I'm looking for some ideas about how to be a great Dad and how to instill decent values into the kids. So far i've got:
-try to avoid shopping. Kids hate shopping and it's easy to fall in to the 'dad can I have this' routine
-find which school subject the kids like best and work on them at home
-focus on free activities in the spare time, from painting to outdoor walks so that the kids don't equate good times solely with spending money
-involve the kids in budgeting and running the house
-connect pocket money to a weekly task rather than giving them cash 'just because'
-set aside daily time to listen to them and talk
-have the kids help in preparing meals using fresh ingredients
Any ideas or stories/opinions greatly received!
[–]lonewolf-chicago 3ポイント4ポイント5ポイント (0子コメント)