Each time i open mgtow on reddit, i find almost every other post that i like or agree with. Sometimes they have similar content and i read almost same things in two different posts 5 minutes one from another but yet again, it makes no difference.
I dont see many trolls and when i see them, they dont bother me much.
This reminds me on memes sites or nine-gag, they make me laugh and this place makes me feel even more comfortable with truth about our society that we live in.
So in my personal opinion, that article about mgtow as "man who hate women" is absolute joke. Everything aside "man" isnt correct. Because i can see that real man, not blue pill fags or teens often post or answer here.
This gives me little more hope for MANkind on smaller scale and personal comfort in going where i decided.
For all of you who went through hardships in life or with females only, and decided to go your own way, i salute you. It was far from easy decision.
[–]hauntfulThinking 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント (0子コメント)