slam-dunk "left of center" demographics.

[–]TheMer0vingian [スコア非表示]  (6子コメント)

Do you even watch "corporate media"? Most news, both private and public funded, leans left. Out of the 6 highest viewed news channel in the US 5 of them endorse the DNC candidate every year no matter who it is, with the one exception being FOX news who goes GOP.

Do not be fooled into thinking that modern liberalism is incongruous with corporatism. Neo-liberal politicians LOVE open borders and globalism... corporations LOVE open borders and free trade. They go together hand-in-glove. This outdated stereotype of all corporations being rightwing / supporting rightwing parties solely because of (presumed) lower taxation rates is completely incorrect and needs to stop being perpetuated. Currently the majority of mega-corporations actually support the left-leaning party in both the US and Canada.

It is no secret in the year 2016 that both sides of the aisle cater to big business, not just conservatives, and it's we the people who end up losing in the end. Thinking that being leftwing is the morally superior stance that sticks it to big business while looking out for the little guy is a delusion that the liberal establishment is banking on you eating up. Do you think Amazon, google, apple, almost every non-natural resource based fortune 500 company in the US was backing Hillary Clinton because they wanted to help out the poor lower class Joe Blows of America? Please. They want the pro-free trade candidate so they can ship half their jobs overseas in the name of globalism to maximize profits while minimizing their employee salaries. But yeah, clearly conservatism is the only evil corporatist movement...

[–]cantdoxathrowaway [スコア非表示]  (3子コメント)

You are kind of describing exactly what I'm talking about. The media is not in any meaningful way leftist. They ape leftist stances to further a corporate agenda. The same way somebody like fox news will ape conservative values to push their corporate agenda. Then each side can point at the other and decry the wrong-headedness of it all, meanwhile the common corporate agenda receives no scrutiny at all. It's a game designed for the most people to lose to the richest people.

And it's getting worse. Breitbart. HuffPo. Rebel. Vice. You know what I mean, even if you prefer to retreat into tribalism for comfort.

[–]sybauOutside Canada [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

They ape leftist stances to further a corporate agenda.


[–]redditDevil [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

You think the DNC represents the left? They are center-right by my book.

Also, the left wing is against neoliberalism. Just because it contains the word liberal does not mean it is leftist. Read through the definition and tell me thats not a right wing agenda: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neoliberalism

[–]dakru [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

You think the DNC represents the left? They are center-right by my book.

In the Canadian political context, sure. In the American political context, though? That doesn't make sense. If the Democrats are centre-right (and presumably the Republicans far right), then the parties are significantly to the right of the overall American population. Does that sound correct to you? That fully half or more of the American population is to the left of both major parties? It doesn't sound correct to me.

[–]caouchou [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I will never understand why people claim that corporate media is in any meaningful way "left." All of it pushes a corporate agenda

Totally. Look at CBC's The National, for example. You just have to listen to one of Rex Murphy's editorials or watch Peter Mansbridge's interview of Rob Ford to see that they are pretty comfortable with the powerful in society.

I can see how many CBC radio shows have a social justice/left-learning perspective, but the news is far from that.

[–]mactroneng [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

This is the fucking truth. I find myself defending the right more and more on Reddit because as big of problems as the right has, they are not completely wrong and the left has problems that are equally big which a lot of people seem to ignore.

[–]RedRiverBluesManitoba [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

I think we've all learned from the election down south that echo chambers on both sides are dangerous to an informed democracy. We have people on both sides believing every blog article and shitpost, to the point where the real facts get lost in the noise.

Save one side receives a $1.2 billion subsidy from the taxpayer. That must stop. You may not like Rebel Media, but they're more honest than the CBC are, who have no idea what an honest living is.

[–]jenny_wallflower [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

Rebel Media did a story in my city involving an acquaintance of mine (many of her emails were released). It was about a supposed "immigrant crisis" in my city. I was intimately familiar with the situation and basically everything they reported was flatly wrong.

The most egregious example was that in the video, they say that there was a teacher who had emailed about emergency protocol in a room which was being used to teach immigrant students. They framed it as the teacher being afraid that the wild immigrant students would attack her.

But on actually reading the email, it is clear the teacher is asking about what the emergency protocol is for the room simply because it is not normally used as a classroom. Other classrooms have standard lockdown procedures in case of a school shooting; she wanted to know what the lockdown procedure was for that room in order to protect herself and the students - not to protect herself from them.

This is not a commentary on the honesty of other news sources and I will not engage on that. This is purely on my experience spending twenty minutes doing original research on a story that Rebel Media reported about where I lived. They were either intentionally misleading or utterly idiotic, lacking in even basic reading comprehension.

If you allow yourself to believe Rebel Media is unbiased, you are being fooled. If you give a damn about honesty, and you seem to, you need to call out even the news sources you "like". Read and seek out primary sources and raw documents without commentary.

[–]TOMapleLaughs [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

This is kinda why I think the CBC needs to employ some more con pundits. That way at least there can be some open discussion between the two political spectrums on a public platform.

The way that private media wants to head is americanization - division, and destructive coverage to make sure the populace is ill-informed and easily manipulated.

While the powers that be enjoy that, there is a huge problem with distrust in the media down there, and it will eventually cave in on itself.

In Canada at least there is an opportunity for unity. Hopefully we take it.

[–]FlatWoundStrings 75ポイント76ポイント  (1子コメント)

It's Ezra Levant, a proven liar of a right-wingnut.

[–]Cdnprogressive 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

Oh, this is what he's fighting for to get access to the press section on Parliament? If so that's hilarious...

[–]critfistBritish Columbia 33ポイント34ポイント  (6子コメント)

There are no sources to any story. ZERO.

I've seen them use sources. Their story on Syrian refugee students in Newfoundland had the emails from the schools they monitored.

[–]cantdoxathrowaway [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

A masterful pandering that article was. Hey, did you know adolescent boys can be absolute dickheads? Click here to find out more...

[–]ItsOnlyTheTruth [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

Except the refugees were in their 20s and we're abusing boys and girls without consequence.

[–]LancksOntario [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)


Hey, maybe you're abusing children, but leave me out of this!

[–]Iampherocity [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I've seen this same story mentioned a couple times in objection to that point, which honestly, kinda proves the point. They did one news story, are they really a news site?

[–]da394ba8f4646fabe414 95ポイント96ポイント  (68子コメント)

Salon, Huffpost, TheGuardian, Buzzfeed, Gawker, Engadget, Vice, Breitbart, Heatstreet, BBC even CBC have all printed and do print currently stories EXACTLY like you describe not only that but many are overtly racist and or sexist. I watched the "reputable" CBC post stories of nothing but Tweets and this year the CBC has been warned TWICE by the ombudsmen for publishing agenda driven opinion pieces in place of regular news in non op ed articles. That doesn't stop them, they went right on doing it, turned it up even, especially during the US election, it was some of the worst most hideously biased journalism I have ever seen. They dropped all pretense like many other outlets, right and left.

You have literally no clue how big the problem actually is. It's soooo much bigger than a tiny website like the rebel.
The sheer amount of journalistic malpractice flying around and you ONLY brought up the rebel..... hmmmm

On the positive side, I'm glad you noticed there is not sourcing. Now do this on everything you read! Follow the sources, do they lead to more confirmation bias. Do they lead to other articles on the same website where no sourcing exists. Is the sourcing tweets or is the sourcing there but unverifiable etc. Is there a disclosure policy at the websites you most often read, if not why not? I like that skepticism, that is what is required, but spread it around a little. My advice to you all is assume they are all lying somewhat, leaving something out, slanting it in a certain way and then read from a politically diverse selection of sites even sites you don't "agree with" ideologically and come up with your own conclusions, don't just sit there and get fed slanted propaganda from one website you think is "reputable". You end up knowing nothing.

[–]ephemera505 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

CBC used to be quality. Now I can't trust any news source anymore. Many news stories I don't know if it's news or an AD for some new product or company that I suspect they where paid, or maybe the ad company wrote the story for them. Something really has to be done to bring back integrity because everyone will lose trust in their local news

[–]moeburnOntario 28ポイント29ポイント  (48子コメント)

Salon, Huffpost, TheGuardian, Buzzfeed, Gawker, Engadget, Vice, Breitbart, Heatstreet, BBC even CBC have all printed and do print currently stories EXACTLY like you describe not only that but many are overtly racist and or sexist.

Salon, Buzzfeed, and Gawker I can see being clickbaity and trashy. I have no idea wtf heatstreet is. Vice has done some pretty good investigative journalism. The Guardian is an allright online newspaper. But BBC and CBC? Are you joking? They are light years ahead of the rebel. They're like two of the most unbiased and neutral sources of news out there.

The fact that you just listed all those news agencies as like a "see, they're doing it too" thing, that's part of the problem. Have you ever wondered why right wing people were so certain that wikipedia had a left wing bias, that they started their own Conservapedia, but left wing people never started their own Liberalpedia? I'll give you a hint: it's not because Wikipedia has a left wing bias.

it was some of the worst most hideously biased journalism I have every seen.

See that's funny, because it was some of the most neutral and unbiased journalism I've ever seen. I have to assume you're referring to the US election? I'm someone that despised both candidates. And I got to watch CBC shit on both candidates on an almost daily basis, revealing all their scandals and all their mistakes.

But lemme guess, you're a Trump supporter? I don't know what it is with you guys, but any time anyone says anything negative about Trump, they're "liberal biased". It's like you can't even say "Obama said mean things about Trump" without being accused of pushing a narrative".

[–]King-Kuranes 56ポイント57ポイント  (30子コメント)

I'm going to have to disagree with you on the CBC. Since the fall of harper the CBC has had a steady decline in both the quality and neutrality of their reporting. There is plenty of clickbait, race baiting and just general hate.

I removed the CBC from my daily rotation when one morning I woke up and saw an editorial with the title "men, your groping days are over. " Aside from being poorly written and designed to be inflammatory, it was the very ideal of group attack I wish to see the end of

[–]JillGrNew Brunswick [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

I stopped reading the cbc this year.... It was inflammatory nonsense half the time, and when they took out the comments section on stories they knew ppl would have a dissenting opinion on, I was out...

[–]King-Kuranes [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

Yes! I completely forgot about that. For a public broadcaster to just decide what would and wouldn't be acceptable for people to express their opinions on while shoving their agenda down our throats is insane! Some serious Soviet style programming there!

[–]moeburnOntario 11ポイント12ポイント  (25子コメント)

Since the fall of harper the CBC has had a steady decline in both the quality and neutrality of their reporting. There is plenty of clickbait, race baiting and just general hate.

I've definitely seen a decline in quality. But it didn't start with "the fall of harper", it started when Harper cut their funding. Suddenly they had no quality control, couldn't afford real writers, and had to resort to clickbait for ad revenue (and yes, CBC.ca does have ads). Because Harper and the right wing demanded that our public broadcaster be run like a business and do whatever it takes to turn a profit. A couple of years ago the main complaint wasn't about CBC being "biased", it was about CBC hemorrhaging taxpayer dollars. People weren't annoyed at CBC for writing left wing articles, they just didn't enjoy anything CBC produced. That all changed to "CBC is biased!" when their funding was cut and they had to start acting like buzzfeed.

I removed the CBC from my daily rotation when one morning I woke up and saw an editorial with the title "men, your groping days are over. "

Well first of all, it's clearly marked "opinion", not news, and secondly it's pretty topical given the guy the USA just elected.

[–]BadDogToo [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

The Liberals cut CBC's funding more and earlier than Harper. The echo chamber has always been there.

[–]da394ba8f4646fabe414 29ポイント30ポイント  (22子コメント)


Here is a standard CBC article I see all the time. It was just posted in this subreddit minutes ago. It's a reasonable example, it's so handy and available from the CBC I didn't even have to wait long.

Read it critically and ask yourself if it is or isn't pushing a particular agenda via identity politics.

Think about Equality of outcome vs equality of opportunity as you read it. Examine the language used, the lack of sources used ( basically none) amount of evidence supplied (none) claims made: LOTS

Assumptions and "The narrative" (my interpretation)

  • Why did the author write about this vs the other thousands of things that happened recently they could have written about? (first and most important question I always ask myself)
  • Are they making an assumption about which one is preferable (equality of outcome vs equality of opportunity) and end up telling you what that is, rather than allowing you to come to your own conclusion.
  • Are they parroting what people say about "sexism", repeating it uncritically without an iota of evidence that it ever happened.
  • Are they trying to use "sexism" and identity politics to gain sympathy?
  • Are they manipulating and or manufacturing empathy? (look at these poor wimins!)
  • Do they portray woman as poor oppressed helpless individuals in need of assistance?
  • How many lines are positive vs negative, what is the slant of the article?
  • Is this more of a story with a message than a piece of news?
  • Is there a moral message being delivered?
  • How many lines are cold hard facts/news vs delivering the evidence-less narrative/

These are the things I think about when I read this claptrap, CBC puts out 4 or 5 of these a day. There are many many things going on in this article that have nothing to do with this article, the author is trying to push a narrative here, the author in my opinion is trying to advance an agenda, they are asking you to "Listen and believe" and hoping you will get angry reading it and not think to hard about it the fact that this is baseless evidence-less horseshit with a pretty bow on top (equality, you're not against equality are you?) even if it's the totally morally bankrupt version (equality of outcome).

Then go through a second time and read each word or phrase that is quoted only. Absorb it, think critically about it. You will no doubt think about it differently than me but to me this is a manipulation, I can see right through it.

Here's CBC's Popular in News at this very moment.


40% of it is either sexism bait and or racebait.

[–]jazzcop 7ポイント8ポイント  (3子コメント)

Are you sure you posted the right article? You claim there are basically no sources when the entire article is quotes from female politicians talking about the challenges they've faced and how they feel Equal Voice may help. Hint: Those are called sources! You can choose not to believe them and/or disagree with Equal Voice's goal of 50/50 representation but to suggest the jounalist is making this narrative up is just silly.

[–]da394ba8f4646fabe414 30ポイント31ポイント  (2子コメント)

I didn't say they made up the narrative, I said they are pushing a narrative. Very different.

There are barely any sources to corroborate the claims made, those "sources" are likely unverifiable. (perfect!) The entire piece leans on the self serving "quotes" from an interest group promoting themselves with "stories" without a shred of evidence. While this is certainly source material just not very solid or varied or trustworthy. Investigating those "stories" and including information to indicate they are real would be what I consider actual journalism. But that might take a few days of actual work and the author is working on her next 4 new articles for tomorrow. I'm singling out the CBC here because it's unfathomable to many people that they could push an agenda for some reason. Nearly every outlet is trying to push an agenda or is lazy in the ways I have laid out, right and left msm and alternative media. Proper journalism takes time and barely anyone takes the time.

[–]jazzcop 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

The 3 different sources are actually named in the article! They give direct quotes. One of them, Rana Bokhari, had shown in a previous interview some of the sexist social media posts she received during her last campaign. This is real. The reporter is not making it up.

[–]da394ba8f4646fabe414 15ポイント16ポイント  (0子コメント)

Then they should include it! So that the reader can make up their own mind what is sexist and what isn't and not have a reporter or the interest group they are covering do it for them. There is plenty wrong with that article sourcing is only part of it.

[–]Citizen902 1ポイント2ポイント  (4子コメント)

So you don't like the content essentially.

I guess we should all look to Ezra Levznt to inform us on what to think.

[–]da394ba8f4646fabe414 20ポイント21ポイント  (3子コメント)

No I'm glad they are having the conference if they feel that is what is necessary. I'm just talking about how this was presented, breaking this into it's component parts and examining the possible motivations for the way it was structured. I do the same thing to right wing media. I understand the resistance to critically analyze things we agree with, it's uncomfortable. You can totally disagree with my analysis but this thought process is similar for every piece of "news" I read. For the record I think Ezra Levant is an outrage peddler as well.

[–]King-Kuranes 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

Well first of all, it's clearly marked "opinion", not news, and secondly it's pretty topical given the guy the USA just elected.

Yes it is now marked opinion. On the morning I logged into the website it was in the regular news bar not marked as such. However, even as opinion it is poorly written.

The funding cuts are a convienient excuse for a decision to embrace poor quality. It's hard to quantify how hard the cuts hit and where exactly they had the most effect but I'm not sure long term this approach will pay off either.

[–]TGiFallenOntario [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Lmao CBC sucked Hillary's dick the entire time.

[–]zahlman 15ポイント16ポイント  (2子コメント)

but left wing people never started their own Liberalpedia?

It's called (without self-awareness) RationalWiki.

I'll give you a hint: it's not because Wikipedia has a left wing bias.

... But it does. There's like an entire subreddit that constantly points out examples of this.

got to watch CBC shit on both candidates on an almost daily basis

That's not what it looks like to me.

[–]RebornShill 11ポイント12ポイント  (0子コメント)

And I got to watch CBC shit on both candidates on an almost daily basis, revealing all their scandals and all their mistakes.

Did you type that out with a straight face? Whatever you're smoking, please pass it this way.

[–]scurfit 15ポイント16ポイント  (0子コメント)

Woah, seems that you got triggered.

Unfortunately, CBC does have some questionable reporting and does have its own bias. The US election did show it, not sure how you could call that neutral and unbiased. Reality is that most MSM were heavily biased against Trump. This is simply fact.

For CBC, think back to the recent Canadian election. Mansbridge railed against Harper day-in, day-out. I would not call that fair and balanced reporting either. Strangely enough there was even a conflict of interest as CBC was poised to gain massive funding with Liberal government.

The Rebel is not a reputable news source. That is fact. What is also fact is that major main stream media seems to be following course. Case and point CNN in the US election.

Quit repressing your critical thinking skills over whiny comments and partisan bull.

[–]drw1317 14ポイント15ポイント  (0子コメント)

But BBC and CBC? Are you joking? They are light years ahead of the rebel. They're like two of the most unbiased and neutral sources of news out there.

You clearly haven't seen the BBC's coverage of gamers, they couldn't be more biased and hellbent on pushing a sexy narrative that flies in the face of reality. Like their recent article on esports which caused some uproar where they push this inaccurate story about it being sexist and manipulate stats to form a false narrative. Their coverage of Trump like most mainstream media has been hyperbolic as well. So no they definitely aren't unbiased and neutral whatsoever.

[–]suddenly_lurkers 12ポイント13ポイント  (5子コメント)

The Guardian is an allright online newspaper. But BBC and CBC? Are you joking?

It's almost like it's harder for you to notice an echo chamber that aligns with your preconceived notions... The CBC has been a ridiculous shitshow for the entire election. On election night, they even invited a guest speaker who compared Trump to Hitler. Then there was the time they spent Canadian taxpayer dollars to purchase the rights for a lowbrow tabloid-style Trump bashing documentary. Fantastic Canadian content right there.

There are plenty of other examples out there as well, just compare the massive amount of coverage they gave to Trump's slightest misstep, compared to the serious scandals and concerns surrounding Clinton, which they virtually ignored.

Have you ever wondered why right wing people were so certain that wikipedia had a left wing bias, that they started their own Conservapedia, but left wing people never started their own Liberalpedia?

They did, it's called RationalWiki.

[–]TheMer0vingian [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

The saddest part about your post is that you don't realize that CBC, although once a reputable broadcaster, has taken a far left bias since Trudeau came to power. People hate to admit that their own opinions are biased and for some reason it is like pulling teeth to get them to admit their preferred broadcaster might not be neutral. Because if you admit that you admit that you yourself are partisan and not neutral. The amount of social justice virtue signalling and partisan politics on CBC in the last year has been absolutely nauseating. CBC's US election bias was literally on par with CNN. If you didn't notice that then you weren't paying attention.

[–]franklindeer [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

As a long time listener of CBC radio I cannot disagree. I used to really enjoy the content but it's been sliding off the rails for a while now. It's pretty much identity politics all the time. This started at least two years ago though and Ghomeshi was right on board with it at the time. I remember distinctly his uncritical discussion of rape culture where he essentially pushed an unproven social theory. Anna Maria Tremonti makes absolutely no effort at this point to remain unbiased on identity issues and has had discussion panels of all women and feminists to discuss gender issues of the day. Even the Next Chapter has become infected and seems to overwhelmingly discuss books about women overcoming something.

The entire agency has become a nearly useless source of information as far as I can tell and unabashedly pushes a specific far left narrative.

And this is coming from a left winger that would have denied they had any real bias at all 3 years ago.

[–]fundayz [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Sorry but the CBC has palapable bias too.

The hyperbole during the US hyperbole was huge

[–]Protagoras432 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

This demonization of the "main stream media" is the real poison in our politics. There has to be a consensus of facts that informed people can use and discuss. The gradual squeezing of the middle by people who have delusions that the NYT, CBC or CNN are liars with hidden agendas is eroding the press as an institution and playing into the hands of populists.

This thread is full of people whose understanding of journalism is divorced from reality. Even the use of "main stream media" to denigrate the fourth estate smacks of the Nazi word "Lügenpresse" to discredit exactly the same kind of journalists. The same goes for "failing New York Times". If you read newspapers thinking "all of this is a lie" you're contributing to the erosion of civil society.

[–]OrzBlueFogNova Scotia [スコア非表示]  (15子コメント)

None of this Soviet-style whataboutism detracts from the fact that The Rebel is a fiction factory and complete garbage.

[–]Whiggly [スコア非表示]  (14子コメント)

The Rebel is a fiction factory and complete garbage.

Says everyone who wants their narrative to go unchallenged.

[–]OrzBlueFogNova Scotia [スコア非表示]  (8子コメント)

Challenge it! Bring it on! Just stick to the god-damned verifiable truth, don't make up complete fairy tales shoveled down your gullet by a convicted liar.

The Rebel does a disservice to people who hold right-wing views. To dare to defend that shitshow by pretending to use critical thinking is a damned farce, and betrays a complete misunderstanding of what critical thinking actually is. Ezra publishes literal god-damned Neo-Nazi propaganda and passes it off as the truth without a hint of critical analysis.

The Rebel is nothing more than amateur Breitbart fan fiction and contributes nothing of value to anyone able to actually question narratives.

[–]flyingunderpants [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Fun fact, when the CBC is given the article directly from a government PR agency, it always cites "CBC News" as the author.

sidenote: I hate rebel media, but they aren't doing anything other news companies don't.

[–]dittomuchOutside Canada 17ポイント18ポイント  (2子コメント)

There are no sources to any story. ZERO. They only source to their own other editorials with links within the article.


SOURCE: https://www.scribd.com/document/326254042/CBE-FOI-Refugee-Student-Problems#from_embed (FOI request)

Almost every single article either includes the original tweets or FOI's or link to a video that has them. Countless examples of this.

[–]carbonnanotube 22ポイント23ポイント  (0子コメント)

You keep saying "they" like it is a conspiracy or propaganda. The Rebel is very clear about what they are.

I despise Ezra Levant, but he makes good points from time to time, and some member of his staff generally do more good work than bad.

You shouldn't write off a whole media organization wholesale. Thanks to the wonders of the internet you can cross check stories instantly (which is how I generally end up on their site actually). Hell, Alex Jones sometimes manages to rub his two brain cells together hard enough to make a good point, so immediately discounting something based on where it comes from is not a good thing.

We need media organizations that are anti-status quo, we need outlets that are antagonistic and hate the establishment. When they are wrong about their stories we have the facts to laugh in their face. When they cover something that no one else will because of things like political correctness they do a valuable service if only to force a higher quality organization to pick up the story.

[–]trojan_horse_trudeau 32ポイント33ポイント  (23子コメント)

As another person put it, the Rebel doesn't pretend to be something that it isn't. Vice, Huffington, and Metro try to make the impression that they're moderate, centrist and legit. But, some of them are borderline racist.

But, what are we to do? Make some kind of law (a blasphemy) law to make an actual echo chamber? /s

People don't have to like it, but if you want to live here, you have to tolerate free speech.

[–]Frawg 10ポイント11ポイント  (0子コメント)

Levant pretends to be a journalist when he's sworn in court under oath that he isn't one. Rebel Media, by extension, is doing the same.

[–]moeburnOntario 22ポイント23ポイント  (1子コメント)

the Rebel doesn't pretend to be something that it isn't.

Don't they complain about biased news media on a daily basis? While being one of the most objectively biased news agencies in all of Canada?

Vice, Huffington, and Metro try to make the impression that they're moderate, centrist and legit.

Where do they say they're centrist? I've always assumed they were just left wing news agencies. I have no idea wtf you mean by "borderline racist", but if you want someone who is actually trying to be centrist, try CBC or BBC, because they're pretty good at it.

But, what are we to do?

Tell people that The Rebel is spreading bullshit. Which is what we're doing right now. Nobody is suggesting banning them for fuck's sakes. To quote a right wing British MP, "This is buffoonery, and ultimately buffoonery should not be met with the blunt instrument of a ban, but with the classic British response of ridicule."

[–]Krom1244 12ポイント13ポイント  (0子コメント)

I object to the notion that The CBC is in any way good at being centrist if you want to point to a good centrist media outlet I'd lean more toward CTV and the globe and mail.

The star and post area left and right the mail is in the middle, sun was right, cbc is left and ctv is fairly centrist...

[–]Citizen902 7ポイント8ポイント  (0子コメント)

Whatchu talking bout Willis?

Ezra has been pretending to be journalist covering real news since day one from what I can see.

[–]da394ba8f4646fabe414 10ポイント11ポイント  (16子コメント)

They aren't borderline racist, they are full racist, overtly, proudly.

[–]moeburnOntario 9ポイント10ポイント  (15子コメント)

Well, let's see, The Rebel will tell you exactly which country every criminal comes from to imply that someone from that country is more likely to be a criminal. That's the dictionary definition of xenophobia.

Now what did Huffington Post do that was "overtly racist", tell you about white privilege?

[–]da394ba8f4646fabe414 10ポイント11ポイント  (2子コメント)

you are not in a position to think critically about media. Your welcome to your opinion and I would never try to change it. But yes the Huffington post maaaaany times has posted overtly sexist and racist articles just the same as I have seen many Rebel articles do the same thing. Many of HuffPo's articles are outright race baiting. They are all playing the game of identity politics. The difference between you and me is, I see both sides of it.

[–]Twitch_Half 5ポイント6ポイント  (1子コメント)

[–]da394ba8f4646fabe414 7ポイント8ポイント  (0子コメント)

No I just recognize that the media has moved on from traditional reporting of the news and are much more interested in doing whatever is required to generate clicks. It's just the new reality for online media. We live in an outrage culture, we are all being played like a two dollar banjo and are too angry and uninformed and tribal to see it.

[–]drw1317 4ポイント5ポイント  (10子コメント)

Now what did Huffington Post do that was "overtly racist", tell you about white privilege?

See for yourself, they are racist against white people and constantly single them out based on their skin colour. Literally doesn't get more racist than that.

[–]dougalgNewfoundland and Labrador [スコア非表示]  (5子コメント)

What part of that article is racist?

[–]drw1317 [スコア非表示]  (4子コメント)

It's not one article it's an entire section dedicated to singling out white people and generalizing and berating the shit out of them. I mean even some of the headlines are ridiculous: "White America, Wake The F*ck Up. The Deaths Of Alton Sterling And Philando Castile ARE Your Problem" as if it's the responsibility of someone who happens to have white skin to tackle the police brutality problem more than others. That same article also peddles the nonsense that all white people are privileged:

White America, we are not our ancestors. At least, we don’t have to be. Our guilt is quite literally killing people. Can we move on?

White America, we are not being persecuted, we are being asked to step up. We are being given the opportunity to do our part to unravel a horrible cycle of hate.

Implying that there aren't tons of poor white people who have shit lives and we're all just some super privileged group, implying white people should feel guilty about shit people in the past did or are the only ones who's ancestors were shit people when literally every ethnicity has committed atrocities and owned slaves in the past, etc. Not to mention the obvious racism of singling out a group of people based solely on race. This is just one example, read some of the other ones and you'll notice all the anti-white rhetoric, they should be thought of in the same category as redneck racists who hate black people, they're just a different side of the same bigoted coin.

[–]WeFallAsOne [スコア非表示]  (3子コメント)

Implying that there aren't tons of poor white people who have shit lives and we're all just some super privileged group,

Actually it doesn't imply that at all. You're generating outrage about something that isn't implied.

I'm starting to understand how people hold these asinine opinions, it's a complete lack of reading comprehension.

[–]drw1317 [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

Actually it doesn't imply that at all. You're generating outrage about something that isn't implied.

It's not implied in that article that white people are a privileged group? Perhaps you should try reading it and you'll see quotes like this:

White America, you need to understand that, maybe unknowingly, you’ve been on the receiving end of a system that has benefited you at the expense of others

It also says white people aren't "persecuted" in the context of cop killings when in fact they are the bigger percentage of police killings than blacks, despite having lower crime rates.

[–]dougalgNewfoundland and Labrador [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

It is a fact that white people as a group, on average, are privileged. This doesn't mean that there are segments of that group that are not privileged, no one disputes that. Of course there are poor white people, but disproportionately few compared with people of colour, etc.

[–]drw1317 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

It is a fact that white people as a group, on average, are privileged

In what context? That statement means nothing without context.

This doesn't mean that there are segments of that group that are not privileged, no one disputes that

You are disputing it when you label the entire race privileged, especially when in reality the amount of white people who are where they are because of "privilege" and not the merit of their own work is a minority.

Of course there are poor white people, but disproportionately few compared with people of colour

Why isn't it just a good thing that only roughly 10% of white people are in poverty? Why not focus on fixing poverty for everyone and closing the gaps between races instead of just relentlessly attacking white people because they aren't discriminated against as much? All the anti-white rhetoric like in these huff post articles are a huge part of why Trump won, just because a certain group is lucky enough to not have it as bad as another doesn't mean you persecute them for it, which is what huff post does and it's part of why they're racists.

[–]PM_your_tongs [スコア非表示]  (3子コメント)

Did you glance at those examples? They're pointing out issues that affect minorities and clarifying that causes like blacklivesmatter isn't an attack on white people.

[–]ItsOnlyTheTruth [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

So your point is that facts and statistics are "the dictionary definition of xenophobia." I guess you don't like the facts.

[–]insipid_commentLest We Forget 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

Vice, Huffington, and Metro try to make the impression that they're moderate, centrist and legit.

Neither Vice nor HuffPost pretend to be moderate and centrist. This is a wild mischaracterization.

[–]trojan_horse_trudeau 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

really? then I stand corrected.

[–]WdnSpoon [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I've seen the occasional Lauren Southern video posted in /r/toronto . It's almost unbearable to watch. It's typically 4 minutes of fast cuts, and her giving squinty eyed smug looks in the camera. She'll do interviews to prove how dumb any view that opposes her is, which is mostly cherry-picking clips of random people she asks questions to, saying "umm..." or giving not terribly descriptive answers. Viewers can say "oh, this person who believes something different than I do isn't smart, so I'm right!"

[–]insipid_commentLest We Forget 25ポイント26ポイント  (4子コメント)

Most of what you say is true, and I consider them Fox News North. They don't care even about truth in what they're reporting on, let alone honest bias. You nailed it when you said there are rarely if ever any sources, too. It is no surprise that such angry right-wing people are driven to them and driven to comment there. It is mostly just a knee-jerky, sensationalist, emotional echo chamber.

However, to their benefit, they do report on things other media forego covering. Although I consider them to be DailyMail-style tabloid garbage for right wingers, I have to accept that sometimes they're the only source for a story. For a while, this was the case as the C-16 drama unfolded at U of T, for instance.

[–]cantdoxathrowaway [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

However, to their benefit, they do report on things other media forego covering.

This is actually the one thing I can agree with that is pro-rebel. As much as I think they have shit for brains... they do offer a different perspective. And I appreciate that perspective being out in the open, rather than whispered in private.

[–]trojan_horse_trudeau 15ポイント16ポイント  (1子コメント)

don't forget about those emails that they got from the school out east that detailed the problems with the 21 year old grown men in school with kids. also, they busted that story wide open about some "white" woman that racially attacked a Muslim woman... turns out that the woman was from Iran and spoke only Farsi. BTW, she was found to be unfit for trial.

[–]cantdoxathrowaway [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Both of those articles were hilariously agenda driven.

[–]moeburnOntario 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

It is no surprise that such angry right-wing people are driven to them and driven to comment there.

Here, too, evidently.

[–]ignitar 9ポイント10ポイント  (2子コメント)

While I agree some Rebel stories are extremely right wing and over the top, they occasionally have some good ones like the Syrians in Canadian schools report.

[–]fisher_king_toronto [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

they occasionally have some good ones like the Syrians in Canadian schools report.

Nope. Those reports were shit and the premise was shit.

Faith Goldy is a Evpro fanatic and it shows.

"Oh no, these kids came out of a war zone and they're fucked up! Better bar all Syrian refugees from Canada!"


[–]MhaelFarShainSaskatchewan 9ポイント10ポイント  (1子コメント)

Not to defend Rebel.... wouldn't dare want to do that....

But you probably shouldn't call them an Echo chamber....

Throwing stones in glass houses and all.

[–]ItCameFromWeston [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

The stone can help you escape that glass house, and get out of the echo chamber.


[–]spergeryBritish Columbia 7ポイント8ポイント  (3子コメント)

Can we get a "no soapboxing political self posts on /r/canada" rule?

[–]Im_A_Cringy_Bastard 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

But how can we laud the noble philosophers of young?

[–]flyingunderpants [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Those are some of the most popular posts around here. If it's not a link to the CBC or Globe and Mail, it's "spam" or "hate mongering."

The irony being mainstream forums suppress opposing opinions, then then their minds are blown when someone like Trump wins.

[–]prodigy2throw 14ポイント15ポイント  (1子コメント)

The thing is, leftists have created this machine with their ridiculous PC culture and by shaming people who are even slight eighth leaning, it only further pushes them to the alt right.

[–]MrFlaggOntario 12ポイント13ポイント  (0子コメント)

aka How Trump Won

[–]moeburnOntario 10ポイント11ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yeah no shit. I think the more worrying part is that this post is sitting at only 62% upvoted, which means nearly half of /r/canada readers are also Rebel supporters.

They're like the right wing version of college SJW's.

[–]SQQQ 13ポイント14ポイント  (13子コメント)

well... the name Rebel kinda give away who they are... rebels. And Erza is titled "REBEL COMMANDER". so u should know what ur getting into.

i wouldn't jump the gun and say they dont report news... theres been cases where they actually reported facts that most MSM neglected to cover. for example, if an immigrant committed a crime, most MSM will not reveal the origin of the immigrant out of fear being called racist or xenophobic.

[–]moeburnOntario 6ポイント7ポイント  (10子コメント)

But revealing the country of origin of a criminal is xenophobic, it's implying that anyone who comes from that country is inherently more likely to commit a crime. That's the straight up dictionary definition of the word, not even some new modern twisted SJW version of it.

When most people hear about a rapist, they go "oh damn, what an asshole". When the rebel hears about a rapist, they go "fucking mexicans, build a wall already".

[–]suddenly_lurkers 22ポイント23ポイント  (7子コメント)

But revealing the country of origin of a criminal is xenophobic, it's implying that anyone who comes from that country is inherently more likely to commit a crime.

No, it's not. When a non-minority Canadian commits a crime, typically the news story in question will give their name, a bit of background information, and possibly a photo for a prominent story. That is just standard journalistic practice, since it is relevant to the story.

Doing otherwise is special treatment, and when this special treatment happens in a persistent, systematic way in some cases but not in others? That's pushing an agenda, and it's pretty damn obvious.

[–]Frawg 9ポイント10ポイント  (2子コメント)

I have yet to see the Rebel go out of its way to print "Irish Canadian commits crime! This is deeply concerning because all these Irish people are coming here to commit crimes and close themselves off in their state-funded Catholic schools! WHAT IS THEIR AGENDA?" the same way they do when it's not a white person doing it.

Pay close attention to Levant's reporting to see if anything negative about a Jewish person ever gets printed (it doesn't). One distinct example comes to mind where he made some big fuss about Muslim-only rental buildings in Toronto and how terrible it is that society is allowing them, while completely ignoring the fact that there are about 3x as many Jewish-only buildings and Christian-only buildings operating under the same program. The guy is clearly out to push an agenda, not to give objective reports.

[–]suddenly_lurkers 15ポイント16ポイント  (1子コメント)

I have yet to hear the Rebel go out of its way to print "Irish Canadian commits crime! This is deeply concerning because all these Irish people are coming here to commit crimes and close themselves off in their state-funded Catholic schools! WHAT IS THEIR AGENDA?"

Yeah, because whenever a white person commits a crime, all the major news outlets already stick a great big picture in the paper with their name below it, and give biographical information. The whole point of the Rebel is to report on stories that were ignored or given spin by the major news outlets, so there wouldn't be much point in repeating coverage of things they already do cover.

Pay close attention to Levant's reporting to see if anything negative about a Jewish person ever gets printed (it doesn't).

Yeah, Levant has biases, and I'm definitely not arguing that he's anywhere near perfect, but more diversity in viewpoints is a good thing. Also, the Rebel does often do good work in bringing attention to stories that other media outlets won't touch with a 10 foot pole out of fear of being insensitive. Take, for example, the stories they published regarding the difficulties in integrating adult Syrian refugees into high schools in New Brunswick. They did legitimate investigative reporting that was not being done by mainstream outlets, and provided a valuable service to the national discourse on the issue.

[–]moeburnOntario 4ポイント5ポイント  (3子コメント)

No, it's not.

Again, if you're going to imply their country of origin had anything to do with it, that's straight up the dictionary definition of it.

When a non-minority Canadian commits a crime, typically the news story in question will give their name, a bit of background information, and possibly a photo for a prominent story. That is just standard journalistic practice, since it is relevant to the story.

And how is that any different from how they report on minorities committing crimes?

[–]suddenly_lurkers 14ポイント15ポイント  (0子コメント)

Again, if you're going to imply their country of origin had anything to do with it, that's straight up the dictionary definition of it.

Basic biographical details are always relevant, and that includes country of origin. Many stories about arrests or convictions also include details such as the person's city/town of residence, occupation, or other major life events. Clearly, immigrating from another country would qualify as an important biographical detail.

And how is that any different from how they report on minorities committing crimes?

Typically, they will leave out the name an picture, and just say something along the lines of "A young man was arrested on x day for z..." since the ethnicity is often immediately discernible from the name.

[–]zahlman 6ポイント7ポイント  (1子コメント)

Again, if you're going to imply their country of origin had anything to do with it

...It seems as though, in your book, it's impossible to state this information without making that implication.

[–]WeFallAsOne [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

It's not impossible to state that information without making the implication, the issue is that Rebel is trying to making that implication.

I mean, you can pretend all day that this isn't their agenda, but it is.

[–]SQQQ 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

no... thats a fact. the public has every right to know who committed the crime. and the gov't has every duty to screen immigrants for criminal history or attributes associated with crime.

the fact that MSM support censorship is the exact reason why they lose public trust.

[–]ZakenPirate 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

I wouldn't mind if, when it's a white person committing a crime, their real ancestry is used e.g. Scottish, Irish etc.

[–]arcticsandstorm 8ポイント9ポイント  (1子コメント)

Oh wow they're rebels by having low journalistic standards and making poor decisions

Yeah that's really rebellious

[–]Cdnprogressive 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

Playing the victim is a well-worn right-wing tactic. They're "rebels" in the sense that they're not part of the current ruling party, so they're obviously under attack and rebelling against the unfair system that's obviously oppressing them.

I miss the days when the right-wing was articulate and intelligent. I feel like these days my ideological opponents are whining morons with a tenuous grasp on reality at best. I want rational, heart-felt and witty debate with people who when all is said and done I can go down to the pub with and enjoy spending time with because despite our political differences, we're still similar in the sense that we're politics geeks who have intricate personalities with lots of worldly and intellectual interests worth talking about.

Instead, gibberish spewn by childish buffoon's who hate me but have no fucking clue what it is I'm even talking about anymore. It's just sad and boring.

[–]Lux_Stella [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Look through the website, it seems they're pretty standard Breitbart-styled drivel at best.

I'm personally not fond with replacing the failings of the MSM with even more biased, inaccurate and partisan web """journalism""", but what can you do I suppose.

[–]Oafah [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Let's take a sliver of moronic people on one side of the political spectrum, make them look stupid, and then do nothing to support our own points of view.

Both the right and left are guilty of this, frankly. The Rebel is just a bit more blatantly obvious about it.

[–]Weirdmantis [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

Give the rebel 1.2 billion dollars In tax payer money every single year and they will provide the same quality sources the cbc does

[–]Reed_SolomonManitoba [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Perhaps so, op. But it's an alternative to the CBC and their constant Justin Trudeau felating and their lock step anti trump pro PC culture propaganda. I don't see you railing against that.

[–]swampswing 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

That perfectly describes CBC Radio 1. Things like metro morning and the Current border on propaganda.

[–]Citizen902 6ポイント7ポイント  (1子コメント)

The only thing anyone should need to do is look up Ezras name, or check out his wiki page, to determine what a spineless schill this guy is. If I'm not mistaken he once worked as a lobbyist for the tobacco industry.

He's been on the losing end of multiple lawsuits for libel/slander/defamation, has been forced to make retractions under the threat of legal action, and has made comments that bordered on hate speech regarding the Roma people IMHO. And don't forget to check out the judges comments in the decisions, because they're absolutely condemning in some instances........ You'd never know Ezra trained as a lawyer.

And then ask yourself, what kind of "journalist" would want to be associated with that man and his website? Seems like career suicide to me.

[–]da394ba8f4646fabe414 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Ezra is absolutely pushing an agenda too, hardcore.

[–]sybauOutside Canada 15ポイント16ポイント  (11子コメント)

Nonsense. You don't like that they don't follow the CBC narrative of bashing Trump and being hardcore PC.

They are perfectly valid and aren't going anywhere.

[–]moeburnOntario 10ポイント11ポイント  (3子コメント)

You don't like that they don't follow the CBC narrative of bashing Trump and being hardcore PC.

That's how you spot a Trump supporter. Doesn't matter that CBC spent equal time bashing Trump and Clinton, the fact that they reported on any of Trump's craziness at all makes them "biased".

[–]zahlman 16ポイント17ポイント  (0子コメント)

CBC spent equal time bashing Trump and Clinton

I would love to see you attempt to substantiate this claim.

[–]PrivatizeCBC [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

equal time

Bahahahahahaha oh god my sides, I can't breathe!

[–]sybauOutside Canada [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

This is how you spot a bias person: they can't acknowledge that the CBC (or BBC or ABC for that matter) were absolutely bias. Most of the media endorsed Clinton.

[–]spkr4theliving 5ポイント6ポイント  (1子コメント)

They promote man-made climate change denial, and receive funding from the fossil fuel industry. That's all people with half a brain need to know to judge whether they are valid or not.

[–]old_man_baby 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

they're a fucking blog and nothing more. Ezra Levant is a shitstirring narcissist only here to make people say his name. Fuck The Rabble and fuck Ezra Levant.

[–]Tenacious_Ceeee 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

[–]da394ba8f4646fabe414 18ポイント19ポイント  (0子コメント)

list compiled by non other than (drumroll)...... BUZZFEED! the king of fake news (are you kidding me right now?) Reality has something to say about that.

[–]moeburnOntario 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

I always wondered how long it would be until we had a Canadian Fox News. We always had right wing news companies like Sun News and Postmedia, but they were more just "british tabloid" than "crazy glenn beck ranting".

But now we have one. And as evidenced by all the butthurt in this thread, they're pretty popular. Well folks, I hope you like hearing about how the syrian refugees are coming to rape your wives but stop generalizing us all as xenophobics!

[–]BadDogToo [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

The Rebel is clearly a right wing echo chamber just as the CBC is a left wing one.

[–]Y2KNWAlberta 12ポイント13ポイント  (13子コメント)

If r/canada is going to allow drek like rabble and tyee (and the CBC) then you have to allow the rebel. Don't pretend like this place had any standards to start with, eh.

[–]moeburnOntario 15ポイント16ポイント  (8子コメント)

If r/canada is going to allow drek like rabble and tyee (and the CBC) then you have to allow the rebel.

lol what the fuck is it with people comparing an extreme right fringe news blog to a centrist publicly owned broadcaster?

[–]suddenly_lurkers 18ポイント19ポイント  (2子コメント)

Maybe if the CBC wanted to be taken seriously, they should stop inviting election night guests who compare Trump to Hitler on air?

Turning off the daily Syrian refugee propaganda spigot would be nice too.

[–]CharlieMinimum 6ポイント7ポイント  (1子コメント)

Yeah, because, you know RT News (Russia), Xinhua (China), and IRIB (Iran) are wonderful because they are publically owned broadcasters. (s)

What drivel!

The CBC is extremely biased.

[–]walker2238 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

What about France24 or DW in Germany? Are they garbage as well?

[–]Starky513Ontario 9ポイント10ポイント  (0子コメント)

Compares Rabble and Rebel to the CBC, haha get the fuck outta here. You have no point to make.

[–]newcomer_ts 3ポイント4ポイント  (2子コメント)

(and the CBC) then you have to allow the rebel.

With some people there is no reasoning.

It's because they consistently come up with most irrational and dumbest claims where one can only conclude that the ship of common sense has sailed.

In fact, it's at the bottom of the sea.

[–]bluetincan 7ポイント8ポイント  (0子コメント)

Ezra is a windbag but we should not discourage news sources. Canadians fought hard to keep Fox News out of Canada yet they were the only ones with the balls to break stories this (American) election.

Please don't leave us with a CBC/CTV echo chamber. That is far worse than occasionally having to hear what Ezra has to say.

[–]Cansurfer [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Overall I'm worried that people consider this an actual news organization when it's obviously not.

Have you considered letting people make up their own minds about what they'd like to watch and read?

You don't like the Rebel. Check. On the plus side, none of your tax dollars involuntarily support it.

[–]dirty_harry2 [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

So instead of writing a book about it... just. Don't. Go. There.

Rebel is no less shitty and biased than CBC. The difference is you actually have a choice to not pay for Rebel.

Your points are not really all that good either:

  1. So they write sensational stories... that happen to be true? What is your criticism here?

  2. Short, attention grabbing media. Welcome to the internet.

  3. They do have sources.

  4. Ever read the comment section at CBC? They have multiple paid censors, shut down comments on any controversial article, and now force you to use a real name. Angry comments, welcome to the internet. I see "Turdeau" all over CBC, National Post, and even TorStar comments.

Spare us all your "worry". Adults don't need you to worry about us.

[–]Whiggly [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

And that's different from the CBC how?

[–]theblowin 5ポイント6ポイント  (2子コメント)

I'm about as non-left as they come, and I wouldn't believe anything that came from Ezra Levant.

I wouldn't be surprised if it was discovered that Levant is actually left sympathizer who masquerades as being right wing in order to discredit that side. He's a hundred times worse than Trump.

[–]Cdnprogressive 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

Levant is a hate-filled xenophobic moron who uses a right-wing imagery to make his extreme opinions mainstream. The right-wing is a spectrum and he utilizes a lot of what is now being called the "alt-right" and it's tactics and ideology to tack onto the much larger maibstream conservative political spectrum. Its like a arson-committing radical animal rights activist claiming they're part of the left-wing or progressive spectrum. Sure, you base your ideas in that realm but your tactics and the extremes of your ideology make you an extremist.

If I was right-wing I would spend a decent amount of time fighting this guy for the two-fold advantage of showing I disagree with his xenophobic nonsense while also appearing to the large middle majority that there are limits to my ideology -not every kook is welcome- because that would make me appear both principled and moderate which is exactly what wins over the center in the long run. Accepting this guy as legitimate media may win votes and minds in the short run because of the political atmosphere, but history dictates that both left and right need to moderate in order to create winning long-term strategies that transcends the populism of the day.

[–]antikythera3301 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I've learned to immediately disregard anything written by "The Rebel". If it's a significant news story, it would also be reported by other news sources.

The only people that seem to share links from the Rebel are people I went to high school with that are either oil patch workers, or the incredibly ignorant/somewhat racist.

[–]ravenzephyr1 4ポイント5ポイント  (40子コメント)

As a centrist I like rebel media mostly because of Gavin and Lauren. I need a right wing counterpart to cbc as they have been making me sick lately.

[–]fisher_king_toronto [スコア非表示]  (39子コメント)

As a centrist I like rebel media mostly because of Gavin and Lauren.

A libertarian and "alt-right" apologist, and an obnoxious jackass who should've stuck to drinking his own piss or whatever he was infamous for.

I need a right wing counterpart to cbc as they have been making me sick lately.

I'm a centrist and I can say wholeheartedly that we'd all be better off without the Rebel. I have no problem with the CBC.

[–]ngwooSaskatchewan 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

There are no sources to any story. ZERO. They only source to their own other editorials with links within the article. That isn't to say that each story is fake, they're not (at least not commonly). They are usually sensational and always angry reactions to news stories from other more reputable sources, liberally bias or otherwise.

This is likely on purpose. Get people used to a lack of proof and they'll stop asking for it.

[–]elktamer 5ポイント6ポイント  (22子コメント)

Which to my surprise happens to be true

But didn't hear about elsewhere, correct? Most of their stories are things that don't interest other media outlets. Good for you for exposing yourself to them.

The rest of your post is ridiculous.

[–]Tenacious_Ceeee 4ポイント5ポイント  (21子コメント)

They don't interest other media outlets because Ezra invents stories. He's a liar and his staff are scumbags.

Fake news is fake and Google is about to take away his main source of income (that we know of).

[–]CharlieMinimum -1ポイント0ポイント  (19子コメント)

A short list of stories Ezra "invented" please.

[–]Citizen902 11ポイント12ポイント  (12子コメント)

Get outta here.

He's been sued successfully multiple times for making shit up.

[–]CharlieMinimum 7ポイント8ポイント  (11子コメント)


Is it that difficult?

You saying it means squat.

This is the third time I've asked for specific instances, and I've gotten is "crickets" and BS.

[–]Citizen902 3ポイント4ポイント  (2子コメント)

Then you're either too lazy to look or too stupid to find it, but it's pretty common knowledge.

But please, continue on like we're just making shit up.

[–]CharlieMinimum 12ポイント13ポイント  (0子コメント)

No, you made the allegation, and it is bullshit.

I called "bullshit", the ball is in your court.

[–]Cdnprogressive 4ポイント5ポイント  (7子コメント)

Stop acting like you're innocently asking for proof to an outrageous claim and do what any fool in this decade can do and look it up. As multiple people have said he has been sued multiple times for making shit up. He has admitted u see oath that he is not a journalist. These are facts he is well known for.

People, stop feeding the trolls and get the fuck back to work. Until I'm proven otherwise, trolls like this are purposefully spending their time baiting you into useless arguments. For their side to win, nothing has to happen. They simply want to waste your time so you don't spend it productively. It's an incredibly effective strategy and it makes my blood boil to see it working so well on every damn post in this sub!

We will never convince them of anything. The large majority of people who we can conclude nice through logic, facts and rational debate are being won over by their propaganda and lies because we spend our time debating the trolls and talking in our own echo chambers. There's still a lot of people on the fence who could be swayed towards progress if we spent a fraction of the time working towards persuading the giant middle as we spend on chasing sources and debating people who have nothing but ire, fear and hated as their motivators.

[–]CharlieMinimum 10ポイント11ポイント  (6子コメント)

Facts talk, bullshit walks.

You made an accusation, back it up.

Or run to Mommy and cry that I was rude to you.

[–]Cdnprogressive 3ポイント4ポイント  (4子コメント)

You and I both know facts wouldn't change anything let alone your opinion. The point is to get me all riled up and busy doing your homework. I've never fallen for that tactic and you're nowhere near good enough to get me to fall for it now.

But I will tell you what I'm going to do.

I'm going to keep talking to people on the right who have not fallen into fear and hatred. Who will listen, who judge things based on their merit. I don't hate the right. I disagree with them. I hate people who use the right to spread lies and trick people into believing conspiracy theories and xenophobic bullshit because they're too stupid t see that they're in turn being used as happy little grunts for those who know how to turn a buck from washing over our world with fear and stupidity.

Yeah that's exactly what I'm going to do. I'm going to talk to the right who civility and logic and continue to persuade them, one at a time, that we actually have a lot in common. And they'll listen, like they do so very often, because I'm not spouting stupid nonsense nor am I screaming at them because they believe in different solutions to problems than I do. I don't hate conservatives they're my neighbors, family and friends not my enemy rather my allies.

I'm going to continue to build a narrative where you are the problem and it'll be effective because you so clearly are. You're the troll under the bridge impeding us on our journey towards a better tomorrow because you operate for reasons that are pathetic and hurtful to all. See, the trolls in the comment section paint anyone different as the problem and it hits home to many because the narrative is easy. But you know what else is easy? Getting people to look around and see the crazy person who is annoying everyone and mucking up the place.

Make no mistake about it. Your kind is despised. Sure, the right pts up with you because you do a lt of work foe them, but once utilized, he, they're the right, they won't have any qualms about tossing you aside if a better option comes along. The current age of internet trolls and the alt right might make you think you're about to enter some glorious age that will never end, and I hope that vision blinds you as I sidestep and take your allies away.

So keep on doing what you do. Hell, I need you to, my strategy is dependant on having you there so I can point to you and use you as a scapegoat in the years to come. Feign ignorance and demand all the sources in the world ad you wish. You may bog down many modern progressives but that's ok to me. Modern progressivism had gotten a little off track these days, and I see extremism creeping in and many people stooping down to your level when they should be fighting strategically for important things. So, you stay tied up with them screaming at each other and I'll build an ideological bridge with the moderate right that spans from them to me and includes the middle. The rational, logical majority that wants to keep civilization together for the betterment of all, conservative, moderate and progressive using our sanity to outweigh your wish to burn it down out of ignorance and selfishness.

Just don't stop trolling. I'm counting on you.

[–]CharlieMinimum 3ポイント4ポイント  (1子コメント)

More bullshit.

You're a regular bullshit production facility.

BTW, I'm not even close to an extremist.

I'm not so sure about you.

[–]spkr4theliving 5ポイント6ポイント  (5子コメント)

[–]CharlieMinimum 11ポイント12ポイント  (4子コメント)


I'm sorry, but Dr. Tim Ball is a qualified man, a scientist commenting on a scientific issue............

How is that a "lie"?

How is the climate change debate "invented"?

[–]Citizen902 9ポイント10ポイント  (3子コメント)

Ol Doctor Tim has never taken money from the energy industry has he?

[–]CharlieMinimum 9ポイント10ポイント  (2子コメント)

You mean like the climate alarmists take money from the Tides Foundation and gov't?

Maybe, I don't know.

Besides, the question is irrelevant. The man is a scientist, discussing science.

[–]awkwardcreepyuncle [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

In 2007, Ball, along with Willie Soon, David Legates, and Sallie Baliunas, co-authored a commentary arguing that "spring air temperatures around the Hudson Bay basin for the past 70 years (1932–2002) show no significant warming trend," and that, as a result, "the extrapolation of polar bear disappearance is highly premature."[14] The paper, funded by ExxonMobil and the American Petroleum Institute, was a "Viewpoint" article and was not peer-reviewed.[15][16] While the paper was cited by Sarah Palin to justify opposition to listing polar bears on the endangered-species list,[6] its findings were contradicted by reports from the U.S. Geological Survey[17] and other independent researchers, who concluded that man-made climate change was likely to devastate polar-bear populations by 2050.[16] The paper was also criticized by an expert at the National Snow and Ice Data Center, who wrote that it "doesn't measure up scientifically."[6]

Yeah...he really sounds like a reputable climate scientist /s

Oh wait...he's not a climatologist at all. He's a GEOLOGIST.

[–]SmallTownTokenBrownOntario [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Tim Ball also lied about being the first climatologist awarded a PhD in Canada.

[–]runbionic 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

What we're seeing with TheRebel is exactly what's happened in the US with InfoWars. But are business models that cater to the extreme right. The further right one goes, the more niche one can get as the number of ultra-conservatives starts to dwindle. Once you find the line between extremely conservative and outright crazy, you ride it. Now you've got the extreme market (except for the actual, legit Stormfront crew) and a nice, large chunk of the "I sort of agree" regular conservative market. That's your audience. And that's how you make lots of money which, in the end, is all it really comes down to regardless of whether you're TheRebel or CNN.

[–]mrpoopi [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

The Rebel fully admits that they are a conservative news site. They report news from a conservative bias. They are open about that. People who get their news know that. On the other hand, our state run media claims to be 'balanced' when its nothing more than Marxist drivel. Yet you are probably OK with that. They're 'mainstream' and 'objective'.

I listen to the CBC every day (CBC Radio) and here is my anecdotal take on it that I had posted a few days ago:

First, it pertains to the type of stories they wish to prioritize. The majority of the stories involving Canadian news circle around issues of social justice. The typical story will center around racism (ie: Does Kitchener-Waterloo have a problem with racism? Coming up next!, is there enough diversity in the Toronto music scene? We find out!), or Aboriginal issues (Truth and reconciliation commission, Idle no more, residential schools, with an emphasis on perpetuating their victim-hood). On the matter of Canadian politics, the stories always carry a very positive slant regarding Trudeau, little to no criticism of government policies, but when the Conservatives were in power, it was all very negative coverage against the government and overblown controversies like the Mike Duffy trial. On the matter of world politics, their stories center around demonization of Trump, in ways that are pretty subversive. For example, they will spin a story about a spray-painted swastika and find a way to link it (without a shred of evidence) to Donald Trump. They will also spin false stories long after they were proven false. For example, just yesterday they brought up the incident of the Muslim girl in the US who claimed she had her hijab pulled. Well the media went bonkers and of course, it turned out this girl made the whole thing up. CBC did not care to follow up and still was spreading the false story, and linking it to Trump. Again just yesterday, they had a report about ways you can relax from "All the bad news in the world today" while using examples of mean things Trump supporters supposedly did or said (like swastika spray paintings) as the example of the "bad news". All the while, I can tell you about 3 examples where Trump supporters got the literal shit kicked out of them (one was an 11 year old boy put in crutches at school for voting Trump in a mock election, and the other two incidents were recorded on video and quite horrific to watch), but would the CBC ever report those incidents? Of course not. It doesn't fit their narrative. No mention. They only bring up stories that have no video evidence of Trump supporters supposedly doing bad things. They also love to bring up stories about gender identity and how those groups feel oppressed. These above examples constitute a massive chunk of their programming. Its all completely unbalanced, Marxist drivel, and I cant help but worry what effect it has on ordinary Canadians who do not notice the extreme bias.

[–]Tenacious_Ceeee 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

Can't say that around here, the Rebel Commander is God and he's just fighting for the average Canadian.

Be prepared for downvotes.

[–]AdiposeFinBritish Columbia 4ポイント5ポイント  (2子コメント)

I know this is /r/Canada and anything outside of the CBC's dogma is taboo...

But really, take a look to the south to see how bad the 'main stream media' really is, and how they actively attempted to shape the outcome of the election. The CBC wears it's bias on its sleeve.

The Rebel, good or bad, provides a counter point of view to the Liberal Party bukakke show that is more or less uncontested in Canadian media. Having a counter point to that mess is crucial. Just because OP and some other disagree with The Rebel's perspective does not invalidate them as a media source.

The Rebel as well as it's counter, The Tyee often come up with insightful pieces that the informed Canadian should read and consider.

[–][削除されました]  (1子コメント)


    [–]stygarfieldLest We Forget[M] [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

    Be excellent to each other.

    [–]Draracle [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

    If anyone thinks the Rebel is real news then they have a large bias in the same direction as Rebel. Everything is editorialized like some half-crazed basement dweller is screaming at the world for how shit his life is. Even the language is juvenile.

    [–]HLB217Lest We Forget [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

    The Rebel Media is a safe space for those who hate safe spaces.

    [–]build__wallOutside Canada -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

    cool site - thanks!

    [–]kourui [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

    TIL the Rebel is Canadian.

    I do agree that the CBC has become very biased against the Conservatives over the past two elections. But the comments section seem to keep bringing out the racist nut jobs. So I guess it keeps their ratings up? If this continues, I might pay subscribe to the Globe and Mail for my news and they don't cover as much on regional news. Most of their references only look at Toronto or Vancouver as if that covers how or what Canadians are.

    The Huffington Post hurts to look at, nevermind attempt to read with their journalists writing in superior tones referring to "white privilege". I just want to yell at them This is NOT how you inspire meaningful dialogue and open up conversations with people about serious subjects!

    [–]arcoiris2 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

    I have no use for someone who will stomp on someone else's freedom of speech when they tactfully make a valid point that conflicts with his point of view, yet when he or those who represent The Rebel are making a controversial point in an inflammatory way, they hide like a child behind the skirts of "freedom of speech". They kind of forget that all of or individual rights and freedoms are contingent on their not infringing on the rights and freedoms of others.

    That being said, I have no use whatsoever for the alt-right or the alt-left. I'm somewhat left of centre myself.

    [–]bunsofcheese [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

    regardless of what side of the fence these sites sit on, i feel like there should be a notice, like they have at the beginning of some tv shows, but have it basically say "this site is essentially alt-right/alt-left/etc biased , please keep this in mind while reading articles contained within". I don't believe in censorship, but a little heads-up would be nice.

    [–]OnesHomeIsOnesCastle [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

    Manufacturing Consent was NOT an instruction manual....

    [–]ItsOnlyTheTruth [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

    An echo chamber with short posts, no sources and angry comments. Sounds like Reddit except more people get their news from Reddit than the Rebel.

    [–]HelicopterJockey [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

    The videos that say the same thing as the article and nothing more are for their fan base than can't read. I would guess that's a significant part of their base.

    [–]flyingunderpants [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

    Actually, you're just noticing these things because you don't like Rebel media. I hate that I'm arguing on their behalf, but:

    Every headline to their stories uses sensational hook words such as "Coal Country", "PC Establishment", and "Green Religion"

    That's more common than you think. From my newsfeed today:

    • "Waffling Trump raises risk of market correction" (Globe and Mail)
    • "Kathleen Wynne finally wakes up to the Hydro mess. It's Ontarians who will keep paying the price" (National Post)

    Every story (editorial) is a strong conservative or populist opinion blurb on events taking place

    Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, etc. all have leftist opinion blurbs on events taking place. The cover of the Globe today was on what a big advantage TPP will be for Canada. They're more articulate than Rebel, but it doesn't make it any different.

    They only source to their own other editorials with links within the article.

    CBC only links internally too.

    The comment section is angry, VERY angry.

    Isn't every comment section?

    "Turdeau" suggesting a mostly older reader base

    There's young people that don't like Trudeau too. The NDP is filled with young members.

    [–]MajorSpaceship [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

    Wow thanks for link that was like a huge breath of fresh air.

    [–]ruglescdn [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

    The comment section is angry, VERY angry.

    The modern Conservative Party. Very afraid and angry.

    [–]catchnoplagues [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

    They cover stories that are of interest to conservatives, but I haven't seen any examples of unfair reporting from them. I guess that makes it come across as biased because they are only going to report on stories where the conservative position is more likely to be correct, and they ignore stories that will not be as flattering to them. I have actually been thankful to have discovered them recently because it turns out that they are the only media in Canada that will report on anything even slightly controversial, such as radicalization in Canadian mosques. The CBC and other media avoid stories that would come across as politically incorrect, regardless of the facts. Everyone is scared of being called a racist because of the damage that could do, so the facts get tossed aside in some cases.

    [–]BestSideBoobNA -2ポイント-1ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Still better than the state ran media lmao