So, I was talking with my mother one day. Just a casual conversation about typical life and mom stuff. You know, when she asks what you have been doing and you respond with a sentence. She responds with one or two words and then she goes on and on about her everyday stuff for 15-30mins.
Then she started to talk about my grandpa, she opened by saying "So, your grandma and grandpa were shopping in the mall the other day." And continued "There was this black girl sitting on the bench, chilling. Then some white around 30y.o male started harrashing her, calling her nigger and telling her to get back to africa etc." grandma asked grandpa to whiteknight, but my grandpa refused. End of story.
So, my mom said that she told my grandma when my grandma told her the story that his dad is "Just a coward, that's what he is."
So, this man who provided security, food, a place to live and a father figure for her is just a coward for not stepping in and white knighting against aggresive, illiterate and most likely violent younger man.
This happened a few months ago, but it just popped in to my head again for some reason. Maybe my mind just wanted another sad example of AWALT
[–]feedmecarrots 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント (1子コメント)
[–]Fikts[S] 1ポイント2ポイント3ポイント (0子コメント)