Days since the election: 13 News conferences: 0 Public complaints about the media:
NYT says Trump's ppl tried to make their meeting off the record, after NYT refused he canceled meeting via twitter …
@markberman@Nehemia_G הגיע הזמן לשעון ארה"ב@talschneider, לא ככה? -
@elikmargalit@markberman@Nehemia_G חלק מטרנד גלובלי. בלי מסע״ת, בלי ראיונות, בלי מצעים. צפי ל2020- ללא עימותים
@markberman@brianstelter you should just keep this as a spreadsheet and never stop updating it. -
@markberman@lasersushi It's like watching a child throw tantrums all day. Except that this child can destroy some of our civilisation. -
@markberman He's a petulant child. Veruca Salt is our president! -
@markberman@CapehartJ but remember when MSM thought Hillary not having pressers was WORST thing ever? Puts a whole new spin on things now -
@markberman denouncing hate in his name:0 "stop it" from your golden throne on 60 minutes doesn't count -
@markberman Fraud suits settled for 8 figures: 1 -
@markberman@harry_horton well media gave him more coverage out of those 13 tweets than he would have got out of 14 press conferences.... - さらに表示
@markberman@brianstelter QUIT BLAMING THE MEDIA...if subject doesn't allow the time media is NOT to blame. Trump CREATES his own stories. -
@markberman@brianstelter Non-white Old Guy Appointments: 0 -
@markberman Message is clear: all media will be on his terms only or bear his wrath.@realDonaldTrump is the American Kim Jong Un. -
@alivitali@markberman maybe statement should be made of all his meetings w/ foreign leaders2promote his businesses+ya lil $25M fraud thing -
@markberman@CapehartJ@realDonaldTrump Behavior like this is befitting an elementary schooler, not Potus-elect... -
@markberman@alivitali days you all live in an echo chamber: 365 -
@markberman@CapehartJ@realDonaldTrump office of POTUS is not a dictatorship.#stopwhining#learnyourjob#denounceracismharshly - さらに表示