全 15 件のコメント

[–]GregB2677[S] [スコア非表示]  (9子コメント)

As reluctant as I am to post an interview 13 minutes long I felt this needed to be shared with the Conservative community. From admitting to destroying economies and not caring about the social destruction it causes, to posing as a Christian and confiscating valuables from fellow Hungarian Jews. Jews that are being taken to the gas chamber by Nazi occupiers, this interview will blow your mind. It is a must see for all of us on the right that know who Soros is and how he fuels his racially charged anti US agenda.

[–]BJUmholtzFuck Progressives [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Don't be reluctant. He spent years attempting to scrub this from the internet.

[–]snakers [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

He's a self-hating Jew. He's given billions of dollars to many causes around the world, never a penny to support Jewish causes . Quite the opposite; he's given millions of dollars to anti-israel, pro-palestinian groups. Talk about being uncomfortable with your own Heritage and identity.

[–]aburton [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

Look, there's PLENTY to dislike about George Soros, but

posing as a Christian and confiscating valuables from fellow Hungarian Jews. Jews that are being taken to the gas chamber by Nazi occupiers

This is just misleading. He was 14, and given a Christian identity so he wouldn't be taken to a concentration camp. Another family of well-to-do Jews left their belongings in exchange for safe passage out of the area. He rode along with the man who came to get those things.

There's so much to question about Soros. But when you emphasize falsehoods, you're giving more power to media outlets and less to yourself.

[–]TrumpBull [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

It gives us insight to his thinking patterns though. He is very amoral. He basically follows a philosophy of darwinism. But, you are correct in to say that it's misleading to promote that fact as it implies he was doing it as an adult

[–]aburton [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Given all the conspiracy theory around Soros, I imagine this isn't going to be a very popular post, but here goes.

He is very amoral.

Absolutely. As a businessman. When asked to explain his (legal) avoidance of federal tax, he said "That makes me smart." Which, I have to agree with. It's the Government's job to make the tax code fair. If a businessman can exploit a loophole, that's not unethical in my mind.

However, Soros has defended his actions in devaluing currency as merely "triggering the inevitable." His contribution was that he timed it so that he could make a buck.

That... That does seems wrong to me.

But, you are correct in to say that it's misleading to promote that fact as it implies he was doing it as an adult

The point isn't just that he was a kid. The point is that he wasn't "selling out" his fellow Jews, he was picking up the things that someone had given to the state as a bribe.

Don't get me wrong- Soros is a man of questionable ethics. But let's not criticize him for having survived the Holocaust.

[–]thewalkingfred [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

That's a little missleading. Its not necessarily his fault that his word is taken as economic gospel. He sells a large supply of a countries currency because it's overvalued and he can make a profit, so everyone else follows suit. Should he just back out of business because he's become too influential?

And he was 14 and helped pick up and carry items that others had stolen from jews by others. What should he have done in that circumstance? Fist fight Hitler 1v1?

[–]TheMarlBroMan [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I mean we stop people from hoarding weapons as individuals and as nations. Is there no limit to economic influence we want one man to wield?

[–]tehForce [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

This was posted at least one time before. I'm not complaining but saying that it was well received.

[–]MotorpsychoNitemares [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

From admitting to destroying economies and not caring about the social destruction it causes

Isn't he just being a smart businessman by taking advantage of something being over or undervalued? He says that him getting all the blame is just a government trying to distract from their mismanagement. We talk all the time about how bad government is and how great markets are, and now we're going to say people participating in markets should try to make less money so as not to hurt incompetent governments?

Also it seems pretty sick to blame someone for doing what they did when they were 14 trying to survive the Holocaust. It isn't like he signed up to go confiscate Jewish property, he just managed to stay safe by posing as the child of a Hungarian minister who handled the confiscation for property from one estate. I guess you think his dad should have turned this guy down and waited until he found someone else who could save his son from the Holocaust.

I mean Soros is clearly a leftist billionaire who thinks himself messianic, but attacking a 14 year old for what they did to avoid the Holocaust is a level I am not willing to stoop to in attacking my worst enemy.

[–]NCSUGrad2012 [スコア非表示]  (4子コメント)

Here's my question. He's 86, does anyone know where his money goes when he dies? I know in America a will is public record, but I am sure he has money all over the world.

[–]PlasmaBurnz [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

If his will reflects his beliefs and life, it will hit the ground like a week old corpse after a four story fall.

[–]tehForce [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I'm going to assume the majority will go to his OSF which is the apparatus by which people Re paid to protest or riot.